January 20 Worship Service
Straight to see that many kids. Amen thankful for a church.
a part of our church You know, how are they going to learn what? And so I am very thankful for that especially for us because we have young kids as well and this morning in which is my relationship.
What does that look like? How do we make Jesus the Lord of our parents? And over our children.
some of us might not have children or yes anyway or at all, but the reality is
for any of us we can have the influence of a mint or say that you can still have the connections with people and so if you want to have Jesus be Lord over your you don't have kids of somebody that I could mentor.
And and how do I program? into the relationship, but a lot of
And so me being a pastor and raised in the church. I have all the answers for that. So that's why my kids are perfect. And you should all last week and I was not a perfect child going up and neither. Am I perfect parents and my children are by far from perfect in Sandusky idea.
parents, right so that hopefully we can guide our children in the right way and the way that we want them to go until I drop this morning we might Laughs as we talked about parenting I'm sure of you if you haven't been appearance that you can still laugh enough. It's and what they go through.
Parenting in public you're very nice and polite and then you turn into a different person when your parents don't like Daddy. Do that and Karate uniform at home to take care of the kids up in the left corner. Later.
That's a very tangible one right there, right? You want to know what it's like having a horse on it and ask your drowning and someone hands you a baby.
I was hoping he would be here this morning cuz they've got their hands full so.
Morning when you wake up.
Billion questions. You don't want to see me early in the morning like that, but we could probably all agree that it's hard right? There are things that we are not willing to explore that. We don't know how to handle there's a balance between, you know, these are different types of parenting being disciplined and not too hard and I mean there's you know, the books out there on the parenting relationship and so really want me to do this morning is look at passages of scripture and I just highlight on a few things that we see from these different passages of how we can continue to make Jesus the Lord of our parenting and Sophie brussaux receive your a pair of a young child or you've been in that position. Way2go, it is not an easy thing to get to church anytime right? Sometimes it's hard to really get serious when you have younger kids that's really difficult this morning for us. You know, we have a one-and-a-half-year-old in a four-year-old. And so we're supposed to be here at a certain time, you know.
And somebody was already here. So they
Even for the pastor's hard to get your with kids without kids and that's one of the things they were going to talk about this morning. But the first thing I think with parents
Then it starts with a I forgot this one. It says being a father is really stressful job I've ever had Daniel.
Parenting and good parenting is all starts with the parents. We want to have Jesus be the Lord of our. Follow after it starts with the parents that starts with us. And so if we are not she's up and allowing him to be the Lord of our life then why and how can we expect that from our children that if we want them to follow Jesus we want them to be good kids expect them to do that. If we don't want our kids to get angry and our first response when anything happens to get angry, how could we expect them to do different when they're watching us? And that children watched their parents, right? Have you all been there when you like so that's really great. I do that and then you really did to him when you're like, oh that's not good. Where did you learn that from? Oh, you heard that from me right that sometimes I call our dog stupid and then my daughter says it's our dog is throwing up a few things to do with your rights.
accountability with our kids and with people that we do have if there's anybody that we
Are we having that relationship with Jesus and seeking after him and and then modeling that to them Deuteronomy chapter 6 one of the main verses that?
Lord Our God the Lord is one.
following God is
These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. So you should memorize them. They should be part of your life is Jesus a part of your everyday life. Are you talking about him? Are you talking about scripture and stories in scripture with?
Your children not haphazardly.
Are you doing? A lot of it comes down to our home and especially in the life. That's where it happens. That's where it should happen. Are you talking about Jesus when you're sitting at home, or do you talk about everything else except for him when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you
Basically saying right here that if your kids see Jesus in your life, then they will start to under. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your Gates and so it starts with us. So there's a doctor.
Scripture but as children develop their brains mirror their parents brain. Is that a scary thought?
In other words appearance on growth and development or lack thereof is hacked the child's brain and he says the from based on evidence and and scientific.
What happens in so not only does it happen within Jesus if you're wanting to teach them about Christ in that needs to be part of your life. It needs to be part of your day. I'm talking about him of you know, do you have the bushes with your kids? Do you read the Bible together?
Or whatever age they are.
All of you who are way smarter than I am. Obviously I have like this but is that you are wanting to have your children your fallen tree is you want to move the dependency of your children off of you and on to Jesus so that as they grow they start to put their dependency on him. They start to look to him that they they pray. The idea is that we want them to. Is going to be different ways that you can interact with your children. And so if you have young children, then it's about, you know, Bible stories and the picture Bible and teaching them those things and then when they get into middle school or High School
That is my pet.
Like I still want them to be proud of me. I still want them to know that.
And so they meet me. We mirror our kids mirror the parents and so what are your kids seeing is a reflection of you? with your life are they seeing Jesus or are they hearing this is what you should be like and seeing something different.
