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The story of christmas:
The birth of Jesus brought;
a) Joy- Matt 2:10; Luke 2:10;
b) Peace- Micah 5:2-5; Luke 2:14.
Bethlehem ("house of bread") was built on the site of the old Ephrath — the Ephrath where
Rachel died.
There was no room for them in the inn. "The inn of Bethlehem, what in modern Eastern travel
is known as a khan or caravanserai, as distinct from a hostelry (the 'inn' of Luke 10:34). Such an
inn or khan offered to the traveler simply the shelter of its walls and roofs. This khan of
Bethlehem had a memorable history of its own, being named in Jeremiah 41:17 as the 'inn of
Chimham,' the place of rendezvous from which travelers started on their journey to Egypt. It was
so called after the son of Barzillai, whom David seems to have treated as an adopted son (2
Samuel 19:37, 38), and was probably built by him in his patron's city as a testimony of his
gratitude" (Dean Plumptre). The stable was not unfrequently a limestone cave, and there is a very
ancient tradition that there was a cave of this description attached to the "inn," or caravanserai, of
Bethlehem. This "inn" would, no doubt, be a large one, owing to its being in the neighborhood of
Jerusalem, and would often be crowded with the poorer class of pilgrims who went up to the
temple at the seasons of the greater feasts. Bethlehem is only six miles from Jerusalem.
When Jesus was born, israel did not known whom he was, even though he had been spoken off
in the old testament many times. Isaiah 1:3
The Exclusion of Christ
● The occupants of that inn at Bethlehem imagine who it was they were turning away when
Joseph and Mary sought admission there.
● They did not realize, for they did not know, whom they were excluding.
● Practically they were declining to receive, not only the Messiah of their country, but the
Savior of the world. What they did in guiltless ignorance, men too often do in wilful and
culpable rejection. Jesus Christ is sometimes excluded by men —
A) From our theories of divine government.
We have constructed a perfect theory of government using physical laws that there is no
room for a Savior. We exclude him completely from the affairs of running the
B) From the estimate of our intellectual necessities.
They believe that, by applying their knowledge, their reasoning faculty, their intuitive
powers, to nature and to mankind, they can reach all the conclusions there is any
necessity to attain, All that is over and above this is redundant; there is no room in their
sense of need for a Divine Teacher
C) From the estimate of man's spiritual wants.
They only want to know which commandments they have broken without without
knowing they have sinned by failing to offer themselves as a sacrifice, to serve God with
their talents, gifts, treasures and time.
D) From the habit of our life
Although many recognize Jesus claims and his powers, they refuse to welcome him to
their hearts. Their lives are so crowded with cares, with the business of the market or of
the household; or they are so filled up with the pleasures and the prizes of this world; or
they are so occupied with pursuits which, if intellectual, are unspiritual, that there is no
room for that Divine One who comes to speak of sin and of mercy and of the life which is
spiritual and eternal, who claims to be trusted and loved and served as the Savior of the
human soul and the Sovereign of the human life
2. Why do we need to make a room for Jesus.
a) No other name. 1 John 8:10
b) He is the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6
c) Mediator. By way of eminence, Christ is the mediator, the divine intercessor through
whom sinners may be reconciled to an offended God. 1 Tim 2:5
d) Light of the world. John 8:12
e) Bread of life. John 6:35.
3. How can we make a room for him ( Jesus)
1. Prayer and Daily devotion. Psalm 59:16, Psalm 105:4; Psalm 5:3; Psalm 143:8; 1 Thess
5:17. Luke 18:1. Men ought to pray and not faint which means we are to possess
sufficient fervency to carry us through the long and severe periods and pleading prayer
Un Fervent prayers has no heart in it. It's like an empty thing , unfit vessel.
Fervent means, passionate,warmth of soul, the zeal .
To be fervent in prayer we must
● Prepare ourselves.
● Find a place to talk to God.
2. Abiding in his word. (To continue permanently or in the same state; to be firm and
immovable Psa 119:90). John 15:7; John 8:31;
3. Deny yourself. Mark 8:34-37
4. Replace your attributes: Col 3:5-10; 12-14
5. Faith/ obeying Christ by Faith. Heb 11:6; John 14:23 (loving God is not based on what
we say but what we do). John 14:12; 14:15
1. Made a room for Jesus
a) Acts 2:37. The people in Jerusalem made a room for Jesus.
b) Acts 19: 5. Baptized in the name of Jesus.
c) Zacchaeus . Luke 19:1-9
Did not make a room for Jesus
Felix the governor of Palestine did not make a room for Jesus. Acts 24:22-25
Many deserted Jesus. John 6:60; 66.
Jesus rejected in his hometown. Matthew 13:53-58
The shepherds
They were held in low estimation among the people.
They were never allowed as witnesses in the courts.
They were supposed to receive no help
1. Who is Jesus?
Luke 1:31. His name shall be Jesus, Isaiah 7:14; 9:6 ; 11: 1-5
1. He is the savior- Jesus Rom 5:21
2. He is Christ- developer. Col 2:6; 1 Cor 15:31
3. Lord ( Master, Ruler, posses supreme power and authority). 1 Cor 15:57
2. Why do we need to make a room for Jesus.
f) No other name. 1 John 8:10
g) He is the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6
h) Mediator. By way of eminence, Christ is the mediator, the divine intercessor through
whom sinners may be reconciled to an offended God. 1 Tim 2:5
i) Light of the world. John 8:12
j) Bread of life. John 6:35.