Weight Loss (Part 3)
Father we thank you for being an awesome gone. awesome in every way awesome to bring us through moments of uncertainty all the mole. God to bring us from sickness all some. Oh God to show us the mighty power of your hands. Then you we trust we look to you. Oh God bless us. Now as we share the word for this Sunday morning, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be found acceptable in thy sight. Oh Lord our strength and Our Redeemer we pray and we ask it all in his knee.
bioscience personal time
Sunday to find
Be a lot more than 20.
Who are very dear to me and Debbie? We send some really wonderful time together, but I want you to give a round of applause and Welcome Friends for with us this morning. Keep and Florence Gustafson what you stand up for?
Now they're from Seattle, but we had the great privilege when Debbie and I were in Congo Keith was our mission team leader and he put up with my lack of learning the language very well. And he was just everything to me and Debbie and and we have we keep was a lifetime missionary 8 p.m. Florence over 34 years in Congo and a long time and I'm so glad I'm thankful that we got to know them and got to know them in a special way and now since we've been back we keep them close to us and that is because friendship should not just be for a moment friendship should be for the journey. Amen, at y'all don't do y'all have any friends?
Okay. Make sure you got some free to say make friends with Kool-Aid. I know I know y'all don't drink Kool-Aid anymore. They they have energy drinks. But but you need some good friends at these are very dear friends or so make them feel welcome today after the service is over. It's good to be back home. It's good to be back in the presence of the Lord and with you. I want to go back to the book of
Pulling from the book of Hebrews from the chair.
chapter 12 1 2 and 3
weight loss
I've experienced some of the things that we are trying to attain to a man you want if you want to have a successful life in his chair that should be people that you can look to as either expert on. These are people who have experienced what it is. You are trying to accomplish. So I called that's the first series I said surround yourself using the word contestants because I like that show The Price is Right and they say come on down. I just love that top comes the next contestant. So and then secondly I said 2 weeks ago in the series we talked about things. You must reject according to the Hebrew teacher letter. It says let us throw off everything. I wanted to be a little bit more little bit more nice by saying things you need to reject there are some things in your That in order to go I think further or higher. There are some habits or some things in your way of thinking you may have to change. Amen. There's some things in our way of thinking really that you're really might have to adjust and so it says things you got to reject stop telling yourself. I can't Stop telling yourself. I don't have what it takes. Stop telling yourself. It's for somebody else. But give her a writer to the church. This letter seems the temperature in the Hebrew Church of the body of Christ that says if we want to be all that God has called us to be make sure that we are disentangling ourselves with those things that distract us from seeing the power of God at work in our lives. Amen. And so then I said thirdly next week, I'll come back and I'll talk about how to run the race. That's where I am today. Not next week, but that's why I'm today. How do you run a good race? And then finally we will wrap it up where to look. 2 whenever you are running your race, that's the focus of where we are. That's the focus where we're going to be and that would take us to the 1st of February not by accident.
I know you wasn't going to catch it. There is a few accidents a very few athletes. when by accident Mount before it before I open that up. I know when you saw the Saints game.
They didn't make that one call. When it when I clip the guy and we also lost because of that. I need to clear something up if you don't win convincingly. 01 brake is not the reason for your downfall. Let's try to change that. If you don't live your life in the best way you can one situation didn't ruin you.
All y'all with y'all if y'all going to be with me this morning. Barry Elites win by accident winning is something you do something you expect you don't go into a game says I don't care if I win.
I'm just happy to be on the field. That sounds like the Bangles. That's my team the bangers. I don't think that they come to the stadium week after week. And I think they come not so much the winds. I think they like putting on the uniform. I think they like here in the crowd. But for some reason they don't play like they want to win.
