Faith in Action

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because of Jesus

There Ain't No Grave that can hold this body down a man I'm going to go somewhere first before I get into my message. Is that okay? I just read on where you go. Thank you, brother. I heard you back there a little bit. Trying to get him to grab the drumsticks, but he wouldn't do it until right at the very end.

I just want to tell you something. When I was a kid. I was a kid. When I was a kid, I had a drug problem.

My parents drug me to church.

Like that. I had a drug problem. I got drug to church. It wasn't until if you hear if you listening to me. It wasn't until I was much older that I become thankful that my parents drug me to church. So parents drug your kids to church don't drop them, but just drag them to church. Amen. Because when I got older I sold out to Jesus.

Chat with many of us may have gotten drug the church when we were kids, but I'm telling you there is a point where we go from religion to relationship. And the decision said the decision in the middle is when we sell out to Jesus. We hear it all the time and society today. Oh, I'm a good person God's not going to send a good person to hell. No. God doesn't send anybody to hell we do. We go to hell. what the word of God says in Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 it says Soon as I find my place. Wait for it. If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. You will be saved One Believes with the heart resulting in righteousness and one confesses with the mouth resulting in Salvation. Amen. So when we come to that place where we sell out to God when we say God, I've been trying to do it all on my own. I've been trying to do righteousness my own way. I've been trying to think that or just because I'm a good person that you're not going to send me the hell that's where God doesn't send people to hell that was made for Satan and his imps. We choose human beings choose to go there or go to heaven.

Let's song. The pastor Crowe does from Larry Norman. I wish we'd all been ready. I wish we'd all been ready. Not playing games not playing the Hokey Pokey one foot in one foot out not riding the fence if you ever seen a picket fence. They're hard to ride. No, you don't want to ride on one of those for a chain link fence.

Sellout sellout Now's the Time sellout folks. If you need Jesus today's the day of salvation. Hey, man, if you phone away from Jesus today is the day of salvation if you've committed a sin last night or maybe on the way to church today, if you repent let's get it under the blood a man. The time is getting close folks. And you know what God is stacking the deck. He is stacking the deck for your success. He gave you Jesus. He died for your sins. He paid the penalty for our sin are death. He took it upon himself. Now. All we have to do is go I believe I confess Jesus is Lord. We say that with me Jesus is Lord. We believe in our heart and we confess with our mouths that he died and rose again. Amen. Come on, somebody give the Lord a praise. Hey, man. Somebody needed to hear that today that God loves you. Hey, man. God loves you. It doesn't matter what you did what you said where you been? God cleanse will cleanse you will forgive you for just come. number 10 no other we're not in a religion. We're in a relationship and Men. Religions man-made God's not in there. All right. I get off my out of my evangelist mode for a moment.

one day a man fell off of cliff

Yeah, something like that. But managed to grab a tree limb on the way down. And after you hang in there and he gets his bearing and he's like God so he starts yelling out. help Is anybody out there help and all of a sudden he hears this voice? Yeah, I'm here. I'm the Lord. Do you believe in me?

This is yes Lord. I believe I really believe but lord I can't hang here much longer might my grips getting weak. My hands are getting sweaty and I'm starting to slip down this tree branch on the side of this mountain. He said that's all right, if you really believe you've got nothing to worry about. If you really believe you got nothing to worry about he said he said I would save you. Just let go of the branch.


so he gets quiet still hang in there. Quiet yells out there anybody else up there?

You know how many times over that way aren't we many times are that way got like I got you just let go of the problem. Let go of the offense let go of the addiction let go of the problem. I'll catch you. Just let go. If you would turn with me to Hebrews chapter 6 or 11 verse 6.

Now isn't that what most of us are like today God hands us a way out

it all we have to do is believe But we think there must be another way. It's too easy. It's too simple. Whatever the excuse might be.

When there's no other way. But Jesus amen.

We look in our own way. We look in our own self. We try to find an alternative help. Isn't that what Adam and Eve did when they were in the garden? They looked outside of their relationship with God to find a another way. Define wisdom of their own to find Deliverance on their own they didn't have anything to be delivered from amen. You say there is only one God one Lord and one Faith. He is our savior Christ Jesus. Amen. Come on, somebody give the Lord a praise. Are you there Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 and I'm going to ask you are you glad you came today? Are you glad you came today? Praise the Lord? There's some empty seats. Y'all need to start inviting your friends and family. Amen. All right now Hebrews 11:6 now without faith. It is impossible. Everybody say impossible. To please God for the one who draws near to him must what believe that he exists and rewards those who seek him.

He rewards those who seek him. Let's pray for a moment father God. I thank you for your spirit here. We thank you for your word. Your word is life. Your word is power. Your word is hope that God. We thank you that your spirit is here gives us life. God I ask for your spirit to be honest or don't open our ears so that we can hear open our eyes so that we can see open our hearts in mind so that we can understand comprehend and help us to apply your word to our lives in Jesus. Mighty name. I pray amen. Now today we're talkin about faith. Face not a girl named face butt face. What it is and why it's so important and how to walk in faith how to live in faith, okay.

The quiet. Okay, we are. Galatians chapter 3 verse 11

Galatians chapter 3 verse 11

Give me an amen when you're there. Oh, man, I forgot my tea over under seat.

Right over there. Thank you, Melissa.

