For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55 v 12
One of the big traps which people get lured into today is the need to make a decision on the spur of the moment. I can't count the number of times a holiday scheme or double glazing salesman has told me that the price that he was quoting me was a "special offer for today only" - immediately the pressure is there - if I want to be a good steward of my money shouldn't I take them up on the offer?
When we look into the Word of God we see that this is not the way He operates. He leads us forth in peace, that means being "free from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts" (Amplified Bible James 3 v 18). Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9 v 6), and we are told to "let the peace of God rule in our hearts" (Colossians 3 v 15) - easy to say but how do we do it?
As soon as we recognise that we are feeling pressured or rushed, agitated or confused, we should pause - this is not God's way! Quickly get your peace back; think when you last had peace and you will probably see just what decision or action made it disappear. Repent for not asking God for wisdom before doing what you did, and ask Him to give you His peace - He will do it!