Sardis: On the Brink of Death

Jesus' Letters to the Seven Churches  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Jesus’ Letters to the Seven Churches
Sardis: On the Brink of Death
February 3, 2019
This morning, we are continuing our series on Jesus’ letters to the seven churches. Today, we come to the 5th letter: the letter to the church of Sardis.
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Illustration: Severe Rebuke
This is the most severe letter of the seven. The rebuke from Jesus in this letter is strong and clear — You are dead. This is a passage that gets up in our grill. This is a passage that steps on our toes.
1. Reputation vs Reality
Look at verse 1. You have a name for begging alive. A better translations would be, “You have a reputation for being alive.” The church had a good reputation in the community. People had good things to say about the church at Sardis. Everyone in the community had a positive outlook on the church of Sardis.
Illustration: Mrs. Thrash
There is a difference between reputation and reality, a difference between what people see and what Jesus sees. People saw the church of Sardis as good church. Jesus saw the church of Sardis as a church on the brink of death. They had a reputation that they were a life, but in reality, the church of Sardis was a church on the brink of death.
Why was the church of Sardis on the brink of death? In reality, there were probably a lot of factors. Let me share three.
A. A Negative Attitude
The attitude in the city of Sardis was that the cities best days were behind them. That attitude spilled over into the church. This was a city and church that looked to past achievements. Thing will never be better that it was years ago.
I think we can relate to that attitude. It’s easy to have a gloomy attitude in Bogalusa. The city’s population used to be much bigger. The city used to have wonderful schools. The city used to have everything. Bogalusa used to have three movie theaters. The church in this city used to be full every Sunday. In city like Bogalusa, in a church like this one, it’s easy to have gloomy attitude thinking that our best days are behind us.
A gloomy attitude can kill a city. A gloomy attitude can kill a church. God has a future for this city and church..
(NASB) Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
God has a future for this church. Bro. Charlie Purvis believed that attitude was everything. A negative attitude can kill a church, a city, a project, a ministry. But a positive attitude can lift a church and a city. Let’s have a positive attitude about our city and church. God has a future for us.
B. Sin
Look at verse 4. Garments respects the holy, pure, righteous life that believers are supposed to have. The church of Sardis was on the brink of death because of defilement. The church was infested with sin. The Greek historian Herodotus said that the city of Sardis was known for it’s laxed moral standards. That attitude seeped into the church. The church of Sardis was infested with sin, and sin can destroy a church.
The moral standards in this country have crumbled over the last few decades. The late term abortion bill in New York was not just passed. The bill was celebrated. The moral standards in this country have crumbled. A couple of years ago, the Supreme Court redefined the definition of marriage, and it was celebrated in the White House. The moral standards in this country have crumbled.
We have taken prayer out of our schools and replaced it with metal detectors. The moral standards in this country have crumbled.
The moral corruption of our country has seeped into our churches. Like the church of Sardis, our lives are infested with sin.
C. Spiritual Deficient
When Jesus said that the church of Sardis was dead, it had nothing to do with low numbers or struggling programs, but it had everything to do with the spiritual condition of the people. The Greek word for “death” has to do with being spiritual deficient to the point of death.
Illustration: Vitamin Deficiency that led to death. Scurvey
In a sense that is what’s happening in the church of Sardis. The believers were spiritual deficient to the point of death.
What about us? Each month this year, we are focusing on a different spiritual habit. Why? So that we are not spiritual deficient.
Look over these factors that led to the church of Sardis being on the brink of death.
Reputation vs Reality — the church of Sardis had a name that was alive, but the church was on the brink of death. People saw the church of Sardis as a good church. Jesus saw the church on the brink of death?
How does Jesus see us? What’s more important to you? How the world sees us or how Jesus sees us?
2. Revival in the church
The message to the church of a Sardis was as severe rebuke. But the message came from a heart that loves the church. The message came from a heart that wanted to revive the church.
Verses 2-3 show us how the church can be revived. Verses 2-3 show us how the church can have life again. In verses 2-3, we have the recipe for revival.
A. Wake up
Verse 2
(AMP) Rouse yourselves and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying …
When you get a call in the middle of the night or a knock on your door in the middle of the night, something serious is going on.
Illustration: Chemical Spill in Pelahatchie, Town evacuated
Something serious is happening in Sardis. The church is on the brink of death. Jesus is saying, “Wake up and take action.”
We need to wake up and take action. We need to get our attitudes right before God. We need to get our hearts with God. We can’t be spiritual deficient. We need to get our lives right with God. We can’t be controlled sin.
It’s time for us to wake up and take action.
B. Strengthen our Faith
Look at verse 2.
Illustration: Greer in 10th Grade, Medicine ball
What do we need to do to strengthen our faith?
Be in the Word daily.
Praying Daily
Bible study weekly
Worship weekly
Hanging out with God’s people
We need to strengthen our faith.
C. Repent
Verse 4
There can be no revival without repentance. Repentance is turning our hearts our hearts from sin and back to God. Repentance is about making a clean break for our bad attitudes, our spiritual deficiencies, and the sin our lives.
Jesus is calling the church of Sardis to repentance. Jesus is calling the church today to repentance.
Will we wake up and take action? Will we strengthen our faith? Will we repent?
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