No 2 Adam and Eve
Sermon Tone Analysis
Genesis 2:4-25
In verse 7, we see life comes from God’s Spirit. In society, many trust in accomplishments or things they have, but everything we have or done is because God allowed it.
A. The Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8)
- The Location in the east of Eden in the area of Mesopotamia from the Greek 'between two rivers') * Tigris and Euphrates rivers, largely modern-day Iraq and western Iran.
- This was a place of beauty.
- It was created to be enjoyed. Vs. 9, the name of this tree implies that evil had already happened already.
- Most believe this happened when Satan fell into sin Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19.
- Vs. 15-17 God gave Adam the responsibility to keep the Garden.
- God told him not to eat of the tree of knowledge and Good and Evil.
- Adam made a wrong choice.
- We have made wrong choices.
- Wrong choices can help us learn and grow as Christians.
- Living with the consequences of our choices is one of the best ways to be responsible.
B. Eve is Created ( 2:18-25) Genesis 3:20; 4:1; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Ti 2:13
(1) God’s creative work was not done until God made women.
- Eve was the wife of Adam Genesis 3:20; 4:1
- Mother of Cain - Gen. 4:1
- Mother of Abel - Gen. 4:2
- Mother of Seth - Genesis 4:25
- Eve was Adams helper.
- Eve completed Adam.
- The goal for marriage is oneness.
- Marriage was God’s idea.
- Commitment is essential to succeed in marriage.
- Romance is important.
- There are great times of Joy in a marriage.
Weaknesses and mistakes Adam made. Let us not make the same mistakes.
1. Adam avoided responsibility and blamed others.
2. Adam chooses to hide rather than face up to his choice.
3. Adam made excuses rather than telling the truth.
4. His greatest mistake was bringing sin into this world.
Four Lessons we can learn from Adam?
1. We are made in the image of God. Lest glorify God in our lives.
2. God wants people who choose to love Him.
3. We should not blame others for our faults.
4. We cannot hide anything from God.