Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
A few quick thoughts to start
Don’t judge me!
Bible says that! Have you heard that or something similar before?
Today as we look at our passage may we try to come to a better understanding of what Jesus means when He said “Do not judge. . .
“Judge not that you be not judged. .
“Judge not that you be not judged. .
What did Jesus mean when he made the statement?
May we keep into consideration the problems Jesus has already addressed.
The Pharisees were already challenging Jesus teaching and were judging Jesus and the disciples by the letter of the law, Jesus is about the spirit of the law.
Pharisee’s judged to make themselves look better, they were taking on the role of playing God as they condemned people for not following the teaching of the elders and the law of Moses.
The Luke parallel (Lk6:37-38) brings to light that God is the judge and that is true, but today people are judging us right now and we better be careful how we judge, the kind of judgment we use when it comes to others.
People use that phrase “judge not that you be not judged” often times when someone is pointing out sins or faults.
The impression is given in this a passage that we should never make moral judgment in what we see in others, but is that what it means?
We will have to continue to look at this.
Does this mean there should be no judgment at all?
Tolstoy had this to say, “In the gospel of St. Luke, chapter 6, verses 37-39, these words come immediately after the commandment not to resist evil, and to return good for evil.
After the words, ‘Be merciful, even as your Father in heaven is merciful,’ we read, ‘Do not judge, and you shall not be judged; do not condemn, and you shall not be condemned.’
‘Doesn’t it mean that we are not only never to condemn our brother in word – i.e., speak evil of him – but that we are not to institute courts of law for the condemnation of a fellow-creature to punishment?’
I said to myself; and no sooner did this question arise, than both my heart and my reason answered in the affirmative.”
= = = that was Tolstoy’s belief is there is to be no judgment except God’s by God’s hand not man’s, was this a right view?
May we allow the scripture to speak for itself here today.
Many have misused Jesus words and His teaching
Often misused for Jesus even teaches in this passage that there are times to use judgment (uses example of dogs and pigs).
Some take it again meaning no judgment at all, including church discipline, no pointing out sins of another in hope of repentance.
No judgment would mean we accept whatever is being taught is true, even if we think someone is teaching in error we could not point it out to them.
Judgment needs to start with self before turning eyes outward.
We will develop this more as we go along today.
In this passage keeping in context Jesus is still teaching the kingdom dweller in which He has already called into account their character, their influence, their righteousness, piety and ambition, now comes to some conduct within personal relationships.
A good summary of these verses is:
“Do not judge others until you are prepared to be judged by the same standard.
And then, when you exercise judgment toward others, do it with humility.”
- Stuart Weber
There is a word that all of the commentators use and I think I will give it and the definition regarding judgment.
Dictionary result for censorious /adjective severely critical of others.
synonyms: hypercritical, overcritical, severely critical, disapproving, condemnatory, condemning, castigatory, denunciatory, deprecatory, disparaging, unforgiving, reproachful, reproving, censuring, captious, fault-finding
One commentator called this section the disciples respect.
And it comes from self awareness first and then respect for others for knowing own shortcomings and faults first.
It would bring in a manner of love, respect, mercy and grace in dealing with others since we need that for ourselves first.
Dictionary result for censorious /adjective severely critical of others.
synonyms: hypercritical, overcritical, severely critical, disapproving, condemnatory, condemning, castigatory, denunciatory, deprecatory, disparaging, unforgiving, reproachful, reproving, censuring, captious, fault-finding
In Jesus teaching the kingdom dwellers he is teaching them not to censorious of others that judgment needs to start within first.
OK, now may we look at the passage together then go from there.
Helping others starts with judging self
May we remember what Jesus said back in Mt5:20 regarding righteousness and as a kingdom dweller we are to be different than the world.
This started with getting the right assessment of ourselves and that started back in Mt5:3-11.
Look at Jesus instructions in this passage
Do not judge (Mt7:1)
By the measure you judge you will be judged.
So there is going to be judgment, we are going to do it, but the manner, or measure you judge, be ready to be held to the same measure hence why Jesus gives more instructions.
Take logout of your eye first, then help brother (Mt7:5; Lk18:9-14; Mt6:23-23)
Jesus has always meant for us to help our brother, the one who is of faith, that is who He is addressing, believers, disciples.
That is why you see a distinction made in Mt7:6 and that is for another day.
Insert plank in your eye picture already saved on computer
We need to get right first, get log out of our eye first.
As ridiculous as the illustration maybe Jesus is making a valid point.
How can you help someone get something out of their eye when you cannot even see out of your own?
We need to fess up to our own sins, shortcomings before we can help someone with theirs.
The Pharisees were good at looking at the sins of others, but refused to look at their own.
Getting the plank, log out of our own eye (spiritually)
Kingdom dwellers should judge themselves so that they can help others look good.
Kingdom dwellers cannot judge the heart, only the actions; God will judge the heart (Rom2:16; Col3:22-25)
God knows and will judge the secrets of the heart
God will will reward the service from the heart.
It is good to exercise judgment, but not OK to have a judgmental attitude.
One is an action that should be carried out with right motives the other is a negative character quality.
Kingdom dwellers should not have a critical spirit about u but to seek to have a discerning spirit (Rom2:1; Rom14:10-13; 1Cor4:5 and 1Cor5:12)
Get the plank out of your own eye so as not to condemn yourself.
(insert picture stumbling block)
We will give an account to God; so be sure not to judge and place a stumbling block before your brother.
May we not pass judgment on the heart for God knows the motives of men’s hearts.
And the Lord will make, bring all things to light.
So in your judgment remember what Jesus says in (v.2)
So in short if you judge harshly, you will be judged harshly, but if you judge generously you will be judged generously.
When we judge ourselves honestly and appropriately before God and have removed the things before us that blind us (the plank, the log) hen we can hep others and not be hypocrites.
Discerning judgment
Jesus implies there are times when we must make judgments, after we have taken the plank, log out of our own eye by self examination, judgment.
When we have done that then we are able to help others who maybe overtaken by their own faults and we can help to restore, in face we are commanded to (Gal6:1-2)
The spiritual is the one who has properly judged himself and there is no plank, long in their eye anymore and the judgment (discernment) they use is for restoration and must be done with mercy and love.
When discerning (judging) it must be done with mercy and love (Jm2:13)
Said in the negative to show the importance of the positive.
Judgment of self gives ability to discern and help others
Judgment must be done between those who are worthy and those who are dogs and swine (Mt7:6; Mt10:12-15; Act13:42-46)
This means there are some who are not worthy of that which is holy
Some are like dogs and swine
People who are hostile to the gospel message that are enemies of the cross.
Look at Jesus instructions to his disciples
What started off good, then turned to negative, in fact they ran Paul and Barnabas out of town
May we remember not to be censorious.
There is one Lawgiver who is able to save.
(lead to encouragement) (encouragement slide)
May we be a people who refrain from such judging but one who is apt to remove beam, plank, log from own eye so then can help others with mercy and grace.
(check time and expand if have time)
(encouragement slide 2) prayer (exit slide)
/senˈsôrēəs/adjectiveseverely critical of others.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9