Needed: An Advocate
Needed: An Advocate
What should we learn from hence, but ‘to come boldly to the throne of grace,’ Heb. 4:16, in all our grievances? Shall our sins discourage us, when he appears there only for sinners? Art thou bruised? Be of good comfort, he calleth thee; conceal not thy wounds, open all before him, keep not Satan’s counsel. Go to Christ though trembling; as the poor woman, if we can but ‘touch the hem of his garment,’ Matt. 9:20, we shall be healed and have a gracious answer. Go boldly to God in our flesh; for this end that we might go boldly to him, he is flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone. Never fear to go to God, since we have such a Mediator with him, that is not only our friend, but our brother and husband. Well might the angels proclaim from heaven, ‘Behold, we bring you tidings of joy,’ Luke 2:10. Well might the apostle stir us up to ‘rejoice in the Lord again and again,’ Phil. 4:4: he was well advised upon what grounds he did it. Peace and joy are two main fruits of his kingdom. Let the world be as it will, if we cannot rejoice in the world, yet we may rejoice in the Lord. His presence maketh any condition comfortable. ‘Be not afraid,’ saith be to his disciples, when they were afraid as if they had seen a ghost, ‘it is I,’ Matt. 14:27, as if there were no cause of fear where he is present.