Sunday 2-3-19 Service
so what is y'all's favorite fairy tale?
Anybody any favorites?
Sleeping Beauty
Aladdin Cinderella, okay. Alright Little Red Riding Hood. Okay, we get some good ones.
Hansel and Gretel, okay. That's a good one, too. So when we think of fairy tales as you guys proved. We usually think of Mother Goose and Walt Disney Aladdin. I heard Aladdin, right? Yeah, then there are The Brothers Grimm fairy tales anybody ever heard of those? Okay. So which are anything but the fairy tales that we know of today, correct? Yes. Are you going to tell these fairy tales to your children before they go to sleep?
They used to sell the first volume of Grimm's Fairy Tales was released in 1812. And then II in 1814. Then there was only 83 fairy tales as compared to the 200 we know today.
And one of my favorites is Hansel Hansel and Gretel.
It is always intrigued me. I still do not understand how anybody could tell this fairytale to their children as a bedtime story.
So I'm going to give you just a little short version of it. Trying to keep it short Hansel and Gretel witch is grethel in the original where a brother and sister in the 1800's when there was a ton of no food. One night. They heard their stepmother and their father talking. And so here's what they said now when he thought this over the father. But not in his bed and tossed about in his anxiety. He groaned and said to his wife what is to become of us. How are we defeat our poor children, when we no longer have even food for ourselves. I tell you what husband answered that woman. Early tomorrow morning, we will take the children out into the forest to where it is the thickest and we will light a fire for them and give them just one piece of bread and then we will go to work and leave them alone. They will not find their way home again and we shall be rid of them. Nice, right.
Then the husband he said no wife. I will not do that. How can I bear to leave my children alone in the forest the wild animals with Susan come and tear them to pieces and she said, oh the alpha then we must all Ford of hundred so that I may just as well playing the planks for a coffin and she left him no peace until he consented so he gave in and so they did they took him out in the woods and they left them. Now Hansel, he had filled his pockets with anybody, you know little white stones. We're not there yet with little white stones and so he left the trail and they found their way home. So once again there back home. In a second time, here we go. Again. There was a scarcity of food. And so they overheard their mother their step mother and father talking again. And so then Hansel he tries to find Pebbles and she's got the door locked. And so instead he takes bread this time. This is where the bread comes from bread crumbs come from until he leaves a trail of breadcrumbs and this time animals and birds eats it and so he can't find his way back home. so instead
what happens is I found a little house in the woods and the house is built a bread and covered with cakes. And the windows were clear sugar. And they say Hansel and Gretel. They say we're going to eat this we're going to have a really good meal because we're going to eat this and suddenly the door open and a very very old woman who supported herself on crutches came creeping out and Hansel and Gretel were so terribly frightened that they let follow what they had in their hands and the old woman. She's nodded her head and she said, oh you dear children? Who's brought you here? Do come in and stay with me no harm shall happen to you. And she took them both by the hand and led them into her little house and good food was set before them milk in pancakes with sugar apples and nut we all want to go there. We know pretty little birds came by to eat him up and tell him they were given pretty little beds with pretty little Lennon and so Hansel and Gretel lay down in them, and I thought they were in heaven.
To see the old woman. She'd only pretended to be so kind she was in reality a wicked witch who lay and wait for the children and only Built a little Bread House in order to entice them there and when a child fell into her power she killed it. She cooked it and she ate it. And that was her Feast for her day. And so this was the plan for this brother and his sister. It's so early in the morning before the children were awake. She was already up and when she saw both of them sleeping and looking so pretty with her plot red cheeks. She muttered to herself. That will be a dainty mouthful. Then she sees Hansel with her shriveled hand and carried him into a little stable and shut him in with a graded door. He can scream as he liked but nobody would ever hear them then she went to Gretel and she said get up you lazy thing fetch some water and cook some something good for your brother. He is in the stable and we are to make him fat so I can eat him.
And Gretel she cried out Dear God do help us.
And the little old woman the witch. She said just keep that noise to that self. All that won't help you at all.