Let me know when you're there a man. Thank you. Thank you sister preaching myself dry.

Now it is clear that no one is Justified before God. by the law because the righteous will live by faith. sketch that live by faith the righteous that's us those that believe in Christ Jesus those that have a relationship with God and man the righteous. will live by faith

Hey, I want you to catch this faith is the currency of Heaven.

Faith is the currency of Heaven. What is Faith you might be asking you some what is pay? Well, we're going to learn anybody ever hear of a dude by the name of aw, Tozer. Okay. He was a good brother. He said this Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God and that which is humanly possible Faith begins where Man's power ends.

Oh that's heavy. But it's good. Absolutely. I can say it. Again Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible.

There is no glory for God and that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where Man's power ends.

What aw Tozer saying is here is that if you and I have the ability. To meet the need on our own. It's not faith.

It's our own ability.

Listen faith is where you have exhausted all of your own abilities. And now must trust God for the help for the need for the miracle. He's ready. He's willing that he is able to deliver you. He is ready willing and able to provide for you. We just have to trust him and that's what faith really is. It's trusting it's going to God my yield. I know I got some plans, but I know that anything I plan to do quote on quote. It's just going to fail anyway. So I hear I trust you. Here's this need and I'll have heard this and I've actually done to get a bill in the mail and go I can't pay that. It's a medical bill. I I can't pay that Lord is mail for you. right Like I can do that for sure because I'm a I'm piece my boss. But we all should do it. Where is kids a man? Come on now? He's all our boss signs are same cheap paycheck, doesn't he? Praise God, you know when we when we yield when we give God when we have faith and we trust him guess what he is glorified in it because what's the first thing we do when that check comes in the mail that you're like on I have no idea I could do that Lord. That's a good time yesterday yesterday. We had a funeral over at life in Christ in Owosso our dear brother. Who was who was a member of Life In Christ. We was also a member here Victory biker church for a while. He passed away and may have seen my my picture. I posted of him on a Harley yesterday on Facebook. But I remember the first time I had met Dave and and we were going through A discipleship class at Life in crisis years ago, and we had start just started the church. A my wife and I and I didn't have a job. I lost my job and we were hurting financially and so I went to the Lord I said Lord, I need $1,000 just to pay these bills and get some food just to get us through another week. So I I would go to it we go to the class that night and we're Milling around before the class started in here comes Big Dave. Comes walking in he goes, he's a big dude. He says Pastor baby. So I hug him. He gives me a Pentecostal handshake. Y'all know the Pentecostal handshake is right. It's a handshake with money in it. Okay, so I'm like, he's like me this is where you got told me to give you this. I want bless God stuck it in my pocket felt like it was pretty fix. I just had a bunch of ones. I knew he was hurting. So weak we do Classen. After Classic on the way home. I reach in the pocket thousand dollars was exactly what I had asked the Lord for he said God has told me to give you $1,000. I might bless the Lord you see Faith. We're talking about Faith and Action today folks.

Let me say this when you cast all your cares on the Lord and receive your healing God is glorified. When you cast your care and say God will you we can meet this need I've got no way to meet this need in my own. I'm broke a busted and disgusted but I trust you, right and then all of a sudden the answer comes I guess what God is glorified. and we get to continue to bless God continue to praise God for the Deliverance for the help for the need being that and then So my question for you today is what are you believing God for today? You and God know amen you and God know. Everything yeah some days. We're just thankful for the air. We're breathing, right? Thankful that we woke up in a warm bed.

They were woke up. Yes. Yes, we are.

But that's right. You're stuck here Murdoch until God's not done with you hear. You're stuck. Your blessed not stuff your blessed. Amen. Have you run out of all of your own devices? Have you run out of all of your own ways? And how are you at a place where you can trust God Amen?

Are you still in Hebrews chapter 11 get your finger there? What you slide up 5 verses to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1

verse 1

God is good. amen

poop too far Too far from where we are.

Now Faith is the reality. What is hope for? the proof what is not seen? It says that faith is now. Faith isn't maybe kind of hope so Faith isn't for tomorrow. Unless that's what you believe in for but tomorrow something will happen and then the face is now. Faith is the thing. That is the reality. My point here is that faith is got to be real. Remember we ask God for something we've got to believe it. Right? We've got to believe and he asked God you got to believe what you ask him for. Don't just give him lip-service. Don't just say well Wescott On Believing for dada dada dada, and then you leave to go on to the next thing and you say well, I don't think that's going to happen. It's not you just killed it. You can't blame God for it. You just did it. Hey, man, what faith is now because God is an awesome God. He is the only God he is. The only way he is the only truth. Amen. He is now again, not tomorrow not next month. Not next year faith in God for the things we need and hope for and God wants to give you some things that are hope for 2.

Because he has a purpose and a plan for you. And he loves you and he's got a purpose for you. He wants you to know him just as much as he knows you that give you a purple spray moment. Blow your mind, right? Come on, God knows everything about us, but it's easy for you. And I you know, he comes to the hair in her head and all that but it's easy for us. What's the Lord but he knows is so intimately.

You know. We may not have our new building yet.

Listen to me yet. You got a cat. But it's coming why because we've asked. Remember January 6th at first service of this month where I laid out the pictures and stuff for our new building and for the growth of this church week. We committed that to God. We have no way of doing it in our self but we are God's church. He this is his church. Where is people right? We need to make room for more of his people a man.

