Biblical Theology
Hey, man, what's thank you verse 14. Thank you so much for letting us in song as we praise our guy together. Good morning, everyone. It's good to see you this morning. Thank you for joining us here at Knollwood. My name is Matt. I am the worship and family director here at Knollwood. And what a privilege it is this morning to teach them God's word as we continue our series of marks of a healthy Church how God defines a healthy church I so far past inmates going through expository preaching which is Fiji, God has said by his we're not coming to it with her own agenda and then also told you none of the Gospel that the gospel needs to be sensual an extra chair and it's important for us to preach the true Gospel of the good news of Jesus death and resurrection that Christ died for our sins and rose again, And I thought you were going to believe that Jesus is Lord. The need that for that went to gospel at the gospels to be sent you and all that we do and so I hope that you've been challenged that you've been encouraged and filled with a passion to serve Christ in this way to become a healthier church and that you've been changed by God's word. This morning and will be looking at the mark of biblical theology will look at what it is the importance of having this guide as we come to God's word and how we can properly do biblical theology as a church. Now if you were like me theology was probably not aware that by a bunch of zeal and excitement to you and you heard it. You know, ye theology right? Maybe that's not your reaction. I've always had this kind of idea that the ologies purpose was to develop your ideas and understanding so that you could debate with anyone who opposed your ideas or beliefs a lot of theologians. I encountered where I've been stuck up and not very loving they are often just tell people that the wrong and this is why and it really put me off of theology. I be more laid-back and chill and not really liking confrontation or voicing my opinion very loudly wanted no part of this sort of debating about God so often kept to myself And away from those people in theology. I can I continue down this path of wrong thinking of theology though thinking that she really wasn't for me. That was for the smarter people write those people who really want to study deep into all these different aspects of God in the Bible and religion. I just need to know that I was saved by Jesus and I'm good to go for the rest of my life, right there actually is a lot was a lot more to that right? That is RC essential but there's a lot more to that I ain't doing so I didn't realize that my Theology of God and of the Gospel in the Bible and how I was to live and worship God rash is getting painted by my own feelings and my own experiences and my own opinions of what I thought made sense. What I thought was right? I thought God should you or be like I look at the Bible as this make me feel better, you know, give me some encouragement. That's really nice first. I like what that says. This kind of makes me uncomfortable. I'm not so sure about that. And so I really resonate with the stuff. I agreed with her like and what kind of passed by the stuff that made me uncomfortable and I realized that I was actually building my own religion and my own God this was sinful in wrong. And I had no idea that I was even doing that. All this while I was living a false gospel in my life actually reflected it. And so this understanding I should begin to change when I intend I attended what was a required course when I was at Prairie on theology, which I sort of slightly against I didn't want to do it but it was a card. So I did it anyway and was called God of the Gospel the second day of class wasn't the first day because I students know the first day of class is the most boring and stressful day because it is go over all the assignments and papers that you have to do within the next couple months and that's it. And you liked great this is exciting. I'm looking forward to all this class and I got into the teaching my theology Professor began the class by explaining the actual purpose of theology in our life. It wasn't just to know the right stuff. So you can say you're right and others are wrong. But here's what he said and I'll put him inside he cuz he says a lot better than I did. The aim of Ministry of the word is to present Jesus as he truly is who he threw his words of eternal life, which is the Holy Scripture. By the power of the holy spirit, so that one may be drawn into profoundly transformative reality of the sonship of Christ in his human nature and come to genuinely know God as father verse even the Word of Life in face. and so what he's saying there's that theology is to help bring us into closer relationship with God by helping us see Christ and how can I see God in his right character in nature throughout all of scripture. And that it's truly through the Son of God through Christ and through sacrifice that we can come to know God and how God reveals himself throughout scripture of who he is of his nature and it all points to Christ. And so we need to ask a question of how we know God, right and so biblical theology. Is that sound Doctrine those right thoughts and understanding of God. Of course description becomes a guideline. The ultimately comes to the story of Christ. And what he did and who he was? And so growing in my biblical theology was more than just knowing stuff. It was a guide to help me grow in my relationship with Christ. I through right understanding of who God is and how he revealed himself in scripture. We get it directly from the source. He tells us who he is and by reading scripture with the whole story in mind when seeing how each part fits into this whole there cuz I wasn't really planning to Christ. And so I hope this creates new you need in your heart to also understand biblical theology. If that's not something that you really thought about was a part of Christian Life is the part of our walk with God. A before we dig deep into biblical theology. Let me just pray for us as we look at this together when we pray.
