When You Pray Simply Believe

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This morning to the Book of James open your Bibles to the Book of James chapter 1.

James chapter 1 we're just going to start off with a verse number 5.

through eight the last

been talking a lot about prayer how many Do You Remember by johanns? Let me see his shadow this morning.

Say something if you need to just shake it out this morning, shake it out. Alright, we're going to step out of what? Okay, so at the end of 2018 spending time in God's presence and experiencing him speaking after people who would be willing to spend time with him as we did a series on prayer and that we focus this year on the importance of prayer Life Church. In fact, I believe there's going to be in some incredible things happen at Life Church this year how many agree with that if you do say Amen? I want to do that with the mic. It goes on to the audio recording of the Facebook page. We got our audio messages on there. So if I put the mic out like this. When I ask you to do something be real loud that way we'll be able to hear it. And if you haven't been here the last time prayer call the ultimate conversation the first week we talked about how worship and prayer is related true worshippers pray and we looked at the woman at the whale we looked at the story of Abraham and Isaac. And you remember they said we're going to go Yonder to worship and they took some things with him. And if you want to go back to that you're going to find out the worship and prayer is not against each other each other and then when you pray worship goes hand-in-hand with prayer. Last week we talked about how prayer allows us a Peek n to what God is doing we talked about Gideon and how he was the numbers were against getting so it seemed so we found out the numbers were actually on his side because if God is for us who can be against us and it didn't matter that he had 300 and the other Army had $135 on his side and he found out that in the end the way that he fought the Battle was to have a conversation with god. See when we pray when we pray that's part of fighting against the enemy who's against us and it scares him. We're willing to get down on her knees and begin the station we go. See that's what getting and did and then God allowed him to peek into the enemy's camp. You went and peeked into the enemy's camp and it was actually the enemy that was scared of him. He went in terrified of the enemy, but it was that scares me a message on prayer and faith. And it's this that when you pray. simply Belize When you pray Simply believe in James 1 if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask. God gives generously given to you when you ask you must believe in because the one who doubts is like a wave by the Wii the person that person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. But such a person is double-minded and unstable in all in the name of Jesus. We come to you not based on our works based on their worth based on the we come to you got by the blood of Jesus knowing that it's because of the blood that we can come to you and that your arms are open wide.

Got up for you this morning, you'd captivator hearts and our minds anything that would hinder anyone today from receiving what it is that you want in the receipt from your word. I pray God that you would take any of those away. I asked you God to guide us or goddess in your word. Let us leave here excited ecstatic hungry 30. Just go to you before your throne and pray to Val before you to spend time with you as her loving father. I thank you for what you're going to do this morning in Jesus name and everybody said amen.

First of all what you understand that God wants to hear from you and he wants to live really give good gifts. And I think this is this Parts kind of a struggle if any of you lack wisdom. You should ask God. Okay now if it could just go right onto and it will be given but that's not what it does specific answer to all without what What's a add together who gives generously to all without what? You believe that. Do you because I want you to know I struggle with that. Only if that is a big struggle for me. See what that means is that when we come to God, even when we haven't had a rest day or are y'all still wants us to come?

and he still wants to give to It's not God's desire when you come.

For me 12 to 13 children of God. How many device show hands today would boldly say I have received Jesus?

Okay, according to God's word. You are a child of God. You believe them. Okay, cuz the longest time.

Do you believe number one through Jesus? God is your daddy you believe that and you believe that you're his son or you're his daughter and what you think about it if you have kids this morning really consider that that he sees you that way. I believe a lot of us imagined if bronze 10 getting ready to turn 11. And I'm just going to tell you they don't play together as much as they did when they were younger. I once I get a little older they don't going to do is we're going to imagine they went outside to play together, you know, nice Brian and Lauren went outside and fun and play together at our house. Okay, they're outside playing and all of a sudden I hear screams coming from the yard Daddy help Daddy help. We need you were in trouble Daddy. Please help. And then what I do is I get out the way they were supposed to do and I look and I start checking it off and I'm like, well you didn't do this and you do that. I can't come out and help because you haven't met all the requirements for me. Is it true that a lot of us? Then we go to God for help. We think he's got the list out and he's going to find fault if he finds any fault. He's not going to come the what actually do you think would happen if Brian and Lauren were outside playing and they were in trouble and they were screaming for my help don't you know don't you know that that if the doors there I might open it or I might just kick it down. I might run through the wall is Sheetrock the studs and all if I have to get to my kids. How did you feel the same way about yours? Do you believe this morning if that's how God sees you and then when you go to go when you go to God that you sold me. And there's nothing that can keep God from getting to you. Do you believe that this morning? Praise God, we got to get a hold of that. in James 1 verses 6 through 8

I want you to get ahold of this.

