Words Are Like The Wind.
Good morning.
So, okay. Let's just pray father in the name of Jesus. We just thank you for your presence here and to thank you for saying what is important to your heart God. We just give you full Reign. We thank you for each one of us that has ears to hear what the spirit would say to a Scot and help us to not just hear this word, but two to do it and so we just thank you for your grace that is administered to the here in Jesus name. Amen. I like how she said he's been talking about Vision in particular is where I was kind of trying to take it from and then we will talk about, you know, increase our faith and how can we fight the enemy and destroy the works of darkness that tries to come against our faith and I think those are just some real basic things that all of us need to have in a repertoire of fighting Arsenal. And so when I think about some of the things that have really helped me really understanding the power of my words has is a huge Life changer and so when I think about Vision, I think about Abraham and Abraham was a person of vision. He heard the voice of God and he obeyed it and we all have to understand that Vision comes from hearing the voice of God. And so if I don't hear from God, I really don't really yet comprehend my purpose in life. And I think that people hear from God all the time I think often times they just don't know that their hearing from God. And so with that being said then we need to learn. How are we hearing the voice of God and how how does God Speak? What is god-like and so I've been looking personally at the word of God in particular in John chapter 1 and I would just like to take you there right now. Because this is how I think about the word.
And I'm hoping that for you that this is becomes a paradigm shift like your brain starts thinking in terms of words. and that your brain starts thinking in terms of the words that you speak in that your brain starts thinking in terms of the words that God has spoken and that your mind thinks what God thinks and if there's things that are going in on inside of you that really don't line up with truth and really what God thinks and how God thinks those are the things that God is trying to change about you for your for your own good to help you to help you to know how to think the Bible says that we have the mind of Christ and so Really in order to have the mind of Christ. We really have to know his words and his words actually have to run our life. They actually should be the engine that's really running the entirety of your life. And I thought Pastor said I don't know if it was the last I wasn't last Sunday, but it was maybe the Sunday before last he said something so powerful. He was talking about our conscience and our subconscious and he said the 5% of our conscience is the place, you know, obviously that we have control of what we think is the 95% though that's running our life. It's why you're making decisions. It's why you're doing the way you do the things the way you do them. It's because of that 95% of sub conscience conscious that often times. You don't even know what it is that you are thinking. You don't even know what's actually running you and What feelings and emotions and hurt and pain and circumstances in life experiences that are actually really running you and so what he said that I thought was so powerful and on sometimes I just want to scream sitting here. I don't know know what you guys are experiencing when you're sitting there. Like I'm like like about to explode. I'm about to cry so I can just let it all out. I have all kinds of things that happened to me when I'm but a percent of where you have the ability to choose what you're thinking is so powerful. It's so powerful for you to begin to take control over that 5% to infect and invade the other 95% and what I would call that technically is taking territory. If you if you have occupation of a certain portion of your being and that's 5% and then the other 595 is being run by whatever and you have the cognizant ability to take control of your thought processes to begin to affect that 94 at 5% So that that still that that 95% is running out what you wanted to run it that's powerful because if you're running at 5% and you do what you do so far what would happen if that 95% was affected by the word of God and it was all the thoughts of God. You would by nature and naturally begin to do what God does and so I think it's really important that you begin to understand the word of God and how important it is and many of you I see you taking notes some today. I don't see Harley anybody taking but you guys, you know, what if you're going to be disciples and students of the word you should be sitting here taking notes. There is absolutely no way there is no way for you to memorize this word that I'm about to say to you. I promise you and and maybe nobody has ever told you that that you should be a student. You were called Disciples and what the Bible calls that is disciplined ones. And so when you hear the word of God, you should be I write down every scripture and half of them are already know. I write them down because I want to know them better and it isn't because I want to just know them. I want to know them. I wanted to be one with me so that when I walk can move I move and I walk with the word. It happens with me because I'm one with it. And I know when a word is a far off from me and I can't just tell it to you and explain it to you. I know that I don't know. Yes. I know I don't know it when I do this office means I'm one. It's like it's best thing I can do to say one. It's one with me. I'm one with it. We move into a conjunction we move together. And