Heavenly Father God You Are Holy you are created your Sovereign. You are just in your a loving God. May we know you rightly and not make for ourselves a false religion a false god or a false gospel. Help me to speak truthfully from your word as a faithful servant saved by your grace and by faith in Jesus Christ that your spirit would help me speak to the hearts of your people and reveal what you have already revealed in your scripture from your word what you said about who you are and who Jesus is and what he has done and how we want to live in accordance of that guy. Thank you that you have a beauty stuff to us and help us to understand more deeply who you are. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.
Psychiatrist around a bit but let me have this fine what Biblical theology is a little bit more. Set an oh God in my study that main source of how he's revealed himself to us to truthfully no and better understand his character and that is only through his word. As a Biblical theology is getting our understanding of God's nature and character and waste and what he's revealed to us through his word the Bible and ultimately seen the whole of scripture as pointing to Jesus Christ who he is and what he has done that Jesus is the hero of the story.
If you change your me to turn it into 2nd Timothy 3 will be looking at versus 14 and 17.
I'll give you a little bit of time to turn there.
All right, so 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 14 to 17.
It says But as for you I continue and what you have done and what you have learned to have firmly believe knowing from who you learned it and how your childhood has been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ. Jesus. All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be competent equipped for every good work.
I saw a second with you this second Timothy was a letter from Paul who was teaching and guiding Timothy in Christ in the word of God by teaching him SUVs his own church and this letter actually 2 Timothy was from Paul as he was awaiting execution. Paul has all we know has gone through our many struggles and difficulties and he's writing to Timothy to tell him to discontinue and what he has been taught by Paul what isn't hot through the scriptures that Paul had been firm in the scriptures in teaching Timothy. And I from childhood Timothy has been learning this and he's encouraging Timothy to see that all of the scripture is to help him to understand salvation in Christ. Jesus is what I was just responding to call exhorder Tennessee to continue what he has learned to believe that for him to be wise for salvation was to faith in Christ Jesus and that all scripture was Breathe by God and was able to teach at your proof and correct and train those by himself and those in the church that they'd be welcome to do what God has willed for them. Is there scripture of Jesus Christ and teaches us God's character in nature and his will for his church.
If you turn it three notches gu24 we can also say that Jesus himself reveals this truth. So and Luke.
Vs25 Jesus this is after Jesus was resurrected and some of his disciples are walking along the road and talking about all these things that are just happened of Christ being crucified with Christ being resurrected. And so says Luke 24 verses 25 to 27. And he said to Jesus said to them all foolish Ones Part to believe all that. They have spoken was it not necessary that the Christ these things and enter into his glory and beginning with Moses and all the prophets. He interpreted them in all the scriptures that say things concerning himself. Analgesics continue or continues on later. I was some other disciples after his roast risen from the dead in versus 44 to 48. He said to them these are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the songs must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds to understand the I said to them fast it is written that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead and that repentance for the Forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to All Nations beginning from Jerusalem, and you are witnesses to these things.
SOS concerning to me that there is something to believe the Old Testament is not even needed anymore when within the New Testament Jesus reveals himself and those Old Testament scriptures. 2007 that he was interacting with opening their eyes to see and to teach that from scripture we are getting pointed to Christ and what he is but that is how we can truly come to know God's nature and how God reveals himself in that. If you believe that God truly inspired the Bible in that it is an errand that it's without any error, then it would it not make sense for us to want our theology to all be rooted biblically. Of course, we would This thing that seems like a pretty obvious thing but like my own personal story that I just thought I should have beginning they can often we have to bring in our own opinions in our own thoughts and our own feelings into how we interpret scripture and how I interpret how God has revealed himself.
And so we can begin to miss the point of how God has revealed himself to us and sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ and so biblical theology is sound Doctrine it is right thoughts about God. I just believe that Accords with scripture and ultimately points to Jesus. It is the guide for when we come to scripture. It's a road map that leads us to Christ every time if we do not see the Bible as his big story and it begin to lose focus of what the Bible reveals and is planning to you and we begin to focus on only what we like and agree with and begin to ignore the parts that challenge as to make us uncomfortable or disagree with And so biblical theology Jesus ask a question every time what does the Bible say? How does God reveal himself? And how is it pointing us to Christ?
