Celebration Sunday

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Acts of the Aposltes   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:47:47
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Hey, baba. the order of the song for tonight Just tell us what order the song threat night Majesty's first, obviously.

But it wasn't.

I will be back on.

Oh my God.

Never let go.

That is coming for the heart that holds.

Oh my God.

Maybe my God my God.


there another course after that or is that the end do courses at the end?

I'll be okay, let it roll Let's Roll.

All right, then, let's go.

Play an A. Found a baby together.

Open my eyes.

Do you have to wear all together lovely?

I have a sheet of paper.


Here I Am to Worship here I am to bow down


Here I Am to Worship

That's out of the bridge and don't think we did that last time.

Okay, if it is what they want for it.

I'm going to do the first.

Go to court.



car toys

Is there any more after that?

It was however we set it up last night.

all the way

How y'all doing? Y'all are you excited y'all look like you just woke up from a siesta cuz that's what I did. I hope you didn't do we supposed to want to share a little prayer about this wonderful new year that are Puritans have written down forest. And if you'll indulge me for just a minute, I believe the Poetry in the language of our Puritan Brothers as they played their hearts out before God is quite poetic. And and I think it's fitting for us to let me share with you another one of my favorite prayers here. I'll get the right page.

Ring around the 19th century this poem there was this prayer says, oh Lord Length of days. Do not profit me except the days are past in my presence and I service into the glory. Give me a Grace that precedes follows guides and sustain sanctifies an aged man every hour that I may not be one moment apart from the but may rely on my spirit to supply every thought speaking every word direct every step Prosper every work build up every note of faith and give me a desire to show forth. I praise testify to the Isle of advanced night Kingdom that I launch my bark to the unknown Waters of this year with the old father as my Harper. Sun is my home and be a father those Spirit feeling myself. Guide me to heaven with my loins Girt my lamp burning my ears open till I call my heart full of love my soul free. Give me the grace to sanctify me like a comfort to cheer me thy wisdom to teach me my right hand and guide me by right-handed guide me that Council to instruct I law to judge that presents to stabilize and made the fear be my all by Triumph my joy. What a wonderful prayer about a new year. That was awaiting. This this believer in Christ. Is he wrote down how he desired to spend that here? And I hope as we start off this year strong and resolved in many areas that we can do the same. So if you would join me as we go to the Lord in prayer and open up our celebration Sunday father, we thank you for the evening. We thank you for your love and your mercy of your goodness your grace and father, although we were once Sinners separated. We now have been adopted as children into the kingdom of heaven. We thank you for that. We can cry out Abba Father that you are our heavenly father and where we know that you desire to give us. True riches and wealth in the way of Salvation and the way of all that we need all that we can possibly fathom you desire to give your children good gifts. And we thank you for the gift of Salvation that no man can purchase becomes by faith alone. We thank you for this precious time. We get to celebrate the work you allowed us to do in the last few months and finally look forward to what lies ahead is this church continues to grow continue the baptized continues to share the gospel and Lord brings new life into this community the life of the spirit of Christ that dwells within each other and every believer. We thinking out we praise your for all things tonight. We ask you things in Jesus name amen stand together and let's sing a few songs of praise and worship as we get our hearts ready to see what God is doing amongst us.

Valley of the shadow of death

bad guy

dollar theater

Dhaka city that is coming for the heart that holds.

It will be.

Dial Little Theater.

Oh my God. Oh my God.


You Never Let Go never let go

Glad he doesn't let go of you tonight. And I tell you another thing. I'm very thankful and glad that God let us hear this church and allowed us this opportunity to work with you.

Here I am.

Here I Am to Worship

Spirit as we get the praise and worship isn't isn't it good that you can feel free to come and lift your hands or hold onto your side or hold on to your significant other or whatever. We have an ability to do that here. I'm open my Bibles and hopes that I'll get the priest a little bit but that's not going to happen tonight. So I guess it's just wishful thinking but I want to share with you tonight and we've already open the prayer so brother Mike Russell you like to come up here is our moderator open. This is celebration Sunday up.

You don't have to read from extra. I was just my thoughts quotes, okay?

We come before you in this place father with to bring our song worship our praise and all that we have for you father. We thank you for all that you've done. Thank you Father for what you've done and we thank you. the Jesus Paid the price

We thank you for all this if we go into this business meeting.

Open Yahoo!

Thank you in Jesus name.

Lovely view of the Florida May brother Mike. Is that right? You've healed in the Florida man. Is that correct? How about that beer and I'll open that up to anybody if you have any questions or Ministry highlights? That we have not discussed for any previous business that needs to be discussed.

Going once twice no old business. All right, we do want to make sure does everybody have a copy of tonight's faith and message statement proposed Constitution and bylaws amendments as well as your financial statements. From the last quarter is everybody have those. Does anybody need those if you need them put your hands up in the air? We'll get some more help.