Is don't doubt who got it. Don't doubt number one who got his sometimes we only think about that with the request. When we think that this is only talking about the request and that's part of it, too. When you go to God you first have to believe that he is and that he's here. Of those that diligently seek you. Do you believe this morning that when you pray? They got is who he said he is. And that he desires to reward you. He desires to give to you liberally literally means more than enough. And he wants to give you if you'll first approached got like this and believe in the character and who who got is his word and pray it changes the mindset that you have when you go to the doctor. the fact is I don't want to pretend it after I get done with this message today and you know what to give you maybe a three-point message and at the end of it you're never going to.

That's not what what I'm going to promise you today.

Is it when you do wrestle with that? Wrestling when you just struggle without struggle with it. Don't give me a fight by fight back in the way we play back. I got to bring you a few scriptures and some of you when I say that it intimidates you a little bit because you say I don't know very much stripped some of you know, more than others. I mean, I don't know very many will use what to use the scriptures that you got all we know John 3:16. That's a that's a good one hour.

Y'all Know It music music That's a powerful scripture use what you got and whenever doubt knocks on the door whenever the devil knocks on the door what I'm saying?

Don't answer the door. Don't begin to speak now. It says 2nd Corinthians 4:13 We Believe therefore we speak We Believe therefore we speak sometimes. We're quicker to believe the Dow.

Agree with that. That's what happened.

Fight against it. Don't don't just stand by and Let Die In Your Life fight back in the way that you fight back is with God's word.

You say will bring them when I come to God, you're telling me that he sees me as his child. He wants me to come. He's a loving father with arms open wide. and it's because of the blood of Jesus that I can come what if I'm a child of God and I messed up and I've seen Right, and I have committed sin. And I'm aware of when I go to them.

real simple simply believe confess it in per second. So what do I do I come into God's presence.

and forsaken Sabrina it's hard to forsake this one. This is a this is one that had me for a while. Ask ask God to help you to turn from when you pray simply delete if you send this confess your sins. He is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. So whatever that sentience maybe some of you know something right now. Say God forgive me for the way. I treated that person God forgive me for that long.

You're forgiven. It's over don't you don't you don't have to go to this place? Please forgive me. Please. Forgive me, forgive me for that.

forgive me But I just said you confess it for second. He forgive you your sins from all unrighteousness.

understand he wants if you ear Mite aware in the first and forsaken. How many of you believe that God can do in it? How many of you believe that God can do the impossible?

How many of you believe that he will do it in your life? That's tough for the Whitten. I think I think just about all of you here today Yadkin. God can heal anything. Dog can move the mountain cast into the sea.

Bikini say God will do it for me.

Can you say that cuz here's a question. I get a lot of time and John 15:7 is Jesus.

Ask whatever you will ask whatever you wish and it'll be done. That is a big promise. You notice how I believe that we have this this question that I hear a lot is what if I ask for something that's not what is going to happen. You won't get it. What if you ask for something that got what'll happen? You're going to get it. when you praise simply believe this simply believe this we struggle so much with this that question a lot of times in the Bible says you have not because you ask me I can assure you that if you don't ask.

You ain't getting it. but if you ask and it's something that God desires for you to have your going to get it and it's going to happen for you. How many you give your kids everything?

Anybody here? You give your kids everything they got every every single thing I asked for.

Right. I just can't afford to give them everything.

It ain't cuz he can't afford it. Yeah, there is not one thing you ask God for he says I can't afford to sorry. No, he owns the cattle on a thousand hills and guess what else?

God is never going to say I can't afford it in fact or imagine. God can do anything.

