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Our God is The LORD of The BreakThrough. It is who He is

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We've been our theme for the year is breakthrough. I don't have the banner up. I have to call a guy if I don't work that is but

we've been doing a little introductory things about breakthrough. And today we're going to kind of like talk more about it's who he is. We talked a little bit last time about that's who who got is that he is our breakthrough. That's that's who he is. It's not what he does, you know, people can do things. You can wear many hats. Well, it's who God is God is the Breakthrough that is who he is. And so we found out that a breakthrough is like an important discovery. I said in advance or Success Through a barrier hindrance or obstacle a sudden increase in knowledge understanding an important discovery that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something. It's an Abrupt radical change and it's often sudden increase in acid increase and changing something. We also talked the last time about we are in a war. We are in a war a spiritual war. And I wrote to the side we cannot be wimpy me, but I don't want him to be but we can't be wealthy if we want Victory when we it's something we have to really Embrace and we have to fight. I wish we didn't have to but we have a we have an enemy that comes against us and we live in a fallen world and we have to to do have you know, when God gave Israel the promised land they still had to go in and take out the Giants or wherever they had to do what they had. They had this they had to take over the land. They had to secure it even though it was promised to them. They still had to go in and take the land and that's what we have to do in Christ there many battles that we're facing in in our love and people that we know. Jesus said this is what you know, I don't know if you know it or not. But but Matthew 11:12 is a very complex verse. Is complex because you can read a commentary and get totally total opposite views of what what Jesus is saying here and the end they will tell you that at its very is there several passages in the Bible? I mean that are very hard to understand and hard to to come up with you could have a lot of varying views. So what people how they interpret this verse so I mean some I picked the NIV to translate this first because I like the way it says it according how I how I interpret this verse but some some person say that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence in the violent take it by force. That's some but I like the way the end because this word these Greek words are reason why it's complexes that they have different meanings. And it can mean suffering violets or can be forceful. It could also mean forcefully advancing. So basically what you have to do is look and on. And even though when you want to translate a passage in scripture, sometimes you still have to interpret fiance you still interpreting even as your translating and so the NIV I like the way that they said because I believe this, like what it is for us as Believers if you go back and if you read in Matthew 11, Jesus was talking about how the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist and then he makes a statement from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold of it and what I'm saying how I view that is that we're not fighting God.

but there we have to wait to the before the kingdom of God to grow and to advance their has to we have to be we have to fight we have to we have to advance we had there's there's an opposition and I'm not taking the understanding that that versus saying that we're just suffering attacks. I look at where Jesus said that he was going to give Peter and also for us the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, you know, and whatever we bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and where we loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven and he goes on to say and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against against that so he'll is prevailing against us. So we have the promise that we can forcefully advance and we can lay hold of the promises of God. The Bible says that we have to lay hold of the promises of God. They're not all automatic. I wish they were some seemingly come easier than others and that's what we've been talking about breakthrough because see last time talk about how the The take a strategic area in just in the military sense of the word the enemy is going to mass where things are really important. So, you know what when you're experiencing strong opposition, you have to understand that that meant that's probably a strategic thing that Satan does not want you to lay hold of. so I said all that to say I just trying to let you understand sometimes when you read scripture, you look a different versions of the Bible and you are a wise one read so much differently than the other it's because sometimes were the word wording has different meanings and based on the the person is translating the Bible. There is based on how they see that their understanding of it. Does that make sense? I hope it helped that make sense for you to make sense for me, but I was just looking at many commentaries yesterday and there's just a wide range of what interpreting this verse can be. so anyway, so I believe that according to how I see the New Testament, we it's not going to be automatic. We have to fight and we are in a war and we cannot Overlook the Demonic Jesus did not Overlook to the Demonic. We cannot fight in the natural. What is Supernatural? We cannot we cannot with fight with flesh and blood but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, but that's why the Bible tells us that he's given us weapons and he's giving us an Arsenal and the weapons of our Warfare are not of the fleshly or or of this our carnal. It's been what verse in the Bible you read on that. They're not flashy, but they're their there be divinely powerful. That's what Paul says in 2nd Corinthians. They're divinely powerful the bringing down of strongholds.

Stronghold to be like an area that the enemy is has fortified around and build a stronghold around and for us to break through to see this breakthrough we have to use sometimes there are the spiritual weapons that God's given us that could be through prayer. But you know, it says take up the full armor of God and it's talks about standing in the evil day. So there are many things that we can do we get there are things that we can do in the natural but there are some things that cannot just be accomplished by our efforts.

It's not going to be enough. We cannot win the world just through technology. for Jesus God that's a tool that God's given the church technology and and and and print media and on all that but there are certain things certain battles that cannot be why I just threw away. Our efforts are physical efforts. I recognize your Jesus said that he would build the church.

