Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
In My Little Town…
▾ In My Little Town…
Entice: I was in my home town this week!
I enjoyed time with one of my best friends from growing up-Bruce Brinkerhoff His grandmother had passed she was 107 and was truly a matriarch of our little neighborhood.
My friend Bruce's Dad, Frank, was my 7th grade teacher.
Bruce's brother Brad was a pretty good amateur Photographer.
I had completely forgotten when Beth got hit in the face with a shot put.
We shared many good stories and dropped a lot of names.
Bruce and I learned about horses together.
He has been in the Standardbred industry since he graduated college.
When he was choosing that for his career I was choosing ministry.
As I got ready to leave Frank hugged me and said "I'm just gonna call you Bobby."
▾ Entice: I was in my home town this week!
I enjoyed time with one of my best friends from growing up-Bruce Brinkerh His
grandmother had passed she was 107 and was truly a matriarch of our little neighborhood.
My friend Bruce's Dad, Frank, was my
7th grade teacher.
Bruce's brother Brad was a pretty good amateur Photographer.
I had completely forgotten when Beth got hit
in the face with a shot put.
We shared many good stories and dropped a lot of names.
Bruce and I learned about horses
Sometimes, it's good for me to just.
Bobby Beckman.
He has been in the Standardbred industry since he graduated college.
When he was choosing that for his career I was
choosing ministry.
As I got ready to leave Frank hugged me and said "I'm just gonna call you Bobby."
Sometimes, it's good for
me to just.
Bobby Beckman.
In my little town I grew up believing God keeps his eye on us all  Paul Simon
I grew up believing 
In my little town
I grew up believing 
God keeps his eye on us all  Paul Simon
Simon and Garfunkel painted a picture that was more gloomy than necessary.
In our small, little, home towns we learn how to live, love, study, play, serve, succeed, and fail.
• Simon and Garfunklel painted a picture that was more gloomy than necessary.
In our small, little, home towns we learn how to
God keeps his eye on us all  Paul Simon
• Simon and Garfunklel painted a picture that was more gloomy than necessary.
In our small, little, home towns we learn how to
live, love, study, play, serve, succeed, and fail.
We don't like to recall the failures and we certainly don't dwell on them but they are crucial to who we become as our lives progress.
• We don't like to recall the failures and we certainly don't dwell on them but they are crucial to who we become as our lives
Engage: Think about your life.
When you were learning to shoot a basketball, hit a baseball, or kick a football; were't the failures a significant part of your growth and maturation, didn't they help you master the skill?
The same thing is true as we grow older and master the skills and tools that define our professions.
The phrase, I believe is
• Engage: Think about your life.
When you were learning to shoot a basketball, hit a baseball, or kick a football; were't the failures a
fail forward
significant part of your growth and maturation, didn't they help you master the skill?
The same thing is true as we grow older and
master the skills and tools that define our professions.
The phrase, I believe is "fail forward."
Expand: When Jesus returned to His little home town of Nazareth-after all the miracles elsewhere, all the healings and hullabaloo, He failed.Gasp!
How could it be?
He was perfect?
He is incarnate God, everything He touched turned to gold!
That was Midas.
Everything Midas touched turned to gold-it was a myth and the result was a nightmare.
• Expand: When Jesus returned to His little home town of Nazareth-after all the miracles elsewhere, all the healings and hullabaloo,
Here in the real world failure is vital to success
He failed.Gasp!
How could it be?
He was perfect?
He is incarnate God, everything He touched turned to gold!
That was
Everything Midas touched turned to gold-it was a myth and the result was a nightmare.
Here in the real world failure is
-even when you're God.
Note what Mark says in verse 5….
vital to success-even when you're God.
Note what Mark says in verse 5….
We would like to forget this passage-it's not the sort of thing that we preach often-because it does not jive with what we know about Jesus and how He is presented in the rest of Mark's Gospel.
But the fact is that all three synoptics tell this story.
Maybe that should give us pause when we would rather casually dismiss it.
about Jesus and how He is presented in the rest of Mark's Gospel.
But the fact is that all three synoptics tell this story.
that should give us pause when we would rather casually dismiss it.
I seem to have remember being told many times that we
I seem to remember being told many times that we need to learn from our failures, get up when we are knocked down, and recover from our reversals.
Failure is not always about us, our efforts, or our commitment.
It certainly wasn't in this instance with respect to Jesus.
need to learn from our failures…get up when we are knocked down, and etc.
Failure is not always about us, our efforts, or our
It certainly wasn't in this instance with respect to Jesus.
Excite: We can learn from our failures and the circumstances that create them.
Sometimes they are our fault-through ignorance, immaturity, impatience.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9