Early in the morning Gretel had to go out and hang up The Cauldron with the water and light the fire. The old woman said we will bake first. I've already heated the oven and needed the dough. So she push Gretel out to the oven and she said creepiest and see if it's properly heated.
and Gretel new that once she was inside that the witch intended to bake her. So she said I do not know how I am to do it. How do you get in? Silly goose, and the old woman the doors big enough just look I can get in myself and saw the witch crept in and trust her head into the oven and then Grassle gave her a push and drove her far into it and shut the iron door and fasten the boat then she begin to how quite horribly the grass or winter right run away and the Godless which was miserably burnt to death. Grethel, she ran like lightning to Hansel open his little stable and cried Hansel. We are saved the old witch is dead. And then Hansel spring out like a bird from its cage when the door is open for it how they did rejoice and embrace each other and dance about and kiss each other.
So the witch in the story reminds me of the Dragon in the Book of Revelation, you know that Christmas story that we all know and love. Maybe John who wrote the book Revelation with Ken to the Grimm Brothers.
Revelation 12 listen to this Christmas Story another sign appeared in heaven enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth and the dragon it stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment and he was born she gave birth to a son a male child who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter and her child was snatched up to God and to his throne and the woman fled Into the Wilderness to a place prepared by her forgot where she might be taken care of 1260 days then war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven. The Great Dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the Earth and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say now has come to set Pass elevation in the power in the kingdom of God and the authority of his Messiah for the accusers over brothers and sisters accuses them before God before our God day and night has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from Death therefore Rejoice Rejoice you heavens and you who dwell in them, but woe to the Earth in the sea because the devil has gone down to you. He is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short.
So, you know the devil is roaming to and for fro looking for whom he may devour. 1st Peter 5:8 Dan Boone. He describes the dragon in the Book of Revelation as a dog on a leash. Say he might be roaming to and fro but our God has him on a leash God is still in control as Satan is allowed to test us. So often though we take the work away from him because we go up and knock on his door. We make it so the big dog doesn't have to even get it get it down off the porch.
So the boy and girl in Hansel and Gretel. They saw through the chaos in the world. Do you see through the chaos in your world? They kept their focus where it should be repeatedly you you here Hansel say that God will save us. And then you hear grethel as she comes to the end of herself and her Focus becomes clear, dear. God do help us she cried. then you here's a witch try to shut her up. Just keep that noise to that self. Your God is not going to help you. He isn't that just like the devil. the father of Lies
How often do our Temptations dressed in innocence try to consume us but unlike the children in the story. We're unaware of who or what wants to devour us from within.
Play the tale of Mary and Martha that you didn't think I was going there. Did you the tale of Mary? And Martha is one such scenario see who is wrong. Who is right. If you've read the story heard it priest. You've got your own thoughts. On who is right and who is wrong? Who do you epode? Do you resent? Which one are you? Cuz you're more than likely wanted the other. Do you see Mary as being the favorite Child? Do you see Martha as being scolded? Who is the hero? Who is the villain of the story?
We're going to take a moment, which we usually don't and we're going to read the scripture this morning cuz I want you guys to get a firm grip on what's going on. Luke 10 38 to 42 now as they went on their way he entered a certain Village Jesus did where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary who said at the Lord's feet and listen to what he was saying, but Martha was distracted by her many tasks, so she came to him and asked Lord. Do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself.
Tell her then to help me. But the Lord answered her Martha Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things. There is need only of one thing. Mary has chosen the better part which will not be taken away from her.
You realize that a spiritual battle is going on right there.
You see it. The devil is working at the door.
See when I read this passage or when I read this passage. I see the church. And I see the enemy attempting to pit us against each other. We know Mary and Martha are sisters, but we also know that we are Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Old red does a good job of getting the Martha's to think that they do all the work? a red does a good job of getting the Mary's to think that they are holier than thou
Play I see all these head-shaking. I know.
So let's be real for a minute this morning. We know that there's nothing wrong with being a merry right. We also know that there's nothing wrong with working right we are called to do it. The original language in this passage the word working Ashley means serving.
The Martha wasn't wrong and showing Hospitality again. It's something that were called to do. And on top of that. She was even even showing has Hospitality to who our lord Jesus. They serving God and serving each other is exactly who we are called to be. And it should be especially so in the presence of the Lord, correct?