But our eyes are on faith. Our eyes are on faith. And even now before we see all that stuff come to pass. We always have to remind yourself when we see the the the the thing that we've been believing for for a long time. We cannot Elevate that into a god-like status so many churches they they struggle and they bear under the load and they may believe God for a bigger building and more people and when they get it now all of a sudden that new building becomes God Then all of a sudden the ministry starts to fade in the people start to quit and it comes to nothing I get some head shaking. Yep. Yep. Keep our eyes on Jesus.

Happens all the time and all the time we have to keep ourselves check or keep ourselves and check. Amen. Missing is God's Delight to prosper his kids. God loves it when his kids are prosperous. So if you're broke and busted, it's not God doing it. He wants your blessing. So what's the what are we have to do walk in faith? Believe and trust is he God is so good. He is so good. He's already given us all that we need for life and for godliness 2nd Peter 1:3. We just need to trust and have faith that God is going to take care of the need. Like innocent children who trust their parents and their grandparents with Mommy Daddy grandma and grandpa say this is what I'm going to get you or this is what we're going to do. That's it. There's no doubt. It's done.

We have to have that childlike Faith, don't we?

instead of the heir of Adam and Eve thinking that we could be like God and get education and get wisdom and all that good stuff outside of God, which drops in on the entire human race it brought death. He said there is only one God. I've said it twice now. There's only one God. His name is Jesus.

Let me show you what the word says Psalms chapter 149 Verses 4 and 5.

You're all pulling on me. I love it. What are the anointing?

You know when you're there. Hey, man. For Yahweh takes pleasure in his people. He adorns The Humble with salvation Let The Godly celebrate in triumphal Glory. Let them shout for joy in their beds. You see God loves it when his kids are happy. But let me let me tell you about what God's perspective is. true happiness comes in Jesus not in a new Harley as nice as they are.

Not in a new Ford as nice as they are.

True happiness comes from knowing Jesus.

So what are we going to shout about today? What are we going to shout with Glory about today? Huh? We're going to shout Jesus, aren't we? We're going to lift up his name High because he's so good. You don't knowing a serving God brings so much. Peace so much power so much. Hope that we can't contain ourselves, May ban. He's got such a bigger plan for you. And yes, he wants you happy he wants you to encourage. I've told the story many times in the past. But I remember years ago. We had just gotten in this building and we are having church at at Sunday night's back then and I closed up shop and I shut all the lights off and I got out on my Harley and I just as I'm sitting down on it the Lord said, you know, this is a blessing don't you and I said what like those your Harley I said it is because yeah because you were faithful to stop out when others said no.

I guess what it's paid off now bless the Lord he made sure I had the bike payment over the last 10 years and it's now paid off bless the Lord. Amen. It's a blessing. Course the sales guys over at the dealership you could trade that in man. I will get you the same. No, no, no, no no, no, no.

They are they are that's what they're there for. My wife's in car sales. I get it right. I understand. I had to make sure she got a new car first.

Taking Care of Mama

I know you might be thinking you might be thinking to yourself. What if my faith is a little faith or it's very weak. All boy Mustard Seed that's where I'm going. Matthew chapter 17 verse 20 You know faith is a muscle. How many go to the gym workout come on, I love going to the gym my body doesn't but I do. Right. But yeah, you want to build up you want to bulk up you want to get healthy? What do you got to do work it work it right.

My sister got it bigger gets the more Fade to get a man you there Matthew chapter 17 verse 20 because you're a little faith cuz of your little faith. He told them for I sure you if you have faith the size of a mustard seed anybody ever seen a mustard seed where tiny you will tell this mountain. I got you got to see this in your heart Mustard Seed Faith tell this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing is impossible for you. Nothing is impossible for you. You just got to have a little bit of Faith. You got to have a tiny bit of faith without doubt. Tell them I will what mountain is in your life today.

death sickness marital problems

have a little bit of faith. I was going to go there.

Whatever the amount of your faith you have without doubt watch God move in your life. Watch God move. So where's your face?

Where's your faith? Is it in the problem? Or it is in the solution. Jesus mustard size Faith because we're talking about Faith and Action today faith in action.

Your Mountain here in Matthew 17:20 represents those issues in your life that seem huge mountains. They seem like there's something something you just can't move that you can't do on your own maybe it's cancer. Maybe the doctor said you've got cancer. Guess what my good brother and good friend and catch him. The doctor said you've got stayed on cancer, but I like bless the Lord.

Damn good and I have to share he's been keeping me up-to-date. Why because it's only a tiny little stage one barely there. And guess what Dan is healed in Jesus name? Amen. That doctor May say, you've got such and such you can just sell my but my Jesus as I am healed the word of God Says by his stripes. I am healed. There's your face. Oh you with me today? You might be thinking. I can't pay that bill. I've got to pay that every time this year cuz I tell you what pastors have to be paid both sides of the tax or income tax. Not right not right all but cuz we're always given but I always kind of go cuz I do my own taxes TurboTax.

