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We are now approaching one of the most controversial sections in all of scripture. This section could be controversial to the world and sometimes it is. But there are other sections of scripture that the world finds more bothering. There are sections of scripture that the world will find way more controversial then this section we're looking at now.
but this section we are looking at is probably one of the most controversial sections of scripture amongst Christians. We're going to again be talking about an uncomfortable topic. And it is a part of scripture where Paul lays all his cards out on the table. He holds back nothing.
It is a section of scripture that many preachers avoid, we have talked about that in the past. There is a section of scripture that is highly divisive and pastors in Christians feel that it is important to withhold this chapter for the sake of unity. I'm going to state here in now that if there is any Christian; whether it is a churchgoer or a pastor, is encouraging the avoidance of any Scripture is committing a horrendous sin.
Sometimes it is not a direct encouragement sometimes it is an indirect encouragement. This is done by not openly stating we will not read this just by avoiding it altogether. We will keep silent on this chapter and hopefully no one will bring it up. That too is a horrendous sin.
So we now begin a very difficult, and I mean that with the most sincerity as this section of scripture it's not easy for many Christians. So we now begin very difficult section of scripture.
Before we do, it would benefit us to talk about Salvation generally. When we were going through Romans chapter 8, I discussed how Christians no longer think in compartments in the reason why Christians no longer think in compartments is because pastors have failed to show that 2 the sheep. Pastors have failed to show the congregation on how to think upon the scriptures.
There are compartments to Salvation. And chapter 8 showed us those compartments. But I do not want us to focus on those compartments today. I just wanna speak on Salvation generally. so being saved. What are we being saved from? the wrath of God. Why must we be saved from this wrath? Because of our sin, because of our rebellion and because God is holy.
We are not righteous enough to answer for our sins. As a matter of fact because of sin we are not righteous at all. Because of sand there is zero righteousness within us. Therefore there is no hope for us outside of a savior. There is no hope for anyone outside of a savior. We are lawbreakers who are guilty and deserve a guilt sentence.
This is why we have such an emphasis on the sacrifice that Jesus has made. That sacrifice being Jesus himself. That he willingly took on the sins of rebellious man and answered it on their behalf because he is the only righteous one. He's the only one that death could not hold. And death held him not.
This is the work of Salvation. Salvation is not workless, it is the work that Jesus has done. And when he accomplished the work of Salvation he said it is finished. this was a promise fulfilled. It was the promise of the Old Testament, that the Old Testament Saints look forward too and trusted in.
But before the promise could be fulfilled, the attitude about the promise was already corrupted. The Jewish people, in their misunderstanding, abused the law. They abused it by making their own up. They also abused it by not continuing to look forward to the promise. They trusted in themselves first.
Christianity has made the same mistake. in many different ways but ultimately the same mistake. only we are not guilty I'm not continuing looking forward to the coming promise you're guilty not looking back enough at the promised fulfilled.
And we to have began to trust in ourselves. it is not uncommon in Christianity to have the view that Salvation is something that we have accomplished , that it is something we have done. now on the scale it varies on where people are at with that exact view.
What Paul has to say in these next few chapters will always be tide back to the closing versus of chapter 8. And you'll see that here today. There is no need to re go over what we have covered in chapter 8 but there will be reminders along the way. It is very important for the remainder of this study in this chapter that we look at these words very carefully. And the reason why I say that is because of the great controversy this chapter generates.
We are approaching a section of scripture where we have no choice but to allow the word of God transform us. so let's begin.
nor are they all children because they are Abraham’s descendants, but: “through Isaac your descendants will be named.”
That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.
For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come, and Sarah shall have a son.”
We briefly covered verse 7 last week and we're going over it again now. And the reason for that is because Paul uses a formula that he repeats back to back. Paul states a fact, quote scripture to back that fact, and then gives us a specific doctrine based on the statement and the quote. Not exactly in that order but that is the formula would see Paul use.
The things people are saying right here are things we have already covered. I jumped the gun a little in covering them because if it's beneficial for us in understanding what we're reading. But as a reminder, God made a covenant with Abraham. And he told Abraham that his descendants would be like the stars.
And well although it is in vailed and mysterious language, ultimately the covenant with Abraham where the many descendance leading Messiah. some may even say the covenant that God made Abraham was the Messiah himself. A statement I have no arguments with.
But it wasn't just any one through Abraham and that is the point of these 3 verses. Most know how the story goes. God made a covenant with Abraham and Abraham believed God. And that belief was accounted to Abraham as righteousness. And so Abraham waited and so did Sarah. Sarah of course laughed at the idea, she was old and Baron.