Yes, sir. Let me that'll be good. Okay, we can pass it out on the way out. That's fine. We're not going to discuss it tonight. They can grab it on the way out. So what we will do tonight, if you will be there proposed amendments from the trustees that will speak about in a few moments. You can get the copies of those amendments tonight on your way out the door and then we'll discuss all the specifics about those. So that's not a problem. Just anybody not have the last quarter financials and Ministry reports. Anybody not have that everybody's got that one. Okay. Wonderful. We'll go ahead proceed with that. And then tonight before you leave. We want to make sure you receive a copy of the faith and message statement and the proposed amendments to the Constitution and by-laws those talk to documents go hand-in-hand with each other. juicer

Those two documents that we would like for you to have the one that you probably received this morning. The only one available was the faith and message statement of the Southern Baptist convention date of June 14th. 2000 signed by the late. Dr. Adrian Rogers. This is it. If you didn't get one there available for you on the way out will make sure you get one. This will go hand-in-hand with your Constitution and bylaws cuz we make comments and references to the SBC faith and message statement governor governor ring governing our practice and worship. Well lot of lot of folks, y'all never even heard that it was a 2000 any buddy not know that couple hands up how many of you have read the articles? Couple of you how many how many doesn't know how many articles are in the faith and message statement? Oh, there we go. So there's 18 specific stances on what it says. We as a Baptist Church a Southern Baptist Church. What we believe about God God the Father God the son God the spirit what we believe about the family the sanctity of Life the union between man and woman marriage Etc all governed by how we worship as a SBC church because that's what we said. We were right in our Constitution Amendments that refer to this document. We wanted to make sure you had this document available to be able to look at it. So copies of these are available on the way out when you leave today along with the other document what you'll notice on the front cover. And again, I'm getting in the trustee stuff now but on the front cover is a letter from our trustees and myself that this dress is the Constitution by law proposed amendments. There are 10 specific amendments and we'll talk about them. I'm still on Eros Thunder now, so that's that's new business. If you will, please get them on your way out if anybody need Those they are available to church office. We will have them available every day of the week except on Friday. People want to come by here to pick up a copy. They didn't get one today and they're concerned about that. We didn't mention that we would pass them out tonight at this business meeting that's kind of the place for that. So it was available for them, but they would like a copy and if they can't come get a copy, please let us know we will take them a copy to make sure they have the documents needed for the for the business meeting. All right any other Any other new business? Well, let's go in and talk highlights if you will go to next life for me. All right, we want to share with you a little bit of want some of the highlights for the last quarter. We've been able to do Ryan and Kelly was a horse that's fresh in her mind or missionaries of Honduras were here the previous week. We were able to provide a love offering to them a $2,544. Give me that's wrong. It's $2,044. Not 2544. I got excited on this life. It's 2044. We took up a love offering 1400 and

$1,544 that came a couple different ways. So just get my accounting right 1544 and then are our missions and evangelism Outreach from the stewardship committee allocated $500 of our missions and Outreach Monies to go towards our missionaries in Honduras. Is that brought our total the 2044 that's light is wrong shame on me and between both senior adult men and women's class are they race? 207 Spanish Bibles that Ryan and Kelly got the tote on airplanes and take back to Honduras. Oh, thank you for all your support there. And that is the support. We have given them and we continue to do that. For those of you who don't know we meet with Ryan and Kelly via Xoom Skype or some form of media weekly, if not bi-weekly here and I'm able to to help them with their Ministry and what they're doing and challenges and question. So they are grateful for the ministry support all the prayers and cars that you send and the time that you spend trying to love on them. So they're they're extremely grateful for that.

All right discipleship Ministry this time Corey if you'd like to come up here for just a minute.

I know you look. How are you on the floor teaser?

I just want to take particularly long just a couple things. I wanted to cover with the Sunday School director and discipleship Ministry. I just an update on faith foundations this semester or foundations we have when everyone's there, I think about 17 not mistaken that's going very well Faith Foundation is is typically for assimilation. So when new people come into the church, we want to make sure that they have an understanding. But that doesn't mean that that you was a as a member who's been here for a while doesn't mean you can't take it you're not forced to but it's there so we'll get the dates out for the next next. When that starts again, but having a great time in the class we have now, the big thing that we have looking forward to coming up is BBS. So I'd like for you guys to just be thinking about VBS and pray about that for those of you who who volunteer for VBS. I would encourage you to continue to volunteer for those of you who haven't volunteered. It's a wonderful time and in a great way for us to get to reach out. I'm sure we'll be getting more information out to you about VBS coming up and then the last thing I wanted to mention Pastor Virgil and I are working on some structure with the with the discipleship is going in this church setting up some structure particularly for the Sunday School teachers that will make it easier for them to to be able to choose and and work with the things that there. In class so we don't have that affected yet.

Thanks for let me share with you what he's referring to if you have grandchildren or or little children and you take them into the nursery now, do you as a parent have an expectation of what your child's going to learn in the nursery? If you do wouldn't it be great if that Nursery team member that Nursery volunteers able to tell you when they drop off that child. If you drop your child to me, if you entrust your resource to me, I'm going to guarantee you that are Nursery your child's going to learn free things. They're going to become aware that there's a thing called the Bible the Bible. It's the book for me. They're going to learn the Bible. They're going to learn prayer and what it means to see someone prayed about her head and close your eyes and fold her hands in prayer. And thirdly they're going to learn how to worship this God that they're not aware of yet, but he's created. So when they come to that Nursery, they're going to be exposed to the Bible there going to be exposed to prayer and they're going to be exposed to worship. Right? Jesus loves me this. I know that's worship folks and those babies are going to learn those three things in the nursery. And then when they move up to the preschool classroom the first grade we're going to build upon those foundational blocks. We get to our Middle School classes. We're going to learn things like how to look in the index of their Bible to find where in the world is Zephaniah is in the Old Testament because we don't always flip the Zephaniah too often. They're going to learn how to use a thing in the back called her concordance. I do a bibleworks the word study. They're going to learn the 66 books of the Bible and what the difference is between Old Testament New Testament and why they're there so that way folks when we get into a high school students start struggling with this thing like pornography and sexual addiction and drugs and peer pressure and other stuff in high school will have given them a foundation for how to make a fine for them self in the word of God. How do I deal with that issue? And then we graduate from high school in to our adult classes, which most of you are in now, you're going to learn it and even deeper appreciation and application for how does God's word impact my life on a daily basis of Corey and I are working to put that structure together. So when parents dropped her treasure off to us as a church at every grade level we have benchmarks of here is what we want your children to know when they graduate from this class and move up to the next grade. They're going to know how to do the following things and we're going to deliberately structure that so that our teachers all of you. Most of you are looking at art teachers you have somewhere to go and always have a focus for what you're doing is a teacher you're never wondering am I doing the right thing because that make sense? How many all does that encourage you to know? We're being deliberate about discipleship. My discipleship doesn't happen because of a program discipleship is a way of life and we have to put that emphasis into being a disciple for life. We used to call it. What helped me out Foster the training Unit Baptist training Union Baptist training Union the different program. All of those were programs. The focus is discipleship all the vehicles that help us with discipleship. And that's what we're trying to to emphasize is a structure for discipleship across-the-board at every level at every age forever gray. Okay, if you will, thank you Corrie, by the way, that was the VBS theme into the wild will see more of that into the in the Wilds to me in the in the music Ministry brother Keith all yours. Look y'all pray for Keith, okay. Are y'all in a minute and already know he's going to scare you with it. Don't be scared. He's been encouraged for this. So I'll just leave it at that.

