Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
tabernacle is all about Jesus.
Why does this matter if the substance is Christ?
Because of the magnitude of what we are talking about.. We are talking about knowing and understanding that God is always with us because of the substance that ‘is’ Christ.
In the old testament, the things talked about are a shadow of the good things that were to come and be found in christ.
So that means for us on this side of the cross as we look at the old testament we can get revelations, big word that means i learn something new, about Jesus that is true for us right this very second.
Looking back at last week we started form the outside, and we saw that there’s some symbolism in the fencing of the courtyard of the tabernacle.
We see that the poles are made of bronze and the base is made of bronze, which speaks of judgement, and the poles are capped with silver and the rings that hold up the linens or curtains are also of silver.
Silver speaks of redemption.
And the linens are white which speak of righteousness and purity.
You find this in chapter 27 of exodus.
The whole area faces east with the north and the south sides 150 feet long and the east and west sides 75 ft long.
with one gate into the area on the east side.
So from the outside you see silver, redemption, holding up white, righteousness, jesus is our redeemer and our righteousness,
and our righteousness,
he is this way to begin with, he always will be, and because he is and what he did at the cross he gives us the redemption and righteousness to live in right now.
Also, when people start looking for God many times what they see first is his righteousness,
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
some get scared and turn away, some continue searching and come to know the love behind that righteousness through the cross.
This is symbolized by the gate, the gate or entrance to what they call the outer courts is made up of three colors, red which represents the blood of jesus, blue which represents heaven or divinity, jesus is from heaven, and scarlet which represents kingship, jesus is king of kings and more, and together they represent jesus person hood and divinity and what he did on the cross so that we can have the redemption and righteousness of jesus.
so you go through this barrier/gate into the outer courts of the tabernacle area.
so when you believed in jesus you were washed by his blood with the authority of the king of kings, with heavenly authority.
right now you are righteous.
rom 3
rom 3:
Thought: righteousness manifested, talks as if righteousness is a person
Thought: manifest, always there but now you just getting to see it, this case Him
Thought: Gods righteousness is apart form the law, meaning we don’t become righteous without Jesus, we cant do it on our own
Thought: For there is no distinction all have sinned, pay attention, rom 3:23, growing up emphasis, all have sinned, context?
not stand alone verse, sin is pointed out in everyone so that righteousness for everyone can be recieved by everyone, point is to look at jesus, out of context so much
Thought: the answer to sin is grace through jesus,
Thought: righteousness as a gift, free
Thought: answer given by god as a sacrifice with the shedding of his own blood
Thought: to be recieved by faith, because anybody can believe
Thought: talks about past in reference to something earlier, but divine
Thought: this was the right time, to show righteousness and that God is just and he justifies those who place their faith in jesus
Thought: the gate is Jesus
Inside in the outer court 2 pieces of furniture
exodus 27:1-4
Thought: the altar was for sacrifice
Thought: wood overlaid with bronze, speaks to the humanity of jesus and the punishment he would recieve
Thoughts: as you came in the very first thing you see is the bronze altar.
it as here that many of the sacrifices took place
Thoughts: as you came in the very first thing you see is the bronze altar.
it as here that many of the sacrifices took place
Thoughts: bronze speaks of judgment, but bronze was never consumed.
jesus was judged guilty on our behalf so he could judge us as righteous, judged for our sins but was never consumed by it
Thoughts: when approaching the altar on the east side were the ashes, the remains of the sin were burnt and dealt with
Thought: Gods first thing he wants you to see about himself is the sacrifice for you, his love for you
Thoughts:when approaching jesus let us look to the ashes of the sacrifice at the cross and let us realize that our sins past present and future are dealt with and completely punished never to be punished again
next week
2 peices
2nd piece
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9