Tell Your Story: Effective Witness to Christ and His Work (2)

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
It was not that long ago that Matt and Joel went down to President Trump’s inauguration - Obama’s 1.8 M by capitol building. In Mecca pilgrimage 2005 2.6M, Pope JP II funeral 2005 2-4M people. These are the largest gatherings in recorded history. All took place in areas roughly the size of the Temple Courts. Jerusalem a pop then of 1/4M, but swell to 2M at the Feasts, with 100,00 comfortably in the Temple Mount area at a time. Imagine what Paul must have been feeling, as courageously showing unity of Gentile and Jewish church - but then seized, bloodied, pulled out - going to kill him,.
Imagine as the Asiatic Jews from Epehsuss assumed Tromphimus is with him, Gentile in Temple, Desecrate it, FIRE! And everyone is ready to kill him, so two things happen at the same time. The Temple Gates slammed shut, and look where the Antitonian Fortress was built by Herod the Great in honour of Marc Anthony in 35BC. They had had several riots in these courts, and while the Romans were smart enough not to put Roman capital right in Jerusalem, and put 6 cohorts in Roman capital of JUdea, Caeasarea. They put one cohort in this fortress, and built it overlooking the most volatile area.
Just a few months before, an Egyptian with 600 Sicari - dagger-men - killed high priest, aristocrats priests cooperation too much with Rome. An Jewish-Egyptian freedom fighter rallied 4000 on Mt of Olives, had said I am going to make the walls fall down and we’ll take the city. Well the Romans arrested many of these but the Egyptian Jewish leader on the run. The tribune who commands the cohort - well known Lysius, comes at first sign of trouble - and thinks he’s got Rome’s most wanted man. The soldiers seize him from the Jews -have to carry him up the steps.
We’ve seen Paul and James love for the unity of the church, but here we see Paul’s extraordinary love to witness for Jesus. Picture yourself there - wrongfully accused of desecrating the Temple by the Jews, arrested chained and manhandled by the Romans. What would be the first words out of your mouth? When you are misunderstood, attacked, we rush to defend ourselves don’t we? But not a word from Paul’s lips. You have been mistreated and the evil of others looms big in our minds, but not Paul. We would lash back in self-defense. Paul with courage and calm and a loving respect, sees the biggest deal not other people but God and Christ, and serving witnessing for him. Defense/Explanation of Christ and His experience with Him!
but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
1 Peter 3:15 ESV
but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
We have seen much of the discipleship and importance of fellowship and prayer in the church. But now we come to Paul most public witness of Jesus ever. Never more drama Just imagine it. Here is a picture of a man in front of such a crowd. How could Paul beaten, abused, arrested get such an opportunity to share Jesus out of this? Well, you and I might not ever face such opposition, nor address so many people, but in Luke story - we find in Paul’s approach lessons on making a Christian apologia, defense, a witness, that Jesus calls all his followers to make in a winsome respectful, hope-filled way!
A. Speak so people will listen
by Listening How to Speak
How does a personna non grata with the Jews, and rebel-rouser with Rome - get to address these people with so much listening. It is astonishing to see the contrast with how both Jew and Roman treated Paul and how Paul treats them. How does Paul do it? Notice first with the Roman Tribune, who has written him off as a Jewish nationalist freedom fighter. What is Paul’s tactic - actually much like Jesus in very tight situations - he calmly asks a question - and he does so on that persons terms, in their language. Totally unexpected - What you speak Greek - confusing. Paul follows up with an unusual request May I please speak to the people. Huh - they want to kill you - interesting go ahead. They most likely take him to the roof of the portico and there to the whole crowd.
In dramatic fashion Paul motions with his hand and the tumult is silenced - what will this desecrater of the Temple, now disturber of the Peace says. This Gentile loving Jew. He opens his mouth, and the next surprise comes:
All of these Jews would have spoken the trade language lingua franca koine Greek but Paul opens his mouth - . And it would be like President of USA going to East Berlin, and saying Ich Bin an Berliner … Spoke it in English great, but tried to speak in their language - touched. But Paul in perfect Aramaic - declaring I am one of you - becoming a Christian I am not chucking my Jewish heritage. It would be like what happens when Christmas Day - sing a song called Glory to God - imagine you learned that in Dutch Ere Zij God, and in your heart language everyone else joins in - Paul is declaring solidarity - they are ready to kill him but Paul respectfully and making connection and identifying with them says:
Brothers and fathers, hear the defense that I now make before you.
