Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
A strange thing for an Archbishop to Say
Any of you that follow social media may have seen this week that the Archbishop of Canterbury caused somewhat of a twitter storm.
Those of you that don't know about this.
He said something that people have taken as being rather controversial.
for those people with access the Internet I would recommend you take an half an hour out and watch the video,
From the reaction of some You may be forgiven for thinking that he denounced His Christian faith or announced that he believed that Christ was really an alien Or confirmed that all churches would have to include exotic dancing as part of their worship
In reality, what he actually spoke about were three things:
Three things:
The prays daily, He prays in tongues and actively seeks words of knowledge from the holy spirit to help him.
Life is complicated, There are no easy answers, and we need to seek God help
Disunity and the church is not a good thing But Striving to unity should not Displace the Truth And we should recognise our differences and learn how to disagree well
Life is complicated, There are no easy answers, and we need to seek God help
He spoke about these things in the context of seeing God’s kingdom come, people saved, lives transformed and the Gospel being professed.
On the face of it I do not know about you, but I was struggling to see what the controversy's within these statements.
It seems awe live in odd times where it is more surprising when a believer to says something biblical than when they say something that is not.
Though I probably should not be surprised as the word of God and the contents of this book have always caused contraversy and shaken the status Quo.
As I prayed over why this what causing such a storm in this I think God gave me a real hint to why these things caused such a stirring of opinions.
What is most important.
Throw a Coke Can to some one.
Ask - what is it.
What is - it made up of?
What is the most valuable part of this can?
The name is worth $66M
Using the brand of God
God’s Name his brand represents…his essence…his reputation…his promises
God’s name is his REPUTATION: all that God is and has done.
He is the God of creation, and
“Our help is IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, the MAKER of heaven and earth.”
He brought his people out of Egypt, and
says “He saved them FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE, to make his mighty power known.
God saved us through Jesus Christ, and Jesus understood that his death would bring glory to the name of God.
At Pentecost, Peter invited his hearers to enter into a relationship with God, through faith, saying,
At Pentecost, Peter invited his hearers to enter into a relationship with God, through faith, saying, “Everyone WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD will be saved.
Paul said that when Christ returns,
God’s name is the most valuable name in the universe, It is the brand that stands above any other because it stands for God himself.
God is both precious of his brand and yet he gives it to us to use in power.
My Brand or Gods Brand
Church Brand or Gods Brand
Use the Brand of God.
We hear God’s name spoken without meaning all the time (“O my God” or “Jesus Christ.”)
It is strange: A common word for manure is not allowed on broadcast TV, but using the name of God is totally acceptable to the censors.
Jews were so serious about not taking the name of God in vain, that they would not even say “Yahweh” (or Jehovah), for fear of using the Name in vain.
When they came to his name in the Scriptures, they said “Lord.”
Be careful how we use the name
God’s people must honour and protect the name of God above all other names.
It represents the One who saves us, and it represents our faith and hope.
That is why God said, “
Keeping this commandment implies that we take seriously God’s actions, and the gravity of our relationship with him.
For that reason, we don’t use casually words like “hell,” “damn,” or “mercy.”
Even words like “God bless” might be said without meaning, and without recognising that God can bless.
Jesus pointed out that substitute words for God should also be avoided, when trying to give weight to a promise: “Do not swear…by heaven, for it is God's throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.”
Perhaps the worst place to speak the Name of God without meaning is worship!
If God’s people say or sing all right words, while they are not giving their best to God, God would rather have them shut up! God says in
Using the Brand of God carefully.
If we are going through motions, not truly recognising God, not offering our best, we are not honouring God.
If we the leave sanctuary unchanged, to dishonour God in the world, GOD’S NAME is dishonoured.
The commandment goes beyond what we say.
• We must not dishonor name of God by our ACTIONS.
We must not dishonour name of God by our ACTIONS.
Read .
(Emphasize “I had concern for my holy name.”)
You are going down the road, and some idiot cuts you off for no reason.
Maybe they make an obscene gesture as they do so.
Then you see a fish on their vehicle.
Maybe it even has a cross embedded in it.
Not great.
Are you embarrassed for Jesus?
We represent God to the world.
We bear the Name of Christ (Christ-ians).
Our actions reflect his brand.
There is a story that, as Alexander the Great was celebrating one of his victories, guards dragged a young soldier before him.
The man had been charged with deserting his post, and now he was to receive his sentence.
The normal sentence was death, and the young soldier was on the ground, trembling.
Alexander asked, “Soldier, what is your name?” Weakly, the man stuttered, “Alexander.”
“What is your name?” Alexander bellowed.
“Alexander,” the young man whispered.
In a flash, the great ruler was upon him, lifting him by his tunic, staring him in the face.
“That’s my name!” Alexander roared.
Then softly, he said, “Soldier, you shall live.
But from this day on, you must change your conduct, or you must change your name.”
If we take the name of Christ, but we cut corners in business dealings, gossip unkindly, or only live morally when it is convenient, what are doing to the name of Christ?
If we are uncaring, judgmental, self-centered, or downright nasty, while claiming to live for God, what effect will it have?
Romans 2 puts it bluntly
Insights from Arch Bish
So what was it about the things that Justin Welby said?
God’s Brand not my Brand
God’s people must honour and protect the name of God above all other names.
It represents the One who saves us, and it represents our faith and hope.
That is why God said, “
I wonder how many of christians would shy away from mentioning things that are supernatural or could be conceived as being a bit strange by people outside of the faith.
I wonder if this crossed we his mind.
yet here he was telling about his personal habit and about a biblical truth without worrying about brand ‘Welby’
He reinforced that he needs to call on the Name of God to function in his daily life.
He needs to spend time with God.
He values speaking in tongues and he would not have a clue how to deal with some people and situations without words of knowledge.
The wold may see this as weird, they may think he is weak that he can’t do it on his own.
< .5
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> .9