4 Йоан - A New temple
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A New Temple
John 2:13-22
- I have been seriously studying the Bible for about 17 years now. Some of you more than me some less. Amazing that after 17 years I can still be surprised by a book. However, not just any book… these are the words of our Creator… the Book of Life.
- Chapter 2 of John is very interesting.
- Read John 2:13-22
- Review: last week he makes over 100 liters of wine for people at a party, now makes a whip [камшик] and chases people out of the temple, turning over the tables
- Is this the picture of Jesus that most people have? Have you ever seen an icon of Jesus with a whip in his hand?
- This shows that when we really study the Bible, when we read the book, how interesting and surprising it is.
- Here we see Jesus angry. Is it a sin to be angry? No, not always. There is such a thing as righteous anger. There are some things that should make us angry.
- When we see little children abused and maltreated
- When we see those in power only think of themselves
- When we see injustice
- These are a part of God’s fingerprint on us.
- But why was Jesus angry here?
- There were at least three reasons why Jesus acted as he did, and why anger was in his heart.
Worship without Reverence [Хваление без Поклонение]
- He acted as he did because God’s house was being desecrated. In the Temple there was worship without reverence.
- Let’s look at the situation:
- The Passover. Worse than the “Panier.” People came from all over to sacrifice at the temple.
- Two things they must do:
- Temple tax: Temple tax about two days wages and must be paid with temple coins. Other coins had pictures of foreign gods on them. They must change the money, of course plus a commission.
- Sacrifice: Every family offered a sacrifice. But according to the law it must be without defect; must be certified clean.
- It was robbery (изнудват хора) in the name of religion.
- Imagine a family that comes to worship God, but is cheated at the temple. Now how are they going to worship God?
- All of this activity was turning the temple into a place without reverence toward God.
- We must always be careful that we do not come to church and just sing songs. We must come prepared to worship Him.
- How? It is difficult to worship God if here is the only place that you have contact with Him.
- Ever meet an old friend that you don’t see very often and so do not have anything really to talk about with Him?
- Come prepared to church on Sunday. Preparation takes place Monday through Saturday as we read the Word and spend time in prayer.
- What makes Jesus angry? When we pretend to worship, but the worship is only outward and not inward.
Sacrifice without Love [Жертва без Любов]
- Jesus acted as he did in order to show that the whole paraphernalia of animal sacrifice was completely irrelevant
- Micah 6:6-8
- Does God really want all of these animal sacrifices? Does He need them?
- What does God really want? He wants you. Not what you can give to him, not what you can show him, but just YOU.
- Brigdet Jones: “I like you just the way you are.”
- There is a tendency in all of us to want to sacrifice to God. We want to do something for God without actually giving Him what he really wants… US.
- Young man who wants to grow… are you willing to sacrifice? Read your Bible for 30 days.
- There is a tendency for us to do activity so that we can keep God at arms length.
- What makes Jesus angry? When we sacrifice without love.
Activity without Inclusivity [Движение без да включим всички]
- There is still another reason why Jesus acted as he did. Mark has a curious little addition which none of the other gospels has: “my house shall be called the house of prayer for all the nations.” (Mark 11:17).
- SHOW a map of the temple.
- Imagine the scene. You are a Gentile. How can you worship?
- Empty chair.
- There is a serious danger that we must guard against. Become a closed group.
- Lydia and I in the USA
- Every church is friendly… friendly to each other.
- We must always consider others first. Is what we do and how we act hurting or helping other people?
- What makes Jesus angry? When our activity excludes or hinders those that want to learn more about Him.
- Is there anything in our church life—a snobbishness, an exclusiveness, a coldness, a lack of welcome, a tendency to make the congregation into a closed club, an arrogance, a fastidiousness—which keeps the seeking stranger out? Let us remember the wrath of Jesus against those who made it difficult and even impossible for the seeking stranger to make contact with God.