But most people go to any event. expecting to win call winning comes from hard work. You put the work in you're expecting that that your preparation will come back. For the good on your behalf. So winning in your mind. It is a gold hitting that field expecting that all of those long hours of practicing all about hours of preparing yourself in due time. They will bring back a Rich Harvest for you. When I when I when I look at not Jeff at athletes, but I look at musicians. I look and I I I have some deep deep appreciation for great musicians, but I also know how much work those musicians put in to give us that sweet sound. And some of us want to say man. I want to learn to play guitar. I think pad playing at he just rolls that thing and I just want to go do it so that you go and get you a guitar pay a lot of money for it. And then you going to get on the internet and you going to go to YouTube and you won't try to learn how to play like him in a couple lessons right there in front of the internet at work. Anybody disagree with me? I think you got to spend some time learning, you know where to put your fingers on that thing anyway, so so very few athletes win by. accident there is an intentionality that they're looking to go in there that can see that they have an expectation if they're going to take on this whatever this endeavor is. There is an expectation that we're here to win while looking at the Hebrews Hebrews seems to scream out you us there are some Mark of a great athlete there are some marks that we need to to observe when we talked about athletes playing are running the rays are athletes participating in the right. If it's Paul the writer here says that there is a lesson to learn when we look at the athletes of Greece when we look at those young men who who come here lie to us to perform at the age to participate in relays and races and weightlifting. He says they all come with an expectation to win. And it seems like he brings out to us that there are four marks of a great athlete give you for Martin. I'll come back and go into them in detail, but I think therefore things that when an athlete do in an Indian, you might want to jot this down.
You can't you can't win a game mad? It can cost you. Winning athletes enjoy the game. That's number one. Number two women athletes stick to their calling and sync to do with well, whatever. They are called to do in that event. They stick to body rent. A real a razor is not going to go down and try to do the pole vaulting.
When is Zachary stick to their college and they seem to do it? Well 3rd wedding athletes think about the prize.
Don't just run a race just cuz you can
We need a police think about the prize and forth when an appellate to know how to practice teamwork. I say over and over when you go It Alone your most susceptible to personal destruction.
you need others who are with you who are supporting you who are helping you so let me go back over there when and athletes enjoy the game. Where did Anthony stick to their calling in sick to do it? Well, when and athletes think about the prize win and athletes know how to practice. Teamwork. Let me go back to the first one winning athletes. Enjoy the game. I do realize and anyone who.
The reason the writer wanted to write and use the word edge of a brace do this race run this race. It sound like if any of you are sitting in a chair Dave, I'm not into sports. He is not really talking about sports. He's calling he's using the word Grace as a word that he would use as a as an analogy to life. Spell the word would really be run your life do to your life the best that you can and he just for the times for the sake of time. He knows those around him those in his immediate environment. They know what it what it looks like. When the Greek races go on the writer again, I say if the writer says to do to his audience in this letter, he says we as followers of Christ must run our lives like A runner will run and prepare his race for the Greek games. So he is not calling us to go down to 24 Hour Fitness. He just saying whatever you do in your life, you are prepared to live the best life. You can live a man. Nobody should just accept that my life is go willy-nilly through the through the day you are not called to be a willy-nilly leave. A man well past I just catch my day hasn't come no. No, no, no. No. No God didn't make you to just flow through life. He prepare you specifically because when you were mad he knew exactly who you are what you would have Compass give you chose to accomplish the best that was within you never called us to live yet. I'm just whatever. I'm just I'm just chilling. Now. You can't say chilling all the time sometime. You got to get up from chilling. There are some limes to effects. So he says by example, enjoy a winning athletes enjoy the game, but they may not enjoy all the difficult preparation. I do not like Jim the gym. I just don't I have my own room in my house. So when I can tell myself I ain't doing it no more. I just go upstairs and some days. I don't even go downstairs. Because I know that those weights and that bicycles down there stretch myself in the treadmill. They're all down there when I go down there. They may call me.
But have you ever worked out it in the best part of the work it out the end?
