A cup of cold water

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Bars with all the ugly with all the nasty you'll take it that you can find Lord. You start cleaning you start cleansing and you take care of the mess the father. We praise you as we continue in prayer. It's not enough that we're we're loving on Rose today, but her sister fell Miss Rebecca fell for lip. She said she's broken her hip and her arm and it's just part of the rain keeps coming and still father. I just pray for the LG family and I pray for the Roark family and I just pray for that whole entire family Lord that you'll just have to put up your umbrella God shelter them from the storm is Lord as the storm passes by it impacts all of us. Or we can trust you, or we can trust the storm father today we trust in you. Will you lead us father? Will you help us the father? Will you continue to just be a part of the service Lord not be a part that Lord. May we decrease? May you increase thank you Lord for being awesome. Thank you for being a God that Loveless. Thank you for giving your only son for us. We love you today. We praise you we give you all the honor and Glory or it's in Jesus name we pray. Amen. You are dismissed.

I took off my sweater when we were worse because I was getting really hot and sweat was rolling. Well, the sweat is rolling. So I apologize if I have sweat stains on my shirt, but God is good it is it smarm. It's warm in here and that he's not on it just it once the radiators get hot. They ha when you're hot you're hot.

Thank you praise team.

Alright a couple of weeks ago three weeks ago. As a matter of fact, it was this weekend before the snow. I asked you guys to read Matthew chapter 10 34 through 42. Do you guys remember come on down my brother?

I asked you guys to read Matthew chapter 34 or Matthew chapter 10 verse 34 through 42. If you guys remember me asking you to go home and study it for yourself to go home. So that way then when I bring it about you guys will be challenged. But you also have a little inside on what we're talkin about. What today is that day course, I couldn't do it the next week cuz it snowed and then of course the next week Miss Julie was here. And so now we're back to Matthew chapter 10 34 through 42. So yeah, she had three weeks to be able to study that scripture. And so today's message is entitled a cup of cold water. And let's just start right from the top do not think that I came to bring peace on Earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword for I have come to set a man against his father a daughter against his her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a Man's enemies will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me and he who finds his life will lose it and he who loses his life for my sake will find it he who receives you received me and he who receives me receives him who sent me he who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward and he who receives a righteous man a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. Whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple assuredly. I say to you he shall by no means lose his reward father. We are so grateful for your word. I'm grateful for these obedient children that they have studied this word and they are so expectant of hearing what the holy spirit is going to show them through your work the father. I pray for your blessings on them as they received this and we will praise you and thank you in Jesus name. Amen.

In the opening of this this verse Jesus who is the Prince of Peace is telling us that there will be Strife if we follow him that there will be Division if we follow him why because the world was so violently reject him and his rain that it will divide families because of their love or their hate for him, but it's better than this misses the part that I'm hoping that you guys studied and you found as well. Adam Clark's doesn't like this do not imagine is the Jews in general vainly do that. I am come to send forth by forcing out the Roman power that temporal Prosperity which they long for I have not come for this purpose. But to send forth the Roman sword to cut off a disobedient and rebellious Nation the couple whose iniquity is already full whose Crimes by allowed for Speedy Vengeance. For those of you that have a hard time understanding Adam Clark. You're probably going well. That's why I'm going to explain this just a little bit Adam Clark is talking about control. The Romans came in to finalize what was happening with the Israelites since Solomon son. Jeroboam took over rain instead that my pinky finger will be bigger than your waistline Northern Israel and Southern Israel divided the rest of that time. God was trying to bring back the tribes of Israel to come back to do his work. So the It would be known as his children, but they continued in their division all throughout the Old Testament. God is going through prophecies going through judges going through all these people trying to get them back in one order and they wouldn't do it in Matthew chapter 10 34 through 42. Jesus is staying because of your Hardness of Heart because of your stiff-necked because of the way that you think you need to be doing it because of control because you've done it this way for so long. You don't want a new way to do it. They were expecting Jesus to come on a horse. How did how did Elijah leave Elijah left somewhat on a chariot of fire, right? And they expected this Messiah to come in the same way with the nostrils Blazek with a sword in his head that he was going to annihilate the Romans. They didn't expect Jesus to come as a baby in a Manger. from Joseph and Mary and he was from Nazareth. Bible said Bethlehem, what's up with that? You know so they didn't leave because of what they thought was the truth not realizing that the truth was right in front of them. Oh boy. It's so much bigger. So here we go. You guys ready? Once we've identified with Christ Galatians 2:20, maybe your Galatians 2:20 person. I don't know how you guys came to it to to know Jesus. Maybe your Romans road person. Somebody didn't on a napkin and they did the Romans road and why shouldn't I accept Jesus? I'm going to accept Jesus. Maybe you're somebody like Victoria that this morning accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. I don't know where how you came or what scripture was you use for you mine was John 19:26 when Jesus was on the cross and he looked down and saw his mother and when he saw John standing next to his heart was grieved for them that messed with me because here we could have had all the reason to be complaining about the nails in his wrist. He could have been complaining about the hardships of his life when he was concerned about them the same as he is today's concerned about us. So maybe you're John 3:16 person. I don't know for God so loved the world that he gave and how did think that God would give his own son for me how I want that. How to be my God I want that Jesus to be my Jesus. Maybe that's your verse. But I'm telling you whatever your versus we have to be 1st, John 3:16 1st, John 3:16 Says it like this by this we know love because he laid down his life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren. What are we supposed to do? Then? We're supposed to give it all away everyday. We're supposed to give it all the way. It doesn't matter if you feel good, or you don't feel good. It doesn't matter if you have energy or don't have energy everyday where to give it away everyday were lit to rise above every day where to give it away. I don't know very many caskets that are followed by U-Hauls, but I know when I die, I got nothing I'm taking nothing with me. So why not give it all the way?