Am I going? What's it going to be? Yes what I'm getting money back this year bless the Lord. Thank you. Jesus. Blessed Lord, I guess what I'm doing with that. I'm going to get off it. Imma, give it to Jesus. Amen. Know if you have faith in God and His word again without doubt you can declare and decree that there is now no weapon formed against us that shall prosper. There is no debt that can overtake me. There is no sickness no disease they can touch this house in Jesus name because I'm Blood by come on somebody with me or am I just preach to myself happy today. Amen. Hallelujah You see we are redeemed. If you know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior your redeemed from the curse of the law. You're no longer broke busted and disgusted your above your up your blessing your highly favored. Amen blessed coming in and blessed going out right Everything You Touch turns to Gold if you'll just believe a man if you're sick, you just declare by Christ Stripes. I am healed bless the Lord. Amen. If you've been wrongly accused. You declare Isaiah 54-17. I've already mentioned it. No weapon formed against me. Shall prosper no accusation. No lie in the name of Jesus. I refute it in the name of Jesus. Amen. Come on. Somebody should be shouting. Maybe we need to hang a chandelier in here. So people can swing on it. Maybe just kind of weird.

Damn it. Yeah heavy bolts. logging chain, MN

You can tell that mount by faith. You can tell that mountain be uprooted and thrown into the sea. And then I'm done with you in Jesus name. Amen. I'm done in Jesus name. We got to remember don't give in the doubt. Write don't give in to doubt because doubt will cancel your face.

Be quiet in here.

Thank you Elder. Thank you.

Why is it so important?

Oh, yeah, double-minded man gets nothing. what you to see 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7

For we walk by faith not by sight was that mean preacher you walk by faith. What was faith? Faith is now.

The substance of things hoped for right? Come on.

No. What happens when you're looking at the problem all the time? And you go no no. Oh, no. You get into doubt? You know, that's fear. That's another message fear false evidence appearing real. 99.9% of everything we human beings fear never comes to happen anyway, right? Hit it.

It's right. Yeah, that's good. If you don't cast it out, that's good. I like the hell of those one-liners little singers. I love them. She will walk by faith knowing that God is our source that he is our Fortress. He is our strong Hightower. We cannot live by our emotions and our feelings why because they are fickle our emotions and our feelings and what we think and what we see in front of us. They always lied to us because faith says, I'm an overcomer because of Christ Jesus in me. I'm an overcomer not an Undertaker right unless you do that like a brother Digger for a living. I wish you was here. He gets he likes that humor, I think. Oh, yeah bless the Lord to what we see with our eyes isn't always the truth. We need to know deep down in our inmost being that Jesus has made us an overcomer. He overcame the world and because he is in us. We overcome the world Amen somebody show Hallelujah. Are feelings and emotions our eyes and our ears? They don't give us the whole truth.

The truth is Jesus.

There's my faith. Jesus

our senses tell us things like you're broke. How you going to pay your bills? The face says a my God will supply all my needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus. They say things like I'm scared. This is going to happen or that's going to happen but face says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. Praise Jesus

I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. I'm a winner and not a loser. Amen, Somebody shout hallelujah. Amen.

But Faith isn't just work or words my brothers and sisters. It's it it's a verb. It's action. If you have faith.

faithful confess for financial breakthrough You know, I'm tired. I've always gone. How am I going to pay that Lord? You're not son. I am okay.

Yeah, I know right? Some some some weeks. I feel like I'm on one of those gerbil Wheels you noticed.

It's about building our faith. You got you got to trust the bank. You going to trust the job you going to trust the the government you going to are you going to trust God Amen? He said he pay the way. See Financial breakthrough comes through faithfulness. We're talking about faith, right the faith is an action. So if you're broke and you're you're you're struggling financially with all love and respect and encouragement I say first thing are you teising? Well, I can't you can't afford not to. You can't afford not to because God's promises and Malachi 3 says if you'll be faithful in the ties he will rebuke the Devourer for your sake. He will bless you. You can't you can't keep up with God when you're faithful to him. Yeah, don't Rob him.

When you give a little extra like today is is Mission Sunday. Give a little bit extra help with the missions Outreach my we're reaching out around the world this little church. We're reaching around the world. We're trying to do our part. Amen. Why because the gospel needs to get out there is people dying and going to hell. Where do our part to find the gospel? Amen? Amen? If you have health issues have faith in the word of God confesses promises that you have been redeemed from the curse that you were healed in Jesus name then go pray for someone else to sickness. What's the biggest way to overcome discouragement and overcome doubt is to go pray for somebody else. You know, I believe in God for my healing, but I'm going to pray for yours. Let me get some oil and let's Lube you up and let's pray. Amen get that Holy Lube going right see faith has to be accompanied by action. faith in action, MN Just look at James chapter 217. James chapter 2


give a hoot when you there who? in the same way faith if it doesn't have works. It's dead, right? It's dead. In the same way faith if it doesn't have works it's dead.

Goes nowhere faith has to be accompanied by action because faith is a verb. It's an action word. Amen. Let's keep keep the the word in proper context. Shall we so many times Christians will get hung up on one little verse and they don't read the entire chapter and then they get hung up an error because they took the verse out of context. So let's keep it in context James chapter 214. So just slide up three more verses in your Bible with me. We're going to read 14 through 26 together. James

funny thing is that wasn't his real name.

King James wanted his name in the Bible.

Really Jacob Jacob.

King James wanted his name in the Bible.