Yeah, when you sweat then coming out and you looking at people sitting out for 3 hours, but but but but what what what happens is you feel better. After you have prepared. The writer here seems to tell us that you walk to enjoy. You live. Let me tell you if your life is sad and your life is it's just not fulfilling a couple things could be going on. One maybe there are some experiences that you had that have show traumatized you. That you are not ready to move on. I would say deal with the trauma. I would say deal with the trauma. Don't run from the trauma find a an outlet that would help you on an attack that trauma, please don't try to tell yourself because I'm so strong and I'm so prayed up. I don't have to I just know I'm going to trauma is trauma and when trauma hits us it often will stop us dead in our tracks and I say if that is the case if life seems to be a burden you might want to check your your ability to move forward. There's something holding you back from that and even as your pastor, I will be the first at times we cannot bring ourselves back up to the balance, but somehow we just can I'm going to find someone who can help you on Earth. What is going on? I bet that's one if you want to have a reason you are maybe I'm happy. I think you might be somewhat of stuck your ears. You're stuck because you can't achieve what others have done you feel like everything you put your mind to do it never comes up. And so you are extremely hard on yourself. I would just throw this out to you. Stop trying to measure up to somebody else. Stop trying to measure up to somebody else. You are not who they are. But God has equipped you with certain gifts and talents and and abilities. I'm going maximized Who You Are. And we live in a world where everybody is seeing posters in and seeing the stars in Hollywood. We're seeing the rappers who made it out on east coast rappers and west coast rappers. NF rapper. That's how you know you back in the room and I'm waiting on mine and hit the break loose and I want to be the next Tupac. I'm going to put your time in. Put your time in and I believe that in due time don't compare yourself to Tupac. He can be a great a person in that genre to look at but you write what you bring out what's in you if you don't like it ain't nobody else going to like it. Hello. Yeah, so he says enjoy what you're doing enjoy. But prepare you lose yourself doing some things that that that it takes to get to the next level. The thrill of it is is is is what brings many players their Joy when I I have been watching the NFL trying to get ready for this for the Super Bowl but I watch this and all sports. I like it at the end of the game when the prayers are all funked up in a token to the journalist are Duncan and I got it. We got it. Can you find a sports site of that kind of scary at times? But but but but they also always give praise to their mother.
And I want to thank my dad.
Mom, my mom was wondering what you got here because your dad got you here. But but they are so excited about the the effort they put for the the passion they played with and how their team players played with a you got to have a joy. In your own spirit that says I'm doing life the way I believe God has called me to do like you're going to have a fun passion that you got to work from Passion.
Paul gave an expression what he says but none of these things move me so that I might finish my course with joy the Hebrew writers as Jesus ran triumphantly for the joy that was set before him. The joyful run has already won the race inside.
Somebody you leave the church you leave me today and you go home at all. That was good. That was that was good, but it didn't get me pumped up. Let me tell you baby. I don't pump you up. You got the look in you and how can I attack with Pastor Sid? And how can I apply it to where I am in my life?
Stop settling. for mediocre
Stop settling just the way it is. I'm sick. Man, I love reading the old hymns. I read the some of the old hymns and I seen Fannie Mae Crosby and other great writers who were blind. Wrote some of the best hymns will ever read wrote some of the best portrait will ever read in there won't be sibility. They soared above the average human being not limiting yourself. Find a way to get deep into your being and find who God has made you to be.
Let me tell you this word. There's a word that we all are familiar with and that word is amateur. Never heard that one before. I mean, I'm an amateur mature social stuff in your aunt. You don't you know, I'm a cook. Cooks enhancing people's read the recipe watch Rachael Ray always watching Justice laugh. But I don't watch her to learn anything. I just love it when she go and get this is extremely calorie-laden. But I like watching her make up some meals and Debbie Woodall to say hey Dave, I don't you cook. I think she wants me to start telling her. I'm an amateur cook. Plus it also stops cook it. So I have not been fooled. I don't care what the word I want what I wanted you to know that the word amateur comes from a Latin word from the word called. I'm at or I'm at or means of lover. I love her. The amateur athlete is one who participates in a sports because they love the sport. All of us can be amateurs in one thing or another but you need to be dedicated to that thing or you're not with me is not a put-down people who do Sports when I ride my bike. I'm not Lance Armstrong, but once I'm on my bike, I am better than Lance Armstrong. I'm in the zone out there.