And time went on and god's promise to not come to pass. Abraham grew impatient and he decided at the aid of his wife , to take on a concubine and impregnate her. And so we have the concubine heigar and her son ishmel.
ishmel is just as much abraham's son as Isaac is. So Paul now quotes through ysaac your descendants will be named. We're not talking about ishmail. it is not any descendant from Abraham, but that is reduced down 2 through isak.
So now Paul gives us the doctrine and he states that is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God the children of the promise are regarded as descendance. well, that is pretty cut and dry. It is not and will be not the children of the flesh. And that is what ishmel is considered, a child of the flesh.
ishmal was not a promise to Abraham. further, the promise was not that Hagar would conceive but that Sarah would conceive. Isaac is the child of the promise. And don't overlook the fact that there is a miraculous birth surrounded by a covenant. A foreshadow of Jesus.
I'll brings a further emphasis by quoting , At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son. Do not forget verse 6 where Paul is making the declaration that not all Israel are Israel.
So what we have in this text R 2 descendance. We have the children of the flesh and the children of the promise. But that is not where the restriction ends. There is more to say on this so paul continues.
for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls,
And not only this, but there was Rebekah also, when she had conceived twins by one man, our father Isaac;
paul is really good at debating. he already knows how one will confront him. He knew that's when he talked about being justified by faith alone. He knew that when he stated that we are dead to sin and the law but alive to Christ Jesus. And he knew how to counter those who would bring accusations against him.
paul understand the human mind, he knows how we function, and what's our sinful inclinations want to lead us to. Paul is fully aware of that. He could have made his case just by stating isak. And the case that he is trying to make is not all Israel is of Israel. That there are the children of the flesh and the children of the promise.
You can even look at it a different way there are the children of the flesh and the spiritual children. And to make that case all you have to do is say no no no, it is not anyone through Abraham, but the promise was through isak. The promise was made to Abraham fulfilled through isak.
you can look at it a different way there are the children of the flesh and the spiritual children. And to make that case all you have to do is say no no no, it is not anyone through Abraham, but the promise was through isak. The promise was made to Abraham fulfilled through isak.
And frankly that is enough to prove your point. but the fall in mind is not satisfied with truth. And it's important for us to understand that about ourselves. That our minds fight against truth. Even as Christians your minds can be subjected to error.
Some minds are stronger than others. But that is not a guarantee that the strong mind will not fight against truth. Paul is fully aware of this so he proceeds further. And he says not only this. Let us not end there. There is more to say on this subject. It is not only with Sarah and Abraham.
It is as if Paul is saying “I already know what you were going to say. You were going to tell me that of course ishmal is not the child of promise because ishmel has a different mother. And you quoted the scripture yourself stating it was through Sarah also. So we know ishmel is not the child of promise but it's not only isak”
that is essentially the argument that is being placed here. In those words not only this picks up that pool is trying to drive that nail in. So let us not end with Abraham Sarah and isack, but there was Rebecca. Who, like Sarah, was Baron. We have another miraculous conception. and she had conceived Twins by one man.
It is obvious that only one man can be the father of Twins. The emphasis is that there is no other. Paul is taking away the argument that the promise was made to specific people therefore there is no such thing as the children of promise. So he's saying let's reduce it down to the one who was promised. Because after all Isaac is a promise fulfilled. So now he has his kinsman cornered.
By the way, Paul never abandoned his Judaism. If we take the writings Paul seriously and we should; christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism that Paul loved so much. So he doesn't say your father isack, he says our father isack.
for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls,
it was said to her, “The older will serve the younger.”
Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”
It is here where we see that formula again, not in the same order but it is the same formula. He states truth in verse 10. verse 11 is the doctrine and verse 12 and 13 is Paul quoting scripture. Ishmail was older than isak, but here we have Twins. Conceived at the same time.
Pay attention to the words very carefully. Paul gives us a timeline. He's talking about twin brothers before birth. He says for though the Twins were not yet born that is before birth. That is the timeline folks. So he brings works into the conversation. Any says before they can do anything good or bad.
You can say that your faith is a work by declaring it is your faith. I am declaring that the faith I have is a gift from God. But one could declare faith as their work by stating it is my faith I'm the one who produced this faith. I declare that my belief is a gift from God. But one could declare that belief was something that they accomplished again something that they produced.
Or you can say something more of works. You can say I am sad because I believed and I was baptized. The combination of the 2 save me. One can even declare that they are a good person and believe that they will go to heaven. I am not making that declaration. I refuse to take any credit for my Salvation. I refuse to take any credit for my Salvation and at the same time say I'm not taking credit for it.