Just a little bit of funny.

biblical trivia All right, you there James chapter 2 14 through 26. What good is it my brothers and sisters? If someone says he has Faith but doesn't have Works can his faith save him. If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food. At one of you says to them go in peace, keep warm and eat well, but you don't give them what the body needs. What good is it?

In the same way faith if it doesn't have works it is dead by itself. But someone will say to you say you have faith and I have Works religion. Show me your faith without works and I'll show you Faith from my work. You believe that God is one you do. Well the demons also believe and they shudder Foolish man. Are you willing to learn that faith without works is useless? What's an Abraham Our Father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? You see that Faith was active together with his works and by he works Faith was perfected. So the scripture was fulfilled that says Abraham believed God and it was credited to him for righteousness. And he was called God's friend. You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. And in the same way wasn't Rahab The Prostitute also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out a by a different route. For just as the body without the spirit is dead. So also faith without works is dead. Amen. Faith in action. Faith without works is dead Works without faith is religion and is also dead. Come on. Are you pick that up? That's a that's a Peapod with two peas in it. Come on a great example of what I'm talking about. Today is the woman that had the issue of blood in Luke chapter 8 She had a lifelong illness. She spent all that she had on doctors. I think I can just imagine this poor girl phone always ringing off the hook doctors called. Hope you had another appointment this week you got done and she gets in her broke bow down to the Chevy and she goes to the doctor. She spends all that she has is she still not cured.

Yes. She really should have been Stone. I'm going to get the little bit of that today. But you know what she heard. She heard about Jesus. She said that if I can just if I could just touch the the Helm of awe of his prayer shawl, but are you has yours here today? If I could just if I could just touch the little Cici's at the end of his prayer shall be healed because Jesus is the Messiah and I believe that he heals the sick and I believe he raises the dead. So if I can if I can just get there it just Touch the Hem of His Garment. I'll be healed. You see this lady had faith. She should have like Teresa Pastor. Terry said she should have been stoned because in the cult the Jewish culture because of her issue with blood. She was unclean. Is she pressed her way through the crowd I can just see this little girl on her hands and knees maybe some some of the time just trying to get through the crowd. She saw Jesus and she made her way and she read stop it. She received her healing. Let's faith in action. She she heard about Jesus. And she had faith. The currency of heaven and she put feet to her faith. He knew ya we're going to read it James or excuse me, Luke Chapter 845 through 48. We're going to read the story.

As we continue with this. I've given you the imagery of what the situation is. She made her way. She touched the end of his prayer shawl. The Garment is the as the Bible says.

Luke chapter 8 verse 45. He said who touched me.

Is the Cypress I like on what they said Jesus Jesus asked. So who touched me Jesus asked when they all denied it Peter said Master the Crowds Are him and you are pressing against you somewhat did touch me said Jesus. I know cuz the power has gone out for me when the woman saw that she had was discovered. She came trembling and fell down before him in the presence of all the people she declared the reason she had touched him and how she was instantly cured daughter. He said to her your faith. Has made you well go in. Peace. I love with Jesus said your faith has made you well go in. Peace. See faith has to be an action. And when you reach out to that face. When you reach out and face and you touch the rolled Hem of His Garment and receive your healing it's instant. Hey, man.

Yes, he does and you know many times is a minister weather is here in the church when I'm traveling and people come up for prayer. They come up why because they don't have faith that I'm going to heal them. They have faith that God is going to heal them because I pray for them and I just want to let you all know you have that same power and authority in Christ Jesus. Hey, man, I love praying for you. All I do it many times when I'm done ministering like today. I know I can already tell that I get home. That's what I'm going to do collapse in the chair. Why cuz I'm empty. You got to go back to work bubbles bless you Sister. She works for Consumers Energy. So be thankful. She's keeping the gas on. In the heat, that's right. Pay your bills. Thank you Jesus. You see your face. Makes you well. Your face makes you prosperous your faith brings the Breakthrough your faith brings the encouragement your face. in Christ Jesus Are you are you getting this today? See you got to put wheels on your faith people faith in action. He had to put wheels on your face. We got to pick up arch in and say glory to God. I might be sick right now in my body, but I know that if I could just Touch the Hem of His Garment if I could just get the church. I know that I'm Healed right sister cat if I do I just thank you God that I'm an overcomer right we put wheels to our faith and we choose not to stop to stop sucking gravel with our car face on the ground. We're going to pull over asmi's right. We put our faith in Christ Jesus and we receive the healing you see we got to get to a place where we stop letting the devil mess with us. We got to get to a place where we Satan devil talk to the hand write get behind me a Jesus name. I ain't taking what you're selling right and don't go to my neighbor go to hell where you belong in Jesus name, and then we got to know that that we argue the app. Pulling God's eye that we were created in His image that we're his kids and he dearly loves us. You're pulling on this today. So start confessing that you're a winner and not a loser start confessing that you're a billionaire and not broke. Amen. Come on. Come on. Why why why why we need money? Well, that's what that's the grease on the wheel that keeps the world go around. All right. We don't love money cuz the love of money is the root of all evil, but money is needed at the tool a man. Hallelujah How can we how can we build a place where where bikers from all over can come and feel welcome and feel encouraged in room for everybody where our children can have a wonderful place where children can be in the nursery they can be they can be healthy and whole and and and and not just entertained. But even a little ones be prayed over our children's ministry. We need them we do we need our children's ministry have room for a children's ministry a man have room for our kid our youth group a man have room for all the different Ministries that are in the church. Come on. Let's engage by faith. You see you confess that Jesus Christ as your lord and your savior, right? Now that the power of God shine through your face. I doing action. Be faithful action. Don't say well. Yeah, I'm going to be there. I'm going to be at the pancake breakfast. I will be there in and not show up. I'm going to be at that bike swap meet then not show up. I'm going to be you know, that that the funeral if we got another one this weekend this coming weekend. For the Joker's. Pray for you. I'm getting into the app when somebody ask me for prayer go. Let's pray right now. Cuz if I weigh guess what I'm going to forget, I just being honest. I'm just going to forget less. I put it in my other brain pull out my phone and whip up my notepad right now. I don't do that. Just let's pray right now. I don't care for the middle of Walmart. Let's pray right? I don't care. I sprayed for people in the middle of bike club. The motorcycle club houses start praying for him right there, and then I don't care. His face is now. They are we will brother. Continually you see this world is dying. This world is dying and they need to see Jesus Shine through those that say I'm a believer. I'm a Christian right? They don't they don't need to see his whining and crying and carrying all the talkin about each other and didn't didn't didn't didn't it? Right, but we need to be loving on each other and letting that face shine through. Hey, how can I pray for you? And then cuz I'm telling you Pastor Crow Hill tell you because of the faith of a few the Suns have great open doors right now and they will those doors will continually open up a man and it's not just for us we can bring other other Christian clubs in together. We can work together in unity. Why because the unsaved bike clubs need to see Jesus and action. Not the same old, but I don't hang out with those guys cuz they're not us. No. The world says you're Christian y'all are you time to work together? That's some good preach somebody to hear that one. Somebody pulled that one right out of me.