Once we confessed him. Once we are part of the body being a part of the body means that we surrendered Our Lives to Jesus Christ. And now we've joined in with Bruce We join in with say we joined in with Linda. We're a part of the body. I don't know what part of the body you are. But we're all parts of this body called Christ and we are walking this Earth so that we can be the difference you guys following so far. All right, so When we are once we become a part of this body you guys realize that now we're part of the war in this war. We didn't start. We had no we we had no decision over this war between Satan and this world and that we are in we didn't start it. God declared war on Satan and on the night that our Lord was born if you guys turn in your Bibles and look up Luke 2:14. It says on Earth peace on Earth peace when she is ass was born. The Israelites had the opportunity to accept him as the Messiah they could have come into one Accord. I'm at night. I think it'll listen to this to the lonely Shepherd that went backstage. We met the Messiah we couldn't believe it's this great host of angels came down and they said glory to God in the highest on Earth. Peace big. Can you imagine that day and then and then in the shepherd's went back in her saying it and what do you like to do? You guys have lost your Bonkers. He's not going to come as a baby is not going to be born of Joseph and Mary. Don't try to tell us what we're just don't try to tell me you're nothing but a shepherd. You understand? It's because we got this thing all goofed up cuz we don't want to accept the truth. We don't want to accept the Messiah or boy gets better it gets better. But here than Jesus and you Matthew 10:34 through 42 now he denies this truth. I came not to send peace but a sword had Israel accepted him. He would have given them peace, but the people refused him and the result was a sword instead of there being peace on Earth. There is peace in heaven. Where do you find that matter? Luke Chapter 19 Verse 38 you guys know, this is the triumphal entry blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest? So where is there peace? It's in heaven. Now, why because we never accepted him as the Lord and savior. They never accepted him as the Messiah. Are you guys on board with this? You understand why I had to say what he said in Matthew 10:34 through 42, but it gets better. Hold on there. Wait, but wait, there's more it could have been peace on Earth, but they continued in their weak wickedness. You look just a little sign out right there. We continue in our wickedness because we will not give a cup of cold water in the name of Jesus Christ. We will give a cup of cold water. But it labors us we will do something but I'm going to do it this once but don't you ask me to do it again? We're doing it in our power when we do it in Christ power. We don't use any of our energy. We're using all his this make sense to you guys. That's the problem in the church as we become so complacent we we we procrastinate it gets deeper. So how do we fix this? He did it himself. It was the cross the cross fixed it death had to come he is made peace through the blood of his cross. So that men can be reconciled to God and to each other Colossians 1:24, then buy him to reconcile all things to himself by him whether things on earth or things in heaven having made peace through the blood of his cross. It's through the sacrifice that he made the sacrifice for our sins. He went to the Cross because of my sent not because of what he did and you can't match that and in a couple weeks we're going to talk about what that way was pretty cool The only way to believe her can escape conflict this to deny Christ and compromise his witness now you and me being in Christ. We would know that to be called sin as well because now we've turned our back on our savior. And so then the believer would be at war with God and War in himself because he knows the right way. imagine that

Listen, we will be misunderstood and persecuted even by those who are closest to us yet. We must not allow this to affect our witness. It's important that we suffer for Jesus's sake and for righteousness sake and not because we ourselves are difficult to live with There's a difference between the offense of the Cross and offencive Christian. If any of you guys ever met a mad, Westland.

just asking if you haven't had the husband and wife ever had a disagreement.