The Abraham and Sarah, they showed great Hospitality as we learned in our Bible study this week Genesis 18, please come on Thursdays at 6. You will have fun. I promise ask anybody.
But just as Abraham and Sarah were showing Hospitality Mary and Martha also found their self in the presence of the Lord the Abraham and Sarah realized they were also showing Hospitality to the Lord. So if this is what we're called to do, what's the problem?
To also find great Hospitality being shown to the Lord by the woman who was known as a great sinner Luke 7:38 says that she stood behind Jesus At His Feet weeping and again to bathe his feet with her tears and to dry them with her hair.
She was serving him and what did he say to her? She has shown great love. The loving each other is a great thing. He said that again loving loving each other is a great thing.
Do you understand this when like Martha? You start complaining out of bitterness and resentment. Guess what? It's no longer love.
Seether many instances where we are shown Jesus and his disciples serving one another one of my favorite is when Jesus shows his disciple Peter that Jesus came to be servant to all and that we are called to take up your cross and follow Mary and Martha. right wrong Take up your cross and follow Jesus.
John 13, it was before the Passover Festival in Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the father having loved his own who were in the world. He loved them to the end. So the evening nipple was in progress in the devil had already prompted Judas the son of Simon Iscariot to betray Jesus and Jesus knew that the father had put all things under his power. And that he had come from God and was returning to God. Wow, he's a big deal. Isn't he this Jesus? It's only get it from the male took off his outer clothing and wrap the towel around his waist.
After that, he poured water into a basin and begin to wash his disciples feet. This big deal began to wash his students feet. Begin, drying them with a towel that was wrapped around him. And it came to Simon Peter who said to him Lord. Are you going to wash my feet?
And Jesus replied you do not realize what I am doing, but later you will understand and Peter said no. No, you shall never wash my feet Jesus answered unless I wash your feet you will have no part with me. and then Saint Peter said then Lord, not just my feet, but my hands and my head as well.
They serving will grow to be a natural element. It will be coming natural element of who we are as we grow in Christ. It will become something that we can we can do no other but serve each other and serve God. But they serving is not all there is meant to be in our walk with Christ.
There is a personal relationship as well which requires that we take time to rest. Not just rest, but to bathe in the presence of God. and perhaps this is what Jesus was trying to teach Simon Peter.
Say Mary was taking a Sabbath. And we are commanded to remember the Sabbath and what he bit holy. Yes.
So of course Jesus is going to say Mary you have chosen the better part. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken away from her.
We can go around this room and name each and every one of you the Nisha you have chosen the better part and it will not be taken away from you Marjorie. You have chosen the better part and it will not be taken away from you. Say it to yourself insert your name because that is what Jesus is saying to you this morning.
Say it isn't necessary and required part of being a child of God and a disciple of Christ.
Martha's problem in that moment was that she had lost her Focus her Focus was on Mary not Jesus. See this is what we mess up. So often whether we being married or where there will be a Martha or whether we be both. As a result of Morris a sinking. She didn't have time for Jesus. Guess what happened? She forgotten who she was. a child of God
And as a result of her and intentionally distancing herself from Jesus she barked at him. The tell her sister to do something.
Have you ever done that? I have not proud of it, but I have done it and then Jesus he reminds me as he did. Marry that I need to take a moment. And remember who I am.
So Mary was perfect though. It might sound like I'm picking on Martha, but I'm really not because truthfully I'm more of a Martha than I am and Mary being very honest here. So that might be the reason that it seems that I'm taking on Martha. I have to be very intentional about being a Mary. More so than I do about it being a Martha and you might be the opposite. some of you are see as a result of our own Tennessee's we to off and read things into scripture that really isn't there. The nothing says it Martha blows her sister. How many of you thought that Martha loathed her sister? Probably quite a few.
It might sound like it to me. That really maybe Martha is just trying to understand why Jesus is allowing Jesus. Can you just allow Mary to sit there and do nothing? While I am working. right Sienna world Were women were not permitted to be a disciple of the rabbi? This is exactly what Jesus was given Martha permission to do. Come and sit at my feet. bathe in my presence Actually, he wasn't giving her permission. He was inviting her into his presence. He was inviting her to sit at the feet of the greatest Rabbi of all. And he's inviting you. this morning
The Martha was having trouble seeing the reality and knowing Christ.