So my question again today. What are you believing God for today? What are you believing God for today? Do you know that we have a radical childlike faith?

Are daddy God wants to empower you to be a blessing to others?

You hear me? Our God our daddy Abba wants to empower you to be blessings to others because he is glorified and his love is transferred to other people. So if you're believing God for finances maybe for healing for family got to know that God's got it covered his got your back you just need to have the Faith No matter what you might be seeing no matter what you might be feeling no matter what the bank account balance tells you you got to have faith. Faith that God's going to take care of this and he's going to take care of you. You just gotta believe.

so the next question is what can you believe God to do through you? Not for you but through you.

James chapter 5 verse 16

Yes, he wants relationship. We're not in religion. Are we wearing relationship, but I'm going to take the last part of this verse cuz I really want to hone in on this the Urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful and its effect. I want you to say powerful. The Urgent request of the righteous person is very powerful. What what are we talkin about?

Yeah, that's the most powerful prayer. You can pray.

The more important cuz we're talking about what you can believe God to do through you many times Christians go f*** never do that. I can't pray for people. I can't get up in front of you. I can't tell anybody my testimony. Your testimony what God did for you is the most powerful thing that you can tell somebody?

Troy courage you to step out in faith. What somebody says will you pray for me and you cuz I wear my vest in the butt everywhere, right? Can you pray for me you go to the church or you're that passed right? Yeah, you go to that church, right? Yep. Will you pray for me? Absolutely. Look around for the boss right cat father. I just thank you you reach There you go. That's right. Thank you. Jesus. Don't care if the bite was watching right? That's right. I pray for him to see what I'm saying.

That's why you didn't open it somewhere else right? Amen. Thank you. Jesus. See my point is is if you'll just make yourself available got to use you why cuz his spirit is in you if you're a born again Christian, his spirit is in you come on.

Do you know that the works that we do when I say trust God believe God to do something through you? It's the very works that Jesus did.

Let's just focus on the what he did first, then we'll get to the Greater Works, right and then I like where you're going though.

You might be thinking the same works that Jesus did what Pastor what write the same works that Jesus did the Holy Spirit?

It's the Holy Spirit not the person that does the work. We are his vessels. Amen the Holy Spirit the spirit of Christ lives in you and I and through him we live by faith and we impact our our our families our loved ones our co-workers School wherever you might be some pumping gas at the store, you know getting groceries wherever we impact our community around us if we'll just say Lord like Isaiah Here. I Am Lord send me. I'm not perfect. I got a foul mouth. I got whatever the excuse might be. It just say God, I believe in you. I know that you're in me. I confess Jesus as my Lord and I'll send me. And I'll trust you to follow through amen. So when somebody comes to you and says, will you pray for me? That's that dude. That's an open door. I'm telling you. That is an open door cuz you're like, oh, I don't know what to pray the Holy Spirit does. He knows exactly how to pray and you just sure let's pray grab a shoulder and start praying allow the Holy Spirit to take over any men.

Because that's what we're here for folks to impact. Are cities or counties are state or nation in the world? I'm going to tell you some. I'm out of getting to be a regular Skype call with England fossil band and Pastor Ronnie and in others right regular they'll just hey if you're busy that's for you guys. No not at all. Come on, if you know, so I'm telling you what God is doing here. England is hungry for and they're hearing about Victory biker Church. You man it what God is doing here. He's going to do over there and he's going to do up in Scotland with her brother or brother Gordon. Amen, and it's going to continue to spread. It's going to continue to spread why because it's what God is doing. It's not about. This organization. It's about Jesus. Amen. She takes Faith to do what Jesus said we would do and John chapter 14 turn there with me John Chapter 14 verse 12 through 14.

