These six implicit, but easily discernable, principles of motivation are: authority (1:1–2a), altruism (v. 2b), appreciation (v. 3a), appeal (v. 3b), affection (v. 4), and affirmation (v. 5).
In light of your heritage in faith
In light of your heritage in faith (5)
In light of gifting in ministry
In light of gifting in ministry (6)
In light of resources God has entrusted to us
In light of resources God has entrusted to us(7)
However, ultimately, it doesn’t matter what circumstances were or the nature of Timothy’s fear. Here’s all you need to know—that fear is NOT from God. Here’s what God HAS given Timothy:
• SPIRIT of Power, Love, Sound Mind
• Power – the enabling for the task
• Love – the attitude with which we serve
• SoundMind – the discernment on how best to do it
Paul told Timothy, “You keep fanning that flame!” It’s going to take power, love, and self-discipline to accomplish the task that God has assigned to us.