Because I'm an amateur. I love my sport. Brothers and sisters you need to enjoy life. There's something in life. You need to enjoy. Call yourself an amateur. But whatever. It is. God is calling us if you're going to run this race if you're going to participate in life enjoy the game.
People don't want to be Christians around sourpusses.
If you're trying to move somebody toward. Bit life of Christianity. You need to show them that you yourself love it.
Secondly, I want to look at stick to your calling stick to your calling. I like this one. When is athletes and seek to do it? Well Philippians 3:12, not that I have already already arrived at my goal. But I press on to take hold of that for with Christ. Jesus Took old as me brothers and sisters. I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ. Jesus. Listen to what the brother is saying. I consider myself not yet have grabbed it. But one thing I do I forget what is behind and straining toward what is ahead I press on toward the prize. You can't successfully run forward if you are always looking backwards. UK
I'm always looking back what used to be. How I used to be? How things used to be you can't run anybody's race. Backwards. If not, you're probably going to fall when you run this race the contestant who takes his eyes off. The goal is in danger of going the wrong direction, but this is the better one. I'm losing motivation. That's why right about now. All of the gym shoes the focus was going to be running this year. They in the closet now. They put up all of them spend exes.
They gone. I'm going to come back to that. In all the muscle shirts just started the web just a sweater. But I didn't know if y'all can handle it. So I just said I'm just going to wear the sweater and wanted y'all to see them guns on me. I want y'all to see how I've been working out and I got driving while this morning so I can better now Dave just gold put up with your shirt on with it.
Iread-3 this this year. I have me some cookbooks and I'm going to make all sorts of dishes. No discutamos ramen noodles down in Romans them good them ramen noodles to do. It. Just don't get them running up and get some more damn quick. You know, I was going to make me some with stop by that you got to fix at least three of them to get ahold of me or you don't even get a full meal. I don't want to just going to give me a couple of them Frozen ones that we haven't lost whatever we started out because your motivation change. Brothers and sisters protect yourselves one of the best things any athlete or any amateur who's trying to do something prepare yourself the day before. You do know that that is a winning that is a winning concept. If you're going to run outside in the cold don't wait to get up at 5:30 in the morning. You got to put your your running clothes out across the bottom of your bed in that chest when you get up you feel
because if you don't see him you will not go looking for.
Hello, I'm telling you this from experience.
I would have thought I would get ready for a long ride special if I had a two or three-hour ride if my stuff wasn't out when I woke up. I come up with all sorts of excuses, LOL. I don't know where my head is. I don't know what I'm going to do.
imma do this tomorrow Car tomorrow, be ready anybody sound like that. I'm going to be ready tomorrow. And Tomorrow Never Comes stick to your calling. Stop looking behind move forward move forward. Don't be distracted by the crowd around you. Don't be distracted by those who are cheering and then there may be those who are jeering in your life. Don't be distracted by people who are not standing with you.
I know you are to run your life. As God has unveiled to you. As God has revealed to you, press on to find those connectors those connections that that your sign post which way to keep going let God continue to feel you. With great information and how to be the best you I like Hebrews because Hebrews 12:1 in the very last segment of that first verse in in the last phrase of Hebrews 12:1 in the whole verse that says therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. Let us throw off everything that hinders and the stand that so easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance has the best part. I like run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us. What he seemed to say he says there is a raised there is life for you. You need to run the life that you've been given the life that's marked out for you. Some people would read that and think the writer is saying that that your life is predestined. You are predestined on one hand for those who give their lives to Christ. We are predestined to spend eternity with him those who do not spend or give their life to Christ distance to live a life that is disconnected from him. And that's not a guest it is written in the book that predicts the nation says there is eternal life or there is eternal destruction that is preset.