And I Nexus Youth and on Tuesdays. We've been teaching and talking about who God is to just give us the foundation of the characteristics of God and who he is and there are five aspects that come up. I kind of go over all these aspects so you can continue to choose different aspects of of God is and ending right but there's certifies that we cover and it's that God is creator that God is Holy that God is just that he is loving and that is sovereign.
And so let's I want us to look a bit at one of these characteristics that we can kind of understand how biblical theology helps guide us and lead us to see who got really is and how it can often get twisted. And so let us turn to Isaiah chapter 6 Serena verse 1
I will go through this and we can see how this one characteristic of God's holiness in this chapter.
And so it starts I saw the Lord sitting upon the throne. This is Isaiah from his vision that he hadn't done chapter 6. I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple above him to the seraphim each had six rings with two he covered his face and with two he covered his feet and with two he flew and one call to another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts. And the whole earth is full of his glory. And the foundations of the threshold shuck at the voice of him who called and the house was filled with smoke and I said, woe is me for I am lost for I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. My eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts.
Then one of the seraphim flew to me having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs on the Altar and he touched my mouth and said behold. This has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away and you're saying is atone for I want to read all that chapter by God continues to commission Isaiah as a prophet to basically tell the Israelites that judgment is coming cuz they only that they won't listen until finally they'll be brought into exile.
Because of our other other enemy Nations coming in to destroy them. Yet a holy shoot will spring from the cut down stump to cut down city of Jerusalem. Messiah will come from there. Srns passage of scripture in Isaiah. We can clearly see God is Holy and just it says it right in there. But he is high above us on the throne perfect and pure and judges Eva rightly in Fairly. According to His holy will standards. He is Holy Emperor and we are not. We are saying that we cannot do anything to repay him because he is Holy and he hates sin and cannot be with sin.
God is passionate for his people to be holy and we can see that and other verses throughout scripture like Leviticus 11:44 and 1st Peter 1:16, but try as we might regardless of how many people we help how much we go to church how much we give how much we serve or the amount of hot coals we placed on a toilet. That's not going to make us any more. Holy. We have sinned against the holy God a perfect God and our punishment is death and we cannot pay any amount of anything to fix that. As it is truth is clearly revealed of God and of his character in his word, but God's holiness can often else to be a stumbling block for people. It causes them to question God, how can he punished? How can he judge allow people to suffer? I just people to go into Exile if he is such a loving God.
Go ahead out seeing how this passage fits into the scripture as a whole and ALT only points us to Christ. We can easily takes God's character out of context. We can take his Holiness out of context by bringing in our own thoughts and feelings into how we read and accept the truth of the Bible. It undermines God's character and Jesus's work on the cross and it leads our Theology of how we do church and all the different aspects in a wrong manner. I'm so this is why biblical theology is so vital for us to be a healthy Church.
So hopefully this helps to see why does the theology at what Biblical theology is a little bit of how I am and why it's important. So with this understanding we can see the biblical theology is not just for your not just for the pastor, but for the church to rest on the biblical truth that God has revealed about himself in his word to pointing all scripture to Christ. It is seen scripture as God's truth. It's been saying today that people believe to be true. Simply what they desire to be true. We can see that in our world encounters different ways. Long-held biblical beliefs about everything from the nature of God to morality have been reshaped and become an important. All in the name of making Christianity more relevant and more acceptable to others. But if we start to lose the Bible if we start to lose that truth of God has revealed himself. We lose how God intended for him to be revealed to us and ultimately in the Redemption through Jesus Christ this changes How We Do Church
ABC the Bible is god-breathed that true that reveals his character and nature of the points of Christ. It helps us to properly have this truth produce the right fruits and areas of all of our church in lives. Some of these areas include evangelism information the main point of scripture it produces a false gospel in a false understanding of the church's mission. Someone who does not know God needs to hear the true gospel reveal to us in scripture. Pastor needed a full sermon on the gospel. Just last week the other one and only God was wholly made us in His image to know him. We sin and cut ourselves off from him. But in his love God became man in Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross with us for filling the law and taking on himself the punishment for sins of all those who would ever turn and trust in him. He rose again from the Dead showing got accepted Christ sacrifice. And that God's Wrath against those has been satisfied just like we sang.