He would build the church.

We we are laborers together with him, but we need him the boot the to do the building. It says unless the Lord builds the house. They that labor labor in vain that try to build right doesn't even stay up all night. And you do all kinds of things about and fret and worry and do all kinds of things about stuff that's going on in your family and in your home and in your house, but unless the Lord intervenes and let's God brings a breakthrough. All our efforts are are in or not was not going to produce what needs to happen. We have to recognize that we are in a war and we have to wage war in the in the in the spirit. You got any man?

We can I just overlooked. We also we have to check the physical we can just blame everything on the devil.

Sometimes it's us. Sometimes it sometimes it's the choices that we make sometimes it's our lifestyle. Sometimes it's our stinking think and that's what we need to read the scripture and let God's word and give us an inside. and also we cannot Overlook we looked at this last time I also Lack of knowledge in the Bible in the Old Testament knowledge was primarily meaning the word knowledgement and experience or a relationship. We can Overlook are not we can't have a lack of knowledge of God. We have to have that experience. We have to have that relationship. It cannot just be quoting versus versus versus versus because it's got to be an experience people. We have to have that experience with it. Paul said he didn't speak to people and just words. but in demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit

He had an experience. He wasn't just talkin words. Then we look also last week that the Our Lord is the god of the Breakthrough we talked about in Micah's day how the nation is a whole head turned its back on God. And they were headed for divine judgment. And in fact, they were there was great corruption in the land.

Crap leadership there was idolatry. There was great.

America is a candidate.

But we been right in the middle of all that God declared in Micah 2:13. He says the one who breaks open the way and that's Breaker the breaker if you want to do it, it's it's break through the one who breaks open the way we'll go up before then. They will break through the gate and go out there King will pass through before the Lord at their head. This is where where Deliverance is promised and he's called the Breakthrough God is calls himself the Breakthrough and the word Hebrew word for breakthrough means to make an opening to make a split to make a bridge to break down through her out. And in the Hebrew sense of the word breaking it means it when God when there's a breaking it causes an increase it causes and we looked at this last weekend about in Proverbs about that as we give that God says it or not only that then it'll be it'll be a brimming over overflow of increase. So we found out also in wrapping up what we cover last week is that when we've done all that we know to do we can expect the breaker to come.

And today we're going to talk a little bit more about it, but it's important for us to know. We're not talking about a one-time event.

We're talking about this is who God is.

You know somebody. On occasion might do something. Or reach a certain level of achievement.

But when your essence when it's who you are, that's totally different. You know when it's it's a part of who you are that's different than just making it getting award that hangs on a wall somewhere. We're talking about breakthrough is not just something God can do breakthrough is who God is

He reveals himself in Mike is day as the one who breaks open the way when we read the Bible and we read about the names of God. These are not just titles and that you know that are cheap mints that he's made these God is unveiling to us through his name who he is.

Father is not just a title father is who he is. He's father, but he's not just father so you to explain God it takes more than just father.

He's also the breaker. We have a father who is the breaker and that cool. So this changes everything because over time we can come if we understand what what what what what I'm talking about here and what we're sharing here today because over time we can come to realize it's not God's actions that we we can depend on but it's guys character we can rely on for example, what I'm saying is we might look at circumstances and say well as we were talking about it this morning look at that circumstances in and question, but when we understand it's God's character what one more time I got his character is is his goodness or he's a breaker. That's who he is. Then it went went when we look at circumstances. We can see that in the light of that instead of looking in light of the circumstances and trying to pick a circumstance. So that doesn't look like that doesn't seem to be what he is.

We cannot look at actions alone and determine everything because you prayed and and and things didn't change immediately in your life or whatever. Does it mean that God didn't hear your prayer. I mean does it doesn't change who God is his willingness to act on your behalf.

When you understand a person's character and understand who they are and what they stand for him their essence of who they are and it gives you great confidence when when you're experiencing things in life. It doesn't seem to line up.

To breakthrough is not something that God just does it's who he is and so when we understand who he is this brings out and should bring out in us a whole new level of confidence and faith.

I have to live. What I share with you.

When my son was diagnosed autistic, all of a sudden I didn't think will God what happened to you as healer what happened to you is because I knew he was healer because I knew who he was I can withstand what was going on in my son's life.

And I can press on and I could pursue knowing the goodness of God.

Do some people get Shipwrecked because their faith is not granted on God. It's granted under circumstances and their view of there and endure interpretation of what's going on what I'm trying to share with you is that

Alright, you can realize it is not just God's actions, but it's as a character we can rely on he may rarely do so. He might not do things that you expect him to his actions are not always predictable, but it's character absolutely is his nature absolutely had his heart absolutely as it never changes.