praise the Lord well

now it's time to look at what I'm going to do, right and that being the case.

Worship team choir come together and work together and began to unify and have begun to work together and helping us to worship. And I'll tell you what's encouraging and Corey. I think it said it best. It's not how well we do on a Sunday. But it's how well we hear you guys coming back at us that tells us how well the worships doing in the church service. So I praise the Lord for that and I thank the Lord for that. Did she hear I believe? That's not for you next line.

That I've been begging for and plumbing for and borrowing for and Pastor Virgil. It's been putting me on a short leash about it for quite some time back and forth over this but praise the Lord and it is going to come to fruition with the help of you guys.

baby grand piano Let me see all the names not only.

Play You're a good old gospel hymn, but all the way down to moving forward in a church service with a 10-year warranty that will cover us for the next 10 years. If anything happens to it anything is wrong with it those things but we set aside we've been approved designate a fun. for this piano the meet the needs of Our Lives from Walker's going forward.

And that's our goal. Our goal is to seek to not only unifier music here in our worship. But also the

and if we don't have the tools to do it with then what are we doing? We we put in the video systems. We put in the screens we put in the tools to worship and that's what they are there tools. But this is another one of those things. That's a tool for us to worship. God Almighty with And it's one that I feel would would would take us forward and not just take us for the Curious for some time to come. I'm sure Virgil had no more to say on that. But thank you open for discussion for the moment. You've heard that Keith has been been just I'll just say he's been sharing this with me for quite a while and I'll be out before Keith was here on this issue of a piano has been an issue but we had a former baby grand piano that the board was cracked in it. We have disposed of that the trustees of taking care of that. We have two pianos that we currently owned it were donated and given to us. Neither. One of them are in the best shape, but we have made do with what we have. We're good at making do and what we're asking for now with the state of our finances in the state of our church healthiness Workhorse and let's stop making do and let's start making plans for upgrading certain elements of our worship service to help us worship even better. So, that's the point behind the baby grand. Are there any questions about the piano recommendation any comments and they buddy like to make Chuck yester.

Sure, what we have looked at in disgust me to the range the range of a the range is between 10 and $15,000 is what we're looking at that that's fairly inexpensive considering what we're talkin about by some pianos. I Look to some today that were $70,000 and I can't we don't have that kind of a budget but what we can do between that 10 and $15,000 range that gives us the flexibility to work with dealers that are going to offer us the best warranty cuz some of this is electronic there are we were able to plug that piano directly into our sound system. So it will broadcast through the sound system and we won't have to stick a microphone into the back of it to hear it play anymore. So those are some things will also be able to do some technical music changes calling transposing music. So when Cory's playing in a particular key The Pianist will be able to play Ride Along easily without having to rewrite the music sheet in order to follow along with it the instrumentalist or the guitarist. So there's some capabilities that gives us 10 to 15,000 and the warranty so far what we've seen it so Between 7 and 10 years on most of these again. I'm the only able to give you a range cuz we haven't 02 down to a particular model. But our goal is the longest warranty and the least cost but the best equipment.

Yeah, what we'll do it. The next line is a stewardship committee and all at the Stewart's Shop. I'll let you address that if you will, please if you would please address that cuz hold on to that thought will clarify that fundus for there's actually two parts to that fun. And neither one of them are forgiven contributions to go and we'll talk about that shortly any other questions about the piano need or purchase.

That everything from Roland to Yamaha two names. I can't pronounce to be honest with you by Delia Roland is is the higher-end that's in that 13 $15,000 range. That's what we like. We're familiar with that name ran in the piano industry. That's what we're looking for somewhere in that range. Stewardship committee two months ago Scott three months ago was given three different examples of pianos with cost and ranges the trustees have also been given that same documentation of three different pianos that the Keith is proposed and that range is where we come up with at 11 to 8 or 12 to $15,000 is based on the different models that Keith is done the homework on it presented to the church or presented to the trustees of stewardship committee again, please just bring it to your awareness the need for the new piano the stewardship committee will bring to your attention our recommendations on how we fund that any questions about the piano. Yes, ma'am.

Yes, Man, and that'll all be part of the warranty package so the wonderful thing about electronic issues is going to have a little less maintenance than a traditional Baby R and in terms of keeping it in tune

anything else Okay, if you will that was just for discussion about the need for a baby grand piano or an upgrade to a piano for and at this time we'll call and recognize a stewardship committee to discuss Church finances and truck. Please raise your hand again will address those questions, okay.