Is that offense of the Cross or is that offencive is that an offense of Christian?

Pretty pretty cool, isn't it? We must make the decision once and for all to love Christ supremely and take up our cross and follow Christ the love and verse 37 is the motive for the cross and verse 38 and to carry the cross doesn't mean that we have all these Sunday school pins that we we're on our lapel and we keep coming to church every Sunday. The problem with that is that we got so much light on the inside that we don't share it with the outside. We keep going to Sunday school to learn more more more more more we say, hey, let's go out and share the gospel. Let me cover myself up cuz I don't know where now. We're so afraid to share that light that we've been pouring into our self and we won't share it with our friends and that's fear and that's doubt and that's not from Jesus.

Which we have all the Pelle Pelle lapel pin and we got a great big old CWC bumper sticker on her car. You guys want to know why we don't have a great big CWC bumper stickers on a car cuz I hate those things because those are the ones that honk at people at red light. Those are the ones that say your number one when they do something stupid and it's got the CWC sticker on the back of it not going to happen cuz I don't want to be in that because he the point is that we don't think about what people see if that that's why when I go into Walmart, it's not that I got my game face on but I'm always in the game because I'm a child of the king. I have been crucified with Christ. It's no longer I who live but Christ lives in me in the life that I now live in the flesh. I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. I'm always in the game. That's how we should walk. That's how you should talk. That's how you should deliver everything in the Lovin. The grace of Jesus Christ is my wife see that all the time. No, sometimes I slip man yesterday. She said got better. That's because he's chipping and he's working man. I'm not a finished product. And when I finally get finished guess what I'm gone. I'll be up there with Jesus, but that's okay. I don't mind that. I have mistake mistake means that I'm human being when I make a mistake. I'm broken and I'll go to her and say baby and I didn't mean it. Will you forgive me? Cuz I hate it when I make that mistake cuz I know better man. That's what Paul is talking about the things that I hate to do I do man when I do them.

Because I did it.

Michigan Daily Star

39% this with two options It's either a or b or one or two or Taco Burrito. How are you guys want to look at it? You spare your life control or sacrifice your life. There's no middle ground if we protect our own interest. control We lose if we die to self. Which is surrender we live for his interest. That's where Galatians 2:20 comes into play. We win if spiritual conflict is inevitable in this world. Why not died itself and let Christ win the battle for us and Ennis. Do you understand? It makes it less hard. He does the work for us man. We're going to cover that in just a second after the real war is inside. The real war is inside of us. It's either selfishness control or selflessness surrender. It's either ownership control or sacrifice surrender. It's totally up to you. It's your decision. It's your choice. Do you guys get that morning?


verse 40 it says that he received he who receives you receives me. He that treats with kindness. He that treats that with disrespect. Hello treat him who sent me with kindness or treating with disrespect when we got a brother or sister that struggling in their face or struggling in their walk and we tear them down who we really tearing down. We're tearing down Christ. Why were made in His image co-heirs with Christ? So the next time you guys are sitting in your having one of those little Well, you better be thinking about your talk about Jesus. just saying amen Jesus says I will consider the kindness shown to myself for he who receives me as the true Messiah receive that God has sent his council's and through whose love. I have come not everyone will reject our witness though. There are those who will Who will welcome us and receive the blessing but after all we are the ambassadors of the king it's up to us to show him to everyone. We are the ambassadors. So we need to make it something that they want or something that they're not interested in. So are you making Jesus irresistible or resistible? The great question to ask our King will see to it that they are rewarded for what you do if you make him irresistible. Yes. What that's the reward you will reap you make him irresistible. He'll bless you. big difference But not everyone I just said that's breaking control is hard though. We've been doing things a certain way for a long time just like the Jews. They just didn't get it. The Israelites just couldn't understand why God would send the baby. How is he going to defeat Roman rule with being a baby that mean he's not even a big baby. He was a regular baby wasn't didn't have muscles. He was just a baby. He didn't come out talk and he was just a baby. How is it going to be able to defeat this Roman army send them because of their Hardness of Heart because of their rejection of him. That's why they sent the babe. In our Bible study the other night had you I was talking to this people of God and and his chosen people in time and time again. I look I'm going to tell you guys in the Old Testament three books before the end is a book called hageo 2 chapters pretty easy read but had you by the powerful book because in there such similarities to the Church of Jesus Christ today now, it's not because that was written to the to the people of Israel. But the thing is is that it was written to us today and you look at the parallels. Now, here's the cool thing is it's a miracle was that these people have been in captivity in Babylon. And so God comes along and he releases them. So that's Miracle number one penny says, but be careful to follow this be careful to do is I'm commanding you be careful to do what I'm telling you. I want you to go back and I want you to rebuild my temple. So what do I compare that to in the New Testament? What's the temple of God? We are. So when Jesus Christ becomes the Lord of our life, do we continue to help the temple by getting into the word by being quiet by getting a loan with God or do we be continued it? Well, here's what happened in Hagee. I got a cool. God release them. They go back now. They're pretty happy Bunch. We're going back now. They got no shackles. They got no chain. They're going back there free. So they're pretty excited about going back in and they start working in the temple. Can you just see if I'm working in the den. Banner for my Lord Lord will never get tired tired tired until after about a year and boy, you know, where is everybody else at their they're not helping working on this building and hey, I haven't seen him in a long time. Hey, where's Timmy and Timmy hasn't been Hayden after two years. It stopped working on the temple all together. Manor house is looking pretty sweet. Then he started taking care of their brick-and-mortar man. They started building it up and man even started paneling me inside which is a sign of royalty. I mean they were taking care of their own house and got mad. You're not listening. I said be careful. I said be careful. I said to follow my command I sent you back free. I sent you without shackles. I sent you back to rebuild my temple. They went back to doing what they wanted to do. Instead of what he wanted them to do. Just like us when we're new Christian. Remember when you were first safe man, I couldn't calling up people my broom to sweep and clean but after a year, so you guys know what I'm talking about right when you guys have a big church function every supposed to work out there the first time there's like a hundred people that show up and do you work for the game Ballz going to be great. Then the next time you have one about 30 people show up went from 100 to 30. And then next time you show up here by 8 the next time it's just you thinking where is everybody? That's what God was saying and seeing in the book of haggai. It talks about.