I'm just going to show you that Jesus did his best and didn't do it. Right? I don't feel like it didn't Jesus when he came to the Earth. He tells us one of the purposes of his coming and we find this in John 17. He says I have manifested your name. I have revealed your very self your real self who the people whom you have given me out of the world. Jesus came to show us who God really is.

And if you look at what he did, that's how it one. That's how he beat. It says he manifested God's name. I'm tiny God's name was important to Jesus, right? That's his name expresses who got it is the were talking about God being the breaker. That's who he is that says everything. That's meant what we want to understand. This is who God really is. He says also and John 17:26. He says and I have made known your name to them. I read that wrong and I have made your name known to them and we will make it known so that with the love with which You Loved Me Maybe in them i in them names are not just titles who God names are so much more deeper. They're not they're not just surface anything. You know, why? Is it important to God to change the name of Abram to Abraham?

Names are important to God Abram met exalted Father Abraham met the night meaning of the name meant father of a multitude. Did you know that God called Abraham Abraham Abraham before Abraham ever had a son.

Would you like to walk around with that name? I'm the father of multitude had nothing. He had nothing to show for his name and then he go around turn around God since I've Abraham.

Because C. Justin up just in that thing of of God naming of a person exhibits. What how important a name is When God Says I Am breaker that says something more than just what are you and your are Smalls side with would question that or whatever that's who he is and we can go down through names in scripture and see when God change people's names what that the significance there is in that

It's it and it went when I just want to share this with you again. This is not just a one-time happening. We're read here and 2nd Samuel chapter 5 verse 17 through 20. Are the new living translations and we're reading David was faced with obstacles. He did not have a cushy life. And it says when the Philistines and that was a big enemy, right the Philistines heard that's where Goliath was a Philistine. When did Philistines heard that David had been anointed king of Israel? They mobilized all their forces to capture him. He was being under assault, right? But David was told they were coming. So he went into the stronghold. The Philistines are rides and spread out across the valley of rephaim. I'm saying to write so David asked the Lord. Should I go out to fight the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me? The Lord replied? Yes, go ahead and I will certainly hand them over to you. It's important to note that David did not just go out and presume.

And we can we can we can presume upon the Lord things that are not we can go without being sent.

Right. We need to be sent not just go to go because we're sent. So David went to bail her resume and defeated the Philistines there the Lord did it David explain. He burst through my enemies like a raging flood so he named that place. anahi name that place baal-perazim which means the Lord who first through or Others people in France as interpreted as the master of the breakthroughs the Lord it is when we get to where Breakers worst found again and in the in the Old Testament, but is he even named to place because of what God did he says this is who this is who the Lord is he is the breaker.

Is the Lord of breaking through? man

So when we read him in Malachi.

I just want to say that sometimes things can be going.

Feel like nothing's happening. Nothing's being accomplished.

That's why the Bible just tells us when we when we done everything we know to do just stand that's why I was sometimes we just have to continue doing what we know to do this like a farmer sow seed in the ground. He doesn't know what's going to happen. Right? But he just he does he does what he's supposed to do. He sells a seed in the ground and lo and behold one-day it if he has a crop right is pops up.

Don't were talking about breakthrough.

It can happen suddenly what I'm saying. It may be a process but it could happen suddenly. It says behold. I send my messenger and he will prepare the way for you. Read that wrong again behold. I send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his Temple. I just want to see that when we do our preparation and do it God's way we can expect God. I know this is talking about a different event, but we can expect God to show up Suddenly and he did it on the day of Pentecost. Suddenly the Holy Spirit came they did what they were just praying. In what Jesus told him to do praying in the upper room. They were just praying and suddenly there came a sound from heaven. Smsu rushing Mighty Wind. Dad showed up and we can expect if we just obedient and doing what gods told us to do. We can have that expectancy about us that the breaker will show up.

That's my expectation as my belief is.

and Isaiah 10:27

This is the new heart English Bible. as for that in H-E-B mean it says it will happen in that day that the burden will depart from off your shoulder and his yoke from off your neck and the Yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. It's God's presence people. It's God's anointing is God's showing up the breaker himself showing up and break the things that are holding us and weighing us down and the things that we cannot seem to get victory over the things that we seem to be puzzled by the feeding her head. So to speak against the spiritual or whatever trying to press through trying to see something happened trying to see a change for the better. And with it, maybe it may be over a short. Of time, but it may it may take a long. Of time, you know. He just kind of think about Jesus. What 29 years of his life of remember was he 30 when he when he was anointed? You're just being faithful right just preparing. You know, he started the word because it says that if you read Psalm 119 detox hear Jesus talking the other makes him more wiser than all his councillors and and he just gave himself and gave himself a games have but one day. It was simple active Obedience of being baptized by John. Holy Spirit came upon him and launched him into his ministry. What God is it mean? It's all that all that preparation was for we may feel like where we're at in life that nothing's happening. We're kind of just like moping along and we don't know we don't know what's on the other side. We don't know. I've heard stories of of churches that way. We're people were just not really seeing a whole lot and things going I just being faithful what they're doing and then all sudden a breakthrough happen, you know. We just have to do what God told us to do and Trust in his character and Trust who he is and know that he is who he is and that he can we can believe. That he will show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards him. I believe.