I got enough for me. This is exciting to be up here because it's really just an example of how God blesses us all we ask that you got to pray for us. But we see God's Will and God is in his service worship committee meets the third Wednesday of every month Bensalem or iodine a Davis Pastor Virgil and my in myself as the chairperson through the first quarter of fiscal year. Would you have to report you see the wheel? We're roughly up 43% of what we budgeted in our giving we met we a percent of our our yearly budget already for the first quarter and it just continues to increase

What are the missions that we give to you can see exactly how the money that you guys are giving or actually impacting other people's lives what God is doing with that money not necessarily with Kim Duncan, but at this point right here had mentioned. They brought some of the examples of different ranges of a different pianos to the stewardship committee. We looked over them as the old choir director. Yes. We need a piano. So I'm just lie behind it. The research was the research on it. We felt that that range from 12 to 15,000 was would get what we need and all our suggestion wasn't going to hire any of that because this is something that we hope to have it here. We are poor, you know for as long as we have it for two years that is as good as you can be alone with music Ministry would like to make a motion for the church to establish a designated spot for a new piano for the sanctuary beginning next Sunday. All right. This is a standing committee. So no motion is needed is brought before you as a proposal. So is there a second? Nortrax got seconds any discussion. on the piano

What would you like to do it? RR procedure is a trustees will dispose of cell give or donate the piano too. Inappropriate. NC promise. We as we try this at Rusty's you guys can speak to this. It's hard to give them away. Nobody wants them. No one wants and we found some poor soul to take the last one instead of it going to the dump. That's where it was headed, but was able to find a home for it. So this is the better of the two piano. So that one we just serviced that one as well when I talk to the technician he agreed this pianos in better shape than the one over there. I even though it may have some playing difference is he says it's in better condition. So this one will go over there. That one will be donated or given away either Habitat for Humanity or another church or someone that needs a piano. That's better than the one they've got.

Right now we don't have a piano to give away. We got to buy one first yessir. Yeah, when the time comes we will actually the trustees will the trustees will explore all options to make sure it goes to a good home.

All right with second motion II of any other discussion no discussions all in favor and opposed the motion carries to just that was a designated fun. Here's what Diane Keaton tell you our goal is Easter. Service. Our goal is Easter Service Catch-22. And here's why what a great way to start our Easter celebration when we've got all of the community and worship with us. We have our brand new piano playing worship to God when that be good. So that's our kind of our mark on the wall. If you will have what we're trying to do we would like to have that purchased when funds are complete and available. We will purchase it in cash and have that ready for Easter Service. So that doesn't respond is available questions. Easter Sunday

24 21st of April about three months about three months about three months and motion carries. So we'll have established a designated fun for that and open that pocket of giving towards a piano and the other question.

We'll get to that in just a minute sure will.

Okay of what you're looking at on like the next last page that balance. Okay. Now the reserve Reserve fund that each individual like you might feel led to give to the music Ministry. So and as you can see all at the right at the top of that it has some of our designated Pockets to give me the Harvest Festival.

That's money that right. Now that that we have extra in reserve now. We do want a 60-day results of the church completely shut down. We'd be able to run off that amount of money for two months without having to take any money in so that Reserve fun. Once again, that's not we're trying with the piano. We're trying to establish something. That's just for the piano that is different from our regular tithing and the tithing that stuff the extra that we're getting we'll figure that into our budget others, which I think we're out here in just a few minutes So the plan is that we have going forward so that money Reserve fun. We're having that there and once again, you never know when emergency might happen or there might be enough Ministries church votes on that. We approve that that money would go to him. Let me go. Let me help Scotland clarify. We have discussed over the last three years the need to have cash reserves to operate the church. And now it's God's Church. Do I trust God absolutely is get my God bigger than my wallet. Absolutely Stewart's do we need to have a cash reserve on hand in case of emergencies in crisis the roof Falls in and we need to to fix it without taking out a loan and borrowing money to fix things that we could be good stewards with. Yes. So we decided years ago to establish a 60-day reserve fun. And what we ideally want is this church is expenditures monthly and I'll just share this with you last year. It was less this year. It's about $18,000 a month is our turnover cash flow. We spent about $18,000 a month and all of our all of our bills all of our accounts receivable everything we have to tell you about 18 Grand a month now, so you figure 2 months of that is $36,000 So currently if you look at the very last page of your budget if you turn it over you'll see the total cash assets on hand right now. Our church has an S combining all funding combining all funding we have cash acid on hand of $71,000 324 and 56 pennies. That's where we stand right now financially. That's a far cry from where we've been in the last couple years $36,000 of that is our Reserve fund and then the rest of that is split up between what we already have designated for certain Ministries like Brotherhood WMU benevolence fund our food Ministry. Those are all separate designated funds Lottie Moon Annie Armstrong. So if we have money in those accounts are those are all designated cash reserves that Reserve fund is part of that 60-day balance really that Reserve fund should say $18,000. We just haven't transferred money over to that. Do we have $18,000 in the general budget? Let me show you how you can you can see that. I know this can be confusing somewhere with me. you look on

confirm with me one. 1 2 3 4 on the back of page 5 is the second the last page. I don't want to explain to you how to read this document. Okay, if you look on the back last of that back to the last page, the largest number you should see on the far left column is $49,093.63. Okay, that is what is in our thirty-day checking account meaning every month that the money we're working off of to spend the $18,000 it cost us and whatever is left in that account at the end of the month is our cash on hand. That's not including designated money doesn't Eddie Money goes into a separate account and is put into that cookie jar and it's not to be touched unless we need to pull it out of that specific cookie jar for benevolence WMU Brotherhood etcetera. So every month that balance of $49,093 that fluctuates normally for us it's been going up meaning we have more money in the bank every month. Then we used to have the caution for me is when I see that dollar amount drop below $18,000 when it drops below $18,000 that means our outgoing exceeds our income and we don't have enough to pay our bills. So we are very healthy right now. We have 30 days cash reserves on hand, meaning of the 18,000. We need every month plus another 18,000 to carry us the next month in case something was to happen and we all lost our jobs. Not accept the preacher.

