Christ, the Giver of Gifts
Christ gifts his Church through his ascended reign in heaven.
Foundations for Every Member Minstry
Gifted for Ministry
1. All Have These Gifts
2. They are sovereignly given by grace God
We are gifted according to His plan, His purpose, and His measure. We have no more to do with determining our gift than we did with determining what color of skin, hair, or eyes we would be born with. God is the source of electing grace, equipping grace, and enabling grace.
3. There is Diversity in Gifts (Each is different)
Christians are not assembly-line productions, with every unit being exactly like every other unit. Consequently, no Christian can replace another in God’s plan. He has His own individualized plan for each of us and has individually gifted us accordingly. We are not interchangeable parts in Christ’s Body, but “individually members one of another” (Rom. 12:5). “One and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills” (1 Cor. 12:11, emphasis added). When a believer does not minister his gift properly as God’s steward (1 Pet. 4:10), God’s work suffers to that degree—because God has not called or gifted another Christian in exactly the same way or for exactly the same work. That is why no Christian is to be a spectator. Every believer is on the team and is strategic in God’s plan, with his own unique skills, position, and responsibilities