Protection from False Teachers, Part 3 Jude 22-23

Letter of Jude  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Protection from False Teachers, Part 3

In , Jude gave his readers five commands to obey that will show them how they can be protected from false teaching. Thus far, we have looked at the first two.

Remember What They’ve Been Taught

They are told to remember what they have been taught in the past that false teachers will be coming (verses 17-19).

Keep Themselves in the Love of God

Then they were told to keep themselves in God’s love with three behaviors: 1) growing stronger in the faith; 2) praying in the Holy Spirit; and 3) being excited about the return of Christ (growing, praying, expecting). As we look at the final three commands, Jude makes an interesting turn, telling his readers what they must do to help protect others from the problem.
So this raises a slightly different question: What can Christians do to help the Church when false teachers have come?

Have Mercy on those who doubt

The false teachers, along with their lifestyle of immorality, were having an impact on believers. The first group that Jude talks about are those who are starting to question who is teaching the truth: these false teachers, or the leaders of the church who faithfully proclaim the gospel.
These “doubters” are not to be ignored or left behind. Instead, Jude says that the faithful believers are to have mercy and help those who are struggling. While no specific method is described in this verse, surely such people would need to be confirmed in the truth of the gospel and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Rescue those who have followed the false teachers

A second group of people have been influenced even more strongly, and they need to be rescued. It may be that this group of people had even begun to identify with the false teachers to the extent that their lifestyles were similar, lifestyles of immorality. The danger is seen in the fact that they needed to be “saved” and be “snatched” from the fire of judgment.
Such language indicates how serious it is to become attached to false teaching. Immature, untaught church members often times become open to new and different teaching, yet do not have the knowledge and maturity to see the error. Those who see such error have the responsibility to rescue them from it.

Have mercy on those who are involved with the false teachers

This group (possibly the same as the second?), seems to be even more closely connected with the false teachers. Their lives and their talk show them to be a part of that group. The picture of a “garment polluted by the flesh” is rather graphic, describing soiled underwear! Over time, they have become deeply involved in the error.
Such people also need mercy (same command as was used in verse 22), but this time these people are to be approached with fear, since those who are trying to help may be tempted or persuaded to follow the error. The warning given here: help, but be careful!


In considering our responsibility to assist others who have been influenced by false teaching, it is good for us to remember that we are dealing with gospel truth that has been changed, not minor, secondary doctrines like baptism or the rapture. Jude’s brother, James, sounds a similar warning for us to follow when he says, “My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” ().
Paul commanded the Thessalonians to “We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” (). In particular, followers of false teachers are fainthearted and weak, and thus deserve the assistance of those who are stronger in the true faith of Jesus Christ. Are you one of the strong? If not, will you get stronger and be used by God to strengthen those who have turned away from the true gospel?


What actions do you need to take so that you will have a ministry with other Christians who have been exposed to false teaching that corrupts the true gospel?
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