Resolved to Have Uncommon Faith

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Acts 4:32-35- Acts Sermon Series

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If you would take your seats if you have your Bible with you say Amen, it's hard to come to church to the house of God to worship God. If you don't have the word of God worship begins with the word of God. Now, why do I say that? Because if we don't know the word of God if we don't have the word of God, how can we experience the presence of God because his presence is in the word he speaks to us through the word this the log off the understanding of God from Old Testament to new that we come together today and worship on what we would call our Sabbath day has Christian new Believers in Jesus Christ. I'm only helping God's word to chapter 4, we're going to see some pretty amazing thing today as we look at this issue of an uncommon faith that we have in Christ not going to pick her up for you on the screen and this picture of it is I'm a Little Rock Enclave a little Island. Miniview you may recognize it. But this little island had its strategic significance for America during World War II the island you might recognize this next picture. You probably recognize the island. Now don't you the island was known as Iwo Jima and then World War we had quite a few of our brave men and women that were fighting in different ways and various means and the common phrase that was made about this situation on Iwo, Jima that we've memorialized in our Capital today and washing the CDC of this flag being raised. Chester Nimitz an admiral during that time for a reflected upon the incredible sacrifice of the Marines that it took him two months as they were fighting on the island of Iwo Jima and what it took for them to be able to take that Island in to raise this flag and claimed victory over the Tyranny that was going on there and the Admirals comment was this it was Uncommon Valor, but it was a common virtue among those fighting together and he will Jima let me read a little bit more about what they did. That was. So uncommon 82 medals were awarded to US Marines during World War II during the battle for 22 Marine awarded Medals of Honor for their heroic actions a little more than 25% of all medal of honors. Awarded to United States Marines came at this little Battle For A Little Rock in the middle of an island. Known as Iwo Jima 25% of the Medals of Honor Admiral Nimitz in his comment that Uncommon Valor was a common virtue was something that we can grasp what he was saying there when we look at the significant sacrifice that those men were willing to do. At these times are higher level of courage or Valor is often required and he will Jima was taken with that Valor. Most people don't have an inability to really understand what it took to accomplish those great feats, but I'd share with you today. That is We examined Acts chapter 4, we're going to look at vs. 32 through 35 together and we're going to see some uncommon acts of Valor some, ask him a commonality come on, active ability. That's an uncommon acts of Understanding God's grace and his equality for all of mankind that he's given to soldiers the church in Acts Chapter 4 verses 32. We're going to read the first 35 and if you're there same in

Let's reading on a screen and I'm reading from the ESV Bible the English Standard Version does now the phone number of those who believe world one heart and soul and no one said that any of the things that belong to him was he had everything in common and with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them. All there was not a needy person among them for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid at the apostles feet and it was distributed to each as had need. Now what a wonderful what a waterfall scripture for us to understand how often this versus scriptures misunderstood the same as hey, we're here about nannini issues. And we've got to help feed the poor in the hungry and do other things but I want us to go a little bit deeper today as we examine this passage and look at this uncommon commonality. There is an uncommon commonality that we have for those who have Christ in common now, I don't mean that to be funny or a play on words, but think about it what causes us to gather here together today to come is all different backgrounds all different classes all different situations in life. But yet we come together on a Sunday morning at a place we call a church the building and we got her together and we sing songs. We don't really know some of the things that are new to us. Not a fact tell me you were uncomfortable words like me.

