Acts 20:17–35
Introduction (v.17)
1. Paul calling to remembrance the work of God (v.18-21)
2. Paul looks presently to his ministry (v.22-24)
3. Paul’s call to pay careful attention (v.25-31)
4. Paul commendation to God’s people (v.32-35)
V. PAUL IN MILETUS (20:17–38): The apostle shares his heart with a group of select men.
A. The participants (20:17) : Paul sends for the Ephesian elders to join him at Miletus.
B. The perspective (20:18–35): Paul summarizes the gospel ministry in a threefold manner.
1. He reviews the past (20:18–21, 26–27, 31, 33–35)
a. Paul reminds them of his uncompromising ministry (20:18–21, 31): For three years he fearlessly, faithfully, and tearfully preached Christ among them.
b. Paul reminds them of his faithful ministry (26:26–27): He has always been faithful in declaring God’s Word, so no one’s damnation can be blamed on him.
c. Paul reminds them of his unselfish ministry (20:33–35).
(1) What he does (20:33–35a): He fully supports himself, taking money from no one.
(2) Why he does it (20:35b): He remembers—and challenges them to remember—Jesus’ words: “It is more blessed to give than to receive!”
2. He overviews the present (20:22–25, 28, 32)
a. Paul explains (20:22–25): This will be their final meeting, for he will face difficult times ahead.
b. Paul exhorts (20:28, 32)
(1) “Feed and shepherd God’s flock” (20:28) .
(2) “I entrust to you God and the word of his grace” (20:32) .
3. He previews the future (20:29–30): Paul warns them to watch out for false teachers in the church.
a. The iniquity of these men (20:29) : They will be like vicious wolves, not sparing the flock.
b. The identity of these men (20:30) : They will come from the leadership of the church itself.
C. The prayer (20:36–38): When Paul finishes speaking, he kneels and prays for them. After a tearful farewell, he departs for Jerusalem.