We are Family
The Child of God needs the church family if he/she wants to GROW, Develop GIFTS, and SERVE GOD.
Paul’s favorite name for believers was brethren. He used it at least sixty times in his letters; and in the two Thessalonian Epistles, he used it twenty-seven times. Paul saw the local church as a family. Each member was born again by the Spirit of God and possessed God’s nature (1 Peter 1:22–25; 2 Peter 1:3–4). They all were part of God’s family.
It is tragic when believers neglect or ignore the local church. No family is perfect and no local church is perfect; but without a family to protect him and provide for him, a child would suffer and die. The child of God needs the church family if he is to grow, develop his gifts, and serve God.
What are the essentials for a happy, thriving church family? How can we make our local churches more spiritual to the glory of God? In this closing section, Paul discussed these matters.