In Rememberance Of Me
In Remembrance Of Me
Preached at State College Free Methodist Church,
by Pastor Chester Marshall
Memorial Day Weekend, May 25, 1997
1 Cor. 11:23-34
Tomorrow is Memorial Day. It is a time to remember those who died for our freedom. Today is Communion Sunday. It is a time we remember our Lord who died for our freedom from sin.
The Lord’s Supper is like baptism in that both are symbols or reminders. Baptism is not our literally dying in the water and being literally resurrected. It is a picture of our salvation. In the same way, I believe the Lord’s Supper is a picture of His sacrificial death to secure salvation for us.
Today we come to the Lord’s Table. It is not a denominational table. It is a joyful memorial for His children to remember Him.
As a pastor, I would not feel comfortable at all saying, “This is the Lord’s Table, but if you are a believer and have your membership somewhere else, please refrain from this.”
I have never said that and I can’t picture the apostle Paul telling the church of Corinth, “Oh, by the way, you fellows who dropped in for the love feast to bring us news from the church in Ephesus, please don’t partake of the Memorial Service.” No, I don’t think that happened, but we must remember this Memorial Service is strictly limited by the Father to family members.
Communion is between the person taking it and the Lord.
What a joyous celebration as we remember His sovereign will in choosing us, His substitutionary death in saving us, His Spirit sealing us, and His steadfast love sustaining us! What a Savior! He died! He lives! He’s coming back!
For most of us, Communion is a solemn time. We do not take lightly the body and blood of the Savior. And we are to examine ourselves closely. But it is not just a solemn time. It is also a celebration. He came! He lives! He is coming back!
The Lord’s Supper is a memorial service. While we grieve over the price our salvation cost the Son of God, we also rejoice over the wonderful memories of what He has done in our lives.
I. Remember He Chose You-- The Bible teaches you could not even choose Him if He had not wooed you to Himself in the first place. He chose us before we chose Him.
II. Remember His Substitutionary Death-- You are no longer guilty. You’re accepted. You’re a joint heir with the Son. He stepped in and died in your place.
III. Remember His Steadfast Love Sustains You-- Paul wrote long list of things that he was persuaded could not separate us from God’s love. We can’t think of one thing that doesn’t fit into his list. Every second His love sustains you.
You may not feel loved. But you are loved. You are absolutely adored by the Father. He loves you to death.
Conclusion: This Memorial Day weekend, let’s not only take time to remember those men and women who have given their life for our country, but let’s remember the death that changed the world more than any other death in history. I invite you to join me around the Lord’s table today as we remember His death.