if you're not if the word isn't that to you you struggle. I promise you you struggle. I'm not wondering I don't have to come to your house. I don't have to hang out with you. I promise you if the word of God is not one with you you're struggling. And so you have to be a student of the word. You have to be a student. You can expect that you're coming to this church once a week. We spoon-feed you I wasn't planning on preaching on this but this I just didn't mean to say it for a while, but y'all gave me the mic. So, but the truth of the matter is we spoon-feed you once a week and you think that's going to sustain you. I want to see one of you guys eat once a week. I want to see you guys eat food once a week and then go about your daily life and see how well you perform. One meal a week and see how well you perform. But many of you are very logically coming to this place and thinking that one word one word on Sunday is going to sustain you and you're going to walk a holy Godly Christian life. You are beautiful. Actually. I'll probably here's what's actually happening. You are getting whooped up one side down the other everyday I have I promise you. I don't know wondering I don't have to stay hangout. I counsel people that come to my house. They come to my office and I know what's going on, you know, what's going on based upon their word level their word level. How much of the word of God is in your is in your life. And so hopefully what I'm going to do is convince you that that you actually really need the word in it. Not only do you need it. It should be running your life. It should be running your life. It is your life. I'm going to show you from the word that it really truly is your life. And if you if you don't actually take some type of active proactive stance to begin to get that word in your life. You really are just playing games you just or kidding yourself. You really are kidding yourself about your Christianity. It's pretend it would be like, you know, just thinking that you could actually you know, you know, you know Olympic Athlete and you don't really eat or you eat a lot of junk food. You eat a lot of garbage. And sausages. I want to just take away the the disillusioned enough. How come the devil beat me in the head and he beat me again. And I want them. I'm in this mess again. How come it's like this way? Why why am I here again? And I would ask you what are you doing? Daily? What are you doing with the word of God? Is it really your life? And here's what happens is we preach a message like this. I thought I haven't even reached yet. But the one I'm going to preach and then you go home and you owe you know what I just need to be in my world. You're she's right. I haven't blah blah blah and that's why I start doing it now and now I get the word of God inside of me and and you do it for like about a week. And then you go about you know, you get all this strength and maybe see you do it for 2 weeks and you just get really strong you like plow. I'm doing really good, you know, but you actually don't realize it that physical activity that you did with strengthening you spiritually you don't even know where the strength came from. Because we're so carnal and we look at anal life intangible things right here. So often that we don't understand the spirit realm and we don't understand that words are Spirit.
Words are in the realm of the spirit. How do I know because I can they keep coming out my mouth. There are infecting your life and you don't even see them.
You don't see them.
So I'm just going to take you to John one. I'm going to try and keep this as simple as I can and not see too many scriptures John chapter 1 verse 1 it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
so now it uses the pronoun he to represent the word is talking about the word when you use a pronoun you have to have to actually have a noun that you're actually referring to and the noun that they're referring to is the word so that word therefore in the beginning was the word is the word logos.
It's the word logos.
And what it means? Is a thot. or reasoning or computation I thought process. So let's just read it again just this passion Passage. In the beginning was the spot the reasoning the computation the thought process. And the thought the reasoning the thought process in computation was God.
It was God God in the beginning was a thought he was a thought that's why it's such a big deal about what you think. Because God is coming forth and he's describing himself as a thought process of reasoning and literally you're going to find out that thought things that are intangible are the structure for everything that is. That's why they use the word logos because low-cost is where we get the term Legos and Legos are what we understand to be as the building blocks to begin to put everything together and build whatever structure I want to build right? And so if we think about word that they're like Legos, they're like Legos they are the part that the pieces that I must put together to create a structure and build whatever I want to build. So God, we know operates just like this and he's expecting you to operate like this because he made you in His image and in his likeness and it is the way that you will take Dominion on the Earth. And so when he made you in His image and in his likeness, it wasn't that you just looked like it was that you acted like him and that's why Jesus when he came he said I only do what I see my father doing and I only say What I Hear My Father sing because he was actually like this with God one with him and he was hearing from him and he was doing what he did. But I want to show you. I mean it's finish reading this passage.