What Paul is declaring here and now that god's purpose according to god's choice was made before these Twins can do good or bad. This is how he brings works into the conversation. God's declaration of these Twins were stated before they were even born. And the timeline that Paul is establishing along with the point he is trying to make is that not only is Salvation not according to your works. but that gods for knowledge does not mean that God for seen who would believe and therefore elected them based on their work.
the emphasis is clear, in the next 2 weeks you will see Paul get even bolder with his language, the next 2 weeks will be a strong testimony to that. the text tells us it was for god's purpose according to god's choice so that his word would stand. Remember how this chapter opened up? Has the word of God failed. If we were to translate it directly from the Greek Paul asks has the word of God fallen.
paul says absolutely not and here we can see the connection being made it's not falling but God is the one who's choosing so he would be proven that it stands. and he further emphasizes not because of works. If you were trusting in your goodness if you are trusting in your actions then you were still dead in your sins. Only Jesus Christ can save you and only him alone.
And your good works are the transforming evidence of the redemption through the Holy Spirit within your heart. Your works will never be a means to Salvation. You must have faith because without faith it is impossible to please God. But faith is not of movement of human will but it is A divine meraculas work within you.
and Paul is boldly declaring not because of works. This is not because of your works it is because of him who calls. You say you have faith Paul says it is because God called you to have faith. he then moves on to quote scripture and he quotes too different sections. The first is the older will serve the younger which during this time was unheard of.
And the second quote is from Malachi 12 and the quote from the prophet Malachi are the words of the Lord that were declared to him. Jacob I loved but esau I hated are the words of God. There are different intensities in the Greek language for the word hate and generally just gets translated as hate in the English. The word that is used here is the same word that is used when Jesus says he who does not hate mother or father on his behalf is not worthy of him.
This is the lesser intense form of the word. A good translation of the word could be rejected. But some translators emphasize that what it really means is to love less. So he who does not love his parents less than me is not worthy is what Jesus is saying. And here Paul is saying that esau was loved less.
Now some commentators where are you that bringing up these Twins Paul is talking about 2 different nations. That he is not talking about individuals he's talking about nations. Jacob would be the father of the Israelites so they would say this is Israel. Or the nation of Israel I have loved.
And esau was the head of the edomites. So but edomites I hated. So these commentators will argue that it is not possible that Paul is talking about individuals or individuality. Press those commentators and ask them why is not possible. And if you keep pressing that issue ultimately what you will find is that the reason why it's not possible, for these commentators , it's because they do not like what they are reading.
Paul is clearly not talking about nations. He brings their personal actions into it. He brings their deeds whether they have done good or bad into it. And the text that we see after in the weeks to come will also testify that Paul is not speaking of a nation in mysterious language. If Paul was speaking of the edomites he would have said so.
And here we are folks, we're at the foothills of controversy. This is a text, as a reminder on how I introduced this text, this is a text that is often despised. Paul just threw works right out of the window. And he boldly states is not because of works but because of God who does the calling. And he says it is according to his choice.
And all of this ties back to what we have discussed back in chapter 8. Paul is still on that topic but he has to explain the role of Israel in god's sovereign plan. And as already stated, Paul will get bolder. But for now I have a question for you all.
And you can answer just by simply nodding your head yes or no. Are you ready for the question? Is god's love for you unconditional love? Does God have unconditional love for you?
See we often say love unconditionally. But I don't know if we honestly mean that. To love unconditionally means that you love someone without conditions. Think about an arrangement you make with another human being and you agree to do something with conditions. I will do this thing if you do XY and Z. That is a conditional agreement. But somebody saying I will do something or I will do this for you and I require nothing. That is an unconditional agreement.
There are no conditions required in order for this person to do this thing that he agreed to do. So when we talk about unconditional love, we're talking about a love that makes no demands out of you in order to be a recipient of that love. Does God love you unconditionally? Absolutely he does.
And while your mind may be wrapped up in what choice you may have or where does your will fall into place in this mystery of sovereignty that we are seeing in this text. And make no mistake about it and do not allow me to act as if I have all the answers because I don't, when it comes to the sovereignty of God and when it comes to his choice there is great mystery.
And I don't think there is a living soul who has all the answers to every question that may arise. But While your mind may have been wrapped up in what choice you may have, or where does your will fall into place with this great mystery, and how much freedom do I truly have, the text that we were looking at is a descripcion of unconditional love.
It is a choice made by God before one can do good or bad that is unconditional love. I have not required anything out of you yet. Rather I will call you into my family and transform you into righteousness. Righteousness that I demand will be accomplished when you experience my love.
And this chapter may put your head in a knot. Perhaps it won't, but it may put your head in a knot and what is surrounding all of this doctrine, all this teaching that Paul is laying down, is the unconditional love of God for you. So I am declaring from this pulpit that the love of God experienced in Salvation is an unconditional love. So Ramsey Baptist Church I ask, does God love you unconditionally? Let's pray