Lifting the Lid of Limitations
The character and life of Joshua gives us a striking illustration of how the promises of God are to be received and enjoyed. Canaan represents the better land, or what God Himself designates “My rest” (Heb. 3:11). This rest did not mean a folding of the arms and a lying down at ease. It meant hardship, warfare, and victory. It simply meant an entering into the plans and purposes of God, and a quiet resting on Him alone, to accomplish all that He had promised
1. Don't Put a Period where God has put a Comma.
Don't Put a Period where God has put a Comma.
sometimes these two words are distinguished.. Instruction (didache) and preaching (Kerguma). At the beginning of Joshua there is this blessing that comes with the word..
At the beginning of Joshua there is this blessing that comes with the word..
The longest month we can have is 31 days long, if we think of each day as a king to be conquered, the application would be that we have a battle of some sort to fight every day.
Thirdly, it was an exhorting word; there was much more that needed to be done. He had to press on to further achievements. Fourthly, it was an inspiring word, for it was to remind him of his duty to divide the land so that the Israelites could root out its inhabitants.
2. Don't Pencil Over what God has already written in Pen.
Principle - Don't Pencil Over what God has already written in Pen.
Don't Pencil Over what God has already written in Pen.
The land was before them. It was not for them to stay forever in their comfort zones—Gilgal and later Shiloh (18:1). They had received an inheritance and it was now for them to possess their possessions
Don't Pencil Over what God has already written in Pen.
Don't Pencil Over what God has already written in Pen (2-5)
We do, however, need to see this promise within the framework of the mission of God. God’s purpose is to bring creation back to himself, and Israel’s existence within the Old Testament was part of this
Their inheritance was the land; our inheritance is Christ. What the land was to them, Christ is to us. The possibilities of the life in Christ are endless. There is so much to possess. Paul says, ‘… that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death … I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:10, 14).
The picture of complete conquest is by way of an assertion of the inevitable fulfilment of God’s promises; yet this did not finally happen until the time of David (2 Sa. 7:1). In reality, therefore, Israel’s initial occupation of the land was only partial, and for centuries the Israelites remained as merely one element of the population of the land.
3. Give over your limitations to a limitless God.
“Give over your limitations to a limitless God.”
Give your limitation to a limitless God.
Moves - You have more Reserves in your tank than you Think
God says, ‘I will drive out [the residents of the land] from before the children of Israel’ (v. 6). We are to be inspired to action by the promises of God. We are not to wait for God to do something for us when he expects us to be involved. We ‘are workers together with him’ (2 Corinthians 6:1).
God fights for His people and will drive the peoples from the land for them, but He will not divide the land for them as this was a task that He had given to Joshua, as the leader of the people. God has won the victory for us too but like Joshua, we are called to follow His commands in regards to using what God has won for us. See Galatians 5:1
On more careful inspection, however, it is clear that the biblical narrative knows that it was in fact long and difficult (Jos. 9; 11:22; 13:1; 15:63; 17:12–13; 19:47; Jdg. 1). The picture of complete conquest is by way of an assertion of the inevitable fulfilment of God’s promises; yet this did not finally happen until the time of David (2 Sa. 7:1). In reality, therefore, Israel’s initial occupation of the land was only partial, and for centuries the Israelites remained as merely one element of the population of the land.