Y'all like that. I'm just kidding. Right so that that gives us we got thirty-six thousand in there. So you take away that 2:30. So that's $36,000. That's 60 days. Well, that's what your normal mode plus 18 is a 30-day Reserve really what we have excess is about 13 Grand When you subtract 36000 from 49 to get about $13,000. That's what we have over right now. That is excess. It's not budgeted. That's our extra right now to do something with Robert again, that would put us all the way back down to the 18,000 a month. And then the 30 days on hand. If you took chuck if you'll notice our Reserve find it says 12000 if we plus that up with another 6,000 to make it eighteen then we would only have about $7,000 extra right now sitting in our general fund. I chose 30 days cash on hand 18030 days a reserve fund 18,000 and then what it cost us to run off of every month. So we're right about there. We've got about $7,000 extra the earliest we could apply towards the purchase of something. But again, we're still at the beginning of our church here. We still have ties and offerings that we're budgeted that have not come in yet that we're already working on. For example, you're going to talk maintenance for the church here in a few minutes, right what we're going to recommend for the offices. So that's the money that's going to come from that fund that hasn't come in yet. But yet we budgeted it, okay.

Does that make sense everybody? Sure.

Okay. The reserve fun is a separate phone think of the reserve fund has its own its own shoe box designated funds or a bunch of jars in a box and he's jar has its own money going into it. That's when we get Brotherhood WMU benevolence all the other if you does make money for you know, new paper toilet holder for the bathroom. And you write that on your check. It would go in its own separate little jar in the bigger box the reserve on those all by itself that $12,000 is actually in a separate checking account that we have to physically transfer money into our general budget in order to use it we can get to it no matter the phone call or matter of a transaction, but it separately in a separate account. The rest of the designated money is accounted for But it's all together that make sense.

It's been a while but it's been occasions where people give him money for the Start Ministry and that money was taken and used for something else and that particular person that really appreciate that have known you are clear about that. When you do give money towards it doesn't even like it's their it does not go towards paying a bill. Does it go to pay his salary? Does it go to this guy goes to exactly what you just made it a separate separate separate from operating fund anything we do with that. Chuck is that help you a little bit?

Yeah, I'm nobody's donating to the reserve fund. That's a that's a that's a dollar amount stewardship committee says here's how much we need to have to have 60 days cash reserves on hand. Operate the church. We run 30 days for what what we already have. And anyway, I think I explained it. Well enough on is it's not as fun as we continue to get overages. The stewardship committee is making recommendations to pull that money in to keep us at 60 days cash reserves on hand, which is about $36,000 for us right now.

It is specifically for the piano. That's it. That's why we the only reason why we were some of you have a passion for music some of you have something you want to give but you need a pocket to be able to get maybe you don't like all the other Ministries were doing but yet if you do something I like I'll give you that. Well, there's a there's another pocket of giving and that's why we're designating a piano fun for that stand at all. Those are I mean, even though it says it designated fun. That doesn't like what the categories

Yes, ma'am.

Write it on your check. If you write cash, obviously write it on the envelope. But again, you can hand write that in and we don't need to spend money on a special envelope for designated funds or I'd encourage you to do is we were Frugal with what we have right on the envelope with. It's pink. It's right there and just write on their piano money. That's what you wanted to go towards. Okay? Yes, ma'am.

Whenever you want. Then she said there be a special joy that she would feel to give money towards a new piano for the sanctuary The Worship Center.

different people have different Passions your hand out what those different areas are that we support and once again if there's an area that you're passionate about that, we're not supporting like keeping the ocean and if you do have something that you are passionate about

Any other questions on stewardship of the church budget?

If you have a recommendation on how to help us help us communicate this better to you. Please let us know cuz we are constantly adjusting this document. So everything is explainable when you look at it. So if it's confusing to you right now see Scott, he'll fix it.

All right. Thank you Scott, please. All right, I Brotherhood mystery better friends than that was not speaking in tongues. By the way. This is been if you will, please.