He ascended and presented is completed work to his heavenly father and he sent his Spirit to call us through this message to repent our sins and Trust In Christ Alone for our forgiveness. If we repent of our sins and have faith in Christ, we are born again into a new life and internal life with God. That is the amazing Gospel of our God. But do you see how God's holiness how his love is justice is sovereignty all that comes together in Christ and reveals to us who God is and in turn helps us to truly understand who God is and to understand the gospel and the mission as a church. Right on God's holiness. We begin to see our on Holiness. We begin to see our sin that we need to be saved by someone.
Forgot is just and he also promises to throw our evil red guy. We see God's justice in that 2 and Eva once and for all but I issue is that that includes us for we have sinned against him. But out of his love he came to Earth in Jesus Christ. live perfectly and bore God's Wrath against arson on himself and out of a sovereign hand his Spirit calls our way with hearts to himself to repent of our sins and believe and rely on Christ Alone. We can see that whole picture of God's character revealed in Christ. We can also see that character of God throughout scripture because he's scripture points us to that one to Christ. So how then does this gospel get twisted? But not coming to the Bible with Biblical theology Mind by seeing the verses on their own and by not take Bible Acts reveals about who God is and is fulfilled in Christ instead. We bringing our own feelings and desires and wants our own needs and emotions to let scripture support that instead. The gospel can be painted and we can see how that plays out. Something called the Prosperity Gospel that kind of Faith inside just leads to a means of worldly gain and blessing from God. Instead of magnifying who he is and what he is done. It is a selfish view of getting the good life and manipulating people into thinking that if they simply have faith and our righteous God are righteous. God will heal them will bless them will give them what their hearts desire.
It announces God's judgment and undermines God's love. If you don't see our issue of sin that we don't see our need for a savior. We don't see a need for God's love.
And so all the way God's will is not to make us rich in life, but to reconcile us to himself our hardships on this Earth is not sickness. It's not it's not you be rich. It's not to have more is that we are in need of a God save us because we are on a path to Eternal death. And so when we see that rightly and we see that played out throughout all of scripture we can come and share the gospel. The true gospel is those in our community with those Our God brings us to all around the world. Everybody know that the gospel is supposed to be sensual and a healthy church, but biblical theology helps us to understand the right and true gospel that our mission is to be disciples and make disciples of Jesus Christ in a good news of the Gospel revealed in scripture to truly know God and baptize those and teach them. All. The credits commanded is the Great Commission that Jesus left it was with and has continued on throughout history.
Biblical theology also affects how we decipher how we teach in a church? Jesus prayed himself to sanctify them in truth that God's word is truth. We see on John 17:17. Patricians grow by learning and living in the light of Truth in other words by sound Doctrine by what God reveals himself in his word. Is my living the truth of scripture in Jesus Christ that becomes the light of Truth and through Reading scripture that we grow as followers of Christ. If you don't see it that way then we undermine God's work and I'll a friend of mine got Simon see in our life. That without him we are not going to grow in Christ. We need Christ in our life. We need God's sovereignty hand in our life. So Jesus is the key to understanding scripture and growing in a relationship with God. If we don't see that then we missed the point of me teachers. We teach others the same scripture should always be the first place we go to in teaching and guiding and correcting and disciplining and we saw that before in 2nd Timothy. I was convicted of this a couple of years back in my own life when I came across different struggles in my life different hardships are situations. I went by there is a present. Where do I go to am I going to scripture? And am I going to scripture in the right way or am I just trying to get advice from a friend or am I just sitting on my own understanding my own thoughts and my own feelings of the situation acting out of that. When are you looking for guidance when it looking for teaching when we're looking for correction, we need to be looking to God's word and how you were off and his character in Jesus Christ. Scriptures highway to be equipped and competent for every good work that God calls us to a biplane us to Christ every time we read it. Everything that we can go ask questions without god without his truth and it shows a big misunderstanding of God's character his Holiness is sovereignty and of Christ and of the Bible and it is we have to understand that it's God that grows us.