“Brothers and fathers, hear the defense that I now make before you.”
Acts 22:1 ESV
“Brothers and fathers, hear the defense that I now make before you.”
And they grow even more quiet. Paul is not saying he is spiritually brothers with them, but that nationally he’s brothers and that he gives respect to fathers! And they are now prepared to hear them.
Now think about opportunities you have to speak into your family, neighbour, co-worker’s life. Do you speak their language? Have you listened to them, their life, problems pains, interests,. Tim Keller used to say: Why should they take your belief seriously, if you have never taken their doubt seriously. Never tried on their worldview. Got to listen to speak their language. To ask a good question. Do you have a question or two that would arrest them and make them think that’s interesting wasn’t expecting that, go ahead ask a way? Paul begins by building a bridge, connects with what they have in common. We have the most important message in the world, but if won’t learn to speak to others - in caring interesting engaging way - . And that’s why I say, that the best way to speak so people will listener, is to listen so you learn how to speak. Only 1 mouth but 2 ears. Sign of love and respect and gentleness to know your neighbour , your co-worker, friends situations - converse with them where they are at.
But Paul is not going to have long and while we must copy his technique, it is the substance of what he is doing that we most need to know.
B. Have the Courage to Tell Your Story
This is not overly complicated though, there are definitely pitfalls. At Camp Shalom, Thursday nights gospel message and one staff member share their testimony. So easy for some to make it as dramatic as possible, remarkable how similar some of them started to sound. But then one year, challenged them to write out - not necessarily whole story - but a spiritual truth God had taught them but to tie their story to a teaching of Scripture.
Paul does this basically in three steps: Who he was, How He changed with Jesus, and What His new life in service to jesus is about. Now in case you think this is just a simple story of Paul’s liffe you need to know that Paul is going to describe religiously what he was before Christ, and what He is now that Christ is in his life. Something all of us, no matter if converted in Christian home in our youth, or came to Christ later in life should be able to do. But look at how Paul does it.
Paul says I’ve got a lot in common with you, Jewish then, and Jewish still. I am a Jew! But as he did with his recent letter to the Galatian Xns, he states all his credentials and in a sense how he relied on those for his standing with God.
Acts 22:3 ESV
“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel according to the strict manner of the law of our fathers, being zealous for God as all of you are this day.
Though Hellenistic Jew from capital of Roman province of Cicilicia, and a citizen now less. His parents sent him to Jersuaelm, probably as youth 8-14 year old. Eventually studying in best schools - student eventually of a RABBIN - only 6 of them, and this one of two most famous - Gamaliel - while priests loyal to Rome for power, The Sanhedrin mostly from Pharisees and Paul 20 years ago know by them all, and possibility one of them. But Gamiliel was the more liberal and lighter of 2 great Rabbin, and Paul as described in b,c,. The strictest, Shammaite , Pharisee. Need to know that ‘s why Paul so willing to go and persecute the Way of Jesus and His followers before. Shammairte Pharisees had a particular way to look at OT. It showed God’s action in the past making Israel great nation, and in the present - punishing unfaithful liberal Israel by sending them into exile. Shammite so committed to righteousness of law - violently punish those disloyal to Torah. But listen not just past and present in the OT Scripture. Also believed it contained the Future. That at the end of the Age messiah would come and the Gentiles would submit to them, and to the Torah. And as Paul describes his past, old classmates there, those who knew him - agree that’s how we’re living too. This guy gets where I am at.
From time to to time, important you and I remember our life before Christ, or if can’t remember that, “There by the grace of God go I.” Before Jesus worked in my life, and even after still struggle, - but I can identify with how people morally, and religiously are living. Crowd is waiting what’s he going to say next!