She was with him in the beginning. So what was with him in the beginning? The word was with him in the beginning the logo with the thought the reasoning and the computation, right? Through him all things were made. Now I'll just finish the sentence without him. Nothing was made that has been made that tells me that everything that exists everything that you see was made words. It was made through a salt and other words you were in God's mind you were in his ideas. He was thinking of you and he said let us make man in our own image and he said let there be light and there was light. He said let there be an expanse in the sky that separates the waters from the waters and it was so and it happened just like he said it he said let there be and truly what he was saying was let it come forth. Let it be revealed. It's as if you couldn't see that this is here and there it exists. He said let it exist. Let it be so now you can see it. Let it come for permitted to come forth and he did it by speaking it. Savannah's house through through everything that you see you see, it was made through Jesus because he opened up his mouth. God was with him in the beginning. The Bible says that the Earth were created through wisdom in the Bible says Jesus has been made unto us wisdom. Meaning that Jesus is wisdom. Spoke everything into existence.
So first off you have to understand that. I wonder if I need to give you another scripture to back me up real quick.
Now won't Hebrews chapter 1 you can look it up yourself. So in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning and what I want you to see is through him all things were made without him. Nothing was made that has been made. Speaking of the stars in the sky the Sun the moon everything on the fourth day. That was made God spoke and he said let there be let there be and there was and he said that it was good there was evening in there more the next day. And so in those six days of creation, he spoke everything you see into Dean he used his mouth and he spoke God is expecting you to use your mouth and speak. I'm going to prove it to you in the word and then if you don't do it then your Define the word.
proverbs 18:21 it says the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit.
It says the tongue has the power of life and death. Jesus says my words are spirit and they are life. My words are spirit and their life and so his words bring life or words have the potential to bring death.
His words bring life and our words have the potential to bring life and it actually in James. It says it really ought not be this way. Can saltwater and freshwater come out the same spell?
If I pour on the water, and there's some salt water and there's fresh water coming out then it's all saltwater.
Right. He says these things ought not be.
And I'm not going to go to that either. That's James chapter 3 verse 2 11:00, and it's talking to you about the power of your tongue. It's saying that that your tongue it like is your tongue as a bridal that the Bridal in the horse's mouth is able to steer the whole horse. And so the Bridal in whatever direction that that person who's steering that Bridle or was doing who's on the whatever Reigns is turning out horse. It also like is your tongue the small little thing that you only have 32 to you have 32 to keep it in you keep your mouth shut.
That you have an actually it says it's like the rudder of a ship. It has the ability to turn this big vast ship the rudder because it can turn the whole course of your life is speaking about your tongue. Your tongue has the ability to change the whole course of your life. Just like a small Rudder on the back of a ship will turn a whole gigantic ship. Your tongue has the ability did it says did Likens it to fire? And it says it has the ability to set the whole course of your life on fire meaning it can destroy your entire life. This little thing this whole thing is a little part of our body is a mess your whole life up. It can mess your whole life up or it can bless your whole life and when Pastor was talking about the 95% of your conscious and subconscious and then 5% of your
Wow our time. We need to get our tongue busy. We need to get our tongue busy reprogramming deprogramming and the reprogramming are other 95% That means you should be having I have an in in my in my day-timer daily confessions over my life. And I have already been doing it before I understood about the night 5% but I'm like there should be if you have some kind of struggling me the time and we talked about the devil attacking me. And in the devil came in my room and attacked me freak me out for a year. I wasn't the same for a year. I battled the devil. We fought I thought fear for so long. I'll tell you what scripture when up in every wall up on the ceiling he woke up. There was scripture on the ceiling you set to the toilet. There was scripture on the cupboards right in the front of you. There was scripture all over my house that it was on the tape deck. It was back in the days of tapes of my husband's. And he recorded it and it was all over our kitchen on our cupboards. I remember scripture to this day. Because of the comforter scripture that was on the cupboards and I would sit down and write when you look in the mirror. There's a scripture on the are you for real about being healed and set free. Are you for real?