Because actions are typically always louder than words.
parents become more aware an emotionally healthy their children reap the rewards and move toward help as well. And so it called us as parents to the carpet on that, right? It puts us that in that place is saying if you want your kids to be Aware of themselves emotionally healthy if you want them to be aware of their surroundings, if you want them to follow after Jesus then who is that on it's on us it's on the parents. And so that's what it says in Deuteronomy. As we become more aware as we grow then so will they so if there are things that you know, you're doing that is is a detriment to your kids in this area. That means that we have to change that we have to be aware of that and then we have to do the hard work of growing so that they will become better people when they grow up. And so you can think about that and other areas of influence as well. So it's really starts with us and putting Christ in that place of Parenthood and leaning on him and and and making it known that you follow after Jesus and you want your kids to do that as well. So then the second thing is that there are dual and crooked versus sharp and straight in Scripture. It refers to children as arrows and so you can have Joel and Crooked Arrows or you can have sharp and strafed heroes. I know that Dan Quinn is a Bow Hunter bow hunters in the in the building this morning. Yes. Would you rather use an obvious question or I sharpen straight arrow. TV adults know how to respond right to the rhetorical question sharp and straight and so if you're going into battle with something or you or whatever it is that you want to hit a Target you want something that you know, when you left it's going to hit the target obviously. There are a lot of factors that go into raising kids, right just because you bring your kids to church and you pray with them and you raised them in a Christian home. Does that guarantee that they will follow price India? No, there is no guarantee, but wouldn't you rather do that and give him pray to God? Their life rather than not do any of that. Yes, it's like saying that you know that you're in Tornado Alley in Kansas and that you're not going to fortify your house. or you're not going to have a
Anybody else want to elaborate on that?
Forget it.
You know what? I mean? You want to give them the leg up so it's not a guarantee but nothing really is.
If you don't even do that. Get that choice. It is up to God calling them responding. But why would To try to do that for my kids, right? I want my kids to know Jesus because Jesus transformed lives in Jesus loves us and he he he he changes Our Lives more than anything else in this world.
What what what more would I want for my kids then that relationship? even if they
They broke me off and they still follow Jesus. I would be okay. Would a track meet? Yes, I am terribly but Jesus would be the most important thing for them to follow after this. We measure growth in every other area of a child's life. So why don't we do that. Really that if we want sharpen straight arrows if we want a Heritage from the Lord or a blessing of the Lord?
Why aren't we engaging them and and measuring growth?
Are we doing that?
Dayton talk about with Jesus.
And that he grew in faith. And so are we doing that with our children? So if you have an 8th grader, then you ask the question is your child reading at an 8th grade level. Is that where they're at?
learning about those things Are they following Jesus?
Or is it at a first grade level? Where are they?
If you want your kids.
over your parenting
where do you their lives in your life and so we want them to hit the
And straighten them.
So that we want them ready for them. So and maybe maybe you haven't even done this for yourself, maybe yours. You know 2535 4550. I'm following Jesus.
How am I going to leave my kid if that's where I'm at. Then it brings us back to the first one that it's about where we're at. And then are we following Jesus and are we seeking after him?
But it's not.
the song 127 like I said, it says there are a blessing from the Lord like
Are the children of one? What targets are you wanting your kids to hit?
Have you thought about that?
And are you leaving that job up to somebody else? Are you helping to sharpen the arrows that God is giving you or do you think that somebody else is going to do that?
I would challenge you this morning that it is worth it that you need to step into that role. There are things that we allow other people to do for us tribes things that I really care about that nobody else is going to do because I want to do it and I want to make sure it's done right and I want to make sure it's done. Well, I'll let somebody wash my car. But if I'm going to pair my kids, I don't want anybody else to do that because I want to make sure but if it's my victory in the things that we really really care about we do those things ourselves. And I would challenge you to say if you are leaving your child's spiritual growth to somebody else. I would caution you that this morning. I think it's a parent's job to teach their children about Jesus.
first and foremost you have the most
Authority respect you have that as a parent. Because you're with them you are around them you live with them that's you in the world. That's the threat I brought you into this world. I can take you out.
I brought you into this world. I'm not going to leave things up to chance or somebody else. I brought you into this world. I'm going to make sure I do my best to put you before Jesus to give you those arms.
You don't have to be perfect to follow Jesus. This just in the show. The church the parish jobs Easter children the church and other things are there to come alongside and to reinforce. So don't leave your kids spiritual walk to the church to the Sunday School teachers to children's church to any of those things. We are a resource to come alongside to reinforce that. And I would challenge you with that this morning.