But you're not preset. You can't sit here and say what time for Destin I am. I have these problems. It means that God automatically made me this way. So I must accept who I am. That's not what the writer is alluding to he's talking about predestined in a way the race that is marked out for us is that in this life. Gave you a lot and he said he knows what the course of your life will be. You don't know what it is. It's not moving you as a gesture piece. He's telling you live the best life. You can't depend on him see him what with him talk with him as your life is moving about he wants you to know that's the lights that he made for you that is not predestined as well. He knew I was going to get fired so I'm not going to get go get another job the predestined.
Is he saying the life that you are all living? We're all living today. He says because Christ went to the Cross. He has experienced every Temptation every since he has taken on himself every experience that you are. I would ever experienced what he took them and he nailed all of our sins to the Cross. So, you know that nothing no weapon. Nothing that you were experiencing. It is eternal. It's going to destroy you because God have gone before you through Jesus Christ and marked out.
That's good news.
He's already ran the course that you're about to go through. So when you come up against something sexual, this is so bad. I can't do this. Don't you sing. You are the very first person to experience this experience. Don't you tell yourself? I'm saying that nobody has experienced what you experienced Jesus. Our lord is saying I took all of your experiences over there.
That's your whole brothers and sisters that our God has already ran the course that your life has been begun to go down. No experience. No experience you going through has he not also made a way out in Corinthians. It says no temptation has befallen you the god also has not prepare a way out for you. The course that you own man If It Don't Fit you get off that course. If what you're doing is not beneficial change Shane change your life. Because God is saying I'm with you the best part about this is staying true to this of that great swimmer named Michael Phelps. Michael Phelps Michael, he's your body Michael kind of got fish.
What y'all think on that a minute?
I think the world of Michael Phelps what you're missing him shake off before we get in the water is so lanky. his whole body look like everything just
but when he gets into the pool when Michael gets into the pool. And start the swimming and looks like it's so effortlessly, you know, they got these two things that's going down the length of the pool. That Michael can't go up under the water. And come up a lane to if he started in Lane one. You can go up under the water and come out over there only, man. I want.
What I've learned and watching on Stelzer swim and all the other great swimmers is the best thing that anyone wants to do is to stay.
Stay in their Lane.
some of you
Someone you were in everybody else's life. And you're wondering why you are so confusing. Why because you haven't gotten out of your life that he says the race that is set before you that's your lane.
They so far down. Is she still going down that would like me, but you know what she did to you always stayed. in LA I'm just going to finish up with you. You know what, you know my brothers and my sisters you're laying is what God has called you to stay your life that he's giving you might think somebody else has a better life.
My father always said you don't know what's going on in their home. I'll look like they live in who they live in. Baby, you don't know what that what you don't know if she's slapping him all night. You don't know if the kids is chasing them around with baseball bat. And if you don't know what's going on at the house. How y'all doing? You don't know what's going on in other people's house. Stay in your lane. Don't let your eyes be on somebody else. You forget to run your race. Joey says stay focused stay in your lane stick to your calling. Whatever. God has called you to be right now be the best amateur at it be the best lover of it. Because you got to find joy in what you do what you breathe not what somebody else brings. How quickly I've just got one more about the prize. Think about the prize. In the Greek games like our modern Olympic Games in the in the Greek races. only first place winners were acknowledged there was no bronze and there was no silver. in the Greek games The only one who won a prize was the person who came in first.