I think that we think that God's going to look into you going to roll over off the log and you going to be Godly or that thing that thing the grips your life that's taking hold of your life and God's going you know, what are you for real? Are you for real? You better get up and take hold and I'll tell you when the devil attacked me. I was in a pit a slimy pit asking when I say slime. I mean there was no there was no roots or dirt or rocks for me to hold on to pull myself out. I had no way to get out. The only thing that pulled me out with the word of God. I love the word of God today because it's pulled me out and I lay hold of it and lay hold of it and I'm laying hold of it and I laid hold of it. Am I excluded everything out of my life? And I laid hold of it and I laid hold of it and I laid hold of it and I couldn't listen to anybody else.
Until Aunt told me out of a pit and I want you guys to know that's what you need to do to get out of your pit. That's what you need to get out of your junk. Quit thinking that God is some mamby pamby let you slide by and B half-baked. He's not he's not having nothing. He does is half-baked.
God is expecting us to rise up in faith in really believe him and you when you get tired of being where you're at when you get tired of the devil beating you up one side and down the other knocking you in the head throwing you around pushing you around, you know like that bully on the street. So if you and you just like
How do I look?
You know, I'm from Portland. I got pushed around like once and it was over.
We're going to I'm not you won't you won't even get to touch me.
And thank God I picked up natality. It wasn't a good thing. That's what I had to live like and I just thought you know, what if you're going to fight fight fight to win. We're not going to do all the rhymes.
You guys might not understand that little black Northeast in Portland when you know what you do. Shut up. I don't shut up. I grow up every time I look at you look it up. You guys didn't say that, huh? You guys didn't do that. Okay, so we did that. We said all kinds of stuff backwards and forwards and you know, you have these things taunting and then you fight inauthor I got beat up one time. Buy a boy cuz I thought I was one when I got beat up one time. I thought that's never happening to me again, cuz I thought my brothers were going to come in and deal with it and they were friends with her family so he didn't. Through the problem. And so I thought I'd never again never again. I'm tired of fighting people cuz I was trying to fight the fastest fastest. It's cool new people come in and it was so you know, who's who's the baddest? Here? She is.
All right, come on, you know when you have to fight someone so again and so I just decided if you're going to work in a fight if I have to fight you or not going to touch me. I will take you down so fast your head will Spin and see and that's the way you have to be like with the Enemy. Forget the ghetto part I got out in 6th grade. I went to live in Lake Oswego, Oregon and I kept fighting there because I was the only black person in an all-white School. And they like to throw the n-word and they didn't know I was from the ghetto and so the funeral go back to Africa where you came from was like what? that's what that's what I would do to finally I realized I don't I don't have a problem. You have a problem.
I'm not the one struggling here. struggling I can't fight all you people just cuz you're all crazy. It's around 7th grade. I finally decided. You can have your problem.
I probably be your very best friend to give me half a chance.
I decided to quit fighting and it meant I had to walk away from certain arguments. You know what I mean? Don't know why I'm telling you guys a story cuz I did not plan that story. I guess I want you to rise up and start fighting. It was a lifestyle of fighting. You know, I don't like to tell it cuz it sounds stupid so stupid so stupid. But it was reality. It was my reality and if I wasn't coming ready to fight I wasn't get beat up until after a while. You learn to fight not only that you learned not to be intimidated. I'm sorry. I'm not going to be intimidated by you. Do you jump in my face? I'm going to jump back in yours faster. Do you know what I'm saying Satan? If you jump in my face, I'm going to touch you. I'm going to piss in my brain. I think of a tomato I said this before I don't like my life life life life. I cut my my what kind of knife is that?
You are so rude. I'm going to cut you another word for to process. You're approaching your Christianity to passive.
You think you're going to have difference in your not rising up and be aggressive?
Vision of me is being aggressive towards you the Bible says the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Another version says the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing. It is pushing its way this way and forceful people lay hold of it.
You're not going to sit back and be passive fake is an activity not a passivity.
It is an activity. I am active about my face. It's about the only thing I care about.
It really is too bad. I try to care about other things like other people do and I really just don't care that I have to apologize. I don't care I don't care about that. I care about you I care about this I care about this word. I care about it being in me and I care about it exploding inside of me. I want you to cut me in the word of God leads from me.
How about that? How about that? Can I mess up your little path of Christianity?
