Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Introduction: High School was a challenging time in my life.
I was not the best student.
I did not work hard on things I didn’t enjoy…
As graduation time approached, I felt more and more pressure to determine where I wanted to go to college and, on top of that, declare what I planned to do with the rest of my mortal existence!
No pressure.
My entire future in the hands of an immature, goofball geek who just wanted to have fun!
In fact, I don’t think I had a serious bone in my body when I was 17.
When I think of it in those terms, it is a miracle of God that I am where I am today!
But I did begin to wrestle with what I was to do with this life of mine.
I wanted to be in radio…a cool disc jockey…
I thought about acting…
I wanted to be an oceanographer…
I thought about being a graphic artist…
My parents thought I should be a teacher…
There were many options, but I couldn’t figure out what my purpose was.
I pursued college, because that is what you are supposed to do, all the while unsure and a little frightened.
Honestly, it wasn’t until I was confronted with the message of the gospel that I began to see a purpose forming in my life.
When I finally got to the place of repenting of my sin and placing all my faith in Jesus Christ as my only hope of eternal life, then and only then (for me) was I able to finally recognize that God had a purpose for my life.
Now I am not suggesting that unsaved, non Christian people cannot be driven and purposed people.
They can be and countless are.
One must be driven and purposed to get through medical school for example.
However, there is a difference for those of us that are followers of Christ.
I refer to it as a deeper purpose, a purpose of ETERNAL proportions.
A purpose that has far less to do with my will and far more to do with the will of God!
Each one of you here that are in Christ have a PURPOSE!
You have something to accomplish for the Glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdome!
A few months ago I preached a message from called “The Standard of Christ’s Kingdom in which I argued from the text saying that the Sermon on the Mount was Christ’s Inaugural address as the long awaited messianic King who would establish His real, literal kingdom on this earth.
What Jesus was doing in that message was laying down the gauntlet to the Jews saying “I am the King you have been waiting for!
I am the one promised to sit on the throne of David.”
But being part of my Kingdom has far more to do with character than race.
In order to be part of His kingdom, to be His subject meant that one must repent and have faith that He (Jesus) is not only the King of kings and the Lord of lords, but that He is God Himself in the flesh…
How many of you have received this amazing salvation?
How many here this morning would say that by faith you are a subject of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Kingdom?
Say Yes I am!
If you are not, I will have some hope for you later…
Now understand that the physical Kingdom of Jesus Christ (what the Bible refers to as the Millennial Kingdom) is to take place in the future, but He is starting His kingdom in the most interesting place!
Do you know where?
In our hearts!
And for those of us who are “in His Kingdom” does not your HEART yearn and even burn for His Kingdom to become a reality?
Where wrongs will be made right!
Where the Lion sleeps with the lamb!
Where the little child can play with a poisonous snake and not be harmed!
Do not your hearts Burn for the Lord Jesus Himself to rule and reign on this earth!
No more politics!
No more power broking!
No more maneuvering for personal gain!
No more wondering who is telling the truth…because we will be ruled by the TRUTH Himself!
And everyone said!
And for those of us in His Kingdom, it is our responsibility and privilege to bring a little of His Kingdom to the world we live in.
An appetizer if you will.
A taste of better things to come!
That is our PURPOSE!
That is why we are still here!
That is why He doesn’t zap us out of here when become His follower.
We are to bring His Kingdom to the Kingdom that is currently ruled by Satan himself!
We are to do battle against the Evil One and our weapons are TRUTH and LOVE!
Two things Satan knows nothing about.
In Jesus’ sermon, He likens the subjects of His Kingdom to two common items; common, yet extremely important objects.
Objects that make such a difference, life would be unlivable if we did not have access to them; salt and light.
Jesus likens you believer to salt and light.
Without you, life as we know it, would be unlivable.
If that’s not purpose, I don’t know what is.
Main Idea: Just as salt and light have a specific purpose, so do you!
Believe it and Live it!
Otherwise your life will be worthless!
Interrogative: I hope you are sitting there this morning asking this very important question of yourself…What is my purpose?
What does God want of me?
Perhaps you are thinking, “I don’t have much to offer, how could God use me?” Join the club!
None of us have much to offer apart from the gifts God has given us!
Anything I have is because God has given it to me, but He expects me to do something with it!
And you can, no matter how great or small, you can make a difference for Christ!
Transition: The text tells us exactly what our purpose as believers is.
It even gives us our motivation!
Your Motivation is to Remember Who you Are! (vs.
1-12) – I believe we, in the evangelical church, have an identity crisis today.
The Church is in danger of forgetting who she is!
We have seemingly lost our purpose!
In his article “The Failure of the Christian Church” Reverend Matthew Slick has some strong words for the Church today that should wake us up to who we are supposed to be.
It should reignite our purpose!
Christianity is supposed to be the representative of Jesus who taught love, forgiveness, sacrifice, unity, and humility.
Though that may be true to a large extent, Christians have demonstrated an amazing ability to overlook many biblical virtues and allow denominational fragmentation and bickering to weaken it.
Unfortunately, because of doctrinal "refining" on the non-essentials, a desire to be comfortable in church, and a growing apathy towards making a difference in the world, the American church has, in many respects, become impotent (castrated).
It spends too much time splitting doctrinal hairs, separating, and then hiding in churches designed to keep its members comfortable and safe in the "refined" truth.
On the outside, the world is going to hell while on the inside, we are playing the "religion game."
Is he right?
And the antidote is to KNOW WHO YO ARE AS A CHRISTIAN! Listen, you are a subject of the King…
The King’s Subject must be DESTITUTE (5:3) 3“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
The King’s Subject must be BROKEN (5:4) 4“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
The King’s Subject must be COMPLIANT (5:5) 5“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
The King’s Subject must be NEEDY (5:6) 6“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
The King’s Subject must be MERCIFUL (5:7) 7“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
The King’s Subject must be UNTAINTED (5:8) 8“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
The King’s Subject must be a RECONCILER (5:9) 9“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
The King’s Subject will be PERSECUTED (5:10–12) 10“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
12Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Because you are a Subject of King Jesus, your life needs to be lived the way He desires.
< .5
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