But there are times and this is the part where I just want you to write. What is the reefs? That's because it's not good for them to half.

How many you know that sometimes your kids? Thank you.

But it's not good for them to have so you don't give it to them and then they might try out and cry you have anybody have kids like mine. Yeah, Dad, that was wrong.

But that's how we are.

We go to God with something that we ask for see there's certain things. I want you understand certain things. Like I said how many people a year get How many believe that God wants you to have with? You see that up there have any of you lack wisdom. You're like me who you lack wisdom how many you need some wisdom this morning? I promise you ask God for wisdom. You're going to get it. I promise you because I'm just agreeing was woke up in a little bit of Joy. I'm told snowy icy day anybody laugh or just overflowing with your face, man. Y'all look great this morning. Praise God, but there might be somebody in here and you say I'm laughing so you might see jerk his picture on Facebook. When she got baptized it look like she might have been lacking some Joy Brandon pull that up.

I'm just kidding. She said for the rest of her time at Life Church like this just in case of picture, but if you lack Joy this morning and you're going to get it. How do you spell the word just like the Overflow? How do you like that done? That sound good and guess what? It ain't based on what you're going through your circumstances. You can still have joy Emma. You can still have joy Sean. You can still have joy Jerrick feel you. It's a fruit of the spirit and God desires for you to be overflowing with joy and your joy may be complete you can ask for in your

You can ask this morning for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and you're going to get it. You can ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and you're going to get it this morning. It says I asked for the gifts we have not because we ask not go ahead and ask. I asked for. How many do this morning there's somebody that you know? It's not save this morning in this morning you're praying and you will see a family member or friend parents.

somebody I don't know the Lord and you've been praying for is there anybody in here that's been praying that prayer? How many of you know this that it's not God's will that any should perish that's what the Bible says. That's the Bible. It said it's not the will of God.

Then hell was not created for the hell was not created for you, but for the devil and his angels.

So what you're praying for is that they would receive the gift of God that has been given for them and his son Jesus Christ. So they receive is anybody here this morning praying. Is there anybody?

Don't you know that you can pray that?

I want you know, you can pray that this morning people in our town when we started the first or 7,000 here in the local area. veteran Church 7th

Let me know we can pray for the we can pray how many know it's so important that we pray that this series this series that God is leading us. It's not just because it was a good idea that state your person.

When we pray and ask for souls to be saved we can believe it's going to happen. But how many people have ever pray for somebody to be saved and it looks like it got worse. Have you ever prayed like that? And then you start doubting Source? Like I better just stopped praying in the enemy's just praying.

We see we walk by faith.

He says if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask what you will never be done for you. So when you're praying for somebody to get you know, that God's word says it's not his will that any one you can actually expect it to happen. Show me you're here this morning because somebody pray for you to be saved. That's how I was let into the church field is my mom and dad stuff and then Dad said pray for my son. He's away from God in a couple weeks pregnant.

Praise God. I want to be standing here preaching today. I want me to pass your life church. Do you understand how anybody hear what you just say Amen if you believe them. Hallelujah glory to God

we can believe.

request but there's there's going to be

There's going to be times that you asked for something. And you don't get it because it's not good for you. It's not good for you. So we ask this question. What if I pray Christian is not God's will but I really want. I really want it. What is Everton?

my daughter several months ago was asking difficult. To watch it, very closely. There's a lot of other things with it. But whenever you can have any social media, she's like to have all the social media, but I remember one conversation we had and she was crying and she made a really good boy.

And said you could watch it and you could you could only let me be home at a certain amount of time.

It looked at me. And I just say no. You can't have it and she started crying. You don't trust me. You don't trust me.

But I said honey, you got it.

Think about that for me. Sometimes we let things like that.

But he knows what's best for us. There's certain issues like job situations. Okay. I'm believing for a different job y'all. Would you would you give me another job and you don't get it right away against a man. I keep asking God for another job. Maybe God see something in the future. Maybe God sees something in the job that you're free and that he needs to work out on the inside of you before you are ready to get another job. See the thing is is sometimes. Sometimes you know y'all just do this and we're trying to get God's will.

We want God's will end up with airwheel but really needs to happen. And what what must happen in our lives is air will begin the line up with God and press this. I would love to have another job for me to have another job yet. I'm good with that because I know you know, what is best.

