Mark: Power Struggle

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Anybody in here history buff somebody who likes to look back and see you know, what what happened taking us to where we are today. What might be coming in the future. I saw Bob raises hand personally. I'm not a huge history buff one of the themes in school at for history that really caught my eye was the Roman Empire like when that section was taught in school. I just ate that up. But anyway, my point is saying all of this is that even the church the Christian church has a history, right and it started at the creation and then of course, we saw all the stuff that happened in the Old Testament. There's so much narrative which means story and Old Testament that explains the church in the early days. And then we saw Christ and his ministry that he did through the Earth, but even more recently the church has gone through seasons of Revival and there are a few Google Hey, let's see. All right, so that trials is one of the things that

the Street Revival not trials It's pretty recent in our history to actually is a big part that started the Pentecostal denomination. And what happened was there was a group of students at a school and they gathered together and they earnestly seek the coming of the holy spirit. So they stayed in a room. They didn't leave until this outpouring of the spirit happened and that was the beginning of a Revival and you see this through history The Church that I attended before going to Kingswood University.

I don't ever use I don't think there was any intentional thing about not talking about the spirit and how the spirit works now in our in our church and in our lives, but it when I got to Kingswood University, I started hearing more and more about how the spirit works and they had they called them Holiness emphasis week. So they were the first within the first month of the semester they would set aside the special time and they would have a special speaker come in and and teach on Holiness which just means really being set apart for God and they would have the time of her afterwards so they call the people and they said if you want to be filled with the spirit come to the altar, you know, we don't have an alter here of a lot of churches have moved away from having a physical alter at the front of the church, but it's a really powerful thing to get up out of your seat and to go before God in this way. So I had actually one of the professors at the school pray over me to be filled with the spirit. And it was this overwhelming feeling and I brought me to tears but it was peaceful and I think that's pretty clear indication of how God works in our lives. Right? Sometimes we have these experiences where we're super overwhelmed and we're just like you want me to do what and you're asking me to do this and you want me to remove that and I could be overwhelming but it's peaceful at the same time another way that this worked for a friend of mine was she so her and her husband were students at Kingswood and then they graduated but they stayed and he continued working as an enrollment counselor, and she was working as the ra for the girls and they were married and they have been trying to get pregnant for quite some time.

Kind of the backtrack this idea of the gifts of the Spirit. So there was a gentleman that was brought in again. If this was another one of those emphasis week and he had the gift of healing so she went forward and she prayed that God would heal her so that she he would open up her womb, you know that idea. That's so she can have babies. And as much as he was praying for her to be able to conceive he was praying for her to be filled with the spirit. So there's is correlation in history again of of this opening of God spirit and that leading to powerful events in people's lives. So the thing that I want to focus on today when we look through the scriptures is this idea of God's power and what does that mean for the church? So if you want to grab your bible we're going to be in The Book of Mark actually for the next while they're 16 chapter. So 16 weeks we might take break here and there to do something else but I just felt like we needed to preach through the The Book of Mark. So we're in mark one if you grab the little New Testament there, it's on page 31. So where in mark one which is the second book of the New Testament? So if you find the New Testament and flip forward, you'll get to mark one and we're in versus 21. 228

they so when they say they it's Jesus and the first four disciples that he called so they went into capernum and right away. He answered the synagogue. He being Jesus entered the synagogue on the Sabbath and began to teach they were astonished at his teaching. Because he was teaching them as one who has Authority and not like the scribes just then a man with an unclean Spirit was in their synagogue. He cried out. What do you have to do with us Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are. The Holy One Of God, Jesus rebuked him saying be silent and come out of him and the unclean Spirit threw him into convulsions showed him with a loud voice and came out of him. They were all amazed. And so they began to ask each other. What is this a new teaching with authority He commands even the unclean spirit and they obey him at once the news about him spread throughout the entire vicinity of Galilee. Would you join me in prayer?

Heavenly Father we thank you for this opportunity to comment to be in your presence to worship you to declare Who You Are.

You are the king of kings and Lord of lords and you've invited us into this relationship with you and it's such a beautiful thing, and we're so thankful that you came.

We're also thankful that when you left to go back and be with the father that you gave the gift of the Holy Spirit.

And that your spirit here is with us right now. We invite you here Jesus. We want your presence here with us as we look at your word as we consider.

