A Heart of Submission 02-03-08
The next few Sunday morning messages will show us how to have a heart for God in our Homes. There comes a time we must personally examine our own hearts. I believe there is hope for Okinawa. To find it, we must follow Gods Word. How do we have a successful relationship? In Ephesians 5, the Apostle Paul gives us 3 basic steps.
I. Submit to the Holy Spirit (vs.18)
- H.S is a person who loves and comforts us
- The Bible says in John 3:6
- The Holy Spirit makes us alive spiritually.
- Holy Spirit draws us to Christ
- The Christian life is not based on experience, feelings or emotion./
- The Christian’s body is the temple of God.
A. Empty yourself of other substances (vs. 18) and be not drunk with wine
- Some are filled with anger; some with jealously, some just will not forgive.
- Wine produces harm to our bodies.
- Being filled with the Holy Spirit brings positive effects into our lives.
- Daily submit yourself to the Holy Sprits leading.
B. Be filled with the Sprit
- Filled – means to be controlled, we should seek to be filled continuously
- Sometimes we just think of ourselves.
- Is God controlling your life this morning?
- Ask yourself these 2 questions:
- What Controls me?
- Who controls me?
II. Submitt to your spouse (eph 5:21-33)
- Submission does not mean being a doormat allowing your spouse to walk all over you
- Jesus submitted to the will of the Father – Phil 2:10
- We honor God by following His example.
- Married Christian ladies should follow their husband’s leadership.
- Husbands put away your own interest and care for your wife.
- Happiness for one another is best.
- A. Love your spouse in Three Ways:
- Be willing to sacrifice for them
- Make there well being your primary focus.
- Care for them as you would for yourself.
III. Submitt to the Saviour (Eph 5:25)
- After speaking of a wife’s submission to her husband (vv. 22-24)
- Husbands are commanded; Love your wives just as Christ loved the church.
- The word “love” (agapaō) means seeking the highest good for another person.
- This is an unselfish love as seen in Christ’s sacrificial death in which He gave Himself up for the church.
何千人(なんぜんにん)かのカップルにアンケ(あんけ)ート(と)をとりました。もし貴方が、結婚(けっこん)をやりなおすことができるとしたら、( )貴方は 同(おな)じ人と結婚(けっこん)しますか?とききました。 85%の人は、いいえと 答(こた)えました。離婚(りこん)は答(こた)えではありません。同(おな)じ家(いえ)に住(す)んではいるが、別々生活(べつべつせいかつ)を送(おく)ることが答(こた)えではありません。 キリストに答(こた)えがあります。
ロスアンゼルスタイムズの記者(きしゃ)、その時世界(ときせかい)で一番(いちばん)お金持(かねも)ち の人(ひと)にインタヴュ(いんたヴゅ)ーしました。貴方の人生(じんせい)において何(なに)か求(もと)めていることがかなうなら、何(なに)を求(もと)めますか?と聞(き)いたところ、その人は言(い)いました。私は幸(しあわ)せな結婚生活(けっこんせいかつ)を送(おく)っている人がうらやましい。と答(こた)えました。今朝(けさ)、貴方の家庭(かてい)はどうでしょうか?,私たちの家庭(かてい)を大切(たいせつ)にしなく てはいけません。それが神様(かみさま)によろこばれことです。