Or ice is the church body. I believe that this year we can expect breakthrough that how that Unveiled itself. I don't know but we can believe God for breakthrough in personal. I've been telling net Dita and Deb they need a break. I've been telling that for months. That's what I've been praying over them for them to have a breakthrough. They need a breakthrough.

And because I'm not praying for breakthrough Who convinced God of anything, he's he's already convinced. That's who he is. But I don't know what's withholding. But I'm going to do everything I know to do to believe the best. or people if I don't see any results, I'm still going to believe the best for people. I'm going to believe. In the God has declared himself to be I would rather I would rather believe God. Thanks succumb to all the icy paste touch here and smell.

It's kind of hard hard to explain. But I'm just telling you I have to live what I would I would I share with you and I do live what I try to do what I live what I share with with with you and I'm just telling you that it's not an easy course. It's not always in. It's sometimes you you get Echoes of doubt and stuff come your way. He could try to convince you to to move a different to different force of action or are but I'd I believe this is Who got is cuz I've had him show me who he is.

That's what that's what I'm going to believe. I will I got as good weather or anyone else believes it or not. He still good and I'm not going to measure goodness on man's level of whatever that is. I'm going to measure goodness because that's who he is. And I know he's good to me. I face some very difficult situations of maybe not on the level that you are facing. We all face difficult situations. I face him at my job at work and I sometimes and so I get my head gets to spin and I get to I just I said God, I really need your help. I don't know how much longer things can continue the way they are and I talked to him just on that level because that's what I'm saying. I really need some help here and I need need answers here. I need some but I don't I'm not talking to God because I'm trying to convince him of anything. I'm talking to God because I know who he is. And I know he's my I know he is my help. He is my helper.

I know that my strength does not come from all this around me. That's not where my strength comes from. I may feel like that but I'm drawn this all out. Just try to share with you that I have to exercise Faith as I don't have a corner on guide, you know that nobody has a corner on God, we all are doing our best to follow Jesus in the way that we are what we believe he is revealed himself to us through the scriptures that I'm encouraging you to believe God. I'm in this all I want to do not I do not want to share anything with anybody that would discourage them and cause them to quit. I'm trying to encourage you to Keep On Keepin On and I believe that's the nature of God has see it says it just says this It's through faith and patience. We inherit the promises of God.

We don't like the patient side, but they go together and sometimes we just have to persevere and Joseph had to persevere in prison, and he didn't give up on the goodness of God. And why did he go there? I I don't know but I do know this if we keep her eyes on Jesus no matter what we go through we will get better not bitter. Will get stronger not weaker. Will get more Resolve instead of getting a double minded if we keep fix our eyes on Jesus it it doesn't really matter what the enemy throws with what opposition we may face. It doesn't really matter because see that's not where my strength comes from. In fact, I even all the more as as it as things look worse. So to speak in the Nashville we can grow stronger. in the midst of our of our weaknesses And we can we can we can actually have more confidence. Feeling people's talk about how confident they are when things are going good. It doesn't really take a whole lot of confidence.

Bullying people can confidently say like it says in Hebrews. The Lord is my helper. When you're facing some hard situations, the Lord is the strength of my life that that I put a lot more weight in that type of confidence because it's not based on what's happening. It's based on the Lord himself and I'm telling you that if we it says he that believes on the Lord will not be put to shame. disappointed them says whoever believes on the name of the Lord will not be put to shame. I'm encouraging you today the believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe his word and believe who he says he is. He is the breaker. I get an amen. Let's all stand.

Father we just asked today.

that you would star Us in ways that need to be stirred Lord and that you would help us. In areas of of our weaknesses. I thank you for everyone that's here and at the sound of my voice and I pray Lord it they could Embrace who you are even interview your way and greater fashion. You are faithful and you are true.

And it's a store that you would just touch every person here today. They facing discouragement. I just ask that you would touch him today Lord.

We confidently say that you are our Helper and we thank you for all that you're doing whether we can see it or not. We thank you for all that. You are doing that you are working you are praying for us. You're you are working on our behalf. And we we want to cooperate with you and your Holy Angel and we just send your angels out today Lord the minister to those that are Heirs of Salvation. You would strengthen them today Lord with the strength of your Holy Spirit father. We ask for two people will have a resolve. and they will they will. See the kingdom of God forcefully advance and that they will lay hold of it Lord in Jesus name their base Ed. amen, God

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