Something that draws us together and it's on, it, isn't it? Cuz there's probably five thousand people according to the census 17,000 people within 5 miles of this church with many of them are not in a worship service on Sunday morning. It's not argue what we shared together. It's absolutely on, you say, well what makes an uncommon number one, if you're looking for a 32 notice. It says that they were all all those gathered plus a large group of people were gathered and among them. They all believe you see that in the scripture. Now the phone number of the Mulino stop there. Everybody that the Bible telling us about in this story in chapter 4 folk. This wasn't this wasn't the group of the Masters. God is specifically revealing to us through lucu pain. This that all those who were we're Believers in Jesus Christ. Are you going to let that sink in for a minute? Books that aren't you that not all who gather with us today are all believers. We even have a fancy Church term we use for those that gather with us on Sunday worship that aren't Believers in Christ. We were referred to him as Seekers or we refer to the congregation meaning of Blended service of those who are believers in Jesus. We call them members. Or the congregation those we don't know where their salvation lies, but yet they come for some reason and it's uncommon commonality to gather with us on Sunday morning. We do that you might not even know we do that but there may be those sitting with us today that are believers in Jesus Christ that I'm never said Lord Lord. I forgive me of my sins and I accept you as my savior. I don't know what all that means but Lord. I know the Bible says it's so come into my life make me whole. There's a difference between those who are gathered together. And those who believe not belief is an important thing. We seen the word Pista or belief 122 times in the New Testament 122 * the word Pista or belief is used to signify the action that we believe in something that argue all of us today believe in something many of you believe. I hope your car would get you here this morning many of you believe when you get on an airplane to go on your vacation, but that airplane is going to land safely. Otherwise you wouldn't get on it. Maybe you believe it when you go to lunch today. You're going to eat at a restaurant. That's not going to make you sick. I know sometimes all of those statements are not true for some people. Sometimes the car doesn't start sometimes a plane doesn't Lance has sometimes of food gives us remembrance for a long time. Right? But we all believe in something and I want to share with you. What important we need to believe in. Number one. Jesus tells us this and it's recorded in the Gospel of John and John 3 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him. Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life, but just not enough to know about God. Also when they shut her about the concept of God that Jesus was casting out the demons named Legion. They cried out before the demons were cast into opinion. Son of man. What do you want? They recognize God's presence also, but they feared God, they didn't have a belief in God. He goes on to tell us and John 3:18 for he who believes in him being Jesus is not condemned, but he who does not believe is already condemned. Stop think about. Why did Jesus come Jesus came to himself? He came to forgive the sins of the world. He came to bring hope to a Dying World. He came to give hope to an eternal life and the only way we get that hope is by putting our trust and faith through belief in Jesus. That's the only way I come you can't borrow it. You can't buy it. You can't inherit it from your parents your grandparents or your Mimi no matter how much you love Jesus. It's a personal reverential experience to know almighty God and it starts by having believe but belief.

Let me let me just get for a little bit for you for the second time John 669 the disciples. They also we have come to believe and know that you are Christ the son of the Living God not noticed the apostles Revelation hear what they say. We have come to believe that what that says to me.

Can anything good come out of Nazareth? One of Jesus's disciples says before he meets Jesus face to face. Turn anything good come out of Nazareth. Come let us show you the Messiah Jesus we cannot argue for all of us here. There was a place in our life when we made that transition much like the disciples much like the apostles much like the early church were there was a time in our life when we can say we have moved from unbelief to we have come to believe. and now we know I'm not versus scripture the apostles got on say not only have we come to believe and know it's an infinitive. It's a it's a guarantee. It's in the service that they say I now know Jesus is real. I know he's the son of God. I don't think he is anymore. I know he is cuz he's been revealed to me and he's been revealed to you. Say Amen. Oh, I'll get you awake you in a minute. That's the deal because I know Jesus is real. Otherwise, I could be doing a lot more things with my time. If I didn't know he was real if I just kind of well, maybe. It's good. Maybe I'll go listen. Maybe I'll go to church today get my field of conviction and feel guilty and I'll get my soul cleanse and I'll feel better when I leave. If you ain't been cleansed by the righteous blood of Jesus Christ, you're still in the same state. You walked in the church with that. You have a chance to leave differently by accepting him belief is the Cornerstone what signified this passage of an uncommon commonality. It was believed John chapter 12 verse 46. Jesus is not coming to the light. I've come as a light into the world that whoever believes in me should not abide in darkness. He gives us the ability to get rid of that conviction of it's been with us on our shoulder all week while we're going to work that we thought about our drive to get groceries. Oh how I wish I could do that one over again. Is there any hope for me Jesus is absolutely and John chapter 17 verse 20, he goes on to talk about the church. That would come as he pray for himself first in chapter 17, and then he prays for his disciples and they would have courage and strength and then For you and me and this is what he says. Because I do not pray for these alone. But also for those who will believe in me through their word. It's not good. Jesus was praying for you that are sitting right here right now that are hearing this message Jesus Christ. The son of God the almighty Messiah was already praying for you and the 17th chapter of John that you would come to believe in him. First belief is the Cornerstone that we understand that Jesus is the son of God. We believe with all of our heart galatian church. He says this about the aspect of our Salvation is knowing that man is not justified by The Works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believe in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by The Works of the law books are none of us good enough to keep the instructions that are written in this book. None of us are good enough to abide by The Ten Commandments God knew that when he gave it to Moses on Mount Sinai. He knew that one Israelites were rebelling against him for 40 years in the in the wilderness. The law came to reveal our sin that we would understand the need for our savior.