I do not have that gift. Not yet a short and sweet few things up. Last time. I had mentioned that we were going to try to do some Hurricane Relief and we actually did so was December 8th Saturday? That was actually Friday was the day that my father-in-law went into the emergency room. So we did have a picture is probably not up here, but I just want to make sure we did and low be in North Carolina. We had five guys five or six guys that took a Saturday morning and really went and helped and blessed us. Somebody just did a whole bunch of stuff stuff at his house. So they have an opportunity to do that, which is great. I just want to let you know we did do that. So we did have some sort of help when it came to the hurricane relief that we're currently doing the series grace of God in the flaws of men right now in Brotherhood. You guys don't come on Wednesday 2nd Wednesday's please come. We really do have awesome conversations at least I think we do have really good conversations and it's meaningful for me and it really does help out and just helping grow us as men probably the thing that we're most excited about eyes the next line. I think we we've been talking about You know what part of the church and wanting to reach the town of pinebluff one of the things that we've been having a conversation about was how do we do that? And so one thing that I think that we are going to doom and it's just one idea out of hopefully just a future of of doing so is to go pick up trash around the city maybe pray for people and just kind of be present. We want people to see us. I know that we exist and we are going to probably create some some shirts some really bright colored shirts. We haven't really gotten very far as far as that is and with the caption really blessing the ball as far as Pine Bluff is concerned and be able to have these shirts that maybe start with a Brotherhood, but do not want to just to be the Brotherhood. I want this to really be an opportunity. I going forward that the church if we have opportunities to serve Pine Bluff we're going to have hopefully these shirts available so we can be present to be there for the city of Pine Bluff. I'm really took to show that we're here and that we just want to love on them. Jesus loves you and then see how we can help pine-bluff in any way we can so sorry for the Brotherhood. You don't want to write anything right now may give you a little acronym on Bless The Bluff. We're probably going to go with the word bless. Let me let me let me give you the acrostic bless the bluff if we're going to bless Pine Bluff in the community. Number one. We got to begin with prayer. And then that's the first be in our blessed the bluff. We begin with prayer number to the L stands for listen, we got to listen to what our community is telling us. They need what are community of saying in their life that how we can resonate with them and be relevant in their life. So we begin with prayer we listen the third one and I know you all about this will love this we eat. Weed with them we break bread with them. We'd invite them over to our house for barbecues and grills when the weather gets right or we bring them in for a hot bowl of soup in the winter time, but we got to eat and break bread and get to know our neighbors. That's the point behind it. Can we begin with prayer? We learn to listen we eat with them we learn to serve with them. We learn to serve them and the last one we learn to share with them. What we share we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We share our lives. We share our resources. We share our time or talents are Treasures don't we talk about blessed Bluff? You can kind of see where I'm already going with that cancer. We begin with prayer we learn to listen to our community. Whatever its needs. We eat we Fellowship we break bread with them. We get to know them personally and build relationships. We learn to serve our community in a way that man with someone has a problem first thing. They think of I need to call the church. But somebody might be able to help us with this the city hall. Would it be nice if they call us and say hey preacher. We love to have the church over to our city hall meeting so they can pray for what's going on here. We need some help. We learn to serve and we learn to share the gospel the things they need the most. So that's that's where we're going with blessed Bluff and I'd argue our Harvest Festival Fall Festival at argue our Vacation Bible School t-shirts at argue are all the other activities. We do our sunrise service for Easter egg hunt everything. We can all be wearing t-shirt that says Bless The Bluff Matthew 25:30 a trial for what you've done for the least of these you Don also went to me. So that's where we're going with that with the Brotherhood is the Catalyst for it and we hope it catches on with the rest of our church, please WMU Miss Lisa

Hello, and it's pronounce Lobelia.

For him to make grace abound brother.

We we do meet on the second Wednesday we discussed. Mission Family

studying that

We will start back our first Monday. We're us ladies get together and go out and eat. The first will be February 4th, and we will meet at Mazatlan at 6:30. So all are welcome also in October we donated $500 to the hurricane at the end of October. We donated chat sticks to the Redbox Prison Ministry for the

Location, of course, we had our harvest fest.

November we had Samaritan's Purse also the free-for-all which we had soup and sandwiches. And in December, we had the cookie contest. Swipe and then wrapping up with the Aberdeen Primary School teachers.

February women's day

some of you I need space.

But anyway, we'll continue to two. To help others and invite the community and any suggestions whatsoever would be greatly appreciated. I think we've done very well the last four

All right. Thank you ma'am. Next life, please.

astronauts pencil

But don't get me how to speak is that.

November 10th, we started with the Veterans Day Parade ride, and then we met another group from Wendell and we went to Fayetteville to this started our monthly meeting which is the first Thursday of every month. By the way, anybody can come so it'll be February 7th Smithfield Barbecue. You're welcome.

December 8th, we have no Patrick's middle. He's in another group for the wingman. They had a

toy ride to the Children's Center in which is better debt with them pretty nice. And we adopted a family for Christmas.

I don't have the name of the family to take care of that and it's hard to get behind this can of thing, but we are still collecting money for.

I put it in there. What did the wingman ask you to help with next year for the food drive?

When you put on that we can put stuff in.

That's already established for next week. I hope what you're getting from. What are in a sharing with you? It's not a motorcycle club. It's not a riding club. It's a vehicle to use the gospel be a vehicle to use to present the gospel not imagine the impact. If you don't know much about wingmen motorcycle club most of them don't come to our church on Sunday morning, but the very fact that we have a door in to their world and they're willing to let us come with them and see our eyes Memorial Baptist Church and our faith Riders 2nd Peter 3:9 for God is Not slack concerning his promises, but all the more the day draws near the nunwood would be lost. Right? That's the purpose behind that and I've got that scripture a little upside down and twist it backwards, but the point man were ministering to motorcycle group people that don't know Jesus and they're asking us to be a part of what they're doing. I were able to have a foothold into the community that needs Jesus. So that's what's happening with faith Riders. So if you got any concern about it being a motorcycle club or riding group, I assure you that's not its purpose its purpose is to figure out how we can break the stronghold of Satan and we can get the influence of the Gospel to beam some light into their Dark World not all of them are lost some of them believe in love Jesus, but it is a difficult crowd to minister to and they're building a relationship right now. Hopefully their blessing the wingman with what we're doing and hopefully salvation will come true that ever, okay.

We have one. That's what we're hoping for. We haven't raised all the money for that yet.

