The Burial of Jesus

Mark Exposition  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  40:18
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The Burial of Jesus
(Mark 15:42-47)


Would you consider burial of Jesus to be important?
Most people skip over the burial.
Jesus DIED, and then he ROSE...
This event of burial is in all four Gospels
The event is significant, and shouldn't be quickly overlooked / glossed over.

Working Against Time (v.42)

Evening had already come
Evening was considered from 2 hrs before until 2 hrs after sunset
This would have taken place probably 2 hours before 6pm...
Jesus had died at the 9th hour - 15:00
So about an hour later
Preparation day...
Sixth day of week in which Jews prepared life’s necessities to avoid work on the Sabbath (HIBD)
Notice how Mark adds "The day before the Sabbath" - Gentile audience
Day before Sabbath
Jews wouldn't want a person hanging on the cross on the Sabbath
This would be defiling the place.
Furthermore, this was the time of the Passover - significant time!
Interesting Scenario... Romans vs Jews
Romans would have left the body
Jews were required to remove the body from the cross
“If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree, you must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.” (Deuteronomy 21:22–23, NIV84)

An Act of Courage (v.43)

Introduced to a person
His Name
His Status (Rich)
His Position (Member of Council)
His Greater Identity (Disciple) (cf. Mat.27:57)
Jn 19:38 - he was a secret disciple...
The Courage of Joseph
NASB "...he gathered up courage..."
Went to pilate to ask for the body
Why "courage" / "boldness"?
The Sanhedrin hated Jesus...
Why would they want to care for His body?
People dying in this manner wouldn't get a proper burial...unless family buried
Should have been thrown into Gehanna (??) - place of the dead!
Must not forget - doing because God had ordained!!

Confirmation of Death (v.44-45)

Surprise by Pilate
Death by crucifixion usually too 2-3 days
He calls the Centurion (cf. v.43 - heard Jesus' cry)
Meanwhile, what had happened?
Jews wanted them dead before the special Sabbath (John 19:31-37)
Go through details
Jews didn't want people hanging... special Sabbath
Break legs with mallet
Person would be asphyxiated, death would come quickly
John testified concerning this...
Psalm 34:20
Very Important!!!
A centurion had the task of ensuring that a person executed was properly dead.
If the centurion failed in his responsibility, he faced the prospect of his own death!
Highly improbable that this centurion was uncertain.
Centurion knew what death was about. He knew the sign of death.
Isaiah 53:9 - prophetic fulfilment!

Preparation and Burial (v.46)

Prepares Jesus for burial
Joseph gets a linen cloth (buys it)
He takes the body down from the cross
Nicodemus (John 3) joins him, bringing spices (READ John 19:39-40)
PAUSE - two prominent Jews - they are disciples!!
Subtopic 5
Places Jesus in a tomb...
Cave hewn out of the rock...
Typical - body left in a cave for 1 year, then remove bones
This was a new tomb (John 19:41)
This was Joseph's own tomb (Matthew 27:60)
Stone rolled in front...
Large disc...heavy!!!
To prevent animals and grave robbers from entering
Heavy, difficult to move.
The chief priests had the tomb sealed (Mat.27:62-66)
Made it near impossible for anyone to get hold of the body of Jesus

Eye-Witnesses to the Events (v.47)

Two women are watching as Jesus is buried
Mary and Mary
At every moment, there were eye-witnesses
These women were looking carefully, with a spirit of devotion to Christ.
They were observing where the tomb was (to be able to take care of / embalm the body)
It would be these women who would witness the risen Saviour
Testimony of women would most likely not be accepted in Jewish law.
But this was part of God's plan. God's economy!!
Amazingly, it is these women - not the disciples - who are witnesses.
If anything, this strengthens the veracity (truthfulness) of this record.
If the disciples were going to make up a story about Jesus, they would not have used women as eye-witnesses - they would have used men!

Significance to our Faith

He Truly tasted Death
Death was most significant consequence of the fall
3 Types of Death
Physical Death
Genesis 2:17 " must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil..."
Romans 5:12 "...therefore just as sin entered the world..."
Consider Genesis 5 - every person "died" ....
Spiritual Death
Ephesians 2:1 "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,..."
Eternal Death
The "second death"
Matthew 10:28 - "Do not fear those who kill the body....fear him...both soul and body in hell..."
Revelation 21:8 - “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”” (Revelation 21:8, NIV84)
Denial of Christ's death by the world
Early church (even pre-apostologic - Docetism (Jesus' human nature was not genuine...only appeared as a man - flesh wasn't real).
Muslims: Claim Jesus never died - was taken directly to heaven
Jesus Seminar: Scavenging dogs ate Jesus' corpse
Swoon Theory
Jesus didn't really die - was just unconscious, and then was resuscitated
All they're trying to do is take away the supernatural element of this
They want to disprove the resurrection of Christ.
Jesus had to die, because the wages of sin is death!! (Romans 6:23)
Heidelberg Cathechism:
41: Why was He "buried"?
To show thereby that He was really dead.
His death pictures our death to sin and self
Gospel message - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 6:3-5, 9-10
Col 2:11-12, 3:1-6
Calvin: “burial expresses a continued process of mortification.”
Need to consider these both individually and corporately
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