Today since pretty evident all around us is absolutely cardio cycling is what the Greek says the cart and the soul the mind of what was going on. They were United now folks if there's anything that's uncommon about that. That would be uncommon in today's world a man. We can hardly agree about anything matter fact, they're supposed to say what a son is not really up right now. Well, at least not in Japan. Didn't really turn that color. Well, I'm not really sure of God didn't make the Earth. It's hard to get us to agree upon. Everything isn't what I say about humankind. It's hard for us to agree Lord knows we got a little bit of difficulty in agreeing on things. So what brings us together that allows us to be of one heart and one mind. It's a common faith that we share that there's something greater than each and every one of us that sitting in here and his name is Jesus. He resides in a place called heaven and he stands at the right hand of the father interceding on our behalf. The common bond that we have is we all Hopefully you put your trust and faith in Christ. We will live for eternity with him the pain and suffering of this world will be gone most uncommon Union that brings us is we know that in Christ. We have become the body with Christ being the head we become as the Bible says the brook and groom you think about that beautiful wedding scene of the bride in her long white dress and a groom waiting over there in the corner chewing his nails in expectation to have this Union with his bride and how beautiful she is as she walks down the aisle and their the father is to give her away. Jesus is the bridegroom. The church is his bride and the Father in Heaven says one day he will restore that to him and we will behold intended us to be before the Fall In the Garden of Eden before man chosen his own free will to seeing it just obey God. I don't plan on leaving you and I want to bring you back together, Union of hard in my but notice there's also a, sacrifice no one said that any of the things that belong to him was his own. It was an uncommon sacrifice here where they were willing to give their willing to do they were willing to put their resources together to help others understand the gospel message and to those who needed to be reached to invest their time and those who needed to be invested in to share to council to encourage to uplift to pray to edify. But that was a sacrifice that this church the early Body of Christ here in Acts is showing us but last week there was an uncommon Unity amongst all of them noticed everything in common koena is the word for common. It means a sharing together of everything. There was a common Unity among the early church that allowed them to do and that common Unity came because their sin had been reconciled and they were brought back together first and foremost in their Union with God. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 11 Solomon all of his wisdom says that God has put eternity in the heart of man. Then we know that there's something else Beyond just the things I see and touch in this physical world. I know that God in my heart. There's something that without Christ if you never had a relationship, you know, you're still looking for it. You know, there's something missing that makes me whole I'm at missing item. Is that Unity that Union back to God through his son Jesus Christ and when you get there, it's like your heart and your soul your mind becomes United and what really matters the salvation of our soul Ezekiel talked about this heart issue. And he says that I will give them a new heart and a new spirit and I will put it within them. I will remove the Heart of Stone and from their flesh and give them a heart of Flesh. a heart can only be right with God when we're restore to him when we're walking with him in a way that God is pleased with previous chapter next to 44 pieces all who believe again that work pisto all who believe we're together and they had all things in common. We can only do that with Christ. What's likely I want to share with you. Then there's not only an uncommon commonality of our faith in Jesus that allows us to do these things. But there was also an uncommon ability given to those who I have Christ in common and uncommon ability Christ promised his disciples. He made a statement before he departed and ascended into heaven an act chapter 1 verse 8. He says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem Judea and Samaria and to the other ends of the Earth. You see what God has called us to do. He's giving us an uncommon ability from the Son of God Christ incarnate to do the very thing that he's called the church to do. So, what is what are those thing? Number one is giving us a power from an uncommon Source. Now you might have plugged in today your car your battery operated something or your cell phone or your your iPad or something you had to plug it into something else in order. Where to get power not about y'all but not a whole lot of things get power by this body anymore. Not even my treadmill, right? Every now and then we might ride a bicycle. We get off we say thank goodness. I'm done with that most of the time we got to plug into something else to get power. Same way with God in order to get the power that he intended for we got to plug into him. If he's not the source of our power. I guess what I'd argue you're running on empty.

Running on Empty God wants us to plug into him at the power from an uncommon Source, but notice the apostles were given a proclamation. They were proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus, but for the Christian faith, if you ever wonder what's so different about Christianity and Islam and Buddha in Hinduism, then Jehovah's Witness and any other face both our trust in our faith in our hope. The Cornerstone of faith in Christ is the resurrection of Jesus when he came out of the Tomb on that third day fully God fully man put on a cross crucified side pierced taking down putting a borrowed tomb dead dead. That was Jesus. Luke Brice about this one. Luke was a physician. Look what I had the medical expertise to know that Jesus just wasn't in too deep. What is a piercer the pericardial the sack that goes around the heart and the fluid came out scientist today will explain that phenomenon that there's no way that this Jesus was just in a deep coma. He was dead. He was placed in That Tune. On the third day the stone weight over to town Two Times by some zestimate soldiers. Failed to guard what they were told to do that it would cost them their life.