I know that you know what is best. How many remember the story of Jesus only begotten Son of God scene? father if it is your will take this cup from let it pass from yo-yo read that story

See, there's an incredibly difficult to have to go through the we need to be like Jesus and say nevertheless. Nevertheless not my will but yours be done.

The more that we begin to get into and we know that whatever happens whatever comes my way. It's working out for my best and it's for my good in all things. dog

So when we go to God, we remember this, but that don't mean we stop ass. That don't mean we we stop going to go and stop asking are you this morning to ask for something I want to do is dream absolutely do it. And here's the thing if it's got wheels you're going to and if it ain't you're not

when we pray

simply believe I want you to know that. If you're in a situation or hard and you're praying for that trial to be over. While you're waiting, you don't have to be miserable. While you're waiting you can pray for that Joy you can pray for that. Peace. And God will grant it to you that even even in a hard situation. God will get it through it and still give you peace Beyond understanding give you enjoyed its overflowing we have evidence for this in the lives of the disciples and even Jesus Jesus and it says it was for the joy that was set before him. He endured the frost. The Apostle Paul was the last part of his life was chained up the prisoners reading Philippians. They send him a care package the church did he's in jail. Imagine that Imagine that you're in jail. All things is lost with no material thing that he had in his name nothing. And he's trained up the prisoners. They bring him a care package and he's writing a letter to the Philippian church. And he says thank you for what you brought but I really didn't need it because I'm full of all things. Then that's just incredible.

And I don't mean at some point while he was in the trial. He still was able to say I'm full of all things. I have joy unspeakable and I've learned to be content in every situation.

How many you believe this morning that if you ask for Joy God's going to give it to you this morning. I mean really if you ask for wisdom God will give it to you this morning. Some of you were asking for clarity and understanding right and I want to see this summer. You know what you should do and you're not doing it. Show me you got given you wisdom and understanding and you need you need the courage to go ahead and do it. The Bible says to be courageous. God doesn't want us to shrink back. How many believe this morning that God will give you the courage to do what needs to be done raise your hand if you believe in praise God. Hallelujah

Dodge shows antonym of prayer. He shows us things that we need to confess and forsake.

He also shows us in his word that we have not because we ask not because of the blood of Jesus we can go to be open. In Hebrews chapter 4 verse number 15 through 16. It says this. It says for we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with their weaknesses. We have one who has been in every way just as we are yet did not see. This is Jesus you believe it. He came in the flesh he put on the same place that you have on this morning and he was tempted and experience everything that you have experienced. There's not one impatient that you've been experienced.

How many of you always have overcome?

I dare somebody better now. I seen a little kid races.

But here's here's the good news this morning is we've all seen and we've all given over to cute.

But Jesus was tempted in every way and send off. Jesus went through everything that we went through any punishment.

Did I deserve because I was placed upon Jesus on the cross that all the good that he deserve. Because of his sinlessness because of his Perfection could be placed upon me. Which means that the righteousness did Jesus have? You have it by faith. This morning and when you pray simply believe this because it says that we're not to approach the throne of grace with Thompson in which both he's so that we may receive mercy and find Grace to help us in our time. Havanese we pray like this listen, everybody just close your eyes and I want you to do.

It's similar to just shut everything else out for a moment and let's just go to God. I come to you. In Jesus name. I know I'm unworthy in myself. Putting Jesus and all that. He is in his name. I come by his blood. I I believe this and I'm here to spend time with you in the make my request known to you. I believe you desire to give me good gifts. in your mercy

amen I encourage you that when you pray. To believe that the father's arms are open wide and because of the blood of Jesus we can come to him. And that he wants us to come. I want you to repeat this after me this morning. Say in Christ Jesus.

I believe that God is my daddy.

And I believe that he is that I am his child.

I messed it up pretty bad. So we're going to do it again. Okay.

in Christ Jesus

I believe that God is my day.

And I believe that I'm his child.

Say it one more time and don't be cuz I'm telling you.

Say one more time say in Christ Jesus.

I believe that God is my daddy.

And I believe that I'm his child.

