The Kingdom Way
[356] But here the opponents reply that eternal life is owed for good works in a condign way because eternal life is called a reward. We will reply briefly and clearly. Paul [Rom. 6:23*] calls eternal life “a gift,” because when we are regarded as righteous on account of Christ, we are simultaneously made children of God and co-heirs with Christ. However, elsewhere [Luke 6:23*] it is written, “Your reward is great in heaven.” If these passages appear to the opponents to be contradictory, let them explain them. [357] But they are not fair judges, for they omit the word “gift” and they omit the wellspring of the entire matter on how people are justified, namely, that Christ is the mediator in perpetuity. Meanwhile, they single out the word “reward” and explain it in a way that does violence not only to the Scriptures but also to the very usage of language. From this they reason that since “reward” is mentioned, therefore our works must be considered as the payment in return for which eternal life is owed.