Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
In John 6 we saw crowds seeking out Jesus because of the miracles He performed, and the way He fed the crowd of 5000 men, plus women and children, from just two fish and five small barley loaves.
The people were amazed and sought Him out the next day, because they wanted Jesus to keep providing food for them.
Jesus told them they should not be seeking food for their stomachs, or physical bread, but they should come to Him for eternal life!
They should come to Him in faith to enter a relationship with God!
The people did not get what they wanted.
They did not get another miracle.
They did not get more food for their stomach.
We read the conclusion in John 6:66.
This is what started us looking into this fan or follower.
Most Christians would claim to be disciples of Jesus.
We say we want to learn from Him and follow Him.
But are we followers?
Or are we like these disciples, who were more like fair-weather fans?
The first week we dug into John 6 and saw that fans:
Focus on themselves - “What can Jesus do for me?”
Focus on their past decision to seek Jesus - “I believed.”
“I prayed.”
“I received.”
“I asked.”
Committed to getting what they want
Lack action
We went on to contrast that with followers.
Focus on Jesus - “What does Jesus want?”
Focus on the present - “I believe!”
Committed to what Jesus wants
Act on their faith
We concluded that week, looking at ourselves, and asking God to reveal: What do I focus on day in and day out?
Do I focus on some past act of what I did to be saved, or do I focus on the present, I believe, therefore I act!
The next week, we looked at how Jesus called his disciples to radical action!
He called them to up and leave what they were doing, and to follow him… and they did!
What would make someone leave their old life behind, and just up and follow Jesus?
I believe we see the answer in what Jesus said about being a disciple on two occasions.
One time, when lots of people started following Jesus, He told them exactly what He was looking for in a disciple:
That is some strong language.
Jesus is really lay on the line what he calls a disciple.
Jesus said it slightly differently when talking with his twelve hand-picked disciples on another occasion.
Matthew records it for us:
What would make the twelve disciples up and leave their lives behind to follow Jesus?
They loved Him more!
The question we needed to answer that week was, who or what do I truly love?
Am I more interested in pleasing my family, or Jesus?
Do I love my own life, more than I love Jesus?
Who do I love more?
Jesus says we need to love him more if we truly want to be his disciples.
We concluded the first two weeks asking questions.
We claim to be disciples, or followers of Jesus.
But are we really followers, or just fans?
The questions we asked should reveal the answer.
Do I focus on me and what I want, or Jesus and what He wants?
Am I committed to getting what I want, or am I committed to what Jesus wants?
What do my actions show about what I focus on, and what I am committed to?
Do I really love Jesus more?
Or, do I love my life?
Do I love my family more?
Do I love what people think of me more?
Good questions that really point out if I am a fan or a follower of Jesus.
Today, we are looking at what it is going to take for you and me to truly be a disciple.
What do we have to do?
What actions does a follower do?
We can see this by looking at what Jesus said after He talked about loving Him more.
These are the same passages we looked at a couple weeks ago, but we are moving on to the next verse.
Did you catch what Jesus is saying?
What is required of a true disciple, a true follower?
What we we have to do?
“...take up their cross and follow me”.
Last time we talked about how when Jesus says something on two occasions, we need to really pay attention.
What is scary is that Jesus actually said this on three different occasions!
Luke records the other setting in Luke 9:23.
Jesus said what it takes to be a true disciple on three different occasions.
This third occasion is sometime after the feeding of the 5000, and before the transfiguration of Christ, when Peter James and John got to see Jesus in His glory on the mountain.
What does Jesus say it takes to be a true disciple?
Let’s begin by looking at the first part, Deny self.
Deny Self
What does it mean to ‘deny self’?
Well, first let’s look what it means to ‘deny’.
According to the dictionary, if we ‘deny’ in this sense, it is to:
a: to give a negative answer to 〈denying the petitioners〉
b: to refuse to grant 〈deny a request〉
c: to restrain (oneself) from gratification of desires
Now, if we apply that definition to self we get:
a: to give a negative answer to self
b: to refuse to grant a request from self
c: to restrain oneself from gratification of your own desires.
Easy enough, right?
Deny Self?
Well, let’s think about that.
This really goes against everything we are brought up to believe and achieve.
Our culture is a culture that is completely, utterly caught up in ‘self’!
Our culture has always been about self, and continues to rapidly slip down the slope of self more and more each day.
It starts out simply when we are children.
What do you want to do today?
What do you feel like doing?
How do you want that?
With ketchup?
What do I want to do with your life?
As we go through life, this is fed more and more.
Our lives revolve around self, and self gratification.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9