God's Will vs. Self-Will
From Glory to Glory: Jesus in the Gospel of John • Sermon • Submitted
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· 619 viewsJesus faces opposition, and so will those who follow Him
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The one who desires to do God’s Will should understand & expect opposition ()
The one who desires to do God’s Will should understand & expect opposition ()
Explanation: The events of chapter 7 take place approximately 6 months after the discourse in Chapter 6 (based on the Synoptics). The setting is the Feast of Tabernacles which was one of the 3 mandatory feasts for all male Jews. The Synoptics reveal that Jesus is being threatened with death in Judea, and John also mentions this (7:1).
Jesus is with his half-brothers who are demanding that He go publically to the Feast and work miracles in order to validate His claims as Messiah. The text clearly states that Jesus’ own family members do not have faith in His claims (7:5). Therefore, their demands for Him to prove Himself are much in line with Satan’s 2nd temptation of Jesus (see ). As Jesus resisted Satan, so He resists His brothers.
Argument: There is a natural and real division between the kosmos (world-system) and the Christian life. Those of the world cannot and will not accept spiritual truth. They deride the faith of believers and demand on-the-spot supernatural manifestations. When God doesn’t operate on their timetable like a genie in a lamp, they conclude that He doesn’t exist or that He does not have power.
Application: Trust in God’s timing, not your own. Just as Jesus waited on His hour, so we who follow Him are to wait on God’s season of opportunity.
The one who desires to do God’s Will must not be overly concerned with those who are fearful to take a stand ()
The one who desires to do God’s Will must not be overly concerned with those who are fearful to take a stand ()
Explanation: After His brothers go up publicly to the Feast, Jesus slips in unnoticed. As He is mingling with the people He hears them talking about Him. The Jewish leaders were looking to confront Him, but the common people were discussing the pros and cons of who Jesus was. Some of them thought Jesus was a good man while others considered him to be a false teacher. Regardless of their position, these folks were conducting very discreet conversations. They were fearful of being overheard because they were waiting on more favorable conditions before declaring themselves for or against
Illustrate: Man who lived in one of the border states during the Civil War. He didn’t want to choose so he wore blue and gray. He got shot at by both sides
Argument: No One is impressed with fence sitters. All that will give you is splinters. The one who waits on favorable conditions, having all the answers, and guarantees of trouble-free days will never surrender to Christ. Surrendering to the Lordship of Christ is the singular most important decision in one’s life, but it is not without consequences. Jesus Himself declared that if one denies Him in this life, that person will be denied by the Father ()
Application: there are no secret disciples. Those who follow Christ are to proclaim their Lord proudly and without reservation. Do not fret over those who will not commit, but walk forward without them under the Banner of the Cross
The one who desires to do God’s Will seeks to glorify God and not self ()
The one who desires to do God’s Will seeks to glorify God and not self ()
Explanation: Jesus goes into the Temple complex and begins teaching. In so doing, He declares Himself openly to those who are present. While the content of His teaching is not recorded, its content, as at other times, amazed those who heard it ((). Unable to counter His message, The Jews attack His lack of Credentials. They are sticking with the narrative that He must be a false teacher because He is operating on His own.
Jesus quickly points out that such is not the case. He is not seeking His own glory, rather He is seeking to glorify the One who sent Him: God the Father. Jesus declares this makes His words trustworthy
Illustrate: Tony Parker collecting food for Oakbrook by going door to door.
Argument: almost all would agree that it is good to know if a person is legitimate. No one wants to be the victim of a con. That same is true of the world in terms of relating to professing Christians. There are way too many stories of Christians who do not honor the Name of Jesus. That should not and must not be us! We must be above reproach. And one clear way of displaying our true nature is consciously and intentionally living for the glory of God. We are to be living out His Agenda and not ours. We are to build His Kingdom, not our own! With John the Baptist, our cry is to be, “He must increase, but I must decrease” ()
Application: Whose kingdom are you living for? On Monday morning, whose agenda will you follow? Are you even asking that question? Because if you aren’t, you are living for self.
The one who desires to do God’s Will should exercise proper judgment ()
The one who desires to do God’s Will should exercise proper judgment ()
Explanation: Jesus brings up the fact that these Jews are trying to kill Him. They act all surprised and accuse Him of being paranoid (you have a demon!). He reminds them of how incensed they were about His healing of the man at the pool, and how mad they were when the man was carrying his mat (). They turned their anger on Jesus for being a Sabbath breaker. Jesus, who knows the real purpose of the Sabbath, points out their hypocrisy by referring them to their own practice of circumcising a boy on the 8th day, even if it falls on the Sabbath.
Illustrate: Telling your children to respect and accept others as they are, but then displaying prejudice openly in front of those same children
Argument: While the world system is highly hypocritical, the members of the Church of Jesus Christ must not be known as such. To those of the world, hypocrisy is no big thing; having double standards is simply a way of life. The one thing a believer has is his or her reputation, and that reputation is a reflection of the God we profess to serve.
Application: Our world is full of examples of hypocrisy from every conceivable category: politics, entertainment, education, the work place, and health care. Yes, there is hypocrisy in the White House; the more important assessment is whether hypocrisy exists in your house