(Nehemiah 9:18-31) The Story of God's Patience (Part 1)
After summarizing Israel’s sin and God’s grace in v. 16-17; he recounts the story of God’s patience and mercy. He describes three examples in Israel’s history that demonstrates how in mercy God did not forsake Israel. It is meant to be a praise to God and a reminder to the people.
When Robert Ingersoll, the famous atheist, was lecturing, he once took out his watch and declared, “I will give God five minutes to strike me dead for the things I have said.” The minutes ticked off as he held the watch and waited. In about four-and-a-half minutes, some women began fainting, but nothing happened. When the five minutes were up, Ingersoll put the watch into his pocket. When that incident reached the ears of a certain preacher, Joseph Parker, he asked, “And did the gentleman think he could exhaust the patience of the Eternal God in five minutes?”
PROP: God is Exceedingly Patient.
Trans: and in the next few weeks our text will show 3 monumental examples of God showing his patience.
(1) Israel Choose Idolatry at Mount Sinai. (; , )
(a) The Wonders of God in the Exodus and the awesomeness of God's presence on Mount Sinai should have caused them to love and fear God.
(b) Their Idolatry was an impatient response to waiting on God. (, )
(c) Their Impatience Lead to Illogical Blasphemy. ()
(2) Their Rebellion After the Conquest (The Time of the Judges and the Kingdom). ()
(3) Their Unworthiness in the Exile: ()
(d) Yet - God Never Forsake Them.
1. He lead them by a pillar through the wilderness. (v. 19)
2. He gave them the Spirit to instruct them in obeying the covenant. (v. 20a)
3. He provided them daily provision of manna and water. (v. 20b)
4. He miraculously sustained them (including their cloths and protecting their feet) (v. 21)
you in your great mercies did not forsake them in the wilderness.