Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Attention Gained from Worship
The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and and began to speak in other tongues, “as the Spirit gave them utterance.” .
Acts 2:6
Acts 2:
What were the disciples speaking out loud that caught the attention of the crowds gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost?
Acts 2:
The spoke “the wonderful works of God.”
Who was being heard speaking “the wonderful works of God?”
“them” meaning ALL the disciples were praising God and declaring His acts.
It is possible that were praying, reading Scriptures and exhorting, expressing adoration and thanksgiving; whichever way, they were speaking “the wonderful works of God.”
What does that mean, “wonderful works of God?
They were worshipping God and declaring His “wonderful works” or literally in the Greek “mega works.”
It is translated elsewhere as “mighty works.”
In short, it means an experience of when and how God has manifested His mighty hand to save those who have trusted in Him.
Let us gain an understanding from
The effect of declaring the works of God is that those who hear “might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments” and the next verse tells us so that they might not be rebellious as their fathers were and have a heart that is right with God.
In this chapter, the psalmist speaks of all the manifestations of God’s power during the Exodus to bring them to the promised land all the way to the time of David.
He talks about the Red Sea being divided.
v 13
The visible presence of God with them in the form of a cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.
When out of the rocks He split them making water gush out to give drink to the people and animals.
When He rained bread from heaven forty years.
When He sent them quails by the thousands.
All these “works of God” are acts of God where He has intervened to deliver His people from their current perplexity.
Ps 78
All these acts of God are made so that we might believe and trust in Him for salvation.
His works are the ways in which He has led us, and when we declare it, it reveals that we acknowledged this fact and trust in Him for salvation.
It has always been God’s plan for His people to reach out to the world, including His church of the Old Testament, the Israelites.
How were they to do this?
Most Gentiles, that were converted to Judaism were converted through the lives of Jews that were living around them and convinced of their lives of worship.
The way they lived and worshipped.
The Jews failed in this regard generally speaking, but was fulfilled in with the disciples speaking the wondrous works of God among the nations.
Ps 1
How is this relevant for us today?
Worship (in life and church) is as much necessary in reaching the community than is evangelistic meetings.
Especially the place of worship should be something that reflects where the focus is Christ-centered and each member is actively involved in some way of expressing the wonderful works of God, and letting that be the thing that attracts visitors rather than trying to convince them of truth right from the get-go.
The place of worship should be a place that is one of the first points of contact where a visitor can become familiar with a group of people who believe in the living God and can present by experience before theory the gospel.
When people sense the presence of God in our lives, this can be a means to their conversion.
1 cor 14
An unbeliever can fall on his face and worship God by simply realizing that “God is truly among you.”
The only worship that is of any value is the one that is Gospel centered and where people are living in a way not “to be saved” but because they are saved.
Their obedience and peace and love are are the fruit of their faith, and not the root of it.
If we make obedience the root of faith then we fail to offer Christianity any different from pagan religions because they all depend on merits and acts of obedience and compliance to certain rules to attain spiritual excellency and paradise.
Pagan religion is man finding God.
True Christianity is God finding man, as a shepherd finds the lost sheep.
Christianity is not we have done, but what He has done and is doing.
It is thus that we can declare and speak “the wonderful works of God.”
Speaking and Being Understood
Acts 2:5
Verse 5: The ones that were gathered were “devout men,” a name given not only to Jews but also to Gentile converts who did not necessarily commit to being circumcised.
Four corners of the Roman empire were represented there at that time, hence the statement “out of every nation under heaven.”
From Palestine nations were being represented East, North, West, and South.
Verse 6: Everyone heard the disciples speak in their own language.
This is significant because most of them could speak Aramaic or universal language Greek during that time.
So why was it needed to speak each one in their own “native” language?
Because it was more remarkable to hear an un-cultured Galilean speak fluently in multiple languages.
They spoke in the language of their heart.
What does that teach us today?
Tongues is one of the gifts of the Spirit, but it also tells us that we need to speak in the “language” of the culture where we want to establish a house of prayer.
It means that the truths that we have should be communicated in such a way that it will catch the attention of a bystander and engage him to listen and inquire more.
The truths we have should be spoken in a language that is adapted to the culture of the community and relevant to them.
What was the impact of those who heard them?
Some were amazed meaning that they were impressed.
Others “in doubt” meaning that they were troubled.
They were under conviction.
We can see that they desire more information by asking the question, “What is the meaning of this?”
They want to know what this is all about?
They have come to a place where they want a fairly complete and defense of the gospel.
On the other hand there were some who mocked the occasion by saying that these “men are full of wine.”
Despite the convicting power of the Holy Spirit that had just been poured out on the disciples, they resisted and still refused to believe, and not refused to believe, but were even scornful and mocking.
It is a fact that despite the presence of God in the lives of His people shining like the brightness of the sun, some people will still reject and even scorn.
It means that any declaration of the wonders of God, no matter how anointed and how effective, will not penetrate the hearts of everyone.
In fact, this probably shows that the better and more effective the witness, the more polarization will occur.
Some people will be brought in, while others will get harder in their hearts.
Presenting the Gospel
It means that any declaration of
Peters point 1 is the people’s point 1:
the wonders of God, no matter how anointed and how effective, will not
How hear we every man in our own tongue?
penetrate the hearts of everyone.
In fact, this probably shows that the better
What does this mean?
and more effective the witness, the more polarization will occur.
Some people
will be brought in, while others will get harder in their hearts.
These men are full of wine.
Peter’s first point is dealing with the accusation that the disciples are drunk.
Peter then brings up three important points to answer the questions of the people and at the same time reveal Christ as the needed Saviour of the soul.
He presents:
Christ’s life and ministry.
v 22
Christ’s death.
Christ’s resurrection.
Christ’s exaltation.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9