Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Freedom through Generosity
How many people here today believe they are living the abundant life Jesus came to give?
Living in Canada set you up pretty good.
but let me ask you this.
What things do you feel are lacking for you to walk in the abundant life Jesus Promised?
(Allow responses)
What would say, If I said that one key to living in abundance is generosity
I think everyone would believe that Generosity is a good thing.
After all the opposite of generosity is greed.
Not many people think greed is a positive characteristic.
Generosity is birthed out of gratitude
If your not grateful, you probably won’t be generous
Although many would believe generosity is a good thing,
How many people actually practice it.
The analogy here is of the farmer
If I was to ask you a question:
In order to get more seed, he has to take the seed he has and throw it away.
He has to give up the seeds he has, and believe by doing so more seeds will come!
This illustration demonstrates the need to be willing to give up what we already have in order to get an exponential increase
If I was to ask you a question:
Are you a generous person?
How would you answer?
Now if I asked that same question to the people who knew you best, What would they say.
Are you the type of person to eat the last cookie, or do you leave it for someone else.
If you and another vehicle approach the same parking spot close to the store, do you let them have it, or push your way in
When you see someone merging on the whitemud do you slow down and let them enter?
or speed up so they don’t get in front of you!
On boxing day do you push everybody out of the way so you get deal
We often think about money when we think about generosity.
So let’s look at some national stats
When Canadians are asked if they are monetarily generous most believe they are,
When Canadians are asked if they are monetarily generous most believe they are,
But what do the stats say?
In Canada 20.4% of tax filers give to a charity
An average of 0.53% of their total income
People in Manitoba are the most generous highest at 23.8% of the population
giving an average of 0.76%
People in Quebec give the least at 0.26%
Statistically Canadians are not very generous with their money
Now to be fair this only records what people say they give on their tax return.
Generosity involves our character, who we are at the core
Generosity involves our character, who we are at the core
It include much more than money
Your time, energy, skills, talents, abilities, knowledge
Everything you have
Giving a panhandler $5 does not make you generous
In fact you could be doing more harm than good.
What if they take that $5 and put it towards feeding their addiction.
If you want to help the homeless give it to an agency that help the homeless.
Luke 21:1
Jesus clearly says Its not the amount you give that is important, but rather the comparative portion.
We all understand this.
If a multimillionaire give a homeless shelter $100 no one is impressed
but if a 9 year old kid collects bottle and gives that same $100 it will be reported all over.
Jesus is pointing to the nature of being generous rather than to the actual gift given
Jesus is pointing to the nature of being generous rather than to the actual gift given
Admittedly Generosity is actually alot more than just giving money
So let’s look at some national stats
When Canadians are asked if they are monetarily generous most believe they are,
But what do the stats say?
In Canada 20.4% of tax filers give to a charity
An average of 0.53% of their total income
People in Manitoba are the most generous highest at 23.8% of the population
giving an average of 0.76%
People in Quebec give the least at 0.26%
Statistically Canadians are not very generous with their money
Statistically Canadians are not very generous with their money
Admittedly Generosity is actually alot more than just giving money
Generosity is actually alot more than just giving money
You see generosity is actually a characteristic of who you are to be.
You see generosity
Its part of a Christians nature.
and this Nature needs to be developed.
For some this is a bigger challenge than others.
the sooner you learn the easier it is
Facts are Some find it easier to be generous while others find it a real challenge.
Some find it easier to be generous while others find it a real challenge.
To see this all you need to do is watch babies interact
Video 1 Baby Thief
Video 2 Twin sharing
Just like little
the sooner you learn the easier it is
Generosity makes Life easier
It actually is a key to living an abundant life
God desires you to be generous just like He is.
Generous with your time, giftings, abilities, resources, and yes finances.
He actually desires you to be generous in every area of your life.
Not just one or 2 aspects
Maybe your generous with your money, but not your time, guess what God wants you to work on?
Being generous is part of who you are:
Just as we know how to love because God first loved us, we know how to be generous because of God’s generosity toward us.
This may seem strange to you, after all most english translations use the word “goodness” for “generosity“
Now many versions translate the for “goodness” for “generosity“
The greek word translated is agathosune (ag-ath-o-soó-nay)
Def: uprightness of heart and life, goodness, kindness, means an active goodness, the virtue of “doing good, beneficence.
Def: “Beneficence”
is defined as an act of charity, mercy, and kindness with a strong connotation of doing good to others including moral obligation.
Its used 4 times in the New testament including our verse in Galatians
< .5
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> .9