So you have to be active about putting the word of God inside of you and I know we look at the world we can approach it and think I don't ever get it. I don't understand it. I have to figure it out again. And you know what? This is huge paddle and it's not life to you. The Bible says the word of God is life isn't life to them that find it's his help to their whole flesh. It's a hell it's healthier whole flash. It makes a blood throw the amazing properly. It makes the hormones line up and do what they're supposed to do and makes a chemistry of your mind fire when it supposed to fire. That's what the word of God is its life to them that find it. It's Health to your whole flesh. And so
that's what this says here to let's go back to John 1.
In him was life. Remember the pronoun being used here cuz it's another possessive pronoun and it's actually talking about the word.
It has an exposed to you yet. It will expose to you in verse 14 that Jesus is the word. But it hasn't told you that yet. So we not until so dramatically and I am a grammar buff. So watch out. grammatically this paragraph technically have to be talking about the word. If not talking about Jesus yet. Right. It's not talking about Jesus's. He's a subject is the word of a load off. In him the word was life and that life was the light of men.
In him was life in this logos. There's life. And we know that Jesus talking to the Pharisees they came to him and he says you think that through this word you're going to inherit eternal life. Kisses, but you're not. Pizza because this very word speaks of me and you're getting ready to kill me. So just because you have the logo on the logos could kill you.
Does the Bible says that the logos which is which really speaks of the entirety of the word of God? The Bible is the entirety of the word of God. If all his spots, it's all his reasoning. It's all his computations and how he works in K. And so the Bible is the entirety of that but when you come to the word and you're not in love with Jesus and you don't know he loves you, it can just be the law. So the Bible says that the letter kills speaking it's speaking of the Bible without the Holy Spirit without the holy spirit's interpretation without the holy spirit's Revelation. It's the law to you. Because it doesn't it's just another thing you have to do. But when you love him if he comes by it becomes life to them who find it it becomes life when you know, he loves you it becomes like when the Holy Spirit begins to reveal things to you and becomes life and things might not be revealing all at once but understand that the word of God is seed. It's also a seed in summer and and and the right here. It says the word of God is light. It says its life its life is and its water.
The word is all those things. Answer some of you just need to put the word in to soften the water of your heart you just need and it doesn't need to make sense to you. Quit trying to say.
It's not working for me. I love with my pastor use this analogy of a wicker wood dirty white wicker basket that assist caked with mud and everything and end but it was a wicker basket and he took the basket and you put it under the faucet and it and it just filled up with water, but then it would just pour out because it had it had holes in it because it was weaker and intensive go back and stood up again, and it would just going to fill up and then flood out. And any says you know, that's what I feel like when I read the word. I feel like I just I'm feeling up but it just goes out of me and I can't remember anything. I remember feeling like that. I tried hard to memorize the word anybody who had a new scripture. And it just doesn't feel right out of me. I couldn't hold on to it. I couldn't contain it. Booty said is this is what's happening with that basket is after it's filled and it floods and feels and it flushes and filter that flushes if you look at the back is fun 30 no more. It's not dirty no more. It's a white Mastiff. It cleaned all the dirt off of it, even though you think it all just ran right through you. Yes, it went right through you and washed right through you. Don't worry about containing.
Are you guys going here's the dreaded dreaded tankless, but you know what some of us still use it.
if it doesn't close like Whatever. I don't close it. I really want to put muscle into it will. Toys R Us
so it says it's in him was life and that life was the light of men and I wanted to say so much more than this cuz it's five minutes till now, but that's life. Was the light of men where's the scripture that says at the entrance of Thy word there is light. When the word of God enters into a man's heart, there is a lumination. There's Revelation there's understanding so that the entrance of Thy word. So now was all we're trying to do right now is just to pierce your heart with their spiritual things with spiritual arrows. I am throwing spiritual out on the garden of your heart. I'm throwing spiritual seed and some people have different soils, right and some people spoil is Lush and is soft and fluffy and it's just going
right through your soil and some people this is really hard and it's really it's really like a path and it's beating the pain, but I'm hoping that the water of the word is just softening your soil. And some people waste like it's getting in it's getting in but it's there's there's weed and there's cares and things that are trying to choke this word out. And then there's some people who have rocks in their soil and it's making difficult for there to be a real root. But the God God gave us even in the beginning in the beginning in the garden. He made us the the gardeners. And he gave us the guard even the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden of the Guard this is the Garden of Eden. Do you know this is the garden? This is your heart is the garden.