Another important aspect of biblical theology touches upon his Unity as a church. According to the New Testament. The only true Unity is unity in the truth. We see that in first John at 1124 and 2nd John 10 to 11. If we are at church without biblical theology without a lion scripture to reveal to us who got is to not see how the little stories all fit in the big picture of pointing to the Redemption of God's people in Christ Jesus than what truth are. We standing up on as a church? What is unifying us? How are we to be the body of Christ without Christ as ahead? If we don't allow God to unify us through the truth of Christ in his word. How do we understand God's purpose and mission for his church. If we are more concerned about our own personal Church coming to fruition. This is God's Church God's people and he is already established in his word and Sweeney reunified by his truth of how he reveals himself in Scripture. That is how we come together to live rightly with one another as God has called us to To represent him as his body as his church here on Earth.
Last year touches upon how we worship God. To worship God is to declare his excellency's and to exalt him because of who he is to worship is a response to True understanding of who he is if you don't know him, how can we praise him for who he is? Without a right understanding of God, I worship and I wish him. How can we truly worship him instead of worship becomes tainted. We begin to lose sight of what we're ship really is. Is loving and adoring god with our lives. Due south sacrificed his will and understanding by living out of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When God is revealed through scripture if we truly is that he's created that he is Holy that he is just and loving and sovereign. Not at all, Nate's in Christ. How can we respond any other way except to worship Him? It's not just about the music. It's not just about coming to church is not just about the communion is not I just love being with each other. These are all part of this big picture of worshiping God. It's not a one-day-a-week thing. It's a daily way of living for God to worship him with all of our life all of our heart all of our body all of our soul in all of our minds loving him. And when we have that these other things how we worship Him in song how we worship Him and reading of the word and seeing him in that I worship Him and are giving it all comes out of that way of life that we live that worship is a way of life.
Romans 12:2 shows us that in verses 1 and 2 as it says in the light of God's mercy, we are to be living sacrifice a sacrifice to sacrifice ourselves while still being here on this Earth will still being alive.
That this is a true worship to God the all because he first moved in Jesus Christ and we respond the only way we can we just do worship just do praise and glorify him with our whole lives. To all the scripture points to showing us God and understanding his nature leading us to repent and believe and live glorifying him.
So these are just a few areas that I catch up on. But I hope you can see how it affects everything that we do as a church. Not if we can kind of see the importance and understanding of biblical theology you might still be asking how do we actually begin to do this then? I was going to start off with a prayer as you begin to go into God's word praying that God would fill you with his truth and understanding of how he has revealed himself to not come with your own Notions thoughts on who he is and instead to reveal to you himself through the amazing gospel of Christ Jesus that his kingdom will come that his will be done and not our own.
And then as you're reading a couple as you're reading a certain passenger by doing your daily devotions are there's a couple of questions in areas that you can look at the help guide you and these are tools and stuff so I can help you. See how Christ is revealed in all of scripture as God intended so that we may come to know him truthfully as he's revealed himself. Until the first one is is looking at context so looking at the passage and where it fits in in the whole of scripture where it fits in with an even just that's my pastor's the verses before the verses after but also looking at historically who was the who's the main audience that the author was writing to you? And who was the author? What was the main point in what was intended for the main meaning for what the author was telling this audience? When the plane meaning is abandon, the interpretation can become anything that anyone wants.
And so looking at what comes before and after gives us a better understanding of what what is happening with In this passage. We don't text cuz this helps us to see the Bible as a whole story which musician to the next thing which is Cannon and looking at how this scripture fits into the rest of the story. Connections that you can make from this passage into other passages. We need to look at connections to other scriptures which allows again to see the Bible as the one story pointing to Christ. It allows us to see where I scripture is in the story how it connects to other parts and how it points to Christ looking at themes and prophecies and promises that God has made in the Old Testament that are being fulfilled later on in the New Testament Cena theme of God's kingdom being played out of him his people back to himself.
So after contacts and then Canon ask this question of this character of God, what does this say about God and his character?