my friends I need you to know today. God Made You specifically. to be a winner
and that was for some of y'all don't believe it. Everybody say Amen. You yourself? I made to be a winner. Funny thing about it is. Won't do it for you. You got to participate in this. What Pastor I go to church? Yes. Love you. Thank you for going to church, but you need more than just going to church. What pasta I I get back my money. I don't call it a tad I give something. I'm going there's something in all of us that really has to connect with God. Every Christian that's why I asked you earlier. Have you had a walk with God this week? Every Christian cannot depend solely upon himself, but you must put the work in. I'm so afraid that Christians today. We don't see the great prize that is in front of us. Because we're telling us of God is going to do what God is going to fix it. But here is the kicker. Can you read the scriptures one of the scriptures? I think it's in Timothy. Paul says to Timothy Timothy. He says he says he says prepare yourself. He says do the work. He says study to show yourself approved a Workman who needs not be ashamed of the word of Truth study to show yourself approved. Simply means you need to put some time in to become the best at Who You Are
You just need to you cannot you cannot use her that and say hey God you go and do it. Y'all seen those commercials where the guy and the guy said what did Colin get you get married couple estimates and I'll check out his references. Some of us do god like that. Yes. Can you help me God will then go down and fix my brother fix my sister go over and fix this phone is saying that's not who I am.
I do need you to participate.
Not will not judge. Me on the basis of of what somebody else did he's just going to judge me on what I did. He's going to judge me on how I use my opportunities how I use my gifts how I use the things that were available to me to live my best life for him. Think about the price think about why you're doing this race called Christianity. My friends don't wait till Sunday to get Christian. Don't get hyped up on Sunday. You need Christianity daily. Christianity is not something we just look like are we dressed like all week coming to the church and we sing or Christianity is a way of life because of how I should see the Savior daily. Not only should we see the Savior but we should be asking ourselves. How do I serve the Savior fourth and last he says every great person like all Never goes it alone. You don't. You go alone with you will more than likely never achieve. Your maximum goes I don't care what experience you had if you had a bad marriage. It doesn't mean that there was not someone who could be a good partner to you. Don't just say so well, I acted that I had the worst marriages. Okay, you did. I hope if anything you stop taking inventory of what happened in your last relationship and try to review and ask God within your own truth. What did I bring to derail this situation to this relationship? And then I believe God says let me put some people around you who can help keep you centered because you won't be able to do it alone anybody who tells you because I've had a divorce. I'm an expert at broken marriages, don't you trust them?
Anybody who said I've been married for 40 years and I know how to do Mary don't you just trust them again people. I
people will tell you all we are so happy. We we ask each other questions. golden a house She's sleeping upstairs. He's sleeping downstairs. They don't even talk.
My friend you need teamwork to maximize Who You Are. Somebody to tell you the truth. Not somebody who will buy anything you say I think we are seeing that leadership circles. Some of us put people around us would always say yes. maybe somebody who sex
maybe later you need that team concept Paul attracted friends around him as a magnet attracts iron. Paul was important that he he broke Barnabas and Mark around him. He brought Silas and Timothy around him. He broke Priscilla and Aquila around him. He bro, Timothy and Titus around him. He had people who were all the ways. around him As I close my brother's my sister's if you want to run this life the best life you can. The Bible says in and Hebrews 12 1 through 3 persevere. it says Persevere if you want to run this race therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness, let us throw everything at that hinders us and perseverance the race marked out for us and let us fix our eyes on the off in the Perfecter of our faith who for the joy set before him and do it the cross despising its shame. It's that down at the right hand of the throne. Consider him who endured such a position The word perseverance comes from a Greek word that tells us that person very is involved and effort and struggle. It is applying the effort and moving through the struggle not a passive patients. Some of us think we are persevering and we're just sitting there not doing anything in life. We're just saying I ain't doing nothing. So I am not losing anything and I'm not getting anything. That's not the definition. That's not the picture of perseverance perseverance says that that that Jesus endured the cross that he and doing it before his daddy and daughter is talking about him in the midst of my opposition and pain and suffering and rejection. I persevered I moved on with effort toward the Grove. Brothers and sisters like it's not about the easiest way. Life is about learning through our struggles. That there is a prize worth pushing through running with perseverance is Possible only.