C. Have the Courage to Tell Jesus’ Story
Here is where things get really interesting. Some Xns are just content that people are spiritual or religious or believe in God. But what Paul experienced in Christ shows not good enough. I have a brother now believes in God, but big deal is who is this Jesus and somehow in our conversations - got to come to see for me, for this World it is Christ as Son of God that the big deal! So far the crowd is silent, they are buying that Paul is a loyal and true to Judaism. Rabbi Paul was as zealous as they now are, no denying it. But now what Paul is going to share Jesus in a way that they can get! This is what we have to become good at. Can you describe Christ? Can you describe him and what he has done, what he offers in a way that makes sense to the people you love. As you know their thoughts, their needs?
So far the crowd is silent, they are buying that Paul is a loyal and true to Judaism. Rabbi Paul was as zealous as they now are, no denying it. But no what Paul is going to share Jesus in a way that they can get!
This is what we have to become good at. Can you describe Christ? Can you describe him and what he has done, what he offers in a way that makes sense to the people you love. As you know their thoughts, their needs?
Acts 22:6 ESV
“As I was on my way and drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven suddenly shone around me.
What Paul goes on to describe with this voice and this great light form heaven, is so like the OT prophets vision of God in the temple - who are you Lord and what shall I do? Paul like Isaiah falls to the Ground. Here what Paul is saying, Jesus Christ was not cursed by God dying on tree, forsaken forever. He is resurrected, he is ascended into heaven at God’s right hand.
Paul appeals to another mutual friend at that time of his conversion, all knew and accepted as Torah Following Observant Jew (split had happened from synagogue and temple - all Jewish Christian still there) and so was Annianias - and Paul appeals to them you know this guy was a legit Jew and what did he say about Jesus? This Jesus healed me and gave me sight, and this is what law-observing Jew Anninaias said by God:
This Jesus healed me and gave me sight, and this is what law-observing Jew Anninaias said by God:
The God of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see the Righteous One and to hear a voice from his mouth;
Acts 22:14 ESV
And he said, ‘The God of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see the Righteous One and to hear a voice from his mouth;
Now according to the Shammaite Pharisees the Righteous One, would come at the End of Time and then rule. But Paul is declaring that Jesus Christ of Nazareth came as the Righteous One before the end of time.
It is a direct reference to
Isaiah 53:11 ESV
Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities.
Here is why Paul gave up all boasting about righteousness according to the law, and HisJewishness - came to see His need for the Cross - for Messiah who would bear all his iniquities. This is what Peter at Pentecost called Jesus and said we needed, it is what Stephen in his martyrdom called people to see in Jesus Righteous One for the forgiveness of sin. Not complicated, all feel guilt before holy God, unworthy, dread of wrath, fear of death - and Christ is the God of the father’s solution.
But there is a third witness to Jesus that Paul must give and its really where his story and his experience with Jesus intersect. If you are able to describe Jesus to someone - could you also describe your response to Him ? Paul could speak of the beauty and power of Jesus, but also how he asked: What shall I do Lord?
Acts 22:15 ESV
for you will be a witness for him to everyone of what you have seen and heard.
Wow, witness to everyone. Paul identified with those he spoke with - but then he also gave them soemthing to think about. Didn’t force a decision on the spot, ask Jesus into your heart. Presented Christ as the Saviour and Lord, Righteous One they were waiting for - and says, I’ve been sent by God to everyone, including you - And then Paul describes what he did in response to Jesus:
Acts 22:16 ESV
And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.’
Paul who was a Jew invited to be baptized which was just for unclean outsiders, but he realized he needed that from jesus and to identify with Christ and he did this doing what? CALLING ON HIS NAME! And there is the biggest invitation that Jews would understand. People in the last days would call on the name of the Lord. And at Pentecost this is what Peter said was upon them:
Acts 2:21 ESV
And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
It is what even Christians like you and me after our conversion are to continue to do:
2 Timothy 2:22 ESV
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
And its remarkable they sem to be mulling it over - the Jewish Messiah Jesus offered t them, invitation to call on him the Righteous One. Do you see this must be a goal of our’s in witnessing, not just to tel lour story, or experience, but making a rel human connection, to also tell Jesus story, to press His identity as a Savior who is for our family, neighbours, co-workers. But Paul’s witness would be incomplete without the last step he takes here!