How they had to work twice as hard to till the ground. They had to work twice as hard to raise a crop because the crop has been the yield have been minimized because God has brought forth plagues. You guys hear me pharaoh. And you see the drought was happening and there was no water is hard to get the water out of the ground and work twice as hard to get the water if you guys here. It's like the resemblance between then and right now.

You guys did great harvest in our church. You see people coming every week to Christ. Well, they couldn't see it either. It couldn't they were blind to it. They just figured it was that type of season because they become some so complacent they've procrastinated so long to get back to the Lord's House next next week. I'll get back to the Lord's house for three weeks. I'll get back to the Lord's house. I'll get back to read my Bible next week. I'll get back to serving him next week. I'll get back to doing my devotions next week. I'll get back to telling people about Jesus next week. I'll get back to doing the right things next week. I'll get back to serving him wholeheartedly next week. See we keep procrastinating. We keep holding him off What's happen? If he's caused the drought in the church. That's why we don't have new Converse every week. That's why we don't have great salvation coming through these doors is because we've been taking high at a Hiatus you guys understand the parallels between Hagee I and the Church of Jesus Christ. The reason why we're hearing about 10:34 through 42 is what's happening in the church today is because we became complacent. We're not praying. We're not seeking him. We're not following our face before him up tonight communion and prayer service. I pray that were packed. But it'll be that desire that will be here or that lack of it and see shouldn't have to be guilted into come into a prayer communion service. It should be the desire of your heart. It should be what wakes you up in the morning and see that's what God's talking about here. And that's what Jesus is talking about. You guys wanted a bloody Warrior. I became the bloody Warrior. You guys wanted somebody to come with all this power while I'm giving you all the power that you've ever seen but you have to receive me. You have to accept me. And where do I have to receive him? Where do I have to accept him into his Temple? He wants to reside there. He wants the main chair. He wants ownership. But yet we continue in our control because don't you try tell me baby come from Bethlehem Steel America cuz it felt sorry for high going to put up with that. You can't tell me. He's no King. What happened to Jesus first time. He preached his own Hometown. They took him out the stone it. That's because we got to hear we already know don't you try and tell me. Control, and that's what Satan is done to us. In the last verses Jesus identifies himself with his own we are reminded of Jesus words to stall on the Damascus Road Saul Saul. Why are you persecuting me when you read that in Acts 9:4 listen to this you guys know why the the I know you anybody here never hear of a goose flying through the sky in a V formation. You guys have all heard them right there in that. They're quiet Birds, aren't they? You know why they're doing that? You guys know that the first one is the lead bird and as they're flying and they're honking what they're saying. Okay, let's say the first one might almost say Charlie first ones Charlie Wright and he's flying all the other birds in the be for me to come on Charlie Charlie Charlie one more mile one more mile Charlie. You see isn't that kind of cool, but it starts to get a little tired when they say no Here Comes John John.

