The Sovereignty of God in Salvation

From Glory to Glory: Jesus in the Gospel of John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God is the Sovereign Initiator in the process of Salvation

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Sinful humanity cannot and will not recognize Jesus (1-42, 52)

Explanation: Jesus has just declared to the Jews that He is their Messiah. He has informed them that He is the very Bread of Heaven and His miracles have already validated His claims. Instead of believing and accepting, these Jews continue to grumble and complain. In spite of the miracles they had witnessed, they focus on Jesus’ humanity by discussing His parents. They assume that Joseph is His father, thereby discounting His miraculous birth.
Illustrate: Conversation between pro-choice and pro-life persons about abortion laws. Both say: “you just don’t get it!”
Argument; Theology matters! What we believe impacts our behavior. Those people who mistakenly believe that humans are born basically good and remain that way unless negatively impacted by society will not recognize the need for a Savior. This mindset is totally unbiblical (, ). All of us enter life with a sin nature, and we sin as a result of our nature () and come under condemnation ().
Application: We may look at these Jews and wonder why “they didn’t get it,” but it is important to understand that we are just like them. The lost person does not have the ability to comprehend the spiritual (cf 1 Cor 2:14)

God sovereignly draws sinners to Jesus for Salvation (, )

Explanation: Jesus gives the answer to the blinding power of sin. He tells the Jews that His mission as Redeemer will be successful. God the Father sovereignly elects members of the Bride, and those who are chosen will come to Christ. As Jesus stated in v. 37, all that the Father gives Me will come to Me. Jesus also promises that He will keep everyone of those who come by raising him or her on the last day (v. 44). Jesus then quotes from & to show that He is indeed the Messiah. These promises indicated that God Himself would teach His people and Jesus, as God in the flesh is fulfilling these prophecies.
Illustrate: Dave & Susan adopting Anna
Argument: God would be entirely just if He allowed all sinners to receive what they earned - condemnation. In His Grace, God ensured that His Son would have a Bride. Knowing that rebellious humanity would never seek God on its own, the Father sent the Son. (). The Father’s love sent the Son (), and the Father draws sinners to the Son for His praise and glory (, , )
Application: God’s grace is amazing and wonderful. Not a single person can boast of his or her salvation, therefore, God gets all the glory!

The Doctrine of Election ensures that sinners will recognize Jesus as the Sole Provision for Salvation ()

Explanation: Jesus continues His teaching about being the True bread of Life. He reminds His listeners that their ancestors who ate the Manna still died, but He tells them that those who eat of the true bread will not die. He expounds on the meaning by stating that those who eat this bread will live forever. At this point it is important to understand He is speaking in spiritual terms. He is not saying that He was physical bread and for them to eat His flesh like cannibals. In v. 51 when Jesus speaks of giving His flesh for the life of the world, He is making reference to His sacrificial death on the Cross
Argument: Note that immediately after this declaration the Jews continue to find fault because they are still focused on the physical. It is like beating your head on a wall - no change! Jesus is not discouraged because He knows that those the Father draws will come. Likewise, when we proclaim the Gospel we do not have to worry about the results. It is not up to us to save anybody. We cannot save anyone. This frees us from emotion manipulation and verbal coercion. All we are called to do is proclaim the message of Jesus and leave the results to the Holy Spirit.
Application: It is crucial to remember that we do not know the Elect! As believers, we are called to obedience in the ministry of proclamation (; ; Peter 3:15)

Sinners who believe in Christ will totally identify with Him as their Provision in this life, and the life to come (3-59)

Explanation: Jesus continues his discourse on the Living Bread with very graphic language. He informs His listeners that His flesh is true food and that His blood is true drink, and that whoever feeds on My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me. This is disturbing language to modern listeners, and seemingly reflects cannibalism. The words of Jesus are spiritual, not physical, but they were chosen to get the attention of His listeners. This is the language of total identification, not the language of “making a decision” or “try Jesus” This is the language of surrender and adoration, not the language of fire insurance
Illustration: This is the language of the Martyrs. Those who know they belong to Christ, and who willing sacrifice their lives instead of denying the One who bought them
Argument: Spiritual truth is revealed, not discovered. When the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin to a person, his or her part is to come to Jesus. Throughout Scripture God offers the invitation for sinners to come (, ; ; )
Application: If the Holy Spirit is convicting you and drawing you to Jesus, come and be saved. Romans 10:13
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