What the story of Christ means for us? mm to thousands years later

Lord would you be with us open our eyes open our ears? soften our hearts

we pray against the enemy who tries to put blinders on us.

And we just ask that your truth would be preached here this morning.

And that each of us would be growing deeper and our relationship with you.

Help us to understand in a way that we never have before what you're speaking us here today. In Jesus name amen.

So The Book of Mark is One of the gospels it's one of the Slipknot the synoptic gospels. If you read through the first four books of the New Testament are called the gospels. And the first three are pretty much identical in many ways. There's differences in each of them. The Book of Mark is actually one of the first writings of Jesus's story and it was used to actually Matthew and Luke Yeah, use a lot of the content and Mark to write their gospels. So in the ancient world not a lot of people could write right not a lot of people could read so it was its

Yeah, it's odd for there to be writing. But their oral tradition was really big. They passed all their stories through word through you know, what he look back in the Old Testament. God said like teach these things to your kids and then have their kids teach them to a lot of it was oral tradition and passed down. The Book of Mark was written supposedly by John Mark who was one of the Disciples of Christ but there are still some Scholars today who think it was somebody else other than him. So if you like look at some of the readings on Market Jose, okay. This is an anonymous book nobody ever claimed it and then a lot of people think that it was John Mark It Was Written 80 6465 which means you know Christ Ministry had been done for about 30 years and again that it was passed down orally but it took quite a while before it was written but what happened was in the early church, they started to again they started to have false teaching. So even though the real teachings were being passed down orally there was also false teachings that were going around. So that's when the sum of the first apostles and disciples. Okay, we need to get the truth down on paper. And so that was done and they think that the audience that this gospel was written for was the Gentile audio Which means people that didn't come from a Jewish background.

So one of the main things Mark is proclaiming as is the Messiah and he talks about early in the chapter 1 about John the Baptist who came to prepare the way for Christ. We talked about him a couple of times and how he practice the baptism of repentance. So when Jesus came it's really interesting to see that as soon as you know, he grew up and and he was ready for his ministry. The first thing that he did was he actually got baptized as well and he was baptized by John.

The scripture that were looking at today the first recorded words of Jesus where the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has come near repent and believe the good news. So Mark starts really early off in his gospel talking about what Jesus came to do and the work that he was going to focus on The thing I want you to take away from today's message. Is that God's power that Jesus apart and we're going to look at that in two different ways there two different ways that God's powers that Jesus apart. So when Jesus was baptized the spirit descended on him and one of the things that's really neat about Jesus's baptism. Is that even before Jesus did anyting Ministry? Why is before he performed any Americold gave any sermon? God said you are my son in whom I'm well pleased and what I love about that is that you know, I am a huge proponent and I will talk all the time about going out and doing good deeds and and living a holy life for God, but God was pleased with Jesus before he did anything for him. So again, it's another reminder for us that whether we are doing all the things God wants us to do or we're saying no and being disobedient. It is built on the foundation that God is well pleased with his children that when they say yes to relationship with him and get baptized. He is well pleased.

So the first way that God's power said Jesus the part we see is in word. So it's in the words that Jesus spoke. There was something about the way that Jesus spoke because he had our power that made people noticed it but they noticed that there was something different about this Jesus. So we see that Jesus got baptized and he was tempted and then after his temptation the 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. He begin his ministry on earth. And the first place is at least in the gospel of Mark that we see Jesus ministering is the city of Capernaum. So we have a slide of where capernum is heaven

Okay, so you can see at the top right-hand corner that capernum and then you can see Nazareth down at the bottom and Galilee. So the the body of water there is the Sea of Galilee and we be read about that a lot in the gospels. And her name is basically Jesus's like headquarters. So like Crossroads is a part of the central Canada District of the Wesleyan Church. So we have a headquarters for our dinner district is in earlier and Ottowa and then the Wesleyan Church has a headquarters which is down in Indiana. So it's this idea that there's there's places, you know that we kind of congregate to we go to and a lot of those like our for training and for your leadership and that sort of thing so capernum was the place that Jesus kind of based his ministry out of It was settled by the tribe of naphtali. So the Old Testament Church. The Israelites were made up of Twelve Tribes and one of those tribes was Natalie. So it's it's cool that Jesus was doing Ministry from a place. That was so connected to its history, right? It was a small Roman Center of Commerce, which is really important when it comes to the stories that we read about Jesus and the people that he interacted with at this time the Jews and the Gentiles were actually pretty friendly with one another you'll see if you follow the church history even in the 70 AD the emperor at that time was against the Jewish faith and ended up destroying the temple, but at this time there is friendly relations. So even though Jesus was primarily speaking to the Jewish audience at that time the Gentile audience also got a glimpse of what they would be invited into after Christ death and Resurrection. So anyway, the whole point of this God's powers that Jesus apart in word, and we see that right away in verse 21 as Jesus began to teach so he went into the synagogue in in the capernum area. We also have a picture of that.

