The Rich Young Ruler
This young “ruler” had business sense. Getting rich was no problem, but he knew that someday he was going to die. What’s the use of money if you can’t keep it?
Sometimes people come to Jesus for life insurance—they would rather not lose everything at death. But Jesus’ call is one step deeper, beyond possessions to the real self.
Are you God’s child, whatever you own? Are you Jesus’ disciple, whatever the cost? Becoming a Christian means happily surrendering the best of earth for the brightest of heaven. Have you placed your possessions and wealth fully under God’s control?
The rich young ruler (Matt. 19:20) may be the only man in the Gospels who came to the feet of Jesus and went away in worse condition than when he came
The 1st mistake: He did not recognize Jesus as Lord
The 2nd Mistake: He was unaware of his own faults
The 3rd Mistake: He misunderstood the plan of grace
The young man thought that eternal life came to those who “did something” (Luke 18:18), which was a typical Jewish conviction (Luke 18:9–12). But when Jesus gave him something to do, he refused to obey! He wanted salvation on his terms, not God’s, so he turned and went away in great sorrow.
It is not possessing riches that keeps people out of heaven, for Abraham, David, and Solomon were wealthy men. It is being possessed by riches and trusting them that makes salvation difficult for the wealthy. Wealth gives people a false sense of success and security, and when people are satisfied with themselves, they feel no need for God.