Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As we looked last week at the mighty calling that John the Baptist recieved from God and how we understand that we must be fully commited to the God who calls us.
He is the King of Kings and if we want to receive the benefits of being His then we must pledge our allegiance to Him and Him alone.
We do not want any half hearted or second hand salvation…then we must know that Jesus does not want any half hearted or second hand commitment from us.
We are to go all in, We are to follow Him daily with zeal and passion, () losing our-self, dying daily to our old self, flesh and desires in order to gain Christ.
Paul writes in “ And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”
and in I die everyday!
Our text today gives us some insights on what it truly means to be a Christ follower.
We get to examine the way John preached and taught.
John implores his audience to “Bear fruit of repentance” basically he means you have made a commitment now fulfill that commitment.
- Lets read now from
The main question we read from those who were being ministered by John was this, “What must we do?” or to put another way, “How can we show the sincerity of our repentance?”
John implores them to Bear fruit of Repentance.
REPENTANCE - means a changed life.
From living for yourself to living for God, Making a commitment of faith.
What is the first fruit that John mentions?
I. Flee from religion - v.8-9
Those who came to John for answers were Jewish.
They were the children of God the Chosen people.
They felt much security in their “religion”.
For them it was a sense of pride, and belonging.
Also it was a means of comfort.
Many believed that just being a Jew was enough to guarantee them right before God.
John warned them that their religion was not enough.
1. Do not be complacent about titles - v.8
2. God is no respecter of persons v.8 - You are responsible for your own soul condition
3. God does not play games v.9 - Listen to that scripture loud and clear.
it is black and white, God demands from us holiness.
God doesn't play games but it is a zero sum game, all or nothing.
holiness is demanded,
John instructs the people to a life of Holiness in action-or if you will a practical holiness
Holiness is the action or display of an inward faith.
It is our faith manifested in our actions and behaviors.
Our walk must match our talk.
Give to those in need - v. 10-11
Be a person of honesty and integrity - v. 12-13
Be gentle and kind to people - v. 14 John also includes being content with what you have
All of this is worthless unless one has belief in the Messiah Jesus Christ which John emphasizes next John knew that …
Only by looking to Jesus can one get saved, only belief in the messiah can one become justified before God.
v. 15-18
The people wanted more they pressed and they pressed because this did not meet their need this did not fulfill that longing and desire in their hearts.
They knew they were far from God and lost they needed more, and John gave them the key to open the door of peace…JESUS.
a. John admits his own inadequacies -v.16 he is just a man his baptism is outward and simply a symbol
But the baptism that Jesus gives is inward, powerful, and eternal - v.16
Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and Fire - v.16-17
1. Do not rely on man made religious practices that do not change your hearts
2. Be holy in thoughts actions and behaviors
3. Fully trust Jesus, and serve Him as your king
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9