So this is at your typical Jewish synagogue in the early days of well, when Jesus was doing Ministry. So those walls would have been closed in but it was like not that dissimilar or two, you know our church nowadays there would always be a teacher they would often just but they wouldn't preach necessarily they would take they would take the book and they would just read so as I let you know as I read Mark 1 when we first started here this morning, that's all they would do. They would just read it. They would say this is the word of the Lord and they would put the book down, but when Jesus went in

We don't see it necessarily In this passage of scripture. But if you look at the other gospels, as I said, they're very similar Jesus would he would read the scriptures but he would also teach from the scriptures and one of the ways that we cite see that in the New Testament was when he was talking about the Fulfillment of the law and he said and this has been fulfilled in your hearing today and he closes the scriptures and sits down and basically so when the Scribe would be reading the law that would be the what they would do they would get up they would talk and the way that they indicated they were done is that they would sit down until the people in okay this part of the the meeting is over. So when Jesus talked that way without Authority and said the scripture has been fulfilled here today and saying him saying, I'm the Messiah. I'm the one who came to to free my people and sat down that was a very bold statement that he made no such a simple gesture like sitting down, but in that context it was a really old thing.

So would have been normal for rabbis are teachers to teach at synagogues as they traveled around. So even though this is the first time that we see Jesus teaching in the synagogue. It wouldn't have necessarily been the first time he had taught because he would have already had enough of a reputation that leaders would have welcomed him into teach. So, you know, what would be the difference of somebody walking in here this morning and just saying I don't know who you are, but I'm going to teach to you, you know versus someone that they even Pastor Dawn came back right like so if he came in everybody would know him not everybody but most people would know him they would know that he is reputable that he you know, it's been given the permission to teach so there was there would be an openness to what was being taught. so Jesus was already known but the difference is that they were astonished verse 22 says

they were astonished at his teaching because he was teaching them as one who has Authority and not like the scribes. So when is the Greek meaning behind astonished was utterly amazed? So with this idea that asked you was speaking like he was bellowing their minds the things that he was teaching them was unlike anything they'd ever heard before and again like how I was mentioning about this idea of sitting down and then that, you know kind of being done it was almost like Jesus was like he got up he preached. I don't know if modern day like drop the mic sort of thing. You heard that saying but the idea behind that if somebody had said something so amazing that it's a mic drop moment. So that's what it would have been like for this crowd as they were hearing Jesus teach We could I mean in some circumstances you might have to guess but we know that the reason that they were astonished that they were out of the Amazed by what Jesus was speaking was because of his authority. So the scribes would have been like the scholars of the day. They would have been very well-versed and know the Mosaic law like they would know it inside and out.

I don't know why I'm trying to think. Sometimes when you know something so well like they had like a favorite storybook as a child. You could read it, but eventually you stopped reading it. Does that make sense? Like you would know it so well. And it seemed like the scribes of that day. They knew the law they knew it so well, but they stopped reading it, you know, like so when Jesus came in he had this new power and authority an influence over this crowd because I don't think he was just reading it.

There was something deeper that he was doing as he was teaching that crowd and he was anointed so we talked about this idea of anointing.

I've been to several camps now are you know we gather on the speaker before they go up to preach and we always pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and that's the same idea. Is this the power of the Holy Spirit to come and give that power and that influence. It's an influence to action. They were influencing him. You know what we see at the end of this verse that he influence them so much that the word of who he was spread throughout all of capernum like that. It wasn't a thing over time the words that the scripture uses. It was like an immediate thing. He influence them to such a deep level that they couldn't help but not talk about him. There was a difference between him and the scribes.

So this is more.