Your heart is the garden and it's your job actually to guard it and to keep it.
God didn't make the garden until he knew he had a man who can guard it and keep it. And so the Bible says above all things guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life. So above everything about everything means about everything about everything. It means above everything you do out of the things you value in the things that you think are important above all of them guard your heart because out of it is going to have everything about your life is going to come. The Bible says out of the abundance of the heart. your mouth speaks
I was once in your heart the most is what coming out of your mouth. And that could be very discouraging for some of us who would just examine for a minute what comes out of our mouths?
very encouraging because if it means that what's in there in abundance, that just means hopefully even if what's in there is 51% more. 452 or 53% more that's what's going to flow out.
So that means I get a choice about what goes into my heart. Can go crazy ballistic about what goes into my heart. Actually, I can be super aggressive about what goes in my heart. Do you know your own thoughts are being sewn into your own heart. Do you know there's some thoughts that are coming directly from you and some of them are flying over your head like a bird.
And some of you who in that fog comes and lays on your head. You're like what let's build an app for it.
I guess I'm horrible. whatever
if they don't like Wait a minute where we wait, you know you just going with it.
So Kenneth Hagin said, you know you can help the birds from flying over your head, but you sure can't stop them from building a nest in your hair.
Come on.
God spoke everything into existence God is expecting you to speak if you have the kind of Christianity that super quiet. You're struggling.
And I don't mean you have to be you know all out there. I'm super quiet. I think I can do my husband says I'm not what I am.
You can't have the kind of Christianity. That's quiet. You're going to have to open up your mouth and speak.
Luke 4:4
Is this is you don't have to go there, but you can if you want. Is the story of Jesus when he when the spirit of God the spirit of God, somebody say the spirit of God, let him out into the Wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Who did it the spirit of God led by the devil? Do you know God's going to lead you out into the Wilderness to be tempted by the devil? Did you guys know that? So that you can learn something why what's the purpose of the wilderness? What's the purpose of the wilderness? The purpose of the Wilderness. He said I took you out into the Wilderness to teach you this one thing that I shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. That's a present tense verb and what that means is that God is always talking. It means that your life is coming from hearing the voice of God. And God put them in the wilderness for the kids so they can learn that. Are you learning about? In your Wilderness experience because you are all in the wilderness because when you come out of Egypt the type and Shadow of the world you get immediately launched into the Wilderness. It is a 40 years experience. That should take a 11-day journey. 11 days 40 years Right until the process is supposed to teach us to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. So that says two things. You mind if I go just a little bit over. Say if you do I'll stop right here. I can stop right here. I don't mind really don't.
Do you mind queso cuz I feel like I need to so. so the word of God
proceeds he is always speaking. And so the logos is the entirety of the word. There's another word in the New Testament that speaks of a specific word. Something God is specifically talking to you about he is speaking to you and he's telling you something it's what they would call an inspired word. It happens sometimes when you're reading the logos, which is your Bible and you're reading it and all the sudden it kind of feels like it people say jump off the page. I don't know if it just comes to life flute more animated. It's thugs on your heart. It brings an aha or light bulb over above your head.
That's called a revelation. It's called a Rhema. It means God speaking to you. The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God and that word right there means Rhema. It doesn't mean logos. It's the word Rhema so faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.
Hearing God speak to you. So I am constantly putting in the logos so that I can have a rama. Do you understand that I am putting in the logo. So I can have a Rhema? Arima is the Harvest of a logos? So a logos is just the seed of the word of God. I planted in my heart. I don't plan in my heart and then check to see if it grew like 3 hours later. And if I have a rama I planted in my heart and I just let it sit there and I'm always planting. I'm constantly planting. When I open up my mouth I'm planting. When I speak the word and I speak and I begin to speak to my 95% and tell me who I am. It has to listen and obey and I said and I said and I said until I know it by.