And the rest of the story tells us that on that morning the Mary's went to the tomb. And I'm Stone had been rolled back. Jesus was not to be found the tomb was empty. It's not a wonderful thing folks. That's the Cornerstone and this is what the the prophet the apostles. We're sharing. the proclamation Did the resurrection had a curve is there hope depended upon that what good would it have been for the apostles at some speculated later on the Jews would go to the Romans and say well, let's make up the story. You see the disciples came to the tomb and they took the body of Jesus and they convince the two guards to give up their life for this day and make sure we'll go along with that unsealed the tomb and roll the two ton Stone away. The rotting decaying body of Jesus out. So the pain would be empty. Now you think those same Apostles that would have stolen the the body of Jesus would later on all but one of them give their life as a martyr. That's the word for Testimony. By the way, they would give their life as a martyr for Jesus Christ and they would all lose their life. Because they put their trust and faith in Jesus. Argue. No fool in his right mind would die for somebody that didn't really do what he said he did. The two was empty. The apostles carried that to their death The Hope and Faith in Jesus Christ. There was a provision of uncommon stores notice. It says that great grace Mega Carlos is the one we get here. Grace was upon them. It was not just kind of nice wasn't just kind of noticed. It was great power and great grace that was given to these Witnesses of Jesus Christ great grace was upon all of them. That's why they were doing what they were doing. That's what brings us together to do. What we do is cuz God is giving us such great grace God's Ransom at Christ's expense is what's been bestowed on us in Christ. What great grace we have to be able to serve Christ and all mankind with a message of Salvation that no other religion can give its a Grace to come face-to-face alone. Not by works lest. No man, shall boast. It's a gift of God is great grace. Was lastly the prevailing provision that was upon all of knossos says all of them together. They were all United by that very issue. But we can put our trust and faith in Christ is who he said he was and he'll do what he said he will do and he will come like you said he will come he is giving us an uncommon ability to be the church, but he's called us to be we don't do it on our own.

We talked about the needs of of our congregation. We talked about needing more Sunday school space and and more room because of discipleship efforts to teach people the word of God and and having a bigger presence in our community to be able to bless our community and give back to him. We have an opportunity to be a part of that because of the uncommon ability The Uncommon commonality we have in Jesus. But make no mistake. God doesn't need you or me to do it. He chooses to allow us to be a part of something special that will live long after our dead bones are in the ground. He chooses to allow us a once broken being corrupt by sin. Restored by Christ have a hand in building the kingdom of God. Wonderful thing he chooses to allow us to be his instruments of grace to the world in God's economy. See God doesn't see things the way we see things God looks at things in a completely different light than the way we assign or assessed value looking for 34. There was not a needy person among them and I'll stop there for a minute. Now this word needy. Let me share with you a couple things that does not mean he's not talking about the poor and those who are downtrodden those who work outside. Remember this group was a group of believers. This group had all things in common one heart one Soul. One mind. They were serving Christ. They were willing to share together. This needy means destitute here in a sense. I'm destitute. They were meant more so a lack of resources. Let me let me quote a Greek scholar as he defined what this word meant in the context. He does the focus seems to be more on a severe lack of needed resources than upon any state of poverty or destitution. The real need was satisfied when they obtain salvation in Jesus Christ. We completely blow right past that scripture verse and we think all they're talking about the poor feed the hungry. There were people that their bellies were hungry and their church was feeding and that's what to talk about now if there was not a needy person among them.

shroomies is reunification with our creator Life True need is to be restored until the god that created us for something special quality in the salvation and satisfied. Salvation anymore their needs was met in that department. The man we blow right past that off anything. Well you okay. I got it feed the poor get a food shelter going bring some clothes to the church provide some heaters in the winter time.

These were Believers their need was quenched. And our salvation for Jesus Christ, but it does say that they went on and he care for them looking for the rest of her 34. Where is meant for owners of land and houses sold them it brought the proceeds of what was so stop there for a minute. I want you to see that this was not an issue of socialism. This was not socialism in the church where we just all pool our resources that allow them to do that. It wasn't socialism supposed to church today is often in the East often. We run the church. We look at the church almost like we do our Democratic institutions that are found in the nation in which we live in church as a democracy almost the people and we vote and we build these rules and processes and procedures, but let me tell you and God's economy the church runs off of a theocracy not a democracy. God is the head of supreme and what he says he is giving us in his work and we are to follow it. No matter what our Constitution and bylaws may say no matter what our church policy may say if it's not grounded in the word of God economy. Gives us the ability to have a quality with all things. It's in a quality of sin overcome is not socialism. I want to share with you know this issue. I'm doing good. Thanks. I recently received a letter. I love it when I get Anonymous letters from somebody. I don't know who sends them.