D. Give the Answer to Why Jesus is a Saviour for All Peoples
It seems a little confusing why Paul would then tell this story of him being in the Temple, having a vision of Jesus in heaven again, pleading that he should stay in Jerusalem because his country men know how Jewish he is. Beyond Paul showing that far from desecrating the temple he prayed there ,and God even revealed himself in prayer there. Beside restating that he had been so zealous like them that he stood by when Stephen was killed for his testimony to the Righteousness One.Paul wants to make abundantly clear that in saying, Jesus is for everyone, it also meant that Jew and Gentile can come to God the same way, through Jesus!
This would underline Paul’s unique calling, other apostles, but he had seen the ascended Lord, he was sent where? FAR AWAY! And that’s when the crowd goes ballistic again, sent to the far country to the Gentiles to receive this invitation of the Righteous One, to enter His kingdom coming?
Salvation for those far away. That is the final word of witness. For Jesus this was his signal that he was Messiah not only of the Jews but with them for the whole world.
Isaiah 57:19 ESV
creating the fruit of the lips. Peace, peace, to the far and to the near,” says the Lord, “and I will heal him.
I have seen his ways, but I will heal him… Peace, peace, to the far and to the near,” says the Lord, “and I will heal him.
‘The God of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see the Righteous One and to hear a voice from his mouth;
Isaiah 57:18–19 ESV
I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will lead him and restore comfort to him and his mourners, creating the fruit of the lips. Peace, peace, to the far and to the near,” says the Lord, “and I will heal him.
Paul had been near as the most Jewish of the Jews, but Christ had to reveal that God only dwells with the contrite who turn to him That even those near - can be far away from God. That was why Jesus told his most famous parable of not only the Prodigal Son, you remember it. That prodigal son went to the far country. Same word, makran. And when that Jewish boy, loaded with sin, crushed with guilt, comes back but is still far off
Luke 15:20 ESV
And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
And not only parable of the Prodigal Son, because the main point is that though the Elder Son - so near - Father there for him too, without recognizing grace - he remains far off and won’t come in. Do understand the gospel, whether Jew or Gentile, Jesus he has come to make peace:
Ephesians 2:13 ESV
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
No Paul didn't desecrate the Temple, while it still stands, seeking to reach out with the gospel to the nation, but the Temple was fading and Jew and gentile need this invitation from the Righteous One . Paul goes not to describe how that physical wall of separation - that kept Trophimus and Gentile out - Christ has destroyed that but even more that Spiritual wall - any who are far in their sin, and look to Christ
Ephesians 2:17 ESV
And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near.
Ephesians 2:16–18 ESV
and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.
Do you see what that wall looked like and did - separated people who were far off from God, but it also separated people clean from unclean, Jew from Gentile - And Jesus says I am dispatching you, apostle-izing you - sending you - - everyone without the Righteous Ore - is a far off person - Bring them Home!
Jesus was declaring that this is what He and His Father is all about - It’s what He sent Paul to the world to declare. Do you know that song, Les Miserables. Adopted daughter - man who would be her husband, caught on the wrong side of revolution’s barricade. Wounded and going to die, Goes behind the enemy lines, pursuit, through sewers of Paris. Rescues him but on death bed - and He calls out Bring Him Home - and if I die, let me die. Let him live. Bring him home! That’s what Paul is saying too - this gospel is about the Righteousness One who gave His life and ever lives to bring us home to
Paul hasn’t answered a single one of their charges about desecrating the Temple or to the Romans about stirring up an uproar. Hasn’t played his trump card, Roman citizen. Why not? Luke says reason is so important and really the purpose of my book, just like for the gospels most ink spilled, last week of Jesus life, like slow motion - here two 2 chapters 2 weeks and then 5 more on two years of Paul’s imprisonment - two more of great witnessing speeches of the Bible. And Luke’s point is that the church exists to witness to Jesus love for the whole world, and we have been sent, even if it involves suffering like our Saviour. Paul was ready to die, to risk everything to calmly testify. So should we, not rushed, embarrassed, get message in the world, learn how to share it. MAF missionary and martyr in His journal. How we can with calmness, really listen to others, so as to speak to them plainly respectfully calmly, and give a gospel invitation. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”
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