Greet One Another
One Another • Sermon • Submitted
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· 10 viewsGreeting is a common form of expressing genuine love and furthing the cause of Christ
to welcome:—embrace, greet, salute, take leave.
To be or not to be Holy
To be or not to be Holy
Judas and Christ (Matthew 26:48-49)
Judas and Christ (Matthew 26:48-49)
Father and the Prodigal (Luke 15:20)
Father and the Prodigal (Luke 15:20)
Paul and the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:37)
Paul and the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:37)
Greet one another with a Holy kiss
Greet one another with a Holy kiss
What is he saying by using the word holy?
What would be the opposite of holy (in action)?
“Hi, how are you?” (I really hope she isn’t going to tell me!)
“We are glad to have you.” (As you are walking out to beat the lunch rush.)
“Thanks for calling.” (I hope she doesn’t call again for a long time.)
“It’s so good to see you, again.” (eyes rolling)
What conclusions do you draw about how we greet each other?
What conclusions do you draw about how we greet each other?
That’s just the way I am, deal with it!
That’s just the way I am, deal with it!
What would be some of the ways we could disobey this command?
What would be some of the ways we could disobey this command?