Title: The Perfect Human Came to Imperfect Mankind
Series: Book of Mark
Prop: If Jesus is the perfect (true, complete, whole) human, then we must all come to him for completion/wholeness.
(1) He is the perfect human who is in prayer (v. 35 - 39)
(v. 35) his prayer is solitary (v. 36 - 37) his parishioners are still seeking(v. 38 - 39) his purpose is still singular
(2) He is the perfect human who has power (v. 40 - 45)
(v. 40 - 42) his compassion and his powerful activity (v. 43 - 45) his charge and continuing his powerful activity(v. 44) his command and it's powerful association [Moses]
Premise: Thus, Jesus is the perfect human, but how do we come to him?
(1) Recognize who it is that has come
(2) Repent of the reason why we needed him to come
(3) Receive him, in consideration of the compassion that he has shown