My heart when you know something by heart, it becomes automatic. It becomes automatic. So when you come at me and you come at me with your negativity my automatic love, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't answer turns away wrath. Why because I've been practicing love. I've been practicing the word of love. I've been practicing 1st John. It's been happening in me. It's happening to me and it's happening with me and it's happening out of me. Right and the more you put it in as you behold him as you Behold Him. You become what you behold you are in your being transformed with an ever-increasing Glory that, as you behold him. You're being transformed the beauty is you get to get your eyes off of you.
No, that's beautiful. Do you know how stressful this to look at? You? Let me text him look not at you in particular. I like yourself.
You know I'm saying how stressful some of you if you hate yourself. Yourself? It's not funny. It's not funny. It is not funny like your perspective your perspective of yourself if I don't like me. Call take your eyes off yourself, because the truth of the matter is you like you a whole lot. That's why your eyes are on yourself all the time.
I hate the bus stop and just mess up all the psychology and stuff. But the truth of the matter is our eyes are on herself a lot. It's so freeing to get your eyes off of yourself. That's what the whole let it be. This is for that's what the love parties for. That's where the relationship I get my eyes off of me and it's really not about me. You know how exciting that is. That's exciting because now I don't have to worry about me. Whoever I am and what God has called me to be in to do God's going to work it out. He's going to make it happen. He's going to make me be who I'm called to be and I'm not called to be anybody else and you're not called to be anything else, but who God created you to be the only way that manifest is hanging out with him. Set your mind on things above set your heart on your affections on things above for you died. And your face is now head with God and Christ and when Christ who is your life appears?
Then you appear with him and Glory right there standing with them because you're one with him who you are with. Be who you are or whatever that is. I don't know who I am. I don't know what that is. I don't really care. I just care that it looks like, when it's all said and done doesn't look like Jesus. Do I look like him? So I Got My Daddy's Eyes. His ears. Do I have do I look like my daddy? That's all I care about. Do I look like him or do I not if I don't want to deal with that? I want to deal with that. I'm not okay with it not being like that. This is real Christianity. That's not extra.
I want to meet you guys at work, okay? I'm going to quit right there.
I wrote a book.
Very good, very good, whatever you call that. pencils to pixels pencils
They are so this is a children's book. It's all about your words. And honestly, I can't think of a better way to just explain it to people in except for in a kid's way because I think your parents didn't tell you. And I think honestly, I wrote the book because I wanted to tell parents how to teach the children. And I think most parents don't know how to teach the children how to talk how to use their mouth to make their life go in the direction that it's supposed to go. The Bible says for you parents train up your children in the way that they should go. That's your job is to train them in the way that they should go. I'm going to do everything you ask them to do what you were supposed to train them in the way they should go. Why so when they are old they won't depart so when they're old is already sewn in there and it's kind of what I'm doing is this land that 95% land the 95% Nobody laid for me just landed in systems like unrewarding and all that kind of stuff.
Square Avenue fredland the 95 somebody needs a t-shirt. I'm just laying the 95s all in the night 5%
how to train the 95 laying the 595 Let It Go What is book is called words are like the wind?
I need to get in shape off. So ready it goes mama. Where do goes words go after we speak them? Do they float away like a balloon high in the sky until they disappear until they touch the Moon? Or do they fall to the ground and bounce all around until stumbling into a brook tumbling deep in the flow till they sink. So low where no one would think to look?
And she says my child. Words are like the wind invisible but real even though you can't see him. There's such a big deal. Everything has speech and has something to say especially of the one that is made it that way. A vibration is heard even though it's not spoken like the waves of a sea and a rhythm unbroken and so it is true. It is plain to me that words are what caused all things to be.
words, leave our mouth on a mission to do whatever our hearts have wanted them to A heart filled with love can't help but to speak words that are kind and gentle and meek. sometimes
without thinking as quick as a dark we planted wrong words and another one's heart. Speaking wrong words can make one feel shy and saying wrong harsh words can make someone cry.
Our words are like seed that God planted like corn. We plant not knowing the harm. Although it may take awhile to see my words create something in those who hear me.
if I were a farmer, which you are I would be careful indeed to make sure I planted the right kind of seed kind words planted in the heart of a friend makes them feel important like they can win.