They show up on my desk every now and then and Diana opens them our church secretary and she doesn't know it just says eyes Memorial Baptist Church on it and it's a letter for the pastor in this letter.

Hawaii with a with a open mind, that's okay with me read this that's why I got this letter and in this letter talked about this church member not are some other church somewhere else. It was published in a magazine and it talked about his grief he had as a pastor of a church and it talked about how his church have been off the mark of of being a real church and how about by the grace of God he had gotten back to what church was supposed to all be about. I believe it's brother your heart but the article went to talk about how they're going to Africa and they're going to these other countries and their digging Wells and they're bringing medical supplies, and they're You're helping set up schools, and they're doing all these things their Works were beautiful. No mention of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Plus I won't take a bottle of water.

Proclaim Jesus to the people drinking it

no mention of the Gospel being shared in the weld effort. We're in the school effort or in the medication effort, but the church is purpose is not the Cure socialism's that are going on in the church's purpose is to draw all people unto Christ. Strengthen the body of Christ so that our Salvation may be found in Jesus. Now I'll show you the faith without works is dead. James says that What is the mentality issued we do what we do? Uplift to testify to Proclaim at the apostles did to be a martyr or witness of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ all things. We do aren't grounded in that very simple. But yet very fact, that is Christ that allows me to do all that I do I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

But you often we leave him out as my brother wrote about in that letter no mention of this issue. I'd argue the greatest well ever dug that was ever share with we can find a John chapter 4 in Jesus's meeting this Samaritan woman at the well a woman of ill repute who's not on her first husband second third or fourth. She had many and when she's with now, Jesus says is not yours either. Jesus looks at her. And she says to him, how is it that you would you ask for a Samaritan such as I to give you water in Jesus says if you knew who it was it was asking you for what you would ask him if he would give you low on water. That's what we have in Christ. We have the ability to have living water that will never leave us thirsty. As Jesus said we have our bread to eat from God's word that will satisfy us more than the bar.

We have something precious in God's economy. And uncommon the quality that we have and God's rule is a theocracy. There is no distinction between ethnic lines. There is no such thing as race what we have in America is ethnicity. There's one racist a human face. We have different ethnicities ham sham and we can thank them for that. Many many ethnicities but only one race and folks don't believe the lie. We are not all children of God until we been Sanctified by the blood of his son Jesus Christ. I heard the other day of a lady I will respect on a news anchor make that comment in an interview. Well, why can't we all just get along?

and it cringe my heart because the fact is many believe that but the reality is we're not one writer in the New Testament say we're sons of the devil. Unless we've been washed by the blood of the sun. That's how we become children of God. We got to be adopted and when we believe in him any other way, there is no other way. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, so let me close this by sharing with you and it's you I think I got one more point up there, but I think I've already talked about it. We're all equal in the sight of God where you are equal in our sin. and all condemned for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus or We're all Sinners. None are righteous. No, not one. There's a complete equality in God's sight of our sin or of our sanctification of our salvation of our sin overcome ISM. We're all equal in the sight of the Cross if we've been saved by the blood of the sun. We have that equality. We're all to Spectrum. We are either completely equal with our sin murderer rapist. Feeling any of those things. I hate anger lust that's all equal in God's eyes are sent it. We like to categorize it as some sins are worse than the other but in reality and God's economy all sinzi all sin separates. But over here on the other side. God's grace clothes in the righteousness of Jesus the sun save all sent Whosoever will should not perish but have everlasting life. Let me share with you an illustration and closing. Now you recognize this little island this little outcrop of stone, but argue for those of us in Christ Jesus. There's an outcropping of stone that's even more significant and I'll walk with Christ. You may recognize this from the text books in the history books. This is an outcropping of stone known as the hill of Golgotha. Ron argue one faithful man demonstrated Uncommon Valor and is the next picture shows. It demonstrates the men that were crucified on this hill they gave their life that gave their all so they can overcome the enemy of sin Jesus in the center surrounded by two thieves. What is the damage that he leaves us with the image of Christ on the cross notice? He's not there anymore. He's off the cross and he sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven today. And he went there to desire much like our men and Iwo Jima who desire to defend our nation or country against. Tyranny. Jesus said I come that the entire world maybe save from the Tyrant of sin and Satan's grip upon Humanity. I'll go to the hill and I'll fight and I'll give my all in an uncommon face so that those who would believe in me would be found faithful on that day when they're called back to their creator. John Askew in way of closing with every head bowed and every eye closed. Have you been to the cross?

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