God's New Name For Jacob
Sermon Tone Analysis
The Narrative
The Narrative
Rachel not happy - “Give me children, or I shall die!”
Jacob - “Am I God?”
Gets really crazy at this point
Rachel gives her servant Bilhah to Jacob as a surrogate mother
Has Dan and Naphtali
So then Leah, who no longer can have kids of her own does the same thing with her servant Zilpah
Has Gad & Asher
The sisters then are selling Jacob with mandrakes.....right, like really crazy!
Leah bought Jacob, and became pregnant with Zebulun and then a girl named Dinah
Then Rachel finally has a son of her own
Named him Joseph
And at this point in the story…Jacob’s family us huge, and his wealth is massive. If goats and sheep = massive amount of money today, Jacob would be a millionaire
Then there’s a really interesting story about speckled and spotted sheep and goats in chapters 30 & 31
Again..filled with deception
God tells Jacob to return to his home country....which was where Esau was, which we’ll come back to
And to do so, Jacob flees from Laban because he’s angry he’s losing his cheap labor essentially
Which brings us to chapter 32, where we’ll be studying from tonight
Teaching Plan
Teaching Plan
What have we seen from Jacob so far?
He stole Esau’s birthright for a bowl of soup
He’s tricked his father into blessing him instead of Esau
He’s fled from home
He found his wife at a well
He was deceived and ended up with two wives
And has a bunch of kids (11)
So, even in the midst of all the lies and deception, God was still working perfectly, and God was still keeping his promise that Jacob (and Abraham) would be blessed, so that all mankind would be blessed
Jacob sent messengers with a peace offering essentially
They report Esau is coming to meet him with 400 men
So Jacob, true to his nature, devises his own plan to handle what he perceives to be an incoming attack
He wraps up a massive present of goats, rams, camels, cows, donkeys to send and meet Esau on this warpath
And broke them into “droves”
He divided his family into two camps, so that at least one would survive when Esau attacked
Alright…So Jacob, takes his family, servants, everyone left with him across the river Jabbok…and then he himself stayed on the other side of the river
And verse 24 tells us that he was left all alone
Why exactly? We’re not entirely sure why he did…maybe to pray, maybe to psyche himself up…but we just know that he was left alone and everyone else was on the other side of the river!
What happened to Jacob while he was all alone that night is pretty phenomenal
So…doubt any of us can ever say we’ve wrestled with God…but Jacob can.
How this wrestling match started, we’re not told....it could have been a bell, there was no crowd, and no judge, although, well technically there was a judge because God is the judge…
But what we do know is that a they wrestled until day break.
Well, there could be a couple of reasons:
1st - We see God confronting Jacob, much like He will confront Moses in the near future (which again is an absolute insane true story)
See, God had plans for Jacob, God wanted to use Jacob…but Jacob needed to be changed. Every stop in Jacob’s life up to this point we have seen Jacob take control, and Jacob form his own plans, and Jacob deceive, etc…Jacob needed to be humbled
And while none of us have ever wrestled with God physically, we do wrestle with Him daily as we live our lives
2nd - We see a picture of us needing to be broken…of our pride, of our deception, of our sin....
And sometimes God will work through difficult circumstances to humble us
2nd - God touched the socket of Jacob’s hip, and dislocated it
Me on a bus after a soccer game
Super painful…why God did that, again, we may not know every reason, but I think we can also read into this that sometimes we just need to be broken in order to be humbled
Like, they go hand in hand....when everything is going your way…it’s harder to be humble right?
And again, for me, this is most evidently demonstrated in Karington’s diagnosis
Which, btw, you guys can be praying for us
In verse 27, God had asked for Jacob’s name, which Jacob responded by saying, “Jacob”.....logically
Do you know what the name Jacob actually means? Anyone?
It has several meanings, that all kind of mean the same thing: trickster, supplanter, heel-grabber, deceiver, cheater....etc....we catch the drift
Does anyone know what their name means? Look up names (Denny for sure, Derek....www.behindthename.com)
Now God uses names to make statements in the Bible…His names for instance tell us so much about who He actually is
Remember Abram’s name was changed to Abraham, which meant “father of a multitude”
And now, here, with Jacob, we’ll see his name changed as well
So we see here that God changed his name while they were wrestling to “Israel”
How many of you knew that that was where Israel the nation got it’s name from?
Israel means - “strives with God” or “God fights”
And they both make sense. Jacob needed to realize that his main striving needed to be with God and not with others. Jacob needed to stop relying on himself and his plans and his deception, and rely on God
And it will also prove to be very true that God fights for Israel.
But we also see Jacob leaving that wrestling match limping, a reminder to him of this epic night in the history of his life.
Which also, interestingly enough, is the very reason people of Israel to this day do not eat the sinew of the thigh connected to the hip
The Bible is so interesting, I hope you guys see that, and it is relatable to us today
Again, we aren’t gonna go all WWE with God....sorry Shmuff
But at some point in your life you do need to wrestle with who God is and decide if He is going to be your God or if you are going to continue to deceive yourself
This is extremely clear all the way through the Bible…we are seeing it in Genesis and it’s true in the New Testament.
, “ And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— 3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.”
Have you humbled yourself before God?
And while when we get saved we don’t change our names today, we are to change our hearts and our desires…
The Bible tells us we have a new heart ()
And that we are a new creation ()
Meaning we can’t say we love God, we can’t say we’ve humbled ourselves before God if we are living the exact same way we’ve always been
Someone tell me when you made Jesus Lord of your life
Now, look at your life pre-Christ and post-Christ…are you any different?
If I asked your friends, your family, your teachers, what would they say?
If you asked me what I thought, what would I say?
Not that it’s up to man to decide…but where are the markers in your life that are laying down the claim that you are a Christian?
See, if you are a believer, you should see God working to change your heart and mind and soul and give you a new identity in Him
You can’t be the same person, it’s not logical....it’s completely illogical
If we died to our sins how can we still live in them as Paul says?
In a few lessons, we’ll get to the story of Joshua, and how they laid down some markers after they crossed the Jordan, so that they wouldn’t forget
Why don’t you tonight, lay down a marker and say, you know what, from now on, I’m going to live my life as if it is no longer my own.