They may have because somebody wrote out a check for the entire amount, but the intent was to get the Bible's purchased, but the money is still come in for them. So if they've been ordered which I think they have. Okay. Well if you were told that I'm sure they were but then that means that person ordered them all. Okay, so I just got to the confirm.

I don't know but that's a great question that the faith Rider coordinators can run down. So between Aaron and and Craig are they can get you that answer how much we need for that. Well, I'll tell you what, hold on a second.

So Faith Riders, that's not right though. That's that's from within faithwriters himself. That's not for the Bible's. I want to say I saw $250 on the on the on a giving total for the week of the Diana gives me.

But we can run that down if you'll be over there in a crate. I can tell you how much is lacking for that. Okay. Do you guys know off the top of your head how much it is?

We can find that out for you though. Thank you for asking. Call Sean.

Brother John


the reason the reason why

So are our food Ministry feeds all of our family and them other folks that we invite on Wednesday nights the money that you pay for that meal helps us by the food that we give to those guests to show up for the first time by first-time guests do not pay if there's people we know need a meal they do not pay we feed them and that's what that money goes for all of our Expendables coffee cups plates things like that that we used to budget in the church budget. Now that the food Ministry takes care of all those reoccurring expenses every month. So it's take it's almost the kitchen is paying for itself for the most part except for special foods that we use for our partnership events bridging events in a community.

All right. All right. That's what that sounds like a challenge or just play with that.

Anything else Ministry needs are occurring me. We still need some assistance with our our children's church during worship Services. We'd like to have some assistance with that to where we have a rotation schedule or we have four to six people to wear every month to two months. You're doing one children's church service. So if you like more information about that, please contact me and I'll get you worked into how we can do children's church still need any other minister needs that were aware of

not just as a Ministry need but also encourage those that are in ministries. It's easy to get burned out and it's quickly to get burnt out. If someone is not encouraged to do what you're asking them to do for instance those that have sat here in the choir for years and years and it's not exactly a thankful job a lot of time and they put a lot of effort and a lot of time and to encourage them to continue and also encourage them by helping participate in worship if y'all lays it on your heart to sing your heart out. We would love to have you come help seeing the heart out for this church. Know what? All right any other Ministry needs that we're not aware of that needs needs help. Okay next to my place. Nominating committee brother James dick, if you'll come up here. We have two slots. The nominating committee will talk about next life. You'll go to that and James you can come on up and I'll keep talking why you coming or positions that are currently open. My brother Betty. Jean are skinny sister better. Gene has has been faithful for 72 years. Is that right? She's almost it feels like it for many years is our church clerk. She has very heartfelt appreciation submitted her resignation today that she she needs assistance. If she can no longer do that rolls up. The church clerk is open and then if you want to talk about the last one.

position open

I know I don't really feel like I'm the one that should be spent if you're talkin about that.

Just like old Timex watch to talk about United States licking and keeps on ticking.

Everybody gets tired. Everybody wants to break. plenty of capable people here

Lord lays it on your heart.

We need we going to need someone. Not tomorrow not next week, but we need them today.

So what will what will ask the church to allow us to do is on behalf of the church this position is now on field. So we would ask the church to allow us to fill it with the best person that we see fit that comes to us and says I am willing to do this. So we're not in the way of motion but no way of a vote approval. We asked the congregation to give us the ability to fill the church clerk position as that person becomes available any second that motion Which one who got it? Foster Foster second any discussion

I want no discussion motion passes.

all opposed motion passes will fill that role as the person comes available for that skill automation typing email some of those modern conveniences or some things were going to be that person to be able to do for the trustee's position. We will pass that on to the trustees who will speak next in the trustees can discuss the permit trustee and the church WIll vote by way of vote on that threaten ballot vote for that permits Rusty at a later time.


Disturbed tour

volunteer I just want to give you a special. Thank you.

And I know it's hard. hard to give up time time to come and volunteer


trustees or trustees like to come forward

and Craig you like to come forward as well as our two or three permanent trustees.

Well I said we've been pretty busy this time. I think the biggest thing that happened.

if we lost one of our questions

let's hear and

we have a vacancy food permit Christian.

Annabelle demon prayer over this what it comes to that time.

One week one week notice.

This time it won't be that person to be yes or no.

One thing I would encourage you if you have a recommendation for someone to serve as a permanent Rusty. These are the two gentlemen that you need to get that name too. So that name can be considered next week at the next service will announce a special called business meeting for the purpose of electing a permanent trustee will make that announcement next week. We'll work out the timing the church bylaws require us to make that announcement one week ahead of time and then we will make a vote the following week on who that person is in the presentation of that. We think we'll do it next week. We're not in an immediate hurry for that. But over the next couple of weeks will make sure that gets done that will bring you that name trustees will bring that name to you. We want to give you the opportunity however to make recommendations to as they're looking for someone to fill that role guy any questions for the trustees.