Let me know when you're there. I hear it turn the page. I know I get a hold of that aren't you? I just like Bob Seger. I'm just father. I just thank you for leading Bob Seger to Jesus. I thank you for touching him. I thank you for Ted Nugent coming to Jesus. He is so close Uncle Ted Leah. So close bring them Lord bring them. Anyway, you there John Chapter 14 verse 12 through 14. I assure you the one who believes in me. Jesus will also do the works that I do and he will do even Greater Works than these because I am going to my father to the father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it so that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. Now where's your faith Are you believing when you ask God for help? Are you believing God for a financial breakthrough so that you can pay. Just your bills would have more enough to give huh? He said if you ask in my name, I will do it. So that my my father is glorified.

So what are you praying for? Are you praying the old? Gimme? Gimme gimme a tree in the Bible like a genie? Gimme? Gimme all Janie? Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. God doesn't answer. Gimme. Gimme gimme I'm telling you.

Unless you're saying God. Give me another chance.

John chapter 14 12 through 14

and I pulled it right out of the Holman. Yeah, I know. I see it. Bless the Lord. If you believe in me, even the works that I do you'll do and even greater Works what we got to ask ourselves. What did Jesus do what did he do when he was walking the planet? He preached the kingdom.

The kingdom of God. He healed the sick. He raised the Dead. He fed the crowd miraculously, right? That's what he did and then he says you'll do even greater works. So my point is why don't we focus on what Jesus did and then then we'll get into the Greater Works. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. No.

You found it Luke. I didn't want to say anything but

What else did Jesus do? He set the captives free. He healed the blind eyes. He healed that fears. Amen.

Let Me Show You Luke chapter 14 or Force use me Luke chapter 4 18 and 19 now you can go to Luke sister. I got a bunch of Bible scholars in this church. I love it. Thank you, Jesus. Luke chapter 4 18 and 19.

The spirit of the Lord is on me. Jesus said because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to Proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set free the oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. Let me ask you what's good news to the poor.

You don't exactly you don't have to be poor no more, right? What's good news? What's good news to the sick? You're healed, right? You're cancer-free baby, Jesus. What's what what's a good news to the captive your free? You've been released right call the jail cell is open, right? You're free. What? What's what's the good news to the oppressed? But you're not frightened oppressed anymore. You're an overcomer. You're free. You're healed. It's proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. When is The Lord's favor now now is the Lord's favor?

And you know what? because Jesus is in US. We can say the same thing.

Over ourselves. Let me read this to you from our perspective is Born Again Christians the spirit the Holy Spirit of the Lord is on me. Because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to Proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the Blind and to free the oppressed to proclaim the Lord's favor. And then if the if you're born again, the spirit of the Lord is upon you to do the same work, praise. God Amen praise God. Are you happy you came today? Listen faith and obedience go hand-in-hand. Faith and obedience go hand-in-hand. What am I saying? Will you know that God told you to do something? You have to be obedient.

Faith and obedience go hand-in-hand, even if it's going to make you look bad. I remember about a year-and-a-half ago. We started the sun's right Pastor Crowe almost two years ago, okay. That day was if you were here that didn't go over. Well that went over like a fart in church. allowed one

okay, but listen, listen, listen, listen I had I'm sitting here in worship. Actually cuz Apostle bill was preaching that day. And I'm sitting here listening and the spirit of the Lord says son. This is mine do this. And I went oh, okay. Alright Lord, but I know do it I did it why some accused me of lying that day. You remember being a liar? You know what I love them. I forgive I actually miss those two I do I do but a lot. Yeah, but you know what? I had a decision to make okay. I know God spoke to me. There's my faith God spoke to me. I know what the mission of the sons of Victory is and I know he said do it so I had a choice or I do I say face and not do it just to save my own Pride or a my obedient and step out and say this what God wants us to do if you remember I hung that empty vest right here in the front, right? Why I didn't do it to lie. I did I wasn't being mischievous or anything. I was just being obedient to what God, huh? Well, if you were here, I tried to publicly you were here.

They did they did they did and you know what because of that stepping out of faith and obedience. The doors are opening for the sons of Victory. And because they are a Ministry of Victory biker church is growing this church. We're doing what we what we been passed from the Lord to do because we've been faithful and obedient. You see we need to be so God conscious and so in tune with his voice that that when we hear him say things like go over to that person and tell them this.

That you don't what you might go what but then he says go over and tell that person this. Okay, then you go over to that person. And you say this is what I heard the Lord say for you once you've been obedient. It's out of your hands. Don't add to or take away anything right if he says go over and pray for that person with that person's, you know, they're homeless or they're there an addict or strung out so go over pray for them. So we pray for them. It's all up to God from their right that's his job if he says go over to that person and say God told me that you got cancer and I'm to pray for you. As soon as you say God told me you have cancer if they got cancer and he wouldn't send you if they didn't guess what the doorway is wide open right now. They're going to fall apart. They're going to be crying that God knows who I am. God knows what I'm going through. God knows the pain that I'm in and he said a total stranger to come over here and pray for me. Absolutely. Let spray. Can I anoint you with oil? Cuz the Bible says if you're sick, dollars of church on new age of oil pray the prayer of faith over you and you will be healed a man at that point time. It's no longer on you but it's on God to do the miracle. I meant cuz somebody is pulling on me today.