There's proof in the scriptures that people did not like Jesus's teaching right? There's the Pharisees and Sadducees the religious leaders of the days and I would assume even the scribes that Didn't like the way that Jesus was using their scriptures right? There was something about what he was teaching that they didn't like in the scriptures in verse 27 here says it was a new teaching.

27 they were all amazed and so they began to ask each other. What is this a new teaching with authority He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him. It was a new teaching. It was taken from the base of the Old Testament, you know, everything Jesus said he came to fulfill the law. He didn't come to abolish it. So he wasn't saying that everything that they'd always known was wrong what he was saying is I'm fulfilling it and I'm making something new with it. When you look at the Greek of new it's of a Kind not seen so the power that Jesus used when he preached these words when he spoke to these people. It was a new thing. It was of a Kind not seen and it was fresh. You know, it was something that they needed to hear. Have you ever just needed? A blank slate, you know that idea that you kind of just want something fresh and what the scriptures is telling us is that the thing that Jesus was teaching to these people. We don't know what it is in this instance. There are other recordings of the things that Jesus actually taught but that's not the point of this scripture. The point of this scripture is to show that God's power set. Jesus apart it gave them a fresh new teaching it gave them something that their souls needed and they recognize that and that's why they were utterly amazed. When you're studying even that word. It's it's utterly amazed but then it can be taken one step further where people are so utterly amazed that they're confused. Have you ever had moments like that? You know where you're learning something new and you're just like, this is overwhelming. This is too much for me. What was awesome about the way that Jesus taught is that he was teaching them new things but he was teaching them in a way in the power and influence of the spirit that they it wasn't confusing to them. There was something about it that just rested in them. Acts 1:8 says but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the world.

What that scripture is telling us. Is that the same power that God gave to Jesus Through the Holy Spirit. He is also given to his followers and that power comes to that we can be witnesses that we can also have power in our words the illustration I thought about for this is have you ever been to the mall or to an amusement park and there's that one mom who is constantly yelling. If you don't listen to me, I'm going to count to three and if you don't then there's going to be a consequence and they're like two three and the kid doesn't listen right and then they're just like piped. I'm going to count to three and then you could also see the same thing. I used to count of three with my kids. I did. I was one of those mom butt I think the difference is the kids who listen when it comes to the count of three and the kids that don't listen is because there's no Authority, right? So the parents who are trying to count to three, there's no Authority there the kids with no influence and their kids by his right, but when you follow through and you have that Authority and you have that power the kids listen well before you get the free because they know that there's going to be a consequence and this is I think you know, very simplified way of understanding The Authority that that God gave Jesus that set him apart in his words. There was an influence in a power they're so that when he said something people knew they needed to respond. Now in this account, it doesn't show that everybody in that synagogue decided to follow Jesus that day right people can still say no. So even when we speak and we're witness's people are always say yes, even though we have power and authority and I think something that we've got messed up in the church is that we think because someone said no to us once when we tried to share the Lord with them that we have no power and we have no Authority and that's a lie of the enemy Jesus had all the power and all the authority and people still denied him and said no to him. So I think it's a great reminder for us today that we have been given that same Authority and power to go out and share the good news of Jesus.

They needed a new Fresh teaching. They needed something new in their lives that was going to get them excited about life about what their purpose is and people today still need that right like we interact with people all the time. Have you ever interacted with somebody and like they're just like their eyes are dead. Like they're living but they're not alive. They need a new Fresh teaching. So do the people in our lives me this as well as much as this group needed that to be utterly Amazed by this beautiful teaching that Jesus had yes, the people in our lives me that as well. This is more of a rhetorical question. But I think it's one that we often struggle with is Ken that same Holy Spirit who gave Jesus the power in his words. Is that Holy Spirit available for us. the answer is yes, but I think again sometimes we Certain experiences we've had or even the teachings that we've heard that were not true that lead us to believe that we don't have that same anointing but we can have it. So God powers that Jesus A Part in words, but it also set him apart in Deeds. We see that in verse 23. There was the man with an unclean spirit. A couple years ago at my home Church during the message. There was a lady who came in we were in a movie theater. So it was kind of a similar set up to what we have with our chairs, but we had a really long hallway that went out to the the lobby. So the service had already started we had already sung or Pastor that preaching and this lady comes in and I I can't say for sure. She had an unclean Spirit. I've wondered since then if she did but she came in and she just started talking in the middle of the of the pastor preaching and saying just not crazy things but challenging things. Like I can't remember exactly what her words were. But when I read the Scripture, it makes me think of that there was a man with an unclean spirit and he spoke up while Jesus was teaching and he said, who are you? Let's look at it verse 23. What do you have to do with us? Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are. The Holy One Of God, so the scripture tells us that this was a demon possessed person.