All right in as far as the pastor's address, you've already heard us talk about quite a few things. I want to share with you where we're going you've heard where we've been over the last 90 days. But where are we going? We got some wonderful opportunity to partner with our community in our near future between Easter Service on our vacation bible school and I hope you don't view this as just another yearly calendar event is what we do every year for us to truly begin to understand who is our neighbor now. I know by show hands how many of you grew up in Pine Bluff you're from this area. Keep him up be proud of it. I want you to count one two, three, four, five, six. Seven eight nine 10 11 12. Thank you for the clarity better. Now, if you're not from Pine Bluff, raise your hands. One two, three, four, five six seven eight nine, 10, 11, 12, 30, 40 50 60 70 80 90 21 22 23, you are outnumbered. I just kidding. Why why do you think I know why I'm at. Well, I have shared that you're supposed. We are becoming a regional Church meaning were ministering to more than what Samuel Ives first had in his mind when he planted the flag plant a Baptist Church Miss Elsie and I were talking last week about the community moving in you be surprised at the median age of people moving in our communities are late thirties or early forties. They're moving into Pine Bluff from Raleigh from Moore County from other places that are moving here. We're having an influx of people that are coming in this community. We have a lot of folks to attend our church. Now that our members are that are faithful. 22 of them are here tonight that aren't from Pine Bluff AR Ministry is expanded today. Most people 80% of people will drive 25 minutes or less to go to church. Percent of people that attend American churches say in a in a survey they will drive 25 minutes to get to a good church some will drive more but 80% will drive up at 25 miles 25 minutes. That's that's a drastic change from 50 years ago for churches. So we are having a regional impacts over the next few months. You will continue to see us addressing our Outreach. How do we Bless The Bluff by getting involved in our community by beginning pray as we already do but pray more earnestly about how do we impact our community talking with our town leaders and Community leaders and Business Leaders, how can we minister to your workers? What can we do to be relevant in your life? I believe. I honestly that today the church has to earn the right to be heard when you grew up many of you you went to church cuz Daddy said so And Mama Said So it if you didn't you got bumped on the head and then you got drugged at church, right? Am I Wrong who grew up in a household? Just two of you. Y'all me to tell us some stories then right but we grew up in a community where church is what you did. There was no exceptions post. We don't have it. We don't have a society like that anymore. So we've got to learn how to listen to our neighbors understand. How do we get involved in our life? We have to earn the right to be heard. Not that God has to earn the right but we as a church have to earn the right to get a family to invest their life here to take an hour out of their Sunday an hour out of their Wednesday to come and listen to us talk to them about this Jesus guy. So I'd encourage you as we look forward to the New Year. All we are doing is helping us. Learn how to earn the right to be her to be relevant in our community how we can truly blessed the bluff & Beyond in our community as a church. That's kind of where we're going. Anybody got any questions Open Mic or concern for me right now is your pastor that you'd like to share.

We are working very hard on transparency of communication. I 1 ways that we are demonstrating that to you. If you have questions about the Constitution and bylaws proposals every week for the next four weeks trustees will be in the fellowship hall after church service and they will be there sitting at a table with a little yellow pad like this ready to entertain your questions that you may have about why we proposed changes to our Constitution and bylaws. So if you have specific questions tonight when you go home, and I know y'all will stay up till 3 in the morning reading over it if you have questions and don't understand something every Sunday service for the next four weeks are trustees will be over there to answer your question for the first thirty minutes after church service. They will record down what questions you ask and then we will share them with the congregation the following week cuz some other folks may be having the same questions and we want to make sure that you understand the decisions and why we're doing what we're doing. Okay, so that's what we're working on to do that and Chuck. I have missed you. So if you will come up here for a moment as building and grounds building and maintenance and talk about where we are going with with that on well checks coming any questions for me. How many all are excited about what you're saying in our church and then I'll worship services? Pretty exciting, isn't it? What's going on? We've had for baptism since October Tracy Galloway Wendy Goins Amy morgenstimmung Wendy Goins Kimberly going Wendy Morgan. There we go. And

Brittany Combs had since October so that's a wonderful thing continue to see new life and people being obedience to God so that that's what it's all about the truck if you would

budget last quarter pretty quiet $57 the light bulbs and things like that. But since then things have been happening we had a leak in the roof and I had to look at it and I we do have insurance before I wonder why we spent $2,085 fixing the roof and good fight. I can't turn ignition. We did have some wind damage of thunderstorms, but most of it was all right, and I didn't want to look at him and say if I went with the actor was finished and I'm satisfied now, it's right and we had spent $2,085 and I did. It was $1,000 for the insurance and I

It's all been repaired. Now. The next thing we're looking at is a replacing the carpet in the hallway going to the offices and carpeting in the office in there as soon as your nose is really bad. So I got to do the library the prayer room to two offices and stairways and the steps going down to the fellowship hall and we schedule at the middle of February and February and then later we need to take care of. If you do get out there and we'll take care of everything and sometimes we don't see it all.


Put on that's why it's been 10 years since we were put on years and they don't have a warrant to that long, but we've had a good time and put weather.

Heavy rain we had this past weekend. He didn't lick it off. Case you're wondering the overall Building Maintenance budget for this year's $12,500 and we are still not even not even halfway spent on that.

Anybody got anything else? Thank you.

As we close our our our celebration Sunday business meeting. Is there any comments concerns or any Alibis that we need to share?

Do you like that check alibis? None. All right with us if you will we're going to stand together and we're going to sing one more song right one more song One More again, and we get to get our sugar come on and our celebration Sunday ice cream will sing Our Song will close in a word of prayer Craig. If you would closes her when we're done singing and then we will go over to the fellowship hall and and and enjoy yourself.

I think some more let's go to Long Prairie. Body word says be. Holy just like you're holding father. We we try to do that. We could only do that to your help. I don't we just would you ask for help for that each and every day when we think of what you're getting at least really does help us with that bother trying to make us always depend on you and then go to you first and make everything we do about you not about us for self-glorification or or any of that type of thing. Shall we give you praise you Lord for everything? You've done it done so much for all of you just really appreciate that. Let us continue to show that again, but we praise you forever for this group is here tonight is gathered and I'm trying to do your work by then. We just continue to bless us isn't and we can give you the praise for all that but I'm thinking of that and focus vs. Scuba gear in a body and we ask all these things. You said you just a payment.

Earn an accredited degree from Redemption Seminary with Logos.