Keep going.
Are words build up one block at a time? And in the right moment? They're truly Divine we can send our words on the most difficult ask again and again cuz we want them to last. again, and again and again
So remember my child.
On every street corner wisdom is shouting you only hear her if your heart is not doubting. She always helps with the right words to say you need only listen and speak the same way.
Every thought can be written kept well and preserved every image idea every reasoning and word when captured on paper just like in this book each one can see if they're willing to look.
words are shaping your life. The words out of your mouth are shaping your life. Might me and my daughter were watching something the other day and this girl was saying she was saying my anxiety. When it says it's that happens that I you don't mind xiety, and I was like, why is she saying that you know, she does she mean like really her anxiety or she just say like when I get ink and then I thought well, why would she call it hers? Anyways?
Is that yours? The Bible says God hasn't given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. So, why would we walk around and say my anxiety like I say my husband my children in my anxiety.
No, I'm not trying to make fun because I know everybody struggles with anxiety, but it's not yours don't possess that. It's not yours. Don't just hold on to it and and and receive it as part of your inheritance. It's not yours open up your mouth and say our announced that you don't get a ride in my life. You don't get that just hang out here like that thing up.
That's an idea when ideas like that come to your mind just be aggressive about it be aggressive about fear doesn't mess with me is not like feared and try to come knock on my door. But you know, we have a fight and I win I win my dad and I'm just like we're going to fight and I'm not giving up I'm not giving in and I know that the power of God is greater than the enemy. I know it is. So there can't be this just giving in and I would just like to see the roof on your house in a hurricane. You try to put the roof on your house in a hurricane, and I'm telling you start Roofing your house now. It's called gird up the loins of your mind start strengthening what you know is weak quit being passive and go to the word and find out what God wants from you find out the why have you been laying hold of and laying down with inlay and having a relationship with and you break it up you break up the relationship. You have a divorce you get rid of those things. And you began to have a relationship with truth you choose to have a relationship with choose to a true that you get to choose you get to choose what really you're running with running your life. You get to choose that you get to choose that and I just need to say you guys you guys should need to come here with no books. You need to come here and take notes. You need to come here and take notes. If somebody as a mother this house that loves you. You are not going to lay hold of this word and you're not taking notes. And I understand don't get me wrong. I understand there's some people who hear better by just listening. That's all you know, that may very well be true. So, but you need to have a way to be it be able to read. Read meditate to meditate on this word. You have to meditate on the word. You are in a war. The enemies not stopping he's not going to know she's having a bad day today. Let me see if I can hit her in the spot. That's not quite as weak today. No, he's going for he's going for your jugular vein. He's going to kill you. He's going he's out to kill you. He's not out to play games with you and Mandy Pandy. He's not that's the Devil. He's not doing that. He's actually out to kill to steal and to destroy. So why would you play like that? Why do you ask that way? Why do you act like, it's just not he's not out to kill steal and destroy.
He's out to literally take your whole Destiny. He's out to make you be passive. He's out to make you not walking what God has called you to be in to do that's what he's really trying to do now and write their father in the name of Jesus.
I just thank you Lord for an active Church. an aggressive Church But we are on the offense and not the defense. We're not always defending ourselves and running backwards. We're running forward. We're going forward. We're going forward. We're going forward in Jesus name, but I thank you for your grace and your help Lord God for us just to to make some choices today about just putting your word in you said be diligent to enter my rest. 3 diligent
To work hard towards just putting in the thing that's going to bless you. It's going to cause you to increase if you believe in the Kingdom, you have to work the kingdom principles have to do with the way. God says so father. I just thank you for each one using their mouth using their words were God opening up and using their words in defense or a god when the enemy comes at them that they speak the word they speak the truth and they are nihilate the devil they cut him up one side and down the other because they're speaking your truth. And that devil quit messing with Him Father God. I think you right now that all the bullying in the spirit that has happened ceases in the name of Jesus and that your people rise up in faith. They rise up in faith, and they take their stand at the body of Christ and they began to do what you said they could do in Jesus name. amen