Jim and Cindy come up real quick this morning and they're going to share just a few little things. If you got their parents, they have raised children which are now adults and they are now grandparents. And so they're going to share just a couple of things. I asked him a few questions earlier on this week. And so we're just going to do a little quick interaction back and forth. But how have you been intentional about putting Jesus at the center of your home and parenting as parents throughout your raising your kids into adulthood? I would say the first thing when they were not at their money to us. That was something that was sarcastic.
But when I was little I had prayed with me every night before I went to bed and one night. I wasn't nothing but love you and that's the first and the last time I ever said that to my dad and it also made me realize how important is. I prayed with my kids children's Bible the price of staying home with them and we were dirt poor. We didn't go to Disneyland.
She was always there with him and it was especially need for me that we live. Hatchery. They could come down and see me working and come give me a hug and I'm so you know, I think the most valuable thing to us or some barriers are things that posed you trying to raise your kids for Jesus or having that mentality of putting Christ over your parenting. Did you have any barriers one of the things that you either people were getting in more disputes and one of the top lights off the baby stuff, but I can say it was totally worth it. I'm so glad that we kept going.
I wanted to stay out on that going to church sing when you're angry at each other. And the last thing you want to do is go pretend like you're happy.
But those were the most credible Sunday when we we've ever experienced. It was the right thing to do.
Last question, how are you in packing your grandchildren now that you've raised your children and then what's the role of grandparents that you guys in a little bit? How do you come alongside your kids as parents?
Well, can I see Maddie her none of our granddaughters comes and getting all that together plastic coming back, but she loves. Let's be friends with Charlotte and just hanging out. And so that's one thing and the other thing is to make sure that we can give our kids. afford some of them videos that are Christian videos when they
and then they together with their parents. in part two of the big services
What are the ways that I can breast health immigrants are still helping their parents because I'm ready in the morning just so they don't really help different that what they're busy schedule. David Jeremiah daily devotion. I hope that their kids to see them.
Raising kids and then having them become adults and then moving on to grandparents. The last thing is just a vambrace and discipline a little bit in the Laura putting up the fence in our parenting discipline. Is there different things about
but it is definitely a scriptural and talks about how do we put up the boundaries with our children? And so one of the things that we talked about with Charlotte is that we have a fence for our dog and when he gets out we call him stupid dog. No just kidding. Yes or a few runs clear across town.
even if he's right outside the same idea of trying to get her to understand it, you know, even if she does something that is
Still going to get in trouble for that and whether she goes way over or is right there that it's still outside the fence and so in scripture Ephesians 6, it says children. Obey your parents for this is right that is right in the Lord and fathers do not provoke your children to anger bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. So if a child is disobeying
Lots of different ways set way to do that because there is no one-size-fits-all. But if we try to relate to our daughter the same way that we would to our son. That would not work very well. It just wouldn't work out it's over those of your parents, you know that you don't you know
Is that discipline aspect of that which we don't want to provoke them to anger but to bring them up?
It helps us all stay on track, right? Have you ever needs to be disciplined? We talked about this.
Disciplined that's a good thing if you are disciplined in your exercise or your work or whatever it is that you are a very good thing.
We don't like to take that same word and say to somebody is disciplining us but it's the same idea that we want them to be the best they can be and that's what God wants for us. And God says he does the same thing for us that he wants to help us stay on track and Andy Stanley. The pastor is apparently says we have to show our children the following Jesus makes our life better and makes us better at life. And so if we talk about that with our kids when we talked about discipline and correction, we want them to be better that it would be a mistake if I let my daughter threw a tantrum and then she got her way from that because then when she's 22 and she gets a job and she throws a tantrum and they don't give her her promotion or raised then that's going to be a big problem. Right? And so we don't want to perpetuate those things. So it helps us to stay on track. Again, throughout this whole series are some resources. They're here some resources for parenting a couple of books. And then I would really encourage you to visit the para que. Org. It's for all ages of parenting and they have a lot of different resources. They're all kinds of different stuff. And so it's definitely worth checking out that if you want to continue to grow as a parent and be a better parent than those are some definite tangible ways to help you with that. So I pray for our offering and close our time together this morning, and if you have questions or you want to talk about kids with parents have gone through that would be more than willing to do that. Guys with Sharon this morning. You want to talk to us with all of our whole four years of experience you could do that too. But really the idea is to continue to equip.
Silk, let's pray this morning or Jesus. Thank you for being here in this place today with us and I just asked. Bless our tithes and offerings today. Thank you so much for the way that you have blessed this church in the last year and the exciting times you have for us coming ahead. And so I just pray that you would believe what you want to give to you today. We give with an open heart and cheerful harp is that it's about what you have called us to give Lord in and we want to see that go to your kingdom. So I just prayed that you would help us all of us who are our parents all of us who have a sphere of influence over others of how we can be better mentors and inventor people and their parents.