Are you having trouble seeing the reality and knowing Christ this morning?
this week as I was listening to The radio station I heard this really cool thing. Do you know that if you're ever caught in an elephant Stampede, do you know what to do?
anybody lie down Yes, right lie down just lay down. Let them go around you.
Love the conversation here. Yes. I'm not lying down because I'm afraid I'm going to get trampled, right? Yeah.
so maybe
We should be a bit random so often that was a little random, right? Maybe we should and maybe in the midst of the hustle and bustle. Maybe we should just lie down. And trust God that we're not going to get crushed in the Stampede. Hard, isn't it? Maybe we should do it. Don't want to tell you guys. One more thing.
You like my air plant. Do you guys remember I got this for Christmas or birthday something? That's all at all of its at the same time. It seems like Anyway, when Candice handed me this she said here's you a plant you can't kill.
You see it's dying.
It's an air plant. Guess what I forgot to do. Now I forgot to water it.
Because I didn't know it needed water.
so good fruit does not grow from a tree that is not watered.
So reality check we cannot produce the fruit of the spirit without the Living Water. Amen.
Bear with me just a little bit more here because I got all work and no play makes Martha what? adorable boy Are doll the girl? All Play and No Work makes merry the person that James talks about when he says faith without works is Dead James 2 14 through 16 see the flip side of James conversation is found spoken from the mouth of Paul when he says that we are justified by faith. Are you seeing how we go back and forth back and forth, right? It is only when we put the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit at the center of our everything that Things fall into place as they should.
So how many of you guys have a planner?
All right. Come on tell you this is how we're going to really try to get ahold of this. Okay, cuz we need some help in this area. We know in high school. You guys are taught how to use a planner early on correct? Right and it was the same thing when I started college. It was the first class. I had to teach me how to use a planner and then again later on to teach me how to be a pastor because you have to really learn how to organize and schedule your time. So we have to do this ourselves as Christians, right? Cuz we had everything in the world pulling at us, correct? And sometimes we do need to leave leave those dishes so that we can go and sit at the feet of Jesus. Or insert whatever else that you guys need to be doing. Or want to be doing okay, so when we schedule our calendars. Why do we pencil people in things in?
In case you have to go back and erase that right and put something else in. So you see where I'm going with this, right?
Don't pencil your time with Jesus in. Don't pencil in your time for serving. Those are two things that are required the necessary. For us to live the life that we are called to live.
So whether you're a MRSA your Martha make sure that you schedule in the time needed and necessary in the presence of our Lord and if you're married.
schedule time to surf say the remember the Devil roams to and fro looking for whom he may devour. Don't become his next meal. Keep the distractions at Bay by keeping your focus where it should be. It is a balanced life that is found following close in the footsteps of Christ. So just make sure I'm clear on this even Jesus made time to spend with his father.
And it was only then filled with the holy spirit that he was able to defeat the Devil in the wilderness.
So don't allow the devil to get the better of you. Choose as Mary did what? The better part and it will not be taken away from you the Amplified version of 1st Peter. 5:8 says be sober well-balanced and self-disciplined be alert and cautious at all times the enemy of yours the devil prowls around like a roaring lion and he is fiercely hungry seeking someone to devour
so enclosing tell him if you want to do at my feet, I think that would be perfect. All right. so in my focus when your focus becomes self-absorbed. We forget. how God works when our Focus become self-absorbed we forget how God works. Thank God. He's not all work. And God is not all rest, right he is both.
He is a perfect God. And we must remember that we are made in his Perfect Image.
And all God's people said amen. so this morning as the worship team plays cuz I was listening to the song earlier. I realize this is the perfect song and I also realized as we were going through. As we were worshiping earlier and I was listening to the song and it says at his feet at his feet and then tell him said I wish we could always be at his feet. We can. Weather were at work. Or whether we're at rest. and every word. Indeed Isn't that awesome? and so I'm inviting every single one of you guys to come up here at his feet this morning unless worship k