12 Йоан - Исус Месията (бележки)
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Sermon Tone Analysis
Jesus the Messiah
John 7:1-36
- During the summer we talked about conflict. How to handle conflict and the root causes of conflict.
- Home group. What is it about Jesus that causes conflict? Have a normal conversation until you mention Jesus.
- Jesus is a very provocative figure. For some reason he causes conflict.
- John 7 gives us a wonderful glimpse into the conflict that happened around Jesus.
- Conflict at home
- Conflict with religious people
- Conflict with non-religious
- The question still remains: Why is Jesus such a figure that evokes conflict? Let’s read Luke 7 and find out.
- Read John 7:1-9
Jesus’ Conflict with His Family (7:1-9)
- Jesus is teaching and performing miracles throughout Galilee, and it comes time for the Jewish Festival of Shelters (шатроразпъване)
- Commemorates the time when the Jews wandered in the wilderness
- You can feel the tension in the air (can cut it with a knife). Everyone is waiting for a showdown – like in the old Western cowboy films. Who will win Jesus or the Pharisees? Will they arrest Jesus? Will there be a riot? What will the Romans do?
- There is tension in the air – and tension most often, as in this case, begins at home.
- John 7:3-5 3 Затова Неговите братя Му рекоха: Замини оттука и иди в Юдея, така че и Твоите ученици да видят делата, които вършиш; 4 защото никой, като иска сам да бъде известен, не върши нещо скришно. Щом вършиш тия дела, яви Себе Си на света. 5 (Защото нито братята Му вярваха в Него).
- How many of you have brothers or sisters? How many have had fights with your brother or sister?
- They are egging him on [ ]. They don’t believe in Him, but they want to see a good fight. A dare [ ]
- Jesus’ answer is very interesting: “Now is not the right time.” [6 А Исус им каза: Моето време още не е дошло; а вашето време винаги е готово.]
- There are two words for “time” in Greek: kronos and kairos. Kronos is watch time, but kairos is the “God appointed time.” Jesus is not talking about watch time, but the God appointed time.
- Let me ask you something. Do you ever try to make Jesus work according to your watch time? Do you feel that God is not working fast enough?
- If you feel this way it means that you are normal. Jesus does not work according to our watch time, because there is always the God appointed time.
- Jesus had some conflict with his brothers because he did not work according to their timetable.
- We are also part of God’s family, but we also try to force God’s hand. There is a danger that we get ahead of God.
- Many people have given up the faith or have strayed from the faith, because of a conflict that they had with Jesus. God is NOT working according to MY timetable!
- Be encouraged! There is always a “karios” time for God. There is always the, “God appointed time.” God is never late, he is rarely early, He is always on time.
Jesus’ Conflict with the Religious (7:10-24)
- So, Jesus does not give in to his brother’s demands. But he does end up going in his own time. But there is still conflict, not only with his brothers, but also with the religious authorities.
- Read 10-24.
- There are two dynamics happening at once here between Jesus and the religious people.
- First of all there is a conflict between Jesus and those who have political power.
- Do they want to kill him? Yes. But why? They are part of a system which guarantees them political and financial stability. Anytime someone upsets the political and financial stability of those in power there will be trouble.
- The Sadducees: political and financial stability. They want to kill him because he is a threat to their comfortable way of life.
- What is our little system that is more comfortable to us than God’s way? Have we clothed ourselves with religion or have settled for some other type of stability that is outside of our Creator.
- Why is there so much conflict between Jesus and religious people? He threatens their comfortable, religious way of life.
- Secondly, between Jesus and religious power. The same is true today. Religious people are very often uncomfortable with Jesus.
- I was baptized in the Church! Bulgaria is a Christian country! You are just part of a sect!
- If you want to get someone upset… challenge their comfortable religious system.
- I do more good then bad.. God will accept me. No, if you do not accept Jesus as your personal savior and live according to the Bible God will have nothing to do with you. CONFLICT!
- So how do the religious people handle Jesus? He’s crazy!
- How do they talk about people who attend “evangelical churches”?
- Maybe something’s wrong with them. Brainwash. Crazy.
- They call Jesus crazy because he threatens their comfortable religiosity. A life with Jesus should always be a little uncomfortable.
- You know why Jesus upsets religious people? He forces us to make a choice. You can do what you like or do what Christ likes – not both. That is a receipt for conflict.
Jesus’ Conflict with the Non-Religious (7:25-31)
- Read 25-31. Jesus has conflict with his family, the religious people and the non-religious.
- The non-religious are divided. Some say his miracles are proof, but others are not sure.
- John 7:26-27 26 Ето Той явно говори, и нищо не Му казват. Да не би първенците положително да знаят, че Този е Христос? 27 Обаче Този знаем от къде е; а когато дойде Христос, никой няма да знае от къде е.
- Preconceptions about Jesus stopped them from believing in Him. The Messiah would just appear, but we know where Jesus is from.
- There is nothing in the Bible to support this but there was some superstition that the Messiah would miraculously appear.
- Their (1) ignorance about the Word of God and (2) their superstitions prevented them from believing in Jesus.
- What preconceptions about faith, Jesus, hold you back from fully trusting in Him?
- It’s interesting to me that people are willing to “spit three times over their shoulder to keep away the devil,” or “are willing to make korban chorba to appease evil spirits,” but are not willing to listen to what God’s word has to say about faith, healthy marriages, finances, how to care for our children, etc.
- Only seek God in the abnormal – superstition. But can we see God in the normal? In the everyday?
- The Bible encourages us to seek God in the everyday of life.
- There is conflict here because they see Jesus’ miracles and the good works that he does, but they are too wrapped up in their own superstitions to clearly see him as the Messiah.
- What superstitions do you have in your own life that hinders you from seeing Jesus?
- Why is there always conflict surrounding Jesus? Jesus is very direct when we read the Bible. He is not Dyado Koleda like many people think. He is the Son of the Most High God. AND He forces us to choose what we think about Him.
- Three general attitudes toward Jesus
- Madman: (vs. 20) He chooses a cross over power. He makes Himself equal with God.
- Seducer (Liar): () The Pharisees said he was leading people away from the true religion. Broke the Sabbath. Hung out with disreputable people. His disciples included the uneducated fishermen, the rebel, the Roman conspirator, etc.
- We will always see Jesus this way if we prefer our idea of religion (superstition) to His.
- The Messiah: (vs. 31) Jesus does not fit into any human category – only divine will do. Maybe he is telling the truth. Just maybe He is the Messiah.