Even the topic of the humans is not one that we're super comfortable talking about. I think at least in the churches that I've been a part of and I think that's because we've seen it go so far one way that we we automatically kind of pull back from having these conversations. But when you read the New Testament, it talks about unclean Spirit talks about angels to write so we have angels that protect us, but there are Powers and principalities. If you remember the armor of God series that we did right. There are people working with Satan to come against what the church is trying to do. So this man who was demon-possessed teeth, he cried out he screamed. He didn't just like gently raised his hand and and have you know, the pastor say what question do you have he was screaming loudly I Jesus

What's interesting to is he even like he's a Jesus of Nazareth. And if you look at the scriptures Nazareth was kind of known in that culture at that time as like a nothing town and later. I don't know if it's in Mark or if it's in one of the other gospels, but Jesus was introduced in and one of the spectators says we'll nothing good comes from Nazareth. So it's almost like the enemy wanted right away to discredit who Jesus was to point out the fact that he was from Nazareth would discredit his teaching. That's what the enemy was trying to do. verse 24 says

Oh, no 25, so Jesus rebuked him saying be silent and come out of him.

If that was me, like even if I put myself into the shoes of my pastor at that time when that lady came in that day, it was very distracting. Right? Like if somebody came in here all the sudden and started talking or I mean even the kids like they're not doing anything wrong, but you know, they're having fun and they're loud that can be distracting. But what is so cool. Is that even though this would have been a very distracting thing like I was screaming This guy had like it would have been like a harsh veterans. Like it would have been very distracting but Jesus wasn't bothered by it. You know, it's such a cool example of how God's powers that Jesus apart in in what he was doing God's power kept Jesus study and he had the authority again. He had the power to say to that guy be silent. That was Jesus's First Command to the demon be silent and basically what that meant was be muzzled. Right. So we've see I don't think we have any dog parks here in our clothes facility, but we used to live by a dog park and you know there be likely share it like leash on areas and leash off. So when you are on a leash on area often you would see dogs with muscles and you know for some like dog lovers like that's can be really kind of sad right to see that.

The capability of their dog to communicate has been taken away and this is what the scripture is telling us like Jesus had that that power and authority that right away as soon as he said be silent to that demon. He stopped talking he had that kind of power. Another reason that we see Jesus saying beast-like be silent is that he didn't want people to know at that point that he was the Messiah because he didn't want his ministry just to be all about miracles about taking these demons out of people are healing the blind or anything like that. He wanted everybody to know that he had this power he has this Authority but that it needed to be connected to his death and Resurrection. When we read the the end of Matthew and Luke, we see that that is actually just when the the disciples realized that Jesus was the Messiah after his death and Resurrection before that. They they didn't realize who he was and there was a reason that that God failed that for a while because he wanted people to know that as much as he could heal them and he could take demons away from people that he came because he wanted to set people free and that that the cross was required for him to be able to do that to be able to do that right people.

So basically with Mark is saying about Jesus and Jesus saying be silent is that when we only give half of the Gospel, it's very dangerous. Right when we don't give people the full idea of what Jesus came to do. It can be dangerous and they can miss out on the opportunity to be in relationship with God and then of course the second command come out which basically means depart from get out of that guy. You know, Jesus had that kind of power to be able to say that and it was done. And it was it was done just by his words. For that group of people that would have seen this happen exorcisms removing demons was not new for them. But the way that demons were removed was very different when Jesus did it compared to what they were used to seeing what they were used to seeing would be more like incantation. So like these long sought of thought I processes of getting this person there the demon to come out of the person but Jesus did it with just his words and again that emphasizes his power.