When you're not watching the witnesses around you. When you're not looking at the contestants when you're not even looking at the final goal. What you looking to Jesus?
only then Jesus be able to strengthen. Be able to encourage you to reaffirm in you. Who he made you to be? I think there's a hero in all of us. You must run your race believing there's a hero in me what you say this what makes There's a Hero in me. Y'all didn't say it the way I heard it. Mariah Carey says it that you heard Mariah and when she hears them, I don't don't you just just feel like Play Mariah bones, but there's a song she seems that says it all There's a Hero, I just want to share her words because they're so powerful.
If you look inside your heart, you don't have to be afraid of what you are. There's an answer if you reach into your soul and the sorrow that you know will melt away. And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside and you know, you can survive. When you feel like hope is going to look inside you and be strong and you finally see the truth. That a hero lies in you. It's a long road when you face the world alone. Don't do that. No one reaches out of hand for you. You can find love if you search within yourself. That emptiness you felt. will disappear and then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on by Bob. So when you feel the whole bone-in Friday here have come to that point where you feel like the hope is gone. He says she says look inside you and me and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.
Lord knows dreams are hard to follow but don't let anyone has them away. And yeah, hold on. There will be tomorrow in time you find your way. And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside and you know, you can survive so when you feel like hope is gone. Look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth. That a hero lies in you. That a hero lies in you. that a hero lies and you
you going to run your best life? You got to know there's a hero in you.
Are you with me? so he says
you got to run this life. You got to run this race. You can opt out. But that's not what you were called to do. 2019 is just starting.
You've got to know that the race for your life is already charted out again. It's not predetermined. Easiest God knows what's up ahead of you. And he's asking you to do some soul-searching.
begin to ask yourself How can I live the best life I owe to be what things what weights? Pulling me down pulling me away. What things am I holding on to what thoughts and I believe it in that don't reflect who I really am. But how does my fear?
There's some things I want a cheese because I'm not sure who I am. I going well Mariah tells you there's a hero.
Nu But you got a recent connect to find that hero. I texted me this morning and he might have walking with me. There's something in you.
Folks stay in your lane.
Daniel Lane
Jim maybe burning down stuff. He did he just get it. That's what's going on in his Lane.
Girl the girl in my office. She got the next promotion stay in your lane. God has never forgot any of his children. It's impossible for God to say, what's your name? Oh, no, baby hairs on your head and you don't even have to but a few people off. I know where your county is. I know what your state is. I know what you're learning ability is I don't know you not only do. I know you're you're wonderful. How old are you wonderfully made? There's nobody to liking somebody all that God. There's nobody like you
I got to take that pretty deep. But that made me broke the most.
There's nobody like you but he made you to be the best you could be but you got to put the effort in.
How close are you put in a little effort?
if I heard that You going to get a little out? Here we go down to the bank and ask them. I like to withdraw 1500.
No, I ain't a real nice ain't a real nice. Okay? Okay, give me a minute. Now. You know what they doing right when they say give me a minute and they turn from you when you go to sweat because they look it up. No, I never been there.
Hold on. Let me text. That mean you're going to your savings account now.
I don't know what's going on.
Right now we ain't going to be able to honor that. And you just walk away. When I say this was a bank, this is where you can get money.
my brothers and sisters when you go before God. And tell God God, I need to make a withdrawal from Heaven's bank account. I need the ability to do more that I could ever think or ask or imagine. I need a fresh message from the balconies of going to rain here. This is what your father would say. Hey, I know what's in your account already had more than you could ever expect whatever wounds. I want you to be the best that you can be make as many withdrawals as you won't walk with me talk with me. Love me. Stay with me. I will always honor your request. But you can't withdraw from God. That's not a relationship with God. Run your best life.
with God
Come upstairs with me.