Give God some praise this morning Hallelujah glory to God glory to God. Thank you Jesus. With everybody just for a moment if you could just bow your heads. You can just bow your heads. And first I want to pray for those of you that are like me and you kind of struggled in this area that sometimes when you come to God and this morning, I am not actually going to pray that I want to pray for you and your seat on a pray for you in your seats. And if if you're here this morning, you say Brandon, that's me. I struggle when I come to God, I'm always thinking about him a worthy enough. I think about all my faults in the things that I've done and I just want to have that confidence that I seen in the scriptures today that I can come boldly before God. He's my father's arms are open wide.

I want you to pray for me. You're here anytime. I want you to pray for me that I would have this bonus if that you just lift up your hand lift up your hands. I see that hand back there. I see that hand see your hand. Is there more more here today? Don't be afraid to raise your hand in that she would knowledge and then God spoke this morning your knowledge and God spoke to you and you're just responding to his word. And I'm not going to come pull you out of your seat or try to embarrass you in any way. I promise you that I just want to pray for you if you're here and you struggle with when you go to God and you need more confidence I want to pray for you is that you will you can slip up your hand right now, raise it up even more. Is there more

Heavenly father I pray for the guy asked you to touch his Revelations God that you want us like right now as we're praying that this is your desire to you and then you see I see.

You see me this morning.

And God is not come to you now. You take away any guilt and shame and you were texting. . Is there funding for themselves enough is enough confidence to your throne of mercy? And in a time of need they can call out father. I pray that they would see that you want to leave early. If every good gift comes from you and it called you want to give them good gift. You want to give them things. That would be great for them if you want to give him Joy.

Play Gus playlist with the love. That only comes from you.

Did you touch these today that they would leave here, Whenever dial would come in that they would not give in to the doubt that they would speak again stood out against fear right now. If you don't give us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Any depressed any anxious anyone who is worried today? Gotta pray that you would take that away. You would Deliver Us from from fear from worry from anxiety from depression.

Does set us free from the sing.

Set us free we ask you and we ask you to flutter.

We ask this in Jesus name. Praise God praise God. Thank you for Joy. Thank you for peace. Thank you for settling the anxious heart.

If you're here today, and you say Brandon, I'm praying for somebody to be saved as on my heart. I've been praying for him for a while. Or maybe it's just now today God is somebody in your heart and you want to see that person, you know, somebody like that and you're praying for him. Would you just slip up your hand? Step up your game.

Father we come before you now we pray we bring these souls to you guys that are lost family members brothers sisters mom's son's dog's friend's love.


Associates. We bring them before you. We are asked to bring the conviction of the Holy Spirit of Harlem. Saving Grace let the Holy Spirit we pray go to them even now even though they think that they could give their life. over to you not even before it happens board. We want to thank you for and we had we have an expectation in her heart for soul be added to your beautiful family guy.

The right now pray for anybody here. That doesn't know you. Got anybody here that is away from you and that if they were to die right now, they don't know that they have a home in heaven. They've not yet turned their life over to Jesus for salvation. Maybe there's one here today from you and they need to rededicate your life. I pray for your conviction. omnium right now for a god-given understanding I pray God that you give them the courage to make that decision to turn your life over to you today. Let them see that you await them With Arms Wide Open by the blood of Jesus. And then if they were just turned to you in face God that you would embrace them and accept him into your family.

As for pray and if that's you didn't you're the one I'm praying for right now. Brandon I'm not safe. If I was to die right now, I don't know what I would have a home in heaven. Don't be afraid to go into eternity right now, and I need to be saved. Notre Dame

Did you just turn him and say you turn to Jesus invite today? He will save you a free and give you a home in heaven and take away the guilt and shame. That you're saying. I text you today. I want you to pray this for rent from your heart. dear Jesus

that you were buried and that you're risen from the dead.

I asked you Jesus.

Give me eternal life to forgive me of my sins to take away the punishment for my sins, and I asked you to give me a home in heaven. I turn my life over to YouTube. And I confess you as my Lord and my savior. Thank you Jesus. First saving me. Thank you Jesus for giving me a mess in thank you Jesus for giving me a home in heaven. And everybody said amen. Let's give God some praise Hallelujah.

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