Is our God has not change and he continues to reveal himself throughout scripture. And so what does this passage reveal about God? What attributes does it highlight? What does it teach us about Christ and how God wants us to Christ in that take note and be in awe of how of who God is and how he reveals himself to us? And lastly looking at Christ. How does this relate to the person and work of Christ? What does it reveal about his life and his work and how does it point us for to Christ and anticipate his return? How does the gospel affect our understanding of this text that we are looking at? And so by using some of these guidelines it helps us to focus on the main purpose of what God is revealing himself in the all of scripture and that is to point us to Christ Church Miami time. Go back to that passage in Isaiah 6 that we looked at and I just want to walk as soon as quickly of what Google looks like as we look into it. So let's look at the context of Isaiah sex. So Isaiah was a prophet commissioned by God and this chapter was a vision. He was that he was having the leading that was leading into his commission to be a prophet of God. Isaiah's prophecy was towards the kings of Jerusalem in Judah telling of judgment because of Israel's Rebellion. So it's not a prophecy to us. It's a prophecy to Israel.
But he also has a prophecy later on of the hope that God will fulfill his Covenant promises to his people. Caesars properties Jasper to God's people and so this context is important. It's a warning of judgment culminating to an ex offers people by ending & promise of the Fulfillment of the promise isn't Covenant that God has made ultimately pointing to the coming Messiah to Christ. And so this is the process of God redeeming his people back to himself. It's like it has to be to contacts if you look at what's happening in this specific passage compared to the rest of the book of Isaiah and looking at the story as a whole over if it's in.
They're looking at the Canon of how to connect to other scriptures in the Bible. It points of lights are probably points allowed to the Fulfillment of Christ in the promises that God has made to his people before this points to pass covenants being promise of the Future King in the line of David that we see in 2nd Samuel it points to the promise act and Covenant of God made with his people in Exodus and actually has 19 that he will lead Israel in a Beat. It also goes back to the blasting and salvations to All Nations that God promised to Abraham in Genesis 12. And so it had it points to these promises that God is making that he keeps his promises to his people and that it will be fulfilled in Christ Jesus.
To look at contractors like a cannon and now it's look at how this review it with us reviews of God's character that shows us God's holiness and judgment his passion for Holiness and evil to be ended. And that does create this tension because we are part of that evil and sin. However, we can also see his compassion and love in his desire to purify his people. Baby catchers and on that Holiness and that judgment if we do then we have a wrong understanding of God's character as a whole. Threat to look at his compassion and love for his people that they can be redeemed back to him and not points to the promised seed from the Sun that we see at the end of chapter 5 chapter 6 that Christ is fulfilling that promise of ancient scriptures in his death on the cross and Resurrection.
And so we can see these characters of God and it points is to Christ that God's holiness shows us our need for a savior and this passage pointed Isaiah for his own needs to be purified or he thought that he would be destroyed by being in the presence of God instead of gods instead God purified him by the hawk pool or stone which came off the altar it points this eventual purifying work of Christ to make us holy before God the promised Messiah. That would do Israel could not and when no one could get God kept his promises and through faith in Christ. We become what we can become Gods to deemed people.
So this is a very quick example of how biblical theology comes into play. Every time you read God's word. You can see how when we do that. We look at it and with the guy to biblical theology how this chapter that we looked at completely changes our perspective of how we see God and how we see scripture.
Miss Wise to take time and practice but reading the Bible in this way is of vital importance. If we are to understand God and how he's revealed himself to us and scripture by pointing us to Christ. So I encourage you to study to practice and then to teach this way of reading the Bible with this is how we are to come to the God's word every time to see how he's revealed himself and how he's pointing to Christ every time. China synagogues beliefs are not a pressing and fact, they are liberating to us. When converted we are called out of our own control of our lives and our will is desire will designers to follow God's will as we allow him to sit on the throne of Our Lives as the true king. Let me pray for us.
Heavenly Father we thank you that you reveal yourself To Us by your word that we can truly come to Know You by seeing your character played out in the Bible and all these different stories of how you continue to redeem your people and bring them to yourself and not just a video but in all nations got Jew and Gentile and we thank you, but you said your son Jesus Christ that that is what scripture is playing us to do the work and salvation that comes to Christ help us to not come to your word with our own intentions with her own father own things our own emotions and desires but to come to it seeking your will and your heart for what you have revealed already in your way. How is TB, how safe is has biblical theology continue to work in us and guide us and how we live and worship you. Thank you that we have this opportunity to come together and to dig into your word and to learn more about you got to pray that this brings us closer to you to truly understand what you have done for us and who you are I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.