To even in verse 26 it talks about when the demon came out. He threw the the man that he was in down the ground convulsions all this thing. He was fighting against Jesus. I titled this message power struggle because even though Jesus had that power there was a power struggle there. The demon was trying to stay in the man, but we see that he came out and what that reveals is that the the demon that evil entity that was it within that person could not Fight against Jesus could not resist the power of Jesus. So the illustration I thought too kind of Emphasize this is a car now. I'm very ignorant when it comes to cars but it wasn't very long as I was growing up that you here like on his car can go from 0 to 60 and leg to the cars that we own which were old and kind of broke it down. And I don't know if they would even get to 60. But the idea is the more horsepower. I think I'm saying this right the more horsepower a car has the quicker. It's going to get from 0 to 60. Right? And so what the scripture is telling us is that when our Deeds are done with the power of the Holy Spirit, like when those two things are connected the results are going to be greater right that the

even something like tithing that's a deed that we do for God. The scripture tells us that God loves a cheerful Giver.

I think what makes us a cheerful Giver compared to a non cheerful Giver is because of the influence of the spirit in our life.

and I think that even opens up God to be able to do more with that money. Then what can be done if we hold on to it ourselves?

Are posture our position in front of God are our willingness for the spirit to be the leader in our lives to tell us what we do when we do it. That means that the things that we do our greater. Are we all going to command a demon to come out?

I don't know. Have you ever experienced that before? I personally haven't. But I have seen the conversations that I have. Again, the way God uses my money the way he's moved in my life. Just my life in general is greater. because of the power and the influence of the Holy Spirit

So can we still do these Miracles today? I think yes, we can I do think that God has gifted people. To command demons to come out and and we see other healings in the Bible. We see again. Unclean people becoming clean. That was the big distinction right the demon made that man unclean in the Jewish world. If you were blind that made you unclean if you couldn't walk that made you unclean if you had leprosy that made you unclean God is still calling his church to go out and find unclean things and make them clean again.

Is that necessarily always going to look like healings of blind people seeing and lame walking? No. Is it sometimes going to look like that? Yes, but God is still giving us this power to go and do these things. God is still using the power indeed's to heal. People and and make a healthy clean church. Right, that was another distinction when things are unclean it meant they weren't healthy. But that's what God wants. He wants a healthy church. He wants us to use our spiritual gifts. So that we can go out and we can make unhealthy. Unclean things healthy and clean again.

I'm going to invite the band to come back up. And just a summary of the points today God's power set Jesus apart in word and In Deed.

Again, either it didn't necessarily show us the teaching of Jesus because I think the point is that it's not so much in what we say. It's how we say it and who were and who they are and in whose authority are we saying it and then the things that were doing it doesn't necessarily matter what we're doing as much as we're doing it in the power of the spirit.

Mark is really quick in his gospel to talk about the coming of God's kingdom when we talked about this heaven on Earth and what that looks like. What we're seeing in the teaching and in the deep is that Jesus broke the power of Satan?

So as we work and as we're on Mission, we're doing the same thing. We are continuing to break the power of Satan in our world, you know, we don't see quite as many demon-possessed things because when Jesus died on the cross he also descended down into hell and he defeated the enemy so that enemies power and influence is not as great as it was before Jesus came, but he does still have power and influence in this world. So we need to combat that.

God's power means his church should be speaking words and Performing deeds in power and authority.

God's power sets us apart like Jesus did would you join me in prayer?

Got the reason I ate I gave the examples I did when I opened. Is that you do still work miraculously you are still healing the lame the blind those who can't conceive. You still are giving power and authority through your spirit.

without that power and authority your church is just like any other organization out there doing good things. I think of the rotary just different organizations that want to do good things.

People that donate at all those things. Buckeye when we do it and your power in your Authority, there's greater results greater things happen and we want to be at church that does operate out of the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. So we say Holy Spirit Come. Speak to us speak to us show us how we can use the gifts that you've given us. Do be speaking in power and authority to be doing things in your power and your Authority?

We also see that those two were not separated in this example Jesus you were preaching and healing at the same time.

So as we even talked about last week, we can't just speak. We also need to act but we also can't attack. We also need to speak. We need to share your good news through our Good Deeds. Show us Crossroads Community Church show this church the way that you want us.

To go and Beyond mission for you.

Jesus you are Lord. We are your church. We're asking you to speak. And to reveal your plans for us. And then we also need your spirit to come and give us the power and the courage even to go and do what you want us to do to be who you want us to be for your community here in Shelburne. Reveal your plans. We pray. in the name of Jesus Amen

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