Vision Mission Values
2 Corinthians 5: 14-15, 17-19
“What God Is Calling Us To”
Small Group Study Questions
*Start your small group time off with prayer and then read the passage of Scripture in its entirety before getting into the questions.
1. According to this passage, why should we as Christians no longer live for ourselves but for Christ? Why is it sometimes difficult for us to live for Christ instead of ourselves?
2. Why has God given us “the task” as Paul puts it, of us reconciling people to God? As Christians, why should we be working to see people enter into relationship with Jesus Christ?
3. Our Vision here at Redeemer is “To be a community of believers committed to reaching Orleans for Christ.” Why is it so important that we be the light and love of Jesus Christ to our community? Why does the way in which our community perceives us matter?
4. Our Mission here at Redeemer is “To grow mature followers of Christ who lovingly serve each other and our community in Jesus’ name”. How does the mission support the vision? Why is it impossible to reach Orleans for Christ if we ourselves are not mature, committed followers of Christ?
5. Why is connection to other Christians- growing with them, sharing our lives together, encouragement and accountability, so vital for our own individual walk’s with Jesus? What steps have you taken to be connected to others at Redeemer in Christian community?
6. To see the vision that God has laid on our hearts come to fulfillment at Redeemer we need everyone to give of their time and money to it. In your opinion, which is harder to give, time or money? Why are both important? What, in your mind, keeps people from giving these things?
7. Prayer is the undercurrent for any significant movement of the Spirit of God in people’s lives and in the life of the church. What do you typically pray for? How often do you pray with other Christians? How can you pray for Redeemer and for Orleans to be won to Christ?
Closing Prayer:
Pray together as a group that God would increasingly change us into people who are wholly living for him and who are passionate for reaching others with the life saving message of Jesus Christ. Pray that we here at Redeemer would increasingly become a praying church, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the vision God has for us would come to fulfillment as we seek to live for him and be led by his Spirit each day.