Extravagant Devotion in a culture filled with the love of self

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I. Discipleship and “Sitting”

a. Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word.
b. This section of Luke 10:25-11:12 is modeling discipleship.
The posture of sitting and listening is that of a learning disciple. Jesus would have been speaking to His disciples here. It is in this setting that Mary takes her place at His feet to sit and to hear.
This is also the posture of prayer as prayer begins with listening to God. It is no wonder that Luke orders this section right before: “teach us to pray.”

II. Distracted Servants - anxious and upset servants

a. Luke 10:40 But Martha was distracted with much serving,
“serving” διακονία, (ministry, to render a service).
Rom 1:1, 16:18 “servant, serve” δουλεύω (to give oneself to the ownership of another, hired or indebted servanthood).
Rom 12:1 “service,” “worship” λατρεία (to perform acts of religious worship)
Martha was distracted (Gk: drawn or pulled away) by much serving, or by much ministry.
Pulled away from what? From the place of discipleship or intimacy in which we saw Mary postured.
Contrary to what we all too often communicate in ministry, discipleship looks more like intimacy than serving.
Yet the Churches of America are filled with the language of “serving” equated to growing in the Lord. This is because the western church has become almost expert in raising up “doers of many things” rather than lovers of Jesus.
Luke 10:41 Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.
Worried “anxious”
Troubled - The root of this greek word is a “turmoil,” “uproar,” or “commotion”

III. Intimacy and Reward amidst a narcissistic ministry culture

a. Luke 10:42 “But few things are necessary, or only one thing, for Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Lexham English Bible).
1. Jesus says that the “one thing” needed is the “better part” that Marry chose - to “sit” and to “hear.”
2. “not taken away” - “Jesus prophesied that Mary’s heart of devotion would not be taken away from her (10:42). Grace for a lifestyle of extravagant devotion could be sustained throughout her life if she continued to choose it. At the judgment seat of Christ her life will be rewarded.” - Mike Bickle
b. This story takes place about 6 months prior to the cross.
His disciples (chapter 11) are just now asking “teach us to pray.” They had been absent and disconnected from the prayer life of Jesus for three years!
What’s more is that this scene of Jesus at the house of Mary and Martha comes toward the front end of a six month long argument among the disciples about which of them was the greatest!
Luke 9:46 “Then a dispute arose among them as to which of them would be greatest.”
Luke 22:24 “A dispute also arose among them, as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest.” (ESV)
In the first dispute Jesus exhorts them to become childlike and in the second He exhorts them to become like Himself (the one who serves because He loves).
Jesus was presenting the posture of a little Jewish girl as the remedy to the narcissism of His disciples!

IV. The need for reset within movements

a. the narcissism of Jesus’ disciples, as well as their prayerlessness show that a movement can continue on in the energy of its initial zeal for quite some time even while having a value system that has drifted from a “one thing focus.”
b. The church in Ephesus is an example that this can happen for decades (Acts 19-20, Rev 2).

Mary’s picture of Extravagant devotion

a. Matt 26:6-13, John 12:2-8
b. Matt 26:12 For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial.
Jesus said publicly in Luke 9:44 that He would betrayed and suffer death, but His disciples did not understand.
What was Mary hearing as Jesus spoke in her house?
She had poured out this perfume on Him knowing he was going to suffer and die. He would have still smelled her perfume while he was on the cross. In like manner at Christ’s return, He will come lavished in the perfume of the perpetual worship of His people.
Matt 26:13 Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.”
the most extravagant response I see God give to a human being in the bible beside David.
Memorial: “Mary’s extravagant devotion is remembered by others because God remembered it.” - Mike Bickle
“Only one life, t’wil soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” - C. T. Studd
Eternal rewards will serve as a statement of how Jesus feels about the way we loved Him in this life.
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