The Main Course

All in  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  23:23
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Even all-out living for God can draw from the one necessary thing.

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We are continuing a series called “All In”—looking at men and women throughout biblical history who demonstrated a kind of wholehearted, all-in engagement with God. This morning we are going to consider a story about two of such women, sisters. It’s a story that draws us higher/deeper as disciples. It’s a story that makes us aware of our lives being pulled in a thousand directions.
Illustration: Sorting through the last of the V-Day cards at 8PM Feb 14 in aisle crowded with men in the same boat as me (or dog house). Obviously, not a measure of our love, but at least illustrative of lives so full that there’s often little room for the most important.
Every morning we are bombarded with a billion things tugging on our lives: meals to prepare, laundry, jobs, meetings, bills, texts, alerts, appointments, deadlines, groceries, worries, school events, church commitments, social media, things to fix, and on top of that… jury duty.
It’s easy for responsible, hard-working people to lose sight of that which should have priority.

Martha and Mary

Read Luke 10:38.
Mary - apparently the younger of the two (perhaps less concerned with the things that “have” to get done), “sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.” This is where we always find Mary (“she fell at his feet… weeping,” John 11; “anointed the feet of Jesus (with expensive perfume) and wiped his feet with her hair,” John 12.
Her posture in this story is that of a disciple—listening, learning from the Master. It was not the customary place for a woman. But no doubt there was something about Jesus and his teaching that drew her to him, and he welcomed her, traditions of men aside.
Saundra and I have a good friend, Ashley—a modern-day Mary. She has five kids, yet somehow lives with such closeness to Jesus. All the ordinary things about being Mom bear the distinct marks of Jesus in her—Scripture in the home, calmness, presence, joy, wisdom.
We probably put her (and such people) on a pedestal, being somewhat unrealistic. But aren’t you drawn to such a life? Don’t you want, like Mary, to be so near, so attentive to Jesus in the highs (John 12) and lows (John 11) and ordinary inbetweens when there is stuff do to in the kitchen (Luke 10).
Martha - apparently the older sister (responsible, contentious). She welcomed Jesus into her house and did exactly what any good, responsible, God-fearing woman should do: be hospitable. Jesus may well have had his disciples with him—there were mouths to feed and Martha was a servant. I’m reminded of my mom, guests show up and she can whip together a feast in no time. What we are seeing in Martha here is wonderful: the posture of a servant—a posture Jesus took on, and one that he calls us to.
Martha: “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?”
College mission trip in Memphis, TN. I was washing a whole mess of dishes after a big community meal. All the others had slowly disappeared before the work was done. When I realized they were playing basketball, resentment set in—especially toward the leader of the trip.
Martha: “Tell her to help me.”
There is a sharp contrast here between Martha and her sister. Martha tells Jesus what he must say, while Mary listens to whatever Jesus wishes to say.
Could it be that we sometimes go all-out for Jesus without first letting him lead us?
Jesus - We might expect Jesus to be on the same page with Martha: service first. But he sees Martha more clearly than she sees herself. He sees a woman “distracted” (i.e. pulled all around) with serving/ministry to the Lord/all the preparations that needed to be made. Good things—no doubt!— but a distraction from what was better… what was indeed necessary.
Luke 10:41–42 ESV
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
When Jesus says your name… twice. Gentle rebuke.
Memphis TN, washing dishes and stewing in self-righteous resentment. I sensed the Lord lining me out: "David, David, we came here for the people, not for the dishes.” The truth was, going all-out in the dishwater was my comfort zone; my teammates were doing what we came for: building relationships with kids.
“Mary has chosen the good portion” - essentially: what is better/best
It’s often been noted that the phrase Jesus used here could refer to a portion of a meal. So, the Message version puts Jesus’ words this way: “One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.”

The Main Course

The priority of discipleship is not about going ‘all out’; it’s being ‘all ear.’
It’s not an all-out performance of service the Lord is looking for; he wants us to draw near and listen, to be taught, to be led higher/deeper/out of our comfort zones/into things we probably never thought we could do/into soul-fulfilling life
Isaiah 55:2–3 ESV
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.
Another passage that has come up a few times in this series. Notice the first word, the word from which it was named the Shema (i.e. hear):
Deuteronomy 6:4–5 ESV
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
The greatest command began with a call to hear, to listen. As if to say: Don’t miss the main course.


We don’t know how Martha responded. It is told in such a way as to put the ball in our court, as if we are addressed as Martha. Is our situation all that different from hers? The Spirit of Jesus is present. His Word living and active. Are we distracted? Tugged away from his Presence and Word?
“Don’t just stand there, do something!” / “Don’t just do something, sit there.” Sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to him teach. Yes, I’m suggesting that we would do good to read our Bibles more. But by more, I mean don’t just read—listen. Be “all ear.” (Start with Matt/Mk/Lk/Jn)
“Be where your feet are.” We have a tendency to everywhere but where we are—worrying and fretting, while missing the moment we have. Martha had the Lord in her house and was busy fretting in the kitchen! Attend to the presence of Jesus in the moment you have.
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