You can do it John and they're all Hawkins. Hahahahahaha and then make it to the next make it to the next. Okay, then he starts back up with Here Comes Billy Billy gets up in the front.

I say all this is God's creation. Can encourage one another if they fly in a V formation, why do we tear the leg down from each other because they're different than me. God's creation is up there honky honk off and come on you can do it. Why is it when somebody slips and falls in the church we murder them.

Man, those keys don't care whose Leading Men are so excited to somebody else. Other than that man is how many Hong Kong?

Let us not be. Did one of these days it's going to be him? They're going to say come on Jack you can do it.

saw saw Why are you persecuting me? And we will cut a brother down in a minute. We will cut a sister down in a minute. Just want to show them who's boss because I got all my Sunday school pins. I got my TWC bumper sticker. You don't even touch me. There's no Hawking Hong Kong and going on. Saul Saul why are you persecuting me?

Close in Matthew's gospel. The Risen Christ sends out the disciples with the words. I Am With You Always to the End of the Age the person receiving the messenger the one providing the hospitality is in fact doing the service for Christ in the days of the 16th century Reformation when there was a price on the head of meadow Simmons a free Church leader. People that dare to offer Hospitality were arrested and then at least one case executed of such Jesus says the reward is commensurate with the service of the messenger. You understand when we are building up our brothers and sisters were standing. We got their back no matter what they're going through when wearing Curt Hawkins and you're saying I'm behind your brother. I got your back for one more mile Brother. Come on, since you can do it, I believe in you I believe in you to do that. Now we're being the Church of Jesus Christ. Now, we're giving it as a disciple. We will receive that same reward. Amen.

We are a team and the supporting players are participants with the lead players. The church is a symphony. Think about this rather than a series of solo artist trying to make a name for themselves. We do together. What no one can do on their own. We have to work together. We are the body We Are The Church of Jesus Christ. Getting a cup of cold water in the name of the disciple means the simplest deed and discipleship of Christ. It will receive the Lord's recognition. And this is applicable in many areas of life for there's a difference between giving a cup of cold water here you go and giving a cup of cold water in the name of the disciple of Jesus Christ or in the Name of Christ teaching a class downstairs or teaching a class downstairs in the Name of Christ. There's a difference being on this praise team and singing your heart out is okay, but I'd rather you sing for Jesus Christ because it's going to change how we receive it going to be changed how you get it. You go because you have to be there that we're going to receive that. But you know what honky honk honk honk come on, you can do it one more mile one more.

Breaking control happens when identification somehow gets confused with being like Jesus and his effective missions Jesus identify with the father Jesus identifies with his disciples. Jesus identifies the reward of service for control to be broken. We must fear God more than man. We must confess Christ openly before man. We must accept the separation of discipleship and we are to serve compassionately. We are to give it all away. If all you are is a sucker fish.

Gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme there's so much for you to learn but come on you can do it. I believe in you. You understand?

We must accept the separation of discipleship and we are Disturbed and passionately in the name of Jesus Christ. We've been given the authority from him let us not be complacent procrastinate from the commands that he is giving his church in water his command. Listen. This is hit. This is Jesus the words of Jesus Christ. Let us go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them what I have commanded you and behold I Am With You Always to the end of the age that Jesus is command and what is his command to love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul with all your strength in the others like it and love your neighbor as yourself.

Church, you can do it. Come on one more mile.

Are you guys ready? You guys ready to go to work?

Father we thank you and praise you. Lord I say this prayer before we take up the offering before the praise team comes as the praise team comes there. We just surrender this to you. We surrender our hearts to you. We surrender our desires to you father to be confused with Christ o I long for that day when somebody looks at me and thinks that I'm you the father. That's what Paul was talking about to take a good sober look in the mirror. Who do you see when you look in the mirror? I pray someday we see Christ for Lord. I want to look more and more and more like you but that only comes through. Surrender not through control the father. I pray for us at the church body father. There's been a victory today and her name is Victoria father. There's been great chains unloosen today that name is Bonnie father. We we see a great miracle and we will hear of great things. And that name is Jenny the father, you know, all of these things, you know everything before we pray them, you know, the people that would be at this altar father for Reggie, you know, the answers that he needs. So Lord in the name of Jesus Christ we go. The father we pray that we give cups of cold water not by our strength. I probably may it be the coldest in the purest, but we give it in the name of Jesus Christ. Father we ask for our hearts and our lives be changed and we asked it as we come forward to give to Miss Miss Rose and Mister Edgar the father you touch us in a way that we give without hindrance Lord. Whatever that amount is will be more than enough to Father. We praise you in advance and we give you all the honor and Glory or it's in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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