God is saying to us today believe bigger. Believe bigger we got a big guy that we have this much Faith, right? Many times some of you will hear brother Danny and I praying on Sunday mornings. It will throw out that what we're believing for that six million dollars to buy the property build a building and develop the property some of you I can hear your spirit go.

Where is that going to come? I don't know. It's not my job. It's his job. Right? Come on. Now. God takes the lighting and prospering is kids dog takes the light in healing us to God takes the light and making us shine with his glory. Amen. Let me say this we are in the end times folks. That's why I started today service with an encouragement about salvation. Romans 10 I didn't write you remember that.

The king is coming.

God is pouring out his Spirit like never before. The Harvest of souls is ready.

And we are desperate for workers. set up go out into the field that will look beyond the What it looks like?

and do the work

do the work. How do we do the work love people? Love people just go love people. Amen.

But if you have faith the size for small things listen, I want to courage you with this. I'll get ahead of myself here. Y'all tongue-tied.

If you don't have faith for small things in your own personal lives, you won't have faith to believe for the big things. But you have to exercise your faith. The Bible says that God has given everyone a Measure of Faith. It's up to us to work our faith. And grow the faith and believe for more start off with a little I use I use money for for an instant say you're believe in God for for $5 just to buy some milk on the way home. Leave God for $5. Then all of a sudden you get that that faith comes through because you said I believe that if I maybe I just go to church and I'll have that need met. I don't know who I don't know how but I just trust God. Then all of a sudden guess what that that that faith is Matt and you've got the answer to it what you're believing God for now. You've got a little increase in your face, maybe next week. You can believe God for $10 and you might be walking down the street singing. I'm going to pick up pop cans and all of a sudden you look down as a $10 bill floating in the Wind.

No, I know I have two $10 bill. $100 bill maybe you're believe in God. I've got I've got a bill here for $3,000. I don't have a way to pay this medical bill or whatever. The bill might be. I thank you God for a mysterious check in the mail and you just stay on that faith. And when it's time you'll have it if you don't doubt amen.

You see an order for us to do the works that Jesus did and even greater works that he said we would do we have to build our faith and building faith takes action just like going to the gym and building muscle.

I got it help. Russell heard thank you, Jesus. You see when we when we see our faith will we see the answer to what we're believing for come in it builds our faith, but it also gives us Greater Hope. For the next thing are you with me if bills are hope it builds our faith. That's right. That's why I do that Wednesdays and I'm starting to do it on Sundays now cuz I want to hear you praise God for what he did for you this week a man. But how else do we grow our face? How else do we grow Faith? It's easy the word. The word we grow in faith by reading the word Romans chapter 10 verse 17 says so faith comes from what is heard and what is herd comes through the message of Christ. Amen. So as we study the scriptures, we read it out loud as we study the scripture and as we absorb the scripture as we meditate on it, it goes down indoor Hearts. He goes down into our spiritual DNA and it builds our faith in man. And then we go do what God tells tells us to do a men. Come on. We also need to develop a life of Prayer. Develop a life of spending time. In prayer, there's that there's a thing out. I think it's called give them 15. Give him 15 give him 15 minutes a day. That's a place to start give him 15 minutes a day where you're spending time with God your father the creator of all your developing a relationship with him and you're listening. You're not just running down your laundry list of all the things that you need your praying for others. Yes and your praise and worship and then there's time of quiet where you can just receive. Amen.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, you develop you develop a habit a holy habit 15 minutes to do that if the Holy Spirit still talking just keep listening. Thank you Lord, but it's the point is is to develop that prayer discipline because you're in a relationship and then Remember when we read Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 at the very beginning of this message. The last line of that scripture says he rewards those who seek him. He rewards those who seek him. Yes. God loves you all the time, even when we're not seeking him, but he rewards those who seek him. So as we diligently seek God. As we come before him and we study as word with a radical childlike faith. fuel rewards at you'll see your faith become quicker and quicker the response to your faith become quicker and quicker. You'll see miracles happen in your life. And guess what you will be careful to give him all the glory for it. Amen. Is he? This is how folks how this church and how we as Believers will storm the Gates of Hell declaring God's got good news and his love for bikers everywhere and the social outcast and the Brokenhearted and the list goes on and on Amen. This is how we will do Kingdom Business. As we do what Jesus said we would do living a life full of faith. Faith in words faith in action and God is glorified and it all. But your faith in Christ, Jesus be made evidently known. Through your positive attitude and for your acts of faith. Amen. Amen. Did you guys receive today? Do you receive that is a good word wasn't encouraging. I know I made a little little bit long, but that's okay, right y'all pulling on me. So I'm just going to keep going. Bless the Lord. Is there anyone here that says that was a good message pastor, but I don't know Jesus. I don't know Jesus. If there's anyone here today. Please come pray with me. I'll be happy to introduce come pray with with elder bill and I and Pastor Terry. I know he'll come up. But and if you need if you're sick, maybe you and your feeling weak in your face today. Come let us join together. And my face our face will encourage your face and then